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English back to basics classroom and homework activities book a

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English - Back To Basics (Yr TIP 2) Published by R.I.C, Publications· 2010 Republished under licence by Prim-Ed Publishing@ This master may only be reproduced by the original purchaser for use with their class(es) The publisher prohibits the loaning or onselling of this master for the purposes of reproduction 2010 Copyrighte> Jenni Harrold 2010 ISBN 978-1-84654-243-5 PR� 6311UK Trtles available in th is serie s: English - Back To Basics (Yr liP 2) English - Back To Basics (Yr VP 3) English - Back To Basics (Yr 3!P 4) English - Back To Basics (Yr 4/P 5) English - Back To Basics (Yr SIP 6) English - Back To Basics (Yr 6/P 7) English - Back To Basics (Yr EKf/S I) Copyright Notice Blackline masters or copy masters are published and sold with a limited copyright This copyright allows publishers to provide teachers and schools with a wide range of learning activities without copyright being breached This limited copyright allows the purchaser to make suHicient copies for use within their own education institution The copyright is not transferable, nor can it be onsold Following these instructions is not essential but will ensure that you, as the purchaser, have evidence of legal ownership to the copyright if inspection occurs For your added protection in the case of copyright inspection, please complete the form below Retain this form, the complete ori ginal documenl and the invoice Of receipt as proof of purchase Name of Purchaser: Date of Purchase: Supplier: School Order' (if applicable): Signature of Purchaser: Internel websites In some cases, websites or specific URLs may be recommended While these are checked and rechecked at Che time of publication, tha publisher has no control over ally subsequent changes which may be made to webpagas.1t is slrong/yrecommended that the class teachaf chacks allURLs balore allowing pupils to access them View all pages online Website: _.prim-ed.com Foreword English - Back To Basics is II comprehensive resource designed to teach and revise basic literacy concepts Essential skills are covered in spelling and word study punctuation and grammar; with phonics included in Books Yr liP 2, Yr 21P II nd Yr 31P4 Ea ch of the pages focuses on one concept, whi ch is develo ped through releva nl, graded II clivities Although intended as II homework series, these books are also ideal for: • teaching a new concept TItles in the series lire: consolidation • English - Back To Basics - y, fIP2 English - Back To Basics - y, 3/P English - Back To Basics - assessment • • revision y, lIP English - Back To Basics - y, 4/P English - Back To Basics - y, SIP English - Back To Basics - y, Ext/S English - Back To Basics - y, 6/P Contents Final links -mp, Ik 34-35 T ach.rnot•• Overvlew IV Final links -nk, sk Final links -ff, II, ss Curriculum links v Spelling and vocabulary lists vi Vll-Xl Word origins Digraphs -sh 42-43 Digraphs -th 44-45 Finding words xv XVI I Alphabetical order 54-55 56 Full stops Editing Middle sounds - 12-13 Initial links -tr, sk 64 65 14-15 22-23 Adjectives 24-25 Writing sentences -word order 26 27 Finishing sentences 28-29 Joining sentences -conjunctions Final links -nt, ft www.prIm·ed.com 70 71 72-73 Writing sentences Final links -sl, It, pl 30 31 68 69 16 17 66 67 Grammar Verbs 20 21 Initial !inks -sp, sl Final links -nd, Id 62 63 Nouns 18 19 Initial links -sw, tw 58 59 60 61 Question marks Middle sounds - 10 11 Initial !Inks -cr, dr Capital letlers -names Final sounds - Initial !inks -pi, sl Capital letlers-sentences Final sounds - 50 51 Punctuation Initial sounds - 4-5 Initial !Inks -fl, gl 48-49 52-53 Phonics Initial links -bl, cl 46-47 Homophones Initial sounds - 2-3 Prlm·Ed Pubiishlr.g" Words in words Opposites xx - xxi Rhyming words Words commonly miss pelt xvii -xix Words easily confused or misused 38-39 40-41 Look, say, cover, write, check xiii dy Prefixes xiv Suffixes 36 37 Sp.lllng and word tu Vowel sounds xii Digraphs -ch Additional word lists xi Consonant sounds Spelling rules vi GIossary 74-75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 32-33 iii English - Back To Basics Overview Teacher notes Format This series of books contains pupil lind teacher pages focusing on skills in the following areas: • spelling and word study • punctuation - ,.;:' ,::: : : ::: :::' - -_ :::::::: :: ::: _._- -­ -'-' _ � • grammar • phonics 1Books Yr liP 2, Yr 21P and Yr 3/P41 ::" :�-:.:.:.: :.=-"; • -• Fe.tures - -• - •• •• - • • -� •.- - - • " • - This series of books: • • • • • • provides activities on each page that relate to one literacy concept , _- � -�-.� follows an organised format in which concepts are repeated and expanded across year levels � uses II focal list of vocabulary ! ! has II pupil page supported by II corresponding teachers page has II teachers page that includes answers and detailed information explaining each concept '"' - , _ • homework activities to revise skills taught in class • assessment � "" - _ _._- ''''_ ""' -'''' = '-_ L consolidating and revising knowledge and skills � j • � & WU � ffl � I teaching a new concept - , _.- _ This series of books is ideal for: • j �- ."N"-._ , "'._ provides additional reference information for teachers Purpose • CD , � OJ _ _ ._ l r- � • L I -, nd voc.bul.� There are two different lists of words used in each book: • an age-appropriate spelling list of 40 words, and • a high-frequency voca bulary list Both lists are used frequently throughout each book in the areas of spelling and word study, punctuation and grammar Addltlon.1 reference m.terl.1 This book includes: • an extensive glossary of terms used in spelling and word study, punctuation and grammar • vowel sounds and the different ways they are represented • consonant sounds and the different ways they are represented • spelling rules • prefixes, their meanings and examples • suffixes, their meanings and examples • word origins -Latin and Greek root words with their meanings and examples • words commonly misspelt • words easily confused or misused • • prepositions and prepositional phrases words that can be used as adjectives or adverbs English -Back To Basics ;, PrIm-Ed Publishing" Curriculum links Counlry!Subjec!/level Curriculum Objectives England Word Recognition • Literacy o Vear On ,ecogni•• an in er •••ing number of familiar high frequencv word apply phonic knowledge and ,kill to r.ading and pelling Word Structur and S""lIing • spell new word using phonic Sentence Structur and Punctualion • Northern Ireland us capn.l lette" and lull stop, foundation Stage -Tllking and Lis,ening language and literacy Found.bon Stage and Key Stage On • d••• lop phonological awaren and an extended vocabulary found.tion Stage - Anding ,••ding • us word structurelo develop • d.,.lop auditory and visual discrimination and memory Ke, Slago On -Talking and Listaning • recognise '.",ur•• of language, showing phonologic.1 awareness KRV Slage One - Rnding • build up a sight vocabulary • identify words, panerns or letters • recognise and notice how words are constructed and spelt ;: I', • KRV Siage One· Writing • Republic of Ir.land use a variety 01 skills to spell words • spell correctly a range o l l amiliar, important and regularly occurring words • d.velop inc reasing c ompetence in the use of grammar and punctuation • Senior Infant.· Competence Ind Confide""R in Using LanguagR English Senior Infants and First Clas • build up a sight vocabulary • learn to isolate the beginning and linal sounds in written words • learn to isolate the part of a word or svllable which allows it to rhyme with another word Of yllabls • begin to develop conventional pelling � First Class -RKlptivenusslo languagl • continus to build a sight vocabulary • engage in acti",ties designed to increase awarene 01 ounds • learn about the sounds associated with the part of a word or syllable that allows it to rhyme with another word or yllable • learn about the sounds associated with the baginning 01 a word or yllable • learn to connect the beginning of word and syllables with their rhyming parts • learn about common word endings First Class _ ;.j CompetencR and Confidence in Using I.Iong g • unde t a nd that the conventions 01 punctuation help to make meaning clearer in writing • spell words in a recogni.able way ba,ed o n an awarene 01 the most common spelling string' and pattern First Class -De.eloping Cognili AlIili,i through I.Ionguage • Scotland perform alphabetical order tasks hrlv- Rnding • Literacy and Engli.h • Early and First explore and plav with the patterns and sound 01 language and use what they learn explore ounds letters and words discoyar how they work together and u.e them to help with reading and writing hrlv -Writing • explore ounds letters and words discover how they work together and use them to help with reading and writing First - Rnding • use knowledge o f sight vocabulary phonics punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression Fim-Writing Wale Foundation Phase PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" spell the mo.t commonly-used words, using knowledge of lener panerns • wrne independently use appropriate punctuation and order and link semence in a way that ma'" sense Rnding - Skills language, literacy and Commun;cation Skills • • understand that written symbol have sound and meaning and develop phonological graphic and grammatical knowledge and word recognition Writing Skill • recognise that punctuation is essential to help a reader understand what is wnnen • develop ability to spell common and fami liar word in a recogn;sable way www.prlm·ed.com English -Back To Basics Word lists Teacher notes IIIng lI.t eod cot go It 00 w", ,m d,d h,d look " w, " d,y h", m, sit wot b.d did mom th, y" big dog If my to y'" CO" eod m "' top '" got " of op Vocabul.ry lI.t , big d.y four m name play '" op ,II black did got " nine purple to" w", ,m blue go It "' cod th' w eod brown dog gOing like of said they went '" m draw green look 00 '" this while " cot eight grey m, 0"' seven three yellow away come five h, mom orange ,h, to y" best d,d foe I my pink sit two y'" Spelling rules Write i before e, except after c Drop the final e to most words when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel For example: friend, beHeve, receive, receipt For example: use-usable makll-making Some exceptions: foreign, either, science, weird, height, species Write ie after Double the consonant when adding a suffix starting with a vowel (e.g -ing) to: For example: sufficient, ancient, conscience, efficient • Write ei when the vowel sounds like an a For eXlimple: weigh, rein, reign, neighbour For words ending in y: • • • • retllin the ywhen adding -ing, lor example: crying, studying retllin the yif it is preceded by a vowel, when lidding s or II suffix; for example: employs, employer Exceptions include many words ending in I, where the is IIlways doubled; for eXlimple: IIppal-lIppliliing trllvel-trllvelling Some exceptions: dryness, shyness - II word 01 more than one syllable ending in II single consonllnt, preceded by a vowel ilthe stress is on the final sylilible; for example: begin-beginning commit-committed When the stress is not on the final sylilible, the single consonllnt remains; lor eXlimple: develop-developing-developed chllnge the yto iifit is preceded by II consonllnt, when lidding a suffix; for example: cries, studies English Back To Basics II word of one syllable ending in II single consonant, preceded by a vowel; for example: drip-dripping sit-sitting ,; PrIm-Ed Publishing" Glossary Teacher notes Spelling and word tudy Abbreviation Digraph Plural An abbreviation is II word written in shortened form A full stop may be used to show pari of the word is missing However, if the last letter of the word is used, there is no full stop Two leiters representing one phoneme Indicates more than one person or thing For example: th sh wh, er, ck, au Eponyms For example: two books three wishes tour children For example: Mon for Monday Drlor Doctor Eponyms are words that come tram a person's name or name at a place Prefix Acronym A word made up from the initial letters of II phrase For example: SIDS(!udden infant death !yndrome) radar(radio detecting and ranging) For example: Jules Leotard Anders Celsius Earl at Cardigan Used at the beginning at a base word to change meaning For example: inedible, unconscious, i�egal, disobey Etymology The study of the origin and history at words Singular For example: annuaJtrom the Latin word annu, meaning 'year' For example: one book, a table, an apple Antonyms Grapheme Used at the end at a base word Words that are opposite in meaning The written representation at a sound For example: work ing, lone ly, (Note: If it is not pronounced as II word, it is an intialism; e.g LPG.) For example: hot/cold dark/light wet/dry The root word or main part of the word Prefixes and suffixes can be added to the base word For example: reading, mis guide d , car efully For example: cricket, wind Two or more words joined together For example: pancake, teaspoon, underground For example: b, c, d, f, g, h, j Contraction A shortened form at a word An apostrophe is used to replace the deleted leiters For example: I'm, we're, they'll, she'd, can't Derivative A word made trom adding pretixes and suffixes to a base word For example: sleeping , unusual, happily PrIm-Ed Publishinge www.prlm-ed.com A unit at sound which contains a vowel sound All words are made up of one or more syllables For example: talk, nerv-ous, in-de-pen-dent Synonyms Homophones Words that are similar in meaning Words that sound the same but are spelled differently For example: big/large small/tiny wet/damp For example: peace/piece threw/through bored/board Consonant Any leiter ot the alphabet that i s not a vowel walked, editor Syl/able Words that are speltthe same but have different orig ins and meanings and are sometimes pronounced differently Compound word Suffix For example: ew, ing, th Homographs Base word Only one person or thing Thesaurus A reterence book which groups words by meaning Morpheme The smallest unit at meaning For example: house/keep/ing Phoneme The smallest unit at sound in a word that can be represented by one, two, three or tour leiters There are 44 phonemes in English For example: promise-pledge, guarantee, engagement, commit, assure, secure Trigraph Three leiters representing one phoneme For example: t o, shoe,through For example: high tu dge, pear Phonetics Vowel System at spelling words that represents sounds by symbols The five leiters at the alphabet that are not consonants These are: a, e, i, a and u vii Eng/ish Back To Basics - Glossary Teacher notes Punctuation Apostrophe Exclamation mark Quotation marks Used to show ownership and in contractions to show where letters have been dropped Used to show strong emotion Used to indicate direct speech, quotations and specific tides For example: Jackie's dog wasn't barking Forward slash For example: That's fantastic news! Used to show options, shortened forms, in web addresses and instead of per, an or a Capital letters Used to start II sentence, as the first letter of proper nouns, for the pronoun I, in titles, and to start direct speech For example: true/false Colon Used at the end of a sentence or in some abbreviations 60km/h Full stop Used to introduce additional information For example: His birthday was on 21 Feb For example: Use the following: eggs, bacon, milk, salt and pepper For example: 'Did you know the Spanish word "siesta" means a short nap?' Ben asked Semicolon Used to separate short, balanced and linked phrases or clauses I t is stronger than a comma, not as strong as a full stop I t can also be used to separate items in a list of phrases or clauses For example: I bought new shoes; they were on sale I need 12 pens, pencils and rulers; 24 books, six erasers and two bags Hyphen Used to join words and word parts, clarify meaning and divide words at the end of a line Comma Used as II short pause to separate parts of II sentence and items in II list For example: re·signed a contract brother·in-Iaw For example: The boy 11 great athlete, was competing in most events three-quarters Parentheses I tool: pens, pencils paper and paints to the class Used to enclose additional information such as a comment, explanation or example Dash ••• For example: lia (my sisterl showed me how to use the program Used to provide additional information or show that something is unfinished Question mark For example: I opened the gih-it was just what I wanted Used at the end of a sentence to show a question to be answered Ellipsis For example: Did you finish everything you wanted to? Used to mark letters or words that have been left out and a pause or interruption • For example: Her birthday party was wonderful the best ever! • • • , • • • ' ? • • • , , JJ • • • English -Back To Basics viii PrIm-Ed Publishing" Editing Use a red pencil to show where the capital letters should be (a) my name is james (b) on sunday i will go to the park (c) jess sits next to dan (d) i like the bike max has (e) we live at lake street w ::0 « z ' - Q :::> Q (f) miss yan read a book Use a full stop or a question mark (a) I like to play with my dog (b) Can you sit on a bed (c) Did you see the grey cat (d) My mum has a red car (e) I have two hands (f) Can you see the big ball Use a red pencil to correct the sentences You will need to add capital letters, full stops and question marks (a) can you ask jack to play (b) my brother, aden, is ten (c) the dog's name is rocky (d) did you talk to molly PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com 69 English Back To Basics - Nouns Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION Nouns are naming words They name people, places, things and ideas Common nouns are words naming general rather than particular things; lI.g apple, river, table, colour Proper nourls name specific people and things and use a capital letter; o.g England, Luke Collective nouns name a group of people, animals or things; e.g class, herd Abstract nouns name an idea, concept or quality; e.g love, danger, youth, pain Nouns are often identified by the placemenl of B, an, the or somll in front of the word Answers (.1 b.d (bl ,,' (,I do, 1'1 oranges (.1 pencil (II cake (,I S.m (hI baby (i) books iii tree 1'1 chair (II bird Teacher check • J3 ,• K J Eng/ish - Back To Basics 70 www.plim-oo.com Prim·Ed Publishing- Naming words Put a circle around the words that name a person, place or thing (a) This is a bed (b) The cat is black (c) The dog is big (d) I like oranges (e) My pencil is blue (I) This is a cake (g) Sam is six (h) The baby sleeps (i) I like books (j) I can draw a tree (k) The chair is red (I) I can see a bird w ::0 « z ' - Q :::> Q , (a) Draw two animals PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com (b) Draw two things you play with 71 English Back To Basics - Verbs Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION A IIfub is word or group 01 words that names an aclion or stale of being Verbs are often called 'doing words'; e.g read, walks, speak, has broken, ate, will type Verbs can indicate lense, voice, mood, number and parson Answers (.1 sit (bl sleep (,I 1'1 draw (.1 drink (f) (,I '"" (hI read Ii) sWim iii watch 1'1 walk (f) throw Teacher check • ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 72 WWW.plim-oo.com Prim·Ed Publishing- Doing words Circle the doing word (a) I sit at my desk (b) I sleep in my bed (c) I see a tree (d) I can draw (e) I drink milk (I) I eat apples (g) I can run fast (h) I can read (i) I like to swim (j) I watch television (k) I walk to school (I) I can throw a ball w ::0 « z ' - Q :::> Q (a) Draw one thing you in the (b) Draw one thing you at night Write the doing word day Write the doing word PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com • 73 - , English -Back To Basics Adjectives Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION An adjectivB is a word that describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun; e.g pretty thin, tall, delicious It qualifies the word it describes by making it more specific; e.g the fed dress-the adjective fed specifies the colour of the noun dress Adjectives can toll about the colour, size, numbar, classification or quality of a noun or pronoun They can come before or after the noun and usually after the pronoun; e.g the beautiful bird, The bird is beautiful II is beautiful There IIrll threl lonns of adjectives: sbsoluto (e.g smell), comparative (a.g smaller), superlative (e.g smallest) Answers tree: green, shady, big tall bell: round, soft, bouncy sludent: smart, kind, pretty small apple: tasty, red, crisp, juicy aeroplane: big, loud, heavy, fast Teachercheck • ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 74 www.plim-oo.com Prim·Ed Publishing- Describing words Colour the words that can tell about the picture green tall round games ten white play ouncyr shady soft i' bat big r w ::0 « z == Q :::> Q small : me r � tasty smart r pretty r CIiSp • like kind r you red IUICY • big loud ag • Draw your favourite animal Write words to describe it sky fast heavy r PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com '- 75 :: -::-: :-: -:-:.L _ _ _ _ _ E nglish - Back T o Basics Writing sentences - word order Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION A sentence is a group of words that makes sense on ils own II must havD a finite verb (a verb with a subject), a capital letter at the start, and end in a full stop question mark or exclamation mark Answers (.1 I can see the door 1'1 My mum has a fed car (01 I saw a big dog 1'1 She has two books (.1 My dad is kind (II Can you ride a bike? (,I I like my black dog • (hI Can we go 10 the park? iii He has one nOS8 and two feel m I will buy a ball at the shop J3 ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 76 WWW.plim-oo.com Prim·Ed Publishing- Writing sentences - word order Write the sentence so it makes sense (a) I can see door the o (b) My mum has red car a , "" J':;11 � , (c) I saw dog a big � � ',- ",,,' w ::0 « z - (d) She two books has Q :::> Q (e) My kind dad is , (f) Can ride you a bike? (g) like I my black dog (h) we go to Can the park? (i) He has one feel and two nose (j) shop the at ball a buy will i PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·ed.com 77 English Back To Basics - Finishing sentences Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION A sentence is a group of words that makes sense on ils own II must have e finite verb (a verb with a subject), a capital letter at the start, and end in a full stop question mark or exclamation mark Answers Sentences will vary • ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 78 WWW.plim-oo.com Prim-Ed Publishing- Finishing sentences Finish each sentence so it makes sense (a) l like to , _ (b) It is fun when (c) Today I wili , (d) My teacher is (e) I not like w ::0 « z ' (f) At night, I go to bed , , _, before I - Q :::> Q (g) Jack and Ben (h) I am good at (i) I eat , _ _ (j) On Sunday, (k) I am good at (I) I like to for breakfast after school PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com English Back To Basics - .Joining sentences - conjunctions Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION A conjunctiorl is II word (or words) that connects words, phrases, clauses and sentences; e.g and, but, because, so, thaI • • Conjunctions used 10 join sanlences of equal importance are called coordinating conjunctions; e.g l like apples and oranges They include and, but, for, yet, or, liS well as, both, so, therefore and nOf Conjunctions used 10 join clauses are called subordinating conjunctions; e.g She was happy because I arrived They include because, before, if, while, until, like, though, allhough, unless, as, since, whare, whenever, wherever Answers (e) I can run lind jump (b) I can talk and walk Ie) He can read and write (d) The cllr is red and lasl • (a) I can see the moon but not the sun Ib) I like apples but not oranges Ie) I can write a sentence but not a book Id) I have two sisters but no brothers la) I am tired and I need a sleep Ib) I leel sad but I am not crying Teachercheck ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 60 www.plim·ed.com Prim·Ed Publishing- .Joining sentences Use and to join the sentences (a) I can run I can jump I can run (b) I can talk I can walk I can talk (c) He can read He can write He can read (d) The car is red The car is last The car is red jump _ walk write _ fast Use but to join the sentences (a) I can see the moon I can't see the sun w ::0 « z ' I can see the moon - Q :::> Q notthe sun (b) I like apples I don't like oranges I like apples _ not oranges • (c) I can write a sentence I can't write a book I can write a sentence not a book (d) I have two sisters I don't have a brother I have two sisters no brothers Use and or but to join the sentences (a) I am tired I need a sleep I am tired _ need a sleep (b) I feel sad I am not crying I feel sad _ am not crying On the back of this sheet draw a food you like and a food you don't like PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" www.prlm·oo.com 81 English Back To Basics - Writing sentences Grammar TEACHER INFORMATION A sentence is a group of words that makes sense on ils own II must have e finite verb (a verb with a subject), a capital letter at the start, and end in a full stop question mark or exclamation mark Answers Sentences will vary • ,• K J - Eng/ish Back To Basics 62 WWW.plim-oo.com Prim-Ed Publishing- Writing sentences Write a sentence Check if it makes sense Use a capital letter and full stop (a) What did you have for dinner last night? I had for dinner (b) What are you wearing? l am w ::0 « z ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (c) What animals you like? - - Q :::> Q (d) How many fingers and toes you have? , (e) What you like to on Sunday? (f) What is your favourite toy? (g) What sport you like? (h) What is your teacher's name? My PrIm-Ed Publishlrog" _ _ _ www.prlm·oo.com 83 English Back To Basics - [...]... II as in bat II as In rllin ai (pain) By (tray) a- e (plate) II(baby) ea(break) ei (rein) ey (grey) • • 'ar' as in bar air as m palf · (cat) ar (car) II (class) 81(calif au Haugh) air (chairl are (care) ear (bear) ere (there) air (their) aw as In paw aw (yawn) or (fork) au (sauce) a (ball) are(store) OM(roar) oar(poor) ough(fought) augh (caught) al (walk) 'e' as in tell e (jet) ea (spread) 'eo' as... captain, decapitate, capitulate "" flow fluid, fluent, influence, affluent, effluent manu hand manual, manufacture, manuscript, manipulate aqua, aqua water aquati c, aquarium, aquapla ne, aquedlIel, Aquarius ""' hear audio, audience, audible, audition annu year annual, anniversary, biannual, annuity bene well benefit, benefic ial, benefactor, benefi ciary, benevole nt prem, prim first primary, prime,... grammar limousine professional surgeon asthmatic disappearance grieve maintenance pronllllciation SUSpICIOUS basically disapproval guarantee manageable prosecute technique bouquet disastrous guard manually protein therapeutic boutique discipline hallucination millionaire questionnaire tragedy bureau discrimination harass miraculous queue transferred campaign discussion hereditary mortgage reassurance... forg ave/forgiven I easilv forgave mv best friend I told her she was forgiven formally/formerlv I was dressed formallv 1 was formerly at another address human/humane He is a human being Thev had to treat the animal in a humane way licence/lic ense He had a driver's licence He had to license the car mediate/meditate She had to mediate between the groups I took time to meditate and relax mistaken/mistook... words that makes sense on Its own I t may have one or more clauses It must have a finite verb, a capital letter at the start and end in a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark Phrase Noun For example: doctor, Paris, suitcase, fear, courage Proper noun Third person personal pronouns are: searched for food A word that names a person, place, thing, feeling or idea Pronoun Used in place of a noun to. ..Glossary Teacher notes Gramm.r Abstract noun Auxiliary verb Conjunction A word which describes things that cannot actually be heard, seen, smelt o r t asted A 'helping' verb that is used in forming tense, mood and voices with other verbs The verbs to be, to have and to do are often used as auxiliary verbs A joining word for words, phrases, clauses and sentences For example: anger, be8uty, danger, jealousy,... Inlury punishment altogether delicious instrument pure ambulance disappointing intelligent PYlamas amusing discovery jealous quantity anxIous disgraceful knowledge reasonable appear distract lawyer recreation appreciate division league religion argument doubt machine repair assembly election malerial request association electric medicine scarce athlete enormous migrate separate attendance enough multiplicIIlion... micro small microscopic, microscope, microphone aero "" aeronaut, aerate, aeroplane, aerial sphere globe, ball atmosphere, stratosphere, hemisphere tele far all telephone, teleport, televise, television logy word, knowledge, science of psychology, biology, zoology, neurology auto self automatic, autobiography, autograph, automobile logos word, reason logic, logistic, logical Eng/ish Back To Basics -... -ieal of relating to maternal, magical " like circular -ale to make aggravate ·alion act of invitation -dam slate of freedom ·er, -or one who farmer, actor ·ess feminine of nouns princess -fold number of parts, times twofold -ful able to, full of helpful, plateful -!On action, state, quality consideration, promotion -158 make into humanise -ish belonging, like girlish, Swedish • ·Ism slate, quality, act... Gree n taught music For example: I walked, I walk, I am walking, I will walk The football team won the game with the last kick Verb Subordinate (dependent) clause An action or slate of being word A group of words that cannot stand alone and make sense II is dependent on the main clause for its meaning For example: She read the book He has written II story They will elltdinner For example: I ale everything

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