282930313233- USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR THE CLASSROOM 1234567891011121314151617181920212223it 24252627- Be quiet / Shut up! Can I borrow a (your) _? Can I erase the board? Can you lend me a ? Can you repeat that, please? Open/Close your books Come here, please! Come in Congratulations! / Good job! Could you please ? Do we have homework? I didn’t the homework Let’s check the homework! Do you understand? Excuse me Have a good weekend! Hold on! / Just a moment How you pronounce that? How you say in English? How you spell ? Hurry up! I can’t hear you I don’t know/I don’t understand./I forgot What’s the meaning of _? I have a doubt / I have a question I made a mistake I need help I’m sorry, I’m late! I’m sorry Listen! May I come in? May I go get a drink of water? May I go to the restroom/ bathroom/ toilet? 34- Open the door 35- Pay attention, please! 36- Read (out loud / in silence) 37- See you tomorrow 38- Shut the door / Close the door 39- Speak English! Say it in English! 40- Speak slower./Speak louder, please 41- Stand up / Sit down! 42- Thank you! / Thanks! 43- Turn off/ on 44- Turn the page 45- What day is today? What’s today’s date? 46- What page? What page are we on? Let´s improve our English!!