H Change the first letter to get new words B Keys : Coat- goat Nine-line Book-look Exemple A M A G E M E N A T O A O A D D E I D E I D E H O O K I N E T I N E O O K T I N E O O K Complete the grid so that you can get the same words down and across E T I Keys : Eat-are-tea Top-one-pen Ice-can-end J O I Portugal Keys: Top- tenteaMondayganderteam-rat Anagram is a word or a phrase that is made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase, eg: ‘silent’ is an anagram of ‘listen’ Pot - net - ate – dynamo- danger - meat - art Keys: LiberiaOmanTaiwanHungaryEcuadorSenegal Keys: United StatesZambiaZimbabwe LebanonEngland P U Z Z L E Find country names beginning with each letter of the word given C L O T H E S Find the anagram of each word Canada