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554 for advanced students

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Fire broke out in the early hours of yesterday morning in the large A&B Store in Newcastle Fortunately the only casualty was the watchman, who was taken to hospital but was released this morning There was extensive damage to the third floor of the building “From what we can gather at the moment”, the Fire Officer said, “we don’t thin there was an electrical fault In fact, we suspect the fire was started by an incendiary device which someone had set to go off at about a.m., but are not absolutely certain yet.” The only person in the store was Jim London, the 57-year-old night watchman He was overcome by fumes and was taken to General Hospital unconscious When he came to, he told reporters, “I had already done my third inspection of the store, I go round four or five times during the night, and was setting down to write my report when I noticed and I thought I heard something I broke off and went to look into it It wasn’t until I’d made absolutely sure there was a fire and I couldn’t anything about it myself that I rang the fire brigade And by that time, smoke was billowing everywhere so I didn’t know how big it was” The manager told our reporter this morning, “We had a number of threats during the past few weeks, but the police have not been able to find out where they have come from There was a minor fire in the store the same time last year and we had received a number of warnings before that one, too.” He went on, “When the Fire Prevention people inspected the store after that fire, they were slightly critical of our fire precautions, but since than we have installed a complete new fire prevention system” “But for Mr London” he added, “it could have been much worse We shall be showing our appreciation to him with a gift” 1) Although the fire was quite serious, a) only one floor was damaged b) no one was hurt c) only one fireman was overcome by fumes d) all of the store contents were saved 2) The a) b) c) d) 3) When Jim went to inspect the smell, he a) was going his third round b) had just sat down to write his report c) knew how bad the fire was d) had already heard the alarm bell 4) It almost seemed as if this fire was connected with the one last year because a) they both broke out on the same floor b) Jim London gave the alarm for both c) they had received threats both times d) both were started by a firebomb 5) If Jim had not called the fire brigade, a) the new system would have put out the fire b) there would have been more damage c) A&B were going to present him with something d) The store would have been inspected Fire Officer said that they knew exactly how the fire started assumed it was set off by a firebomb thought some electrical wires melted were not quite sure how is started 1) My cousin is better guitarist than me (as) I don’t as my cousin 2) We couldn’t leave on time because of the bad weather (prevented) The weather on time 3) I don’t mind if you come at 5.00 or 7.30, it’s all the same to me (difference) I don’t mind if you come at 5.00 or 7.30 It to me 4) I hate it when I have to get up early (stand) I to get up early 5) Anna always did all her homework because she was a good student (such) Anna was she always did all her homework 6) My sister can’t vote because she’s too young (enough) My sister vote 7) Football doesn’t interest me very much (interested) I football 8) Travelling first class is too expensive for me (afford) I first class 9) He was nervous because he had hardly ever made a speech (used) He was nervous because he speeches 10)“Have you seen her?” Joe said to Tom (asked) Joe seen her 11)It might rain so I think I’ll take an umbrella (in case) I’ll take an umbrella 12)I won’t go if you don’t come with me (unless) I wont’ go with me USE THE WORDS GIVEN TO FORM A SUITABLE WORD: TIPPING I N BRITAIN The British are considered to be among the worst tippers in the world but is that because they simply don’t know the rules? Customs differ between countries, so it is not that in Tokyo they things from London In British restaurants, for example, a tip is included in the bill and this is the case in most European countries In some Mediterranean countries, such as Greece and Spain, the customer is expected to pay a little extra for service As for bars and pubs, again customs vary In Britain, one does not have to pay a tip in pubs, while in hotel bars it is common to leave your small change behind This is the case in too, but in France you leave a tip only when drinks are brought to your table In the of European countries, with the of Ireland where it applies only in top hotels, porters receive a tip for carrying your luggage to your room for you Surprise Different General North Satisfy Certain Fair German Major Except REPLACE THE UNDERLINED WORDS IN THE SENTENCES WITH A CORRECT PHRASAL VERB: TAKE IN / TAKE AFTER / TAKE UP / TAKE OFF / TAKE TO / TAKE DOWN / TAKE BACK 1) He’s just like his grandfather 2) I’m afraid I didn’t like John at first, it took me some time to like him 3) If I were you, I would return to the shop and ask for a refund 4) I didn’t realize what he was saying because my mind was on something else 5) Why don’t you accept the offer of a job with the record company? 6) If you pay cash, I’ll give it to you for five pounds less 7) I made a note of the most important points in his lecture 8) I was decieved by his lies TAKE IN / GIVE IN / TELL OFF / LIVE DOWN / FACE UP TO 1) Soldiers were exhausted and hungry In the end they surrendered 2) The minister resigned and left for a long time to overcome the scandal 3) I can’t bear the miserable look of a stray dog so I try to give them shelter 4) The young actress was severely criticized for her performance in the new film 5) It’s a difficult situation You should be brave and accept it CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION TO COMPLETE THE GAPS: IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE? Many of the UFO stories that we read about in the papers are based on the reports of people who have been on their own when they (0) D the event occurred, (1) we only have their word that what they saw really happened (2) , when, mystery lights (3) in the distance over the sea in Lincolshire, the police, the Air Force, coastguards and a tanker out at the sea(4) to witness what occurred It was 3.14 in the morning when police reported (5) an unrecognized red and green rotating light in the sky It made no sound At 3.31 am, the RAF confirmed that there were in fact two unidentified objects At 7.08 am, it became (6) that a civil aircraft had also seen these strange lights Several fascinating facts were revealed (7) this investigation (8) man-made flying objects carry “transponders” which (9) them to be identified but these mystery objects had (10) The crew of the (11) tanker, who had the best view of the objects, (12) watching the lights for to hours and rejected the idea that they could have been (13) by weather conditions There was no storm in the area which would have (14) them from seeing clearly So were they really UFOs? You’ll have to (15) your own mind! 0) A speak B talk C tell D say 1) A unless B so C while D if 2) A because B since C however D despite 3) A arose B followed C appeared D happened 4) A succeeded B managed C obtained D resulted 5) A staring B looking C glancing D seeing 6) A known B demonstrated C displayed D shown 7) A within B during C for D across 8) A whole B both C all D entire 9) A make B let C allow D give 10)A neither B no one C nothing D none 11)A near B close C next D nearby 12)A remind B recall C recognize D realize 13)A discovered B caused C developed D noticed 14)A prevented B escaped C avoided D interrupted 15)A make out B make up C make for D make WRITE THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FORM: I come from a very large family, and recently my parents (decide) (spend) long enough living in an overcrowded house in that Birmingham they “We (move) to the country” my father (announce) one evening “I (sell) this house and we (live) on a farm” So last week we (load) all our possessions into two vans, and for the last few days we (try) to organize ourselves in our new home Yesterday, for example, my three brothers and I (start) painting the downstairs rooms Unfortunately while I (mix) the paint, one of my sisters (open) the door Nobody (tell) her that we (be) in (spend) that room, you see So instead of painting all morning cleaning the paint off the floor (happen) since then the walls, we But worse things This morning, when I (wake up) water (drip) through the ceiling next top my bed We (spend) today so far repairing the roof It’s not all bad news, though The school in the village nearby (close down) two years ago, and my parents (not find) another school for us yet READ THE LETTER AND FILL IN THE GAPS WITH AN APPROPRIATE MODAL: MUST / SHOULD / CAN / MIGHT / MAY / COULD / NEEDN’T / SHOULDN’T / WILL / NEED Dear Theresa, I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long; I keep telling myself I write more often, but I never seem to find the time Anyway, I ’m really pleased you ’re coming to the same school as me I can’t wait to see you, we swap all our news You asked about the school, it’s very strict about attendance You come to at least 80% of your lessons, otherwise you won’t get a certificate and they even ask you to leave The teachers are also strict about punctuality, so you try to be on time Homework is optional We get some every day but we it if we don ’t want We can wear what we like to classes , but you be too scruffy or you get into trouble The best thing about the school is the social programme There ’s always something happening and you choose from a range of activities You try to too much, as you’ll be tto tired to study You don’t top any of the activities , but it ’s a great way of meeting other students There ’s a canteen at the school where you get snacks ad sometimes we go to a restaurant in town In fact, I think we be going out for a pizza tonight Anyway, I really go now; I’ve got to tidy my room Let me know when you ’re going to arrive and I come to meet you Lots of love, Stephanie CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD OR PHRASE TO FILL EACH SPACE IN THIS PASSAGE: Last week I made the mistake of revisiting the village when I grew up It was small, friendly community with two farms and a number of old cottages round the village green I realised very quickly that although in MANY / FEW ways it appears unchanged, in reality hardly NOTHING / ANYTHING is the same ALL / EVERY the pretty cottages are there, of course, and BOTH / MOST the picturesque farmhouses But NONE OF THE / NONE OF inhabitants are country people All of THEY / THEM are commuters, who leave early EVERY MORNING / ALL THE MORNINGS for he nearby town NEITHER / NEITHER OF the farmhouses is attached to a farm these days, the land has been sold and is managed by SOMEBODY / ANYONE in an office ANYWHERE / SOMEWHERE who has LITTLE / A LITTLE interest in the village itself There are FEW / A FEW new houses, but they have NO / NONE of local character, you can see the same style ANYWHERE / SOMEWHERE in the country THE WHOLE / WHOLE of the village, in fact, has been tidied up so much that it has become ANYTHING / NOTHING more than just another suburb

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 17:59

Xem thêm: 554 for advanced students


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