Evaluation Form for Oral Presentations Topic: _ Speakers: Scale: 10 Superior Average Delivery Inadequate Poor Comments Score Did the presenters deliver their presentation effectively and professionally? Were there any distractions from the talk (e.g., frequently saying “um” and “like,” frequently adjusting hair, not making eye contact, turning their backs on the audience)? Did the presenters speak clearly, loudly, and not too quickly? Were the transitions between presenters smooth? Did all group members participate equally? Did the presenters field questions with confidence? Organization Introduction: Did the presenters capture your interest immediately? Were the objectives stated clearly? Did you get enough background information to understand the system? Were the hypotheses rational? Methods: Do you understand what was measured or observed? Could you replicate the study? Results: Were the figures easy to understand? Did the most important findings stand out? Closing: Are the conclusions supported by the data? Did the presenters give reasonable explanations for the results? Visual aids Were the visuals simple and comprehensible? Were there any distractions (cluttered slides or inappropriate animations or transitions)? Thoroughness (instructors only) Did the presenters address all of the questions that were posed in the instructions for presentation? © 2013 Sinauer Associates, Inc All rights reserved Permission granted to users of A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology to download and adapt this form for their own use For educational use only, not for commercial use or resale