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Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh Bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh

1 Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D ENGLISH FOOD Foreign visitors to England often ask (1) _ on a good restaurant but when their hosts suggest (2) _ it is usually Italian or French “But I mean a typically English restaurant,” they say (3) _ disappoint them, the host answers as best he can (4) _ that English people enjoy their own cooking at home but (5) _ it in public Even the experts who writes articles on food (6) _ to use the French word “cuisine”, (7) _ suggests that “cooking” is inferior In fact, English cooking is not (8) _ bad as people think The trouble with it, (9) _ that the most appetizing typical dishes not go with the wine At home, English people usually drink either water or beer or even ((10) _ seem) tea with their meals; in restaurant, they sometimes think they (11) _ order wine for the (12) _ of appearances (13) _ a number of exclusive restaurants in Britain are trying to develop a “national cuisine” But their main criterion (14) _ appears to be to search (15) _ in ancient cookery books and give the results names like “Mutton Winchester” it’s amazing (16) _ in the imitation French name, with the adjective after the noun Why (17) _ have called it “Winchester Mutton”? At (18) _ of the scale, there are restaurants in London where you can have regional working-class specialities Personally I (19) _ avoid the two extremes and go to a pub Most pubs serve food that goes well with beer and, (20) _, who could ask for anything better? A advices to people C people for advices A one them B them one A Not to B In order not A It is the truth C What is true it’s A are often ashamed of C often are ashamed of A like better B prefer A which B what B advice to people D people for advice C one to them D to them one C To not D So as not to B The truth is D What the truth is B are often ashamed with D often are ashamed with C would rather D are in favour C that D and A so much B nearly so C as much D nearly so much A in my opinion, is B in my opinion, it is C for my opinion, is D for my opinion, it is 10 A however strange it may B however strange it can C whatever strange it may D whatever strange it can 11 A had better B had better to C would better D would better to 12 A good B reason C sake D need 13 A In this moment B In this time C At present D Presently 14 A on doing like this B in doing like this C on doing so D in doing so 15 A receipts B recipes C for receipts D for recipes 16 A the snobbery survival B the snobbery surviving C how survives snobbery D how snobbery survives 17 A can’t they B couldn’t they C they can’t D they couldn’t 18 A another end B another side C the other end D the other side 19 A would rather B had rather C would rather to D had rather to 20 A being English beer what is it B being English beer what it is C English beer being what is it D English beer being what it is Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D RUDYARD KIPLING Intellectuals still feel uncomfortable about Kipling His name (1) _ identified with imperialism since the beginning of the century, so he is a writer they would rather you (2) _ talk about It is true that George Orwell, who had (3) _ colonialism himself and hated it, said “(4) _ that Kipling’s view of life can be accepted by any civilized person.’’ But he added that no one who (5) _ a Fascist (6) _ have read and understood him (7) _ a racist, as Kim shows, though he certainly believed the British has a responsibility to administer India for the (8) _ of law and order What he does not seem (9) _, as Orwell points out, (10) _ “an empire is primarily a money-making concern.” Kim is not popular in India But how often the people of any country accept a foreigner’s picture of them (11) _ accurate? Yet (12) _ that Kim is about love, the affection between Kim, the Irish orphan, and his two substitute “fathers”, the Tibetan lama and the Muslim horse-trader (13) come out of the book far better than the English Kipling admired men of action, (14) _ ones with a daily responsibility to carry out His ideal is the Roman centurion in Puck of Pook’s Hill, defending Hadrian’s wall against the barbarians The centurion knows how (15) _ but (16) _ he gets any thanks or not, he does his job Like all conservatives, Kipling was a pessimist (17) _ heart We know (18) _ history that the centurion’s effort was in vain But there is no reason for (19) _ enjoyed The Jungle Book when we were young, (20) _ it is not a Fascist tract A is B has been C was D had been A don’t B didn’t C not D not to A experimented B experimented the C experienced D experienced the A It is no use pretending B It is no point pretending C There is no use to pretend D There is no use to pretend A accused Kipling to be B accused Kipling of being C charged Kipling to be D charged Kipling of being A may B might C can D could A Neither he was B Nor he was C Nor was he D He wasn’t, either A sake B reason C need D necessity A he had realized B that he realized C to be realizing D to have realized 10 A is B is that C it is D it is that 11 A as B for C being D to be 12 A is the fact B it is the fact C the fact of the matter is D the fact of the matter it’s 13 A The both B The both of them C Both they D They both 14 A especially the B especially those C specially the D specially those 15 A corrupt is the Empire B corrupt the Empire is C much corrupt is the Empire D much corrupt the Empire is 16 A even B though C if D whether 17 A at B by C in D to 18 A from B from the C of D of the 19 A being ashamed of being B being ashamed to have C being ashamed of having D being ashamed to have 20 A as seem to be some critics B like seem to be some critics C as some critics seem to be D like some critics seem to be Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D VISIONS OF THE FUTURE: HUXLEY AND ORWELL Visions of the future in modern fiction are seldom optimistic What (1) _ makes them so depressing? Are most creative artists pessimists (2) _ heart or is it simply that they see (3) _ in technical progress? I (4) _ to favour the second alternative if it were not for the fact that earlier writers like Jules Verne and H.G.Wells not seem (5) _ their misgivings The (6) _ books of this kind in English are Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and 1984, by George Orwell Although there are superficial resemblances between them, they are not really very much (7) _ Huxley’s Britain in 2500 is a wellorganized sensual paradise but it offers (8) _ Human beings are conditioned from their artificial birth to fulfill a social role Only on an Indian reservation in New Mexico (9) _ unchanged They thought it was not worth (10) _ the trouble to educate the Indians in the new methods Orwell’s book carries the message that once the world becomes divided between dictatorships, human beings can be made (11) _ they are told to Children are instructed (12) _ their parents Adults like the hero, Winston Smith, are employed to rewrite history (13) _ that the dictatorship was right There is no escape Any attempt to express (14) _ an individual is discovered and the person is brainwashed At (15) _ time when Orwell wrote 1984, it was fashionable (16) _ Stalinist Russia They thought (17) _ the opposite of Nazi Germany Not long before his death, Orwell published this warning to (18) _ realize that all dictatorships are basically the same The (19) _ c rime in the world of 1984 is to think for oneself, instead of accepting what (20) _ by the state A it is A at A little to approve C little to approve of A will incline A to have shared C sharing A better-known B is that B by B will be inclined B best-known C is it that C in B a little to approve D a little to approve of C would incline B be shared D that they shared C more known D it is that D with D would be inclined D most known A alike B like A very little scope the individual C similar D different B to the individual very little scope C a very little scope to the individual D to the individual a very little scope A life remains B the life remains C does life remain D does the life remain 10 A to make B making C to take D taking 11 A however B whatever C to however D to whatever 12 A to spy at B to spy on C spying at D spying on 13 A for to show always B for always showing C so that it always will show D so that it will always show 14 A one as B one like C oneself as D oneself like 15 A a B the C that D this 16 A for intellectual Is to admire B that intellectuals ; admired C for intellectual Is to marvel D that intellectual! s marveled 17 A it as B it being C of it as D of it to be 18 A let people to B make people to C let people D make people 19 A most dreadful B more dreadful C dreadfulest D dreadfuler 20 A you are told B one is told C you are said D one is said Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D VISIONS OF THE FUTURE: BOULLE AND WYNDHAM Huxley and Orwell are not the only modern writers (1) _ the future and seen disaster But neither in Brave New World (2) _ in 1984 (3) _ It plays a major part, however, in The Planet of the Apes and its sequel (at least (4) _ the film versions taken from Pierre Boulle’s original book are concerned) In Boulle’s story there was a planet where apes and men had changed (5) _ in society In the films, however, this theme was linked to (6) _, (7) _ more topical The astronauts eventually realize that they have returned to Earth two thousand years later If men have resigned themselves (8) _ the slaves of apes it is because of a nuclear catastrophe A more subtle treatment of the same theme occurs in John Wyndham’s novel, The Chrysalids The here is a boy growing up in a strict Puritanical community rather than like a pioneering settlement in the American West Only as a novel develops (9) _ that the strange laws of the community, (10) _ that babies born with any physical abnormality are immediately killed, are hardly explicable in (11) _ What (12) _ a community in Northern Canada (13) _ of years after an atomic war Here the effects have been comparatively light but the boy’s uncle, who has been a sailor, tells him of voyages south where (14) _ but blackened ashes Wyndham, in spite of (15) _ seem to you like total pessimism, has a message of hope, too The boy, (16) _ his cousin, the girl he loves, and a few friends, (17) _ telepathic gifts Their ability to read (18) _ save them from his father’s anger and they make mental contact with some people in a place called Seeland, which has also escaped (19) _ effects of the holocaust When the children appeal for help, the Seelanders rescue them Seeland, (20) _, is what we call New Zealand 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A to have looked to B which have looked to C to have looked into D which have looked into A either B or C neither D nor A was responsible the atomic bomb B was the atomic bomb responsible C the atomic bomb was responsible D the responsible was the atomic bomb A as far as B for so much as C in that D in the extent that A places B the places C each other’s place D their place A the one that is of nuclear war B the nuclear war’s one C this of nuclear war D that of nuclear war A making them B making them to be C that made them D that made them to be A to become B to becoming C to grow D to growing A we begin to understand B we begin understanding C we begin to understand D we begin understanding A one of them is B one of them it is C one of which is D one of which it is A past terms B the past terms C the past’s terms D terms of the past A is describing Wyndham is B Wyndham is describing is C is describing Wyndham it is D Wyndham is describing it is A a few hundreds B a few hundred C some hundreds D some hundred A anything can be seen B nothing can be seen C it can be seen, anything D it can be seen nothing A what can B that can C what may D that may A the same that B similar than1 C also like D together with 17 A has exceptional B has especial C have exceptional D have especial 18 A themselves thoughts B each other’s thoughts C oneself’s thoughts D each others’ thoughts 19, A from the worse B from the worst C out of the worse D out of the worst 20 A it turns out B it turns up C that turns out D that turns up Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D Investigators have long been amassing knowledge and technology for assessing the driving population and designing vehicles that fit drivers Researchers are helping auto makers design cars that people of all sizes and ages can use safely and easily Recently, researchers (1) _ some new seat designs What they discovered is that drivers don’t actually (2) _ in their cars the way the (3) _ intended Seats that have been touted (4) _ ergonomically designed to support the lower (5) _ may be comfortable in the showroom, (6) _ two hours down the road, the supports (7) _ actually cause more pain than the traditional seats The new seats were (8) _ in a laboratory driving simulator This device allows the researchers to configure seats any way they (9) _ and use laboratory instruments to (10) _ measurements readily Volunteers spend time (11) _ the wheel, reacting to a movie of road (12) _ depressing the accelerator pedal, manipulating controls, and so forth (13) _ researchers measured the spinal curvature of the (14) _ and then had each one sit in a seat Physical impressions of the subject’s body in the seat (15) _ recorded Then, the researchers (16) _ the overall comfort of the seat, cushion firmness, lumbar support, and backrest angle Then, over four days, the subjects evaluated each (17) _ at half-hour intervals during a three-(18) _ driving simulation The seat with, prominent lumbar support, the most (19) _ seat in the initial evaluation, was the least comfortable of the test seats in the lower back area (20) _ only one-and-one-half hours of driving A tested B discovered C announced D found A put B sit C operate D seat A drivers B seats C designers D most A are B and C for “ D as A back B seat C which D position A for B after C only D but A which B device C:’may D don’t A experimented B tested C designed D discovered A wish B make C take D have 10 A help B have C obtain D meet 11 A driving B on C designing D behind 12 A scene B surface C conditions D driving 13 A Recent B After C As D The 14 A drivers B seat C road D, tester 15 A who B are C were D had 16 A evaluated B decided C provided D made 17 A volunteer B individually C time D seat 18 A minute B different C hour D consecutive 19 A comfortable B important C designed D common 20 A after B for C by D took Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời tốt số A, B, C D It may seem unlikely that monkeys or cats would be able to hear the subtleties in human speech After all, creatures (1) _ than humans neither speak human languages nor comprehend most of them (2) _ scientists who study hearing have found that the auditory (3) _ of animals and humans respond to speech sounds in remarkably (4) _ ways Scientists see hearing in humans and higher animals (5) _ an act of computerlike processing (6) _ which a sound enters the ear and is (7) _ down into components These are transported in some coded (8) _ through the nervous system to the brain, (9) _ they are put back together (10) _ interpreted Scientists believe that, in large part, how speech is processed is (11) _ on its acoustical properties Research with (12) _ shows that they can (13) _ among subtle nuances in speech For (14) _, our ears readily distinguish two similar (15) _ sounds, “ba” and “da”, on the (16) _ of differing pitch changes that (17) _ in the first one-twentieth (18) _ a second of sound During the 1970s, William Stebbins conducted (19) _ using monkeys at the University of Michigan Hearing Research Institute which showed that monkeys possess a similar (20) _ to put similar sounds into distinct categories A less A Thus A ability A same A have A from A broken A form A which 10 A for 11 A based 12 A animals 13 A communicate 14 A them 15 A wave ^ 16 A tone 17 A distinguish 18 A in 19 A survey 20 A ability B more B However B reaction B similar B by B data B tracked B digits B where B and B depend B experiments B discriminate B humans B kinds B speech B sound B of B methods B property C differ C Most C systems C variety C as C system C sent C sound C while C without C relied C evidence C hear C sure C speech C basis C change C fraction C by C language D other D Otherwise D hearing D all D are D in D put D area D when D after D relying D sound D differ D example D different D scale D occur D century D experiments D hearing

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 04:29

