1 Read the poem and learn by heart Thirty days has September, April, June and November, All the rest have thirty –one , Excepting February alone, And that was twenty-eight days clear And twenty-nine in each Leap year Are the following statements true or false? Connect the statements to the pictures We start school in October. We have a holiday in December. _ We learn a lot in July. _ April has thirty days. It rains a lot in August. _ We are on holiday in August Leaves fall in October. _ Valentine’s Day is in March. _ Santa comes in November. Easter is in April. Valentine’s Day is in February. Answer the questions When is your birthday? _ Which is your favourite month? _ When is Pancake day? _ When people wear scary costums? _ Which months belong to Spring? , , _ I kiss my Valentine in _ 4.Wordsearch Find the months O R T D L J N E C E S E I U O J T B U C R L V A O M G E P Y E N B E U M A H M U E T A B E C B A R P I E N R E R F E B R U A R Y A S E U J M I O Fill the gaps e t m e M h S R N e e e u u u u a o b e y F y p l c o A g t a u