ERIC ERIC Let’s talk about the following things: EMILY EMILY 88 NAME, NAME, AGE, AGE, FAMILY FAMILY FREE FREE TIME, TIME, HOBBY HOBBY PETS PETS FOOD FOOD and and DRINK DRINK LIKES LIKES and and DISLIKES DISLIKES Use the following expressions: S/He S/He is is S/He S/He has has got got S/He S/He likes S/He likes S/He doesn’t doesn’t like _ like _ S/He S/He can _ can _ ANN ANN 11 Ask Ask your your partner: partner: DANIEL DANIEL 99 What What is is his/her his/her name? name? How How old old is is He He /she? /she? Does Does Daniel/He Daniel/He like…? like…? What What does does he/she he/she do in in his/her his/her free free time? time? MENTION AND WRITE DOWN: Fruit Fruit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vegetables Vegetables _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Food Food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drink Drink _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _