name: John age: 41 name: Caroline name: Jeremy job: businessman age: 38 age: 14 height: 178cm (medium) job: nurse job: pupil weight: 72 kg (slim) height: 160cm (short) height: 161cm (medium) hair: short, straight, brown weight: 54 kg (slim) weight: 50 kg (slim) eyes: small, black hair: short, wavy, fair hair: short, brown, blowzy looks: handsome eyes: big, green eyes: big, blue clothes: smart clothes for looks: nice looks: freckled clothes: fashionable clothes: T-shirt, jeans, casual clothes in free time but cosy trainers (always!) personality: hard working, personality: helpful, personality: clever, wilful, honest, determined friendly, happy, careful dissatisfied sports: football, squash sports: aerobics sports: skateboarding free time: go fishing, watch free time: crosswords, free time: play computer movies read books games likes: vegetables, beef likes: vegetables, fruit likes: hamburger, pizza dislikes: junk food, sweets dislikes: meat, chocolate dislikes: fruit, vegetables name: Christine name: Sarah name: Jonathan age: age: 68 age: 73 job: preschool girl relation: mother’s mum relation: father’s dad height: 105cm (short) job: retired job: retired weight: 28 kg (thin) height: 155cm (short) height: 170cm (medium) hair: long, wavy, red weight: 75 kg (plump) weight: 70 kg (thin) eyes: big, blue, hair: short, curly, grey hair: bald long eyelashes eyes: small, brown eyes: small, black looks: beautiful looks: wrinkled looks: old, long grey clothes: dresses, skirts clothes: dresses beard, moustache personality: lovely, cute, personality: kind, clothes: shirts, cheerful, shy friendly, devoted trousers sports: swimming, dancing sports: nothing personality: helpful, free time: play with her free time: knit, watch TV, warm-hearted teddy and dolls meet friends sports: nothing likes: dairy products, likes: chicken, salads free time: read books, pancakes candies play board games dislikes: spinach, broccoli dislikes: fish, carrots likes: bread, bacon work (suit, shirt, tie), dislikes: turkey, cabbage name: Kate age: 29 name: Thomas name: Valerie relation: mother’s sister age: 33 age: 16 job: dentist relation: father’s brother job: student height: 172cm (tall) job: rock manager height: 170cm (tall) weight: 61 kg (slim) height: 169cm (short) weight: 49 kg (thin) hair: long, straight, blonde weight: 68 kg (thin) hair: long, wavy, red eyes: big, black hair: short, curly, eyes: big, blue light brown looks: pretty looks: pretty, neat location: Birmingham clothes: sporty address: 91 Kingsway Roadeyes: small, green personality: sympathetic, looks: tired (always) clothes: trendy sincere, friendly floors: personality: cheerful, clothes: casual friendly, intelligent sports: running, skiing personality: funny, zany, sports: fitness, tennis free time: voluntary work easy-going free time: meet friends, garden: yes (big) basement: yes (study, laundry room) downstairs: living room, kitchen, likes: vegetables, salads, sports:dining nothing fish room cake in the bathroom: bathtub,dislikes: shower,healthy food free time: play the guitar dislikes: pork, onion, upstairs: bedrooms, bathroom likes: junk food, cola washbasin, toilet shopping likes: salad, chicken, fish dislikes: cola, wine, beans