Prof Francisco Zabala - 2014 The ed> form of verbs The morpheme used to indicate the past tense of regular verbs is pronounced in three ways: RULE: There is voice agreement The voiceless alveolar plosive s is added to words ending in a voiceless sound (other than s – see exception) [-v] + s .o stopped !rsPos clapped !jkzos .j kicked !jHjs looked !kTjs .sR watched !vPsRs launched !kN9msRs S betrothed aH!sq?TSs bequeathed aH!jvh9Ss .e laughed !k@9es puffed !oUes .r passed !o@9rs missed !lHrs .R crushed !jqURs fished !eHRs The voiced alveolar plosive c is added to words ending in a voiced sound (other than c – see exception) [+v] + c .a Dubbed !cUac stabbed !rszac .f Logged !kPfc dragged !cqzfc .cY Managed !lzmHcYc arranged ?!qdHmcYc ?!qdHmcYc .C Teethed !sh9Cc clothed !jk?TCc .u Lived !kHuc arrived ?!q`Huc .y Organized !N9f?m`Hyc cruised !jqt9yc !jqt9yc .Y Camouflaged !jzl?ek@9Yc .k Called !jN9kc sailed !rdHkc .l Bombed !aPlc climbed !jk`Hlc .m Cleaned !jkh9mc phoned !e?Tmc .M Longed !kPMc wronged !qPMc Skied !rjh9c remembered qH!ldla?c qH!ldla?c Vowels Enjoyed Hm!cYNHc towed !s?Tc Diphthongs EXCEPTION: After the alveolar plosives s and c an extra syllable Hc is added In turn, H and c agree in voice, too Alveolar plosive + Hc .s Potted !oPsHc started !rs@9sHc .c Decided cH!r`HcHc loaded !k?TcHc Verbs ending in normally take C C However, some may vary between C and S.,, such as these ones Betrothed (to promise in marriage) aH!sq?TCc+
aH! aH!sq?TCc+
aH!sq?TSs., bequeathed (to to leave personal belongings by will) will aH!jvh9Cc+