Francisco Zabala - 2015 Minimal Pairs – Vowels Make sure you can show the contrast that exists between these vowels.. Remember that this is the most difficult area for Spanish speakers.
Trang 1Prof Francisco Zabala - 2015
Minimal Pairs – Vowels
Make sure you can show the contrast that exists between these vowels Remember that this is the most difficult area for Spanish speakers
deed did dead back buck bark reed rid read/red bad bud bard wheel will well ban bun barn seat sit set bat but Bart eat it ate cap cup carp cheeks chicks cheques cat cut cart sleep slip slept clack cluck clerk been/bean bin Ben ham hum harm feel fill fell hat hut heart lead lid led lack luck lark teen tin ten match much march
head heard luck lock beer bear bed bird hut hot fear fair/fare ten turn bucks box cheer chair west worst cup cop here/hear hair/hare Ben burn bus boss tear tear
n urn cut cot clear Claire debt dirt stuck stock dear/deer dare end earned sung song ear air/heir pet pert nut not pier/peer pear/pair feather further rung wrong spear spare any Ernie lung long really rarely
last lost spot sport pull pool cast cost shot short soot suit heart hot pot port full fool large lodge not naught look Luke part pot fox forks wood wooed shark shock cot caught could cooed
Munro Mackenzie, M.D (1967) Modern English Pronunciation Practice London: Longman.