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PRIMARY Social Science TEACHERS RESOURCE BOOK PRIMARY Social Science TEACHERS RESOURCE BOOK TEACHERS RESOURCE BOOK Social Science is a collective work, conceived, designed and created by the Primary Education department at Santillana, under the supervision of Teresa Grence Ruiz PRIMARY Social Science WRITER Carmen Gutiộrrez MANAGING EDITOR Sheila Tourle EDITOR Beatriz Garcớa Hipúlito PROOFREADING Saffron Frankland James Price Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L. Natural Science Contents Nombre Fecha Introduction III Worksheets Reinforcement Extension 24 Assessment 42 Investigate 60 Science songs 69 Answer keys 75 Introduction Social Science Teachers Resource Book provides a wide variety of photocopiable worksheets designed to broaden and reinforce the concepts covered in the Social Science Students Book and Social Science Teachers Book The worksheets allow a flexible approach in the classroom Students in the same class can be given different worksheets according to their level: stronger students can expand on the material learnt in class, and students needing more support can use the worksheets to revise when necessary Students can also work together to complete the tasks Teachers with more contact hours can use the photocopiable materials as and when they need to They can be used for revision purposes, for extension practice, as progress tests, for assessment or for homework There are five categories of worksheets: Reinforcement, Extension, Assessment, Investigate and Science songs Answer keys are provided at the back of the book Worksheets Reinforcement and Extension worksheets School REINFORCEMENT Name The Reinforcement and Extension worksheets are a flexible tool which can be used after the relevant sections of the Students Book School Date LooĐ an matc teòổ obectfi yo uòổ a schooơ Date Traâổ tổ plaâefi i> youđ schooơ playgroun classrooà Weđổ ađổ tổ childđe>? LooĐ an colouđ red a schooơ green a hoàổ REINFORCEMENT Name bathrooà Weđổ teƠ worĐ? LooĐ an writổ tổ numđ Depending on the level of the students, they can complete the worksheets with or without consulting their Students Book, in the classroom or at home There are nine double-page Reinforcement worksheets They are designed to provide additional support for students in need of further practice Social Science Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L School EXTENSION Name There are nine double-page Extension worksheets They can be used for fast finishers or to further expand on the material covered in class School Date Fin teòổ obectfi i> tổ wordòearc Te>, wriổ tổ naàefi Weđổ ifi Joh>? Look a tổ schooơ pla> an wriổ tổ numrfi janitođ 24 School ASSESSMENT School Date Whic pictuđổ ifi schooơ? TicĐ () ASSESSMENT Name Social Science Whic thingfi ca> yo fin i> youđ classrooà? Colouđ Wriổ tổ naàổfi oÊ teòổ plaâefi i> youđ schooơ classrooà 42 Social Science ES0000000023501 657056-Unidad 03_Assessment_40381.indd 42-43 IV Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L r d c a u y p q x a v b z e e t r b o o k c a s e i c g u n h m s n v a l m n w z d g y n o p s x e e n p e g s i eaceđ Tổ Tổ Tổ Tổ cooĐ cơea>eđ workfi i> tổ kitce> afi tổ keyfi elpfi tổ childđe> to ơear> cơeanfi tổ schooơ Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L Social Science There are nine double-page Assessment worksheets per unit These worksheets can be given to students once the unit has been completed, to evaluate progress or as a revision test b Assessment worksheets Wheđổ ađổ theòổ objectfi? LooĐ a tổ schooơ pla> an wriổ tổ numrfi Pu tổ pictuđefi i> oređ Wriổ 1, an a l k Date Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L o a Rea an compơeổ Name Date c Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L playgroun bathrooà Social Science 43 26/1/16 10:11 EXTENSION Name LooĐ an ticĐ () tổ obectfi yo uòổ i> clasfi Social Science Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L 25 Investigate worksheets The nine Investigate worksheets provide additional opportunities for students to carry out simple investigative tasks either in the classroom or at home School INVESTIGATE Name 1 Date Wha activit^efi yo liĐổ doin@ a schooơ? AsĐ fr^en Te>, wriổ Yefi or No yo I liĐổ youđ fr^en ơearnin@ >ew thingfi studyin@ wit mƠ friendfi goin@ to tổ gyà havin@ lunc i> tổ canổe> playin@ in the playgroun goin@ to tổ librarƠ àakin@ >ew fr^endfi 60 School Name SCIENCE SONGS Date Wha dứ tổ son@ saƠ? ircơổ Social Science Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L Science songs worksheets There are six Science songs worksheets to complement the songs recorded on the Class Audio CD The songs can be used with these worksheets or played as background music while students work in class TaĐổ looĐ a youđ YoÔ ca> i I ca> el mƠ I ca> el mƠ Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L Social Science 69 Answer keys Answer keys They are provided at the back of this Teachers Resource Book SCHOOL Page Look and match these objects you use at school REINFORCEMENT Read and write the name of each room bathroom, living room, bedroom Where you these activities? Read and match bathroom brush your teeth felt markers felt marker box kitchen have breakfast book book case bedroom sleep notebooks school bag living room watch TV chalks blackboard eraser Where are the children? Look and colour red: playing football, drawing on the board and doing gymnastics green: sleeping, having a shower and friction drum, Christmas hat, nativity scene, presents and Christmas tree watching TV Page Trace the places in your school (Ss trace the words.) Where they work? Look and write the number 2, 4, 3, 2 What you celebrate with your family? Colour (Open Answer O.A.) Page 11 What foods are these? Match Then, write Christmas cake, Kings Day cake, mince pies MY HOUSE AND MY FAMILY Page Match and circle the pairs in the same colour FESTIVALS Page 10 Circle the Christmas decorations When are these festivals? Write them on the calendars 24th December: Christmas Eve father mother 31st December: New Years Eve grandfather grandmother 6th January: Kings Day brother sister aunt uncle Read and match on the left: flats, more than one family on the right: house, one family Page Who helps to build houses? Tick () builder, plumber and painter 76 MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Page 12 Draw the pedestrian and the vehicle in the correct place (Ss draw the pedestrian on the pavement and the vehicle on the road.) Social Science ES0000000023501 657056-Solucionario_40601.indd 76 26/1/16 9:55 V School REINFORCEMENT Name Date LooĐ an matc teòổ obectfi yo uòổ a schooơ Weđổ ađổ tổ childđe>? LooĐ an colouđ red a schooơ Social Science green a hoàổ Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L. School REINFORCEMENT Name Date Traâổ tổ plaâefi i> youđ schooơ playgroun classrooà bathrooà Weđổ teƠ worĐ? LooĐ an writổ tổ numđ Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L. Social Science My house and my family REINFORCEMENT Name 2 Date Matc an circơổ tổ pairfi i> tổ saàổ colouđ fateđ grandateđ broteđ aun grandmoteđ siseđ moteđ uncơổ Rea an matc flatfi houòổ o>ổ familƠ mođổ tha> o>ổ familƠ Social Science Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L. Our planet Earth SCIENCE SONGS Name Date Listen to the song Then, write 1, 2, and Thank you Sun, for all you are, Youre the best - our favourite star! Thank you Sun, even at night, You shine on the Moon, making it bright, Thank you Sun, for what you do, You give us light and heat us, too,  hank you Sun, for what you give, T You make plants grow so we can live 74 Social Science Photocopiable material â 2015 Santillana Educaciún, S.L PROGRAMA DE AMPLIACIểN Answer keys Material fotocopiable â 2014 Santillana Educaciún, S L 75 Answer keys SCHOOL Page Look and match these objects you use at school REINFORCEMENT Read and write the name of each room bathroom, living room, bedroom Where you these activities? Read and match bathroom brush your teeth felt markers felt marker box kitchen have breakfast book book case bedroom sleep notebooks school bag living room watch TV chalks blackboard eraser Where are the children? Look and colour red: playing football, drawing on the board and doing gymnastics green: sleeping, having a shower and watching TV Page Trace the places in your school (Ss trace the words.) Where they work? Look and write the number 2, 4, 3, MY HOUSE AND MY FAMILY Page Match and circle the pairs in the same colour FESTIVALS Page 10 Circle the Christmas decorations friction drum, Christmas hat, nativity scene, presents and Christmas tree What you celebrate with your family? Colour (Open Answer O.A.) Page 11 What foods are these? Match Then, write  Christmas cake, Kings Day cake, mince pies When are these festivals? Write them on the calendars father mother 24th December: Christmas Eve grandfather grandmother 31st December: New Years Eve brother sister 6th January: Kings Day aunt uncle Read and match on the left: flats, more than one family on the right: house, one family Page Who helps to build houses? Tick () builder, plumber and painter 76 Social Science MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Page 12 Draw the pedestrian and the vehicle in the correct place  (Ss draw the pedestrian on the pavement and the vehicle on the road.) REINFORCEMENT EXTENSION Look at the pictures and colour the traffic lights on the left: red traffic lights for pedestrians and green traffic lights for vehicles on the right: green traffic lights for pedestrians and red traffic lights for vehicles TRAVEL Page 16 Page 13 How these vehicles travel? Write by land: train, car by sea: boat, canoe by air: plane, helicopter What places are these? Write park, avenue, square Look at the pictures and match airport, port, station Match the words to the pictures  pictures left to right: hospital, school, supermarket Page 17 Who cleans the streets? Tick () (Ss tick the street cleaner.) WHERE I LIVE Page 14 Look and write village or city picture on the left: city picture on the right: village What are cities like? Tick () 1, 3, Put the pictures in order Write 1, and 2, 1, Page 15 Look at the pictures and write the words top row: fisherman, farmer bottom row: miner, woodcutter Read and complete the sentences In cities, many people work in offices, Classify these types of transport individual transport: motorbike, car collective transport: bus, plane Write the names of the types of communication telephone, newspaper, television, letter How these types of communication work? Match radio with sounds newspaper with images, with text telephone with sounds SOIL, AIR AND WATER Page 18 What things grow in soil? Look and colour the words (Ss colour vegetables and grass.) Circle and colour the objects full of air (Ss colour the balloon on the right and the rubber ring on the left.) businesses and factories In villages, Look at the pictures Match and write many people work in the countryside gaseous, liquid, solid Social Science 77 Answer Answer keyskeys Page 19 What we use water for? Unscramble and write drinking, cooking, swimming, watering Where can you see water? Write clockwise, from top left: snow, clouds, sea, river Read and circle the correct words The air in cities is dirty The air in the countryside is clean There is salt water in the sea There is fresh water in rivers We drink fresh water NATURE Page 20 What is the weather like? Look and complete It is hot and sunny You can see the sun It is cold and rainy There are clouds Write the names of the seasons in order clockwise, from top left: spring, summer, autumn, winter Page 21 Look and number the picture clockwise, from top left: 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, Read the definitions and write A thermometer measures the temperature of the air A gale is a strong wind A breeze is a gentle wind 78 Social Science REINFORCEMENT OUR PLANET EARTH Page 22 Which things need the Sun? Colour (Ss colour the fish, the tree, the cat, the boy and the butterfly.) Read and match The Sun is a star; The Earth is a planet Write the names of the planets in the solar system 1 Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune Page 23 Look and write day or night on the left: day; on the right: night How we see the Moon from the Earth? Match from left to right: full Moon, waxing Moon, waning Moon, new Moon Why does the Moon shine in the sky? Tick () The Sun gives light to the Moon EXTENSION EXTENSION SCHOOL Where you these activities? Write the number Page 24 on the left, from top to bottom: 3, 1, Look and tick () the objects you use in class on the right, from top to bottom: 1, 3, Where you have a shower? rubber and pencil, notebook Where is John? Look at the school plan and write the numbers clockwise, from top left: 1, 4, 2, Page 25 Find these objects in the wordsearch Then, write the names In the bathroom Page 28 Cross the odd ones out (ì) in this nativity scene (Ss cross out the car, Father Christmas and the bicycle.) horizontally: board, bookcase, pegs vertically: bin on the left, from top to bottom: bookcase, pegs What festivals are these? Read and write clockwise, from top: My birthday, New Years Eve, Kings Day on the right, from top to bottom: bin, board Read and complete 1.The cook works in the kitchen 2.The janitor has the keys 3. The teacher helps the children to learn Page 29 What are these children celebrating? Look and match clockwise, from top left: Easter, Christmas, Carnival, birthday 4.The cleaner cleans the school MY HOUSE AND MY FAMILY Read the sentences and write the names of the festivals Page 26 Look and write the names Bens daughter is Anne FESTIVALS 1.Halloween 3.Carnival 2.Birthday 4.Christmas Read and circle the odd one out Susans parents are Peter and Jane nougat Jane is Bens mother pumpkin Where they live? Colour the paths Inuit family igloo Arab family tent Page 27 Read and colour the house (Ss colour the house on the right.) Kings Day MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Page 30 Who is respecting the rules? Tick () (Ss tick the boy using the bin and the girl crossing at the pedestrian crossing.) Social Science 79 Answer keys Look and colour the traffic signs top row: first and third signs bottom row: first, second and third signs Write the address of your school O.A Page 31 Read and complete the sentences We go to the hospital when we are not feeling well We go to the park to play with our friends We go to the supermarket to the shopping Look at the pictures and write A street cleaner cleans the streets A police officer takes care of peoples security A gardener looks after the parks WHERE I LIVE Page 32 Think of the place where you live Then, colour and complete O.A What rules help us to keep the streets clean? Tick () 1, 3, Page 33 Read and circle the correct words 1.Villages are small 2.Many people live in cities 3.There are wide streets in cities 4.The buildings are small in villages 80 Social Science EXTENSION Who helps to keep the place where you live clean? Circle (Ss circle the street cleaner and the dustbin man.) Colour the places you can find in a city factories, offices, shopping centres, museums and avenues TRAVEL Page 34 Read and complete Vehicles transport passengers or merchandise Some vehicles travel by land, like cars, others travel by sea, like boats, and others travel by air, like planes Read and circle the correct words There is collective transport like planes It is for many people There is individual transport like cars It is for few people Page 35 What they carry? Look and match merchandise lorry and goods train passengers car and train Look and draw the modern vehicles (Ss draw a modern bicycle and a modern plane.) How these types of communication work? Match newspaper Text and images We use it to find information mobile phone Sound, text and images We use it to communicate with other people EXTENSION SOIL, AIR AND WATER Page 36 Draw an object that moves with the wind O.A Read Then, circle True or False False; 2.True; 3.True; 4.True; False Look and complete what happens The water changes into steam The water changes into ice Page 37 Put the pictures in order Write 1, 2, and 3, 2, Complete the sentences 1.The Sun heats the sea water The water changes into water vapour 2.The water vapour gets cold and changes into droplets of water Droplets form clouds 3.Rain and snow fall from the clouds and the water flows from the rivers back to the sea Read and circle the correct words There is salt water in the sea There is fresh water in lakes and rivers NATURE Page 38 Read the clues and write the seasons winter; summer; spring; autumn What these symbols mean? Tick () on the left: sun, cloud on the right: rain, snow Page 39 Read and complete Mountains and rivers are natural features in a landscape People change the natural landscape by building roads, houses and bridges There are more man-made features in cities There are more natural features in the countryside Read Then, draw the weather symbols (Ss draw.) OUR PLANET EARTH Page 40 Read and colour the pencils yellow: Planets move around it in the solar system; It is a star red: It sometimes looks like the letter C; Man went there in a spaceship blue: Most of it is covered with water; It is the planet where we live Which picture shows the Earth moving around the Sun? Tick () (Ss tick the picture on the right.) Page 41 Read the questions about the solar system and circle the correct answer 1.8 4.Saturn 2.Mercury 5.The Sun 3.Jupiter 6.The Earth Read and complete Then, colour the picture of the Earth The Earth is the planet where we live Most of the Earth is covered with water The rest is land The large areas of water form the oceans The land areas are the continents Social Science 81 Answer keys SCHOOL ASSESSMENT What objects you have in your bedroom? Colour (M.A.) bed, wardrobe and desk Page 42 Which picture is a school? Tick () (Ss tick the picture on the right.) Put the pictures in order Write 1, and 1, 3, Page 46 Colour the figures for a nativity scene shepherd, angel, king, baby Jesus, Which things can you find in your classroom? Colour board, schoolbag, bookcase, book, notebook, desk and chair FESTIVALS Joseph and Mary Read and colour the festivals Halloween, Christmas Eve, Kings Day, Page 43 New Years Eve, Carnival, Christmas Where are these objects? Look at the school plan and write the numbers and Easter top row: 2, 4, ; bottom row: 5, 1, Tick () the things that are related to Christmas nougat, star, Kings Day cake and Write the names of these places in your school playground, classroom, bathroom MY HOUSE AND MY FAMILY nativity scene Page 47 When are these festivals? Write Christmas Eve: 24th December Page 44 Look at Lauras family Then, match left to right: grandfather, mother, father, brother Label the parts of the building on the left: roof, walls, entrance on the right: windows, garage Page 45 Circle the people who help to build a house plumber, builder, carpenter and architect Where you these activities? Match on the left bathroom, kitchen on the right bedroom, living room 82 Social Science New Years Eve: 31st December Kings Day: 6th January Read Then, circle True or False True; False; False Read and label the pictures Peace Day, birthday, Easter MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Page 48 Read and match street light, bin, traffic lights, bench Who cleans the streets in your neighbourhood? Colour street cleaner ASSESSMENT What are these places? Look and write sports centre; square; church; 4.park Page 49 Page 52 How they travel? Colour red: motorbike, train, lorry, bicycle Look at the picture and colour (Ss colour.) Read Then, circle True or False blue: plane, glider, helicopter Complete the sentences Write individual or collective True; False; True; False Cars and bicycles are individual transport Circle the traffic signs Trains and buses are collective transport first and third signs WHERE I LIVE Write the numbers of the types of communication Page 50 Read and colour the words Villages are small They have narrow streets The buildings are small 3, 2, 5, 4, Page 53 Read and complete 1.Cars carry passengers Cities are big There are avenues and wide roads The buildings are tall 2.Boats travel by sea 3.Planes travel by air Who works in the countryside? Circle 4.Buses travel by land 5.Trains and buses are collective transport miner, farmer, fisherman and woodcutter Page 51 Read and circle the correct words Read and complete 1.We use the telephone to communicate with other people The people who live in a place are the inhabitants 2.We use the newspaper to find information Read and tick () the correct sentences 3.We use the radio to listen to music 2, What work these people do? Match A farmer grows plants TRAVEL 4.We use the computer to play games SOIL, AIR AND WATER A fisherman catches fish Page 54 A miner mines rocks Tick () what we get from soil A woodcutter cuts wood rocks and minerals Social Science 83 Answer keys Read and complete ASSESSMENT Read and write the numbers 4, 2, 3, Wind is moving air Look and match Look and write clockwise, from top left: mountains, river, village, road, bridge and forest ice ice cubes, igloo liquid water jar, fountain steam pan, iron Page 55 Read and complete Drinking water is liquid Ice is frozen water It is solid When we heat water it turns into steam It is gaseous Colour the water Then, write sea, river and lake Who is saving water? Tick () OUR PLANET EARTH Page 58 Draw the Sun and the Moon in the pictures on the left: Moon; on the right: Sun Read and circle the correct words 1.There are eight planets in our solar system 2.The Earth turns every 24 hours (Ss tick the boy having a shower.) 3.The Sun gives light to the planets NATURE 5.Most of the Earth is covered with water Page 56 Colour the weather words clouds, lightning, sun and hurricane What is the weather like? Write It is sunny and hot; It is cloudy, rainy and cold Read and match A strong wind is called a gale A gentle wind is called a breeze Write the names of the seasons top row: spring, summer bottom row: autumn,winter Page 57 How does the landscape change? Write 1, and 3, 2, 84 Social Science 4.The Moon is made of rock 6.There is no air on the Moon 7.The Earth moves around the Sun Colour the planets in our solar system Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Page 59 Read and match The oceans are big areas of water The continents are big areas of land The Moon moves around the Earth The Earth turns every 24 hours Look and write the numbers top row:1, 3; bottom row: 4, What instrument we use to look at the Moon? Circle telescope INVESTIGATE SCHOOL WHERE I LIVE Page 60 Page 64 What activities you like doing at school? Ask a friend Then, write Yes or No O.A What has your village or city got? Look and tick () O.A MY HOUSE AND MY FAMILY Page 61 Do you help at home? Tick () the tasks you O.A FESTIVALS Page 62 Which is your favourite festival? Look and put the festivals in order Write 1, 2, and O.A top row: 3, bottom row: 2, What festivals your friends like? O.A MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Page 63 What can you find in your neighbourhood? Colour the places O.A Draw and write two more places in your neighbourhood O.A What jobs people in your village or city? Draw O.A TRAVEL Page 65 How many hours you watch television? O.A What television programmes does your family watch? O.A Read and tick () O.A SOIL, AIR AND WATER Page 66 What is air like? Look and answer What is inside the balloon? Air When the air comes out of the balloon Can you see it? no Can you taste it? no Can you smell it? no Does it move? yes Is it strong enough to move other things? yes Can you feel it? yes Social Science 85 Answer keys NATURE Page 67 What clothes you wear in each season? Write and draw two examples These words can help you M.A spring: trousers, T-shirt summer: shorts, sandals autumn: trainers, raincoat winter: scarf, coat OUR PLANET EARTH Page 68 Observe the Moon at night Then, draw O.A 86 Social Science INVESTIGATE SCIENCE SONGS SCHOOL NATURE Page 69 Page 72 What does the song say? Circle Take a look at your classroom You cant it alone I can help my teacher I can help my mother Listen and draw trees for each season O.A WHERE I LIVE Page 70 Listen to the song and complete 1.In the city, where the buildings are so high 2.In the city, lots of traffic passes by 3.In the city, hospitals with doctors helping us 4.In the city, you can go anywhere by bus 5.In the city, the police take care of you 6.In the city, firefighters help you too 7.In the city, schools are filled with girls and boys 8.In the city, cars and machines are making noise Page 73 Which things does the song talk about? Listen and circle Then, answer islands, mountains, coast and river 1.4 2.5 3.5 OUR PLANET EARTH Page 74 Listen to the song Then, write 1, 2, and 4, 3, 1, SOIL, AIR AND WATER Page 71 Listen to the song Then, unscramble the sentences and write 1.Take a sip 2.Take a bath 3.Make plants grow 4.We use it every day Social Science 87 Art director: Josộ Crespo Design coordinator: Rosa Marớn Design team: Cover design: Pep Carriú Cover photograph: Leila Mộndez Design development coordinator: Javier Tejeda Design development: Raỳl de Andrộs and Jorge Gúmez Technical director: Jorge Mira Technical coordinators: Marisa Valbuena Layout: Pedro Valencia and Eva Hernỏndez Art coordination: Carlos Aguilera Photo research: Nieves Marinas and Marilộ Rodrigỏlvez Photographs: ARCHIVO SANTILLANA All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holders Any infraction of the rights mentioned would be considered a violation of the intellectual property (Article 270 of the Penal Code) If you need to photocopy or scan any fragment of this work, contact CEDRO (Centro Espaủol de Derechos Reprogrỏficos, www.cedro.org) â 2015 by Santillana Educaciún, S L / Richmond Publishing Avda de los Artesanos, Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid Richmond Publishing is an imprint of Santillana Educaciún, S L Printed in Spain CP: 657056 ISBN: 978-84-680-2858-3 DL: M-1557-2016 Richmond Publishing 58 St Aldates Oxford OX1 1ST United Kingdom

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 12:58

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