Match the words to the correct pictures and complete the crossword Then find a secret message 1 ball beach bag bucket camping crab deckchair flippers inflatable ring kite lifeguard sandcastle shells snorkelling starfish sunbathing sun cream sunglasses sunshade swimming surfing towel 3 8 11 1 1 Y 6 1 1 1 1 The secret message is _ Match the words to the correct pictures and complete the crossword Then find a secret message 1 ball beach bag bucket camping crab deckchair flippers inflatable ring kite lifeguard sandcastle shells snorkelling starfish sunbathing sun cream sunglasses sunshade swimming surfing towel 3 8 11 1 1 Y 6 1 1 1 1 The secret message is _ Match the words to the correct pictures and complete the crossword Then find a secret message S U N S H A D E B U C K E T C A M P I N G W I M M I N G S H E L L S C R A B K C H A I R T O W E L B A L L F L I P P E R S 11 S A N D C A S T L N C R E A M S D E C U S ball beach bag bucket camping crab deckchair flippers inflatable ring kite lifeguard sandcastle shells snorkelling starfish sunbathing sun cream sunglasses sunshade swimming surfing towel E Y S U R F I N G 2 I B E A C G B A G S N O R K E L L I L I F E G U A R D S U N G L A S S E S S T A R F I S H K I T E F L A T A B L E R I N T H I N G N G N S U N B A 1 1 G 1 The secret message is Summer holidays are great