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Sở GD&ĐT hải phòng Pgd đồ sơn --------------------- Đề số 1 đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh lớp 9 Học kì II - năm học 2003-2004 Thời gian 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) ------------------- ( Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút) Bài 1 ( 2,5 điểm ): Viết lại các câu sau , sử dụng từ trong ngoặc sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi: 1. They use a lot of wood pulp. Many trees are cut down. ( The more ) 2 He works hard. He earns a lot of money. ( The harder ) 3. The T.V programme is interesting. Nobody wants to miss it. ( So . that ). 4. The lesson was difficult. I couldnt understand it . ( too .to ) 5. Are you very tall ? Can you reach that switch ? ( enough . to ). 6. He worked hard to earn money. He could not pay his debts. ( although ). 7. People say he is the best- known writer. ( He is ) 8. Mr Dickens was constantly in debt because he had many children. ( As a father ) 9. It was a dirty beach. We dicided not to stay. ( Such . that ) 10. He is very strong. He can carry the heavy luggage. ( enough ) Bài 2 ( 1,5 điểm ): Điền giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. 1.Charles Dickens was born . a poor clerk family. 2. His father was constantly . debt. 3. Charles Dickens left school . age . fifteen. 4. Uncle Ho , a great patriot, devoted all his life . the struggle . for the independence and betterment of his fellowmen. Bài 3 : ( 2 điểm ) : Đổi động từ trong ngoặc cho thích hợp. 1. My father had me ( carry ) that bag. 2. The teacher asked the pupils ( not talk ) in the class. 3. Do you enjoy ( ride ) your bicycle to the countryside at the weekends ? 4. The notebook you are using is made of used paper. The paper has been ( recycle) Bài 4 ( 1 điểm ) : Dịch sang tiếng Anh : Truyền hình của chúng ta thờng xuyên có 13 kênh. Thay đổi kênh sẽ giúp bạn chọn chơng trình mà bạn a thích. Bài 5 ( 3 điểm ) How do you think about Charles Dickens. ( from 8 to 10 sentences ) 1 Sở GD&ĐT hải phòng Pgd an l oã --------------------- Đề số 2 đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh lớp 9 Học kì II - năm học 2003-2004 Thời gian 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) ------------------- Bài 1: Supply the correct tense of the berbs in brackets. 1. Mrs Lan ( to be ) (1) a nurse for 20 years. She first ( start ) (2) working at a small hospital. After she ( to work ) (3) there for 10 years, her family ( to move ) (4) to a big city. Since then she ( to be ) (5) a nurse at a big hospital there. 2. How long they ( to be ) (1) here ? I ( not to know ) (2) exactky. May be, they ( to be ) (3) here since 7 o'clock. Bài 2: Complete these sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1.H 5 N 1 is a disease. (danger) 2. She looks in her new coat. (attract) 3. He is the student in our class. (good) 4. Nam is an member of our club. (act) 5. We like going in his car as he is a driver (care) Bài 3: Rewrite the following sentences. Don't change meaning. 1. I can't underdtand this difficult lesson. - This lesson is too 2. She doesnt ask me so I don't lend her a bicycle. - If . . . 3. What a pity. He isn't here with us now. - I wish . . 4. He is too young to see that film. - He isn't . . 5. Who does this bicyle be long to ? - Whose . Bài IV: Complete these sentences using the words or phrase provided. 1. It / not easy / learn / a foreign language. 2. You are advised / not / cross / those busy streets / rushhours. Bài V. Read the following paragraph and then answer questions. Oliver Twist, a novel written by Charles Dickens and first published in 1838, is the story of a poor orphan boy who was born in the work house. In those days orphans were often ill-treated and halp starved. The boys in the orphanage where Oliver Twist lived used to be hungry. Once they cast losts to decide who would ask for the second helping at supper that evening. The task fell to Oliver and he asked the master for some more food. As a result of this, he got terrible punishment from the master. 2 1. Who was the author of the novel Oliver Twist? 2. What is the novel about ? 3. Did the boys in the orphanage where Oliver Twist lived have a happy life or an happy life ? And why? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Së GD&§T h¶i phßng Pgd ng« quyÒn --------------------- §Ò sè 3 ®Ò kiÓm tra m«n tiÕng anh líp 9 Häc k× II - n¨m häc 2003-2004 Thêi gian 60 phót (Kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò) ------------------- I/ Read carefully the following passage : ( 2p ) 3 Forests are useful to man in many ways. They are the home of wild animals. In the forests there are many kinds of plants. Forests supply materials for producing medicines and wood for making everything. We always need wood for building, cooking and heating. Forests help us prevent heavy rain from washing the earth away, especially on mountains. Saving forests has become an urgent problem, for all nations in the world. Make questions and answer the questions : 1. What / forest / supply / us ? 2. What / forest /help / us / prevent ? II/ Rewrite these sentences ( 1,5 p ) 1. The exam question was so easy that all the students got it right. It was such . 2. They thinhk the burglar got in though the bathroom window. The burglar 3. You watch TV a lot. You know much about the world. The more 4. It is so cold that we can’t bathe. It is too . 5. Nam had his car repaired by a mechanic. Nam had a 6. We can’t sit on the grass because it is too wet. The grass isn’t . III/ Supply the correct form of words ( 2 p ) 1. I gave him a second . of hamberger. ( help ) 2. My mother is . at my success. ( delight ) 3. He has very high . of his only son. ( expect ) 4. To keep fit you shoul do exercies. ( regular ) IV/ Find words which mean ( 1p ) 1. A person who is in debt to another : 2. To give somebody what he wants or needs : 3. Paper for printing newspapers : 4. A child who has lost one or both of its parents by death : 5. A person who watches television : V/ Supply the correct form of the verbs ( 1,5 p ) 1. She advised me ( not go ) there alone. 2. Whel she ( ring ) the office yesterday morning, Tom already ( go out ). 3. The teacher makes his pupils ( work ) very hard. 4. I think your bicycle need ( repair ). 5. Those children ( play ) football since 8 o’clock ? VI/ Complete these sentences using the words or phrases : 1. You / read / Oliver Twist / write / Charles Dickens ? 2. This coffee / strong / that / I / not / drink / it. 3. Mr Minh / said / be / good / lawyer. 4. The hard / he / work / money / he / earn. 4 Sở GD&ĐT hải phòng Pgd cát hải --------------------- Đề số 4 đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh lớp 9 Học kì II - năm học 2003-2004 Thời gian 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) ------------------- I.Choose the best answer : a,b,c or d, by circling the letter before it .(2 points) 1.Mr Hung is always strict his children. (a- to;b- of ; c- about ;d- with) 2.Everybody .healthy after summer holidays. (a- looked at ; b- looked ;c- looked for ;d- looked after ) 5 3.The new members of a class are called the (a-new friends;b- pupils;c- newcomers;d- special friends ) 4.My mum does her .shopping on Sundays. (a-weekly; b- week ;c- day; d- daily ) 5.The .of the book is the important part of a book report. (a-title; b- writer; c- content;d- idea ) 6.The children were by colourful posters at the circus, and they forgot about the time . (a-tamed ; b- attracted ; c- promissed; d - brought ) 7.They were so fond of the performing animals that they about them. (a-had a good time ; b- admired ; c- kept to talk ; d - kept talking) 8.After the examinations, we had a lot of .during the summer holiday. (a- recreations ; b - reference ; c- solidarity ; d- celebrations. II.Fill each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets .( 2 points) 1.He drives (care) he has had some accidents this year . 2.The production of the Paper Mill Bai Bang is the (high) .this year. 3.This article was written by a good (report) . .… 4.You should (apology) .your teacher when you are late for classes . 5.There were fifty (compete) .in the talent contest. 6.Maria (accident) .broke the flower-vase while playing in the house. 7.Although the surgeon did his best, the (operate) .was (success) 8.Prevention is cheaper and more (effect) . than (treat) .… III.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2 points) A. Mrs Hanh (1.be) .a teacher of English for 20 years now. She first (2. start) .teaching English at a small school in the countryside. After she (3. teach) there for fifteen years , her family (4.move ) .to this town. Next school year she ( 5. work) .for our school. She ‘s an excellent teacher. B. I woke up one Sunday morning and discovered that my sandals (6.miss) . I (7.search) .high and low for them when my brother (8.rush) . in to my room (9.exclaim ) .: (10.Come ) quickly! The neighbour’s dog has taken our shoes. IV.Fill each blank in the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (1 point) 1.Jim should have asked help instead .trying to do it himself. 2.The children are excited going to the circus. They are looking forward .seeing the elephants, the clowns and the acrobats. 3.We didn’t have to wait .the train. It arrived time. 4.Alice is responsible .locking all the door and windows and making sure all the lights are turned before she leaves work in the evening. 5. “King Lear” is .Shakespeare, and you can find more his play in the bookcase. V.Read this pasage then write T at the beginning of the sentence if if it true “ ” and F if it is false to the passage (2 “ ” points). 6 Human beings have set some very odd records. You can read about these in The Guinness Book of World Records. For example, there was an American womwn who set a very strange record a few years ago. She cut and ate the longest piece of peel from an apple . The peel was actually 52 metres long . Someone else put 49,999 dominoes in a line and knocked them all down. He gently pushed the first domino down in a line. When it fell, it knocked the second domino down, and so on. There was also a student who practised catching grapes in his mouth. After much practice, he caught a grape which someone threw from 73 metres away. He proudly claimed that it was a record. 1.The records that people try to set each year are not new but unusual. 2. An American cut some apple peel that she cut was over fifty metres. 3.The length of the apple peel that she cut was over fifty metres. 4. There was a person who knocked almost fifty thousand dominoes down with a single push. 5.The person who put 49,999 dominoes in a line and knocked them down was a American. 6.That person had to push each domino down with a push. 7.There was a student who set a record for catching apples in his mouth. 8. The student could catch a grape which someone threw from over seventy metres away in his hands. VI.Make all the changes and additions neccessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, complete sentences.(1 point) 1.My father /can/not/speak/English/but/can/French. . 2.There/not/any/milk/table/but/some/fridge. . 3.How far/it/your house/school ? . 4.What/you/do/last Sunday morning ? . 5.Tom/usually/take/bus/London . Sở GD&ĐT hải phòng Pgd kiến thuỵ --------------------- Đề số 5 đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh lớp 9 Học kì II - năm học 2003-2004 Thời gian 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) ------------------- Question1: Supply the correct tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. They (give) me the letter a the few minutes ago 2. My father (work) in this factory for many years. 3.It Tom (go) with his friends, he would have a lot of fun 4. An interesting book (read) by my daughter now 5.When my fiend came, we (learn) our lessons for our exam Question2: Choose the words or phrases that best complete the planks 7 1.My sister plays the guitar a. Beauty b.Beautiful c.Beautifully 2.We should help the people .house were destroyed in the fire last week. a.Who b. That c.Whose. 3. Lan in intersted reading books a. on b. in c. of. 4. She takes care of the books in the library.She is a a. Teacher b.Librarian c. Worker 5. The old man us to close the door after leaving a. Asked b.Had c.Made. Question 3: Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the boxes. Games, First, Medalr, Records, Part, Held. The Games of 1896 were (1) in Athens and they were the first international Olympic (2).Teams were sent by thirteen countries. The soviet athleter first took (3) in the 15 th Olympic Games in Helsinki in 1952 and each time the Game are held, they are given the largest number of (4). For the (5) time, theVietnamese took part in the 22 nd Olympic Games in 1980 Question 4: Rewrite the sentences using the words given. 1. He was too old to work in that fashion company. He was not . 2. If you work hard, you will find it easy to get good marts. The harder 3. "You'd better not get up late", my mother said My mother advised 4. He was constanly in debt because he was the father of a large family. As . Question 5: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. He always driver his car (careful) 2. Television is one of the (cheap) forms of (entertain) Question 6: Answer the questions. 1. Where did the Game of 1896 take place ? 2. How many countries were there ? 3.When did the 15 th Olympic Games take place ? 4. When did the Vietnamese Athleter participate in the Games for the first time ? 8

Ngày đăng: 29/05/2013, 23:20

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