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  • .I Introduction

  • .II Literature review

  • .III Aims of the research

  • .IV Rationale and justification of the research

  • .V Methodology

    • .V.1 - Participants

    • .V.2 - Research instruments

    • .V.3 - Materials

    • .V.4 - Procedure

    • .V.5 - Results

    • .V.6 - Discussion

  • .VI Conclusion

Nội dung

SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỒNG NAI Đơn vị: Trường THPT chuyên Lương Thế Vinh Mã số: SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM TOPIC-BASED VOCABULARY TEACHING TO STUDENTS MAJORING IN ENGLISH Người thực hiện: HỒ THỊ THẢO TRINH Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Quản lý giáo dục  Phương pháp dạy học môn tiếng Anh Phương pháp giáo dục Lĩnh vực khác Có đính kèm:  Mô hình  Phần mềm     Phim ảnh Năm học 2011 - 2012  Giáo án điện tử SƠ LƯỢC LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC I THÔNG TIN VỀ CÁ NHÂN 1.Họ tên: HỒ THỊ THẢO TRINH 2.Ngày tháng năm sinh: 28 tháng 11 năm 1973 3.Chức vụ: Đảng: Chính quyền: Đơn vị công tác: Trường THPT chuyên Lương Thế Vinh II TRÌNH ĐỘ ĐÀO TẠO Trình độ: Thạc sỹ Tốt nghiệp: Victoria University III KINH NGHIỆM KHOA HỌC Đã trực tiếp tham gia giảng dạy: 16 năm Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm năm gần đây: o Using role-play to encourage students’ active participation during speaking activities at LƯƠNG THẾ VINH HIGH SCHOOL o Teaching grammar in light of communicative language teaching o Applying communicative activities in english reading class SỞ GD&ĐT ĐỒNG NAI CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Trường THPT chuyên Lương Thế Vinh Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc _ _ Biên Hoà, ngày 03 tháng 05 năm 2012 PHIẾU NHẬN XÉT ĐÁNH GIÁ SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM Năm học: 2011 – 2012 Tên chuyên đề: TOPIC-BASED VOCABULARY TEACHING TO STUDENTS MAJORING IN ENGLISH Họ tên tác giả: HỒ THỊ THẢO TRINH Tổ: Ngoại ngữ Lĩnh vực: Quản lý giáo dục   Phương pháp dạy học môn tiếng Anh Phương pháp giáo dục   Lĩnh vực khác Tính - Có giải pháp hoàn toàn  - Có giải pháp cải tiến, đổi từ phương pháp có  Hiệu Hoàn toàn triển khai áp dụng toàn ngành có hiệu cao  - Có tính cải tiến đổi từ giải pháp có triển khai áp dụng toàn ngành có hiệu cao  - Hoàn toàn triển khai áp dụng đơn vị có hiệu cao  - Có tính cải tiến đổi từ giải pháp có triển khai áp dụng đơn vị có hiệu  - Khả áp dụng - Căn luận khoa học cho việc hoạch định đường lối sách: Tốt  Khá  Đạt  - Đưa giải pháp khuyến nghị có khả ứng dụng thực tiễn dễ thực dễ vào sống: Tốt  Khá  Đạt  - Đã áp dụng thực tế đạt hiệu có khả áp dụng đạt hiệu phạm vi rộng: Tốt  Khá  Đạt  XÁC NHẬN CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ .I Introduction Nowadays, it is widely accepted that vocabulary plays an important part in language teaching and should be at the centre of language teaching More and more researchers have realized the importance of vocabulary acquisition in second language teaching According to McCarthy (1990), without words a learner cannot communicate or read David Wilkins (cited in Thornbury, 2002), when mentioning the shift of focus from grammar as the central anchor of language teaching to the lexicon, emphasizes the importance of vocabulary acquisition as follows, “ without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” Traditionally, the teaching of vocabulary was mostly incidental, limited to presenting new items as they appeared in reading or sometimes listening texts This indirect teaching of vocabulary assumes that vocabulary expansion will happen through the practice of other language skills, which has been proved not enough to ensure vocabulary expansion Today, it is widely accepted that vocabulary teaching should be part of the syllabus, and taught in a well-planned and regular basis Some authors, led by Lewis (1993) argue that vocabulary should be at the centre of language teaching, because “language consists of grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalized grammar.” Read (2004) emphasizes that a more direct and organized study of vocabulary and vocabulary instruction will be helpful for second language learners although they certainly acquire word knowledge incidentally while engaged in various language learning activities The more their word knowledge increases, the more their other language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) will develop With this thought in mind, many researchers conducted their research dealing with vocabulary They inspired me to continue with this topic for my vocabulary teaching to students majoring in English .II Literature review There are two main approaches to teaching vocabulary: incidental learning often known as implicit learning and intentional learning often referred to as explicit learning (Rieder, 2002) Incidental vocabulary acquisition can be defined as a “by-product” of any language learning, whereas intentional vocabulary learning is defined as “any activity geared at committing lexical information to memory” (Hulstijn,2001 p.271) Incidental vocabulary learning could be attained by extensive reading, whereas intentional vocabulary learning could be attained by implementing a lexical syllabus based on word lists In a case study, Pigada and Schmitt (2006) indicated that vocabulary acquisition is possible from extensive reading The authors asserted that extensive reading leads to enhancement of knowledge about the spelling, meaning and grammatical behaviour of words in the text They concluded that extensive reading leads to substantial vocabulary learning, but it is not consistent across all word knowledge types (i.e., form, meaning, and use) All three word knowledge facets were enhanced in only 6% of the cases studied This seems to justify the suggestion of many researchers that incidental learning should be followed up with intentional learning (Hulstijn, Hollander and Greidanus, 1996) and explicit vocabulary teaching (Nation, 2005) A study of EFL Indonesian students by Nurweni and Read (1999) verified that given that students had little access to resources for acquiring English outside the classroom, direct teaching of high-frequency words was an efficient way to expand their vocabulary knowledge and thus to achieve better coverage of the running words in academic texts The authors pointed out one of the reasons of the limited vocabulary knowledge of the students was little attention to vocabulary teaching, thus they assumed that more focused in-class vocabulary teaching would bring about positive outcomes Another argument in vocabulary teaching is whether or not vocabulary should be taught in or out of context Qian (1996) conducted research to test which approach to vocabulary teaching is more effective in terms of retention of target words His results, as well as other research on the same subject, imply that learning words out of context results in better retention than learning words in context However, Qian concludes that both approaches should be integrated in the classroom Tozcu and Coady (2004) also conducted research with two groups of students, the treatment group studied frequent vocabulary explicitly through CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), whereas the control group studied the same vocabulary implicitly by reading texts and doing reading comprehension exercises Both groups showed gains in vocabulary acquisition However, the treatment group showed significantly greater gains There is no doubt that both methodologies need to complement each other for best results A combination of both implicit and explicit approaches is introduced in Hunt and Beglar’s (2005) framework for EFL vocabulary development In this framework, implicit instruction and learning strategy includes “meaning- focused reading” which is aimed at increasing learners’ vocabulary size through extensive reading and development their fluency Explicit strategies include “studying decontextualized lexis”, “using dictionaries”, and “inferring vocabulary meaning from context.” The main purpose of explicit instruction are learners’ acquisition of new vocabulary knowledge In applying both explicit and implicit pedagogical approaches in the framework, Hunt and Beglar (2005) demonstrated their belief that such a combination is mutually beneficial and offers the most effective means for promoting lexical acquisition in EFL contexts .III Aims of the research This research aims to find answers to the following questions: Is there significant vocabulary development if topic-based vocabulary is taught? Is there improvement in the students’ attitude towards learning English if they are taught topic-based vocabulary? IV Rationale and justification of the research Krashen (1989) believes that vocabulary is best attained through a large amount of extensive reading A learner has to be exposed to a tremendous amount of reading for incidental learning to occur, and relying only on reading would mean that it would take too long for learners to acquire the lexis needed to reach higher vocabulary thresholds (Laufer, 2003) This could be done by implementing an extensive reading program to encourage learners to read as much as possible For high school students in Vietnam, however, this seemingly couldn’t be done because they have to focus on many subjects Therefore, English vocabulary they acquire is mostly from the textbook I am teaching English in Luong The Vinh high school, Dong Nai province This is the seventh year I am performing the new curriculum for high school students Each unit in the new English textbook, which is task-based, consists of five parts in order: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Language focus Compared with the old curriculum, the new has been welcomed by both teachers and students However, it has received many complaints from the students majoring in English In the survey of students’ attitude towards the new English textbook (class 10) at the end of the last school year, more than two-thirds of 10th grade students majoring in English said that teachers should focus more on teaching vocabulary to help them have more word knowledge, be able to use vocabulary appropriately in writing and speaking, and understand the messages more deeply from advanced reading and listening texts Especially, if they master more vocabulary, they will be more confident to participate in many examinations for good students Through the survey, we teachers find it necessary to implement topic-based vocabulary teaching with careful compilation to help them concentrate on learning English more enthusiastically and confidently There is no doubt that vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important needs of any ESL learners Therefore, topic-based vocabulary teaching in classrooms should be carried out to help students acquire vocabulary and have positive attitude towards four language skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing Previous studies have been done much valuable work in the field of vocabulary teaching The present study, which is being implemented in my class (11 English 2), aims to examine the effect of topic-based vocabulary teaching on students’ vocabulary acquisition and their attitude towards studying English .V Methodology V.1 - Participants The subjects of this research are 20 students of class 11 English in Luong The Vinh high school .V.2 - Research instruments Two main research instruments are used The first is a questionnaire whose aim is to discover students’ attitudes towards studying English This questionnaire is completed on the first day of the school year Another questionnaire is filled out on the last day of the school year to test their attitude towards studying English after a period of learning topic-based vocabulary The second is a multiple-choice vocabulary test .V.3 - Materials 20 lessons with up-to-date topics: Leisure activities, Travel and movement, News events, Places, Media and advertising, The natural world, Work, Business and money, People and relationships, Social problems, Entertainment, Government and society, Health and the body, World issues, Thinking and feeling, Technology, Quality and quantity, Education, The energy crisis, The Green revolution, Urbanisation are compiled from some sources such as Advanced Language Practice ( Michael Vince), Vocabulary for IELTS (Paulyne Cullen)… V.4 - Procedure a 20 students of grade 11 English are given a multiple-choice vocabulary pretest before learning topic-based vocabulary They the test for 45 minutes The contents of the test are from the sources mentioned in V.3 The first questionnaire is given out prior to the pretest and only after the subjects complete the questionnaire are they able to begin the test b The papers are graded and are never given back to the students Any type of feedback are not provided c At the end of the school year, the same test are administered After the test, the students fill out another questionnaire to test their attitude towards studying English .V.5 - Results For the pretest, there are papers got from to 8.5 marks, papers got from 6.5 to 7.5, and papers got from to Most of them showed their attitude that the teacher should teach them more vocabulary which is based on interesting topics For the test at the end of the schoolyear, papers got 10 marks, 15 papers got from to 9.5, and paper got 7.5 All of the students felt more active in learning English and confident in participating in English tests and examinations .V.6 - Discussion Research question 1: Is there significant vocabulary development if topic-based vocabulary is taught? Teaching English is a hard job, but teaching English to gifted students is a harder one Teachers endlessly study, try to find many ways to teach them effectively and create inspiration among those students Gifted students can generally communicate well, having learnt all the basic structures of the language However, they need to broaden their vocabulary to express themselves more clearly and appropriately in a wide range of situations Designing topic-based vocabulary lessons clearly contributes to enriching their vocabulary, which later helps them take part in other skills more actively For my gifted students, their ability to use words correctly is being more and more improved Research question 2: Is there improvement in the students’ attitude towards learning English if they are taught topic-based vocabulary? Without a careful compilation of vocabulary, students will have difficulty in reading, speaking, writing and listening and then become tired of learning English By learning topic-based vocabulary, they find out many interesting things about meanings and usage of words Their attitude towards learning English is, therefore, more 10 ideal has been lost, but the fact is, sport has become more and more professional in the wider sense, not only requiring total dedication from (6) champions, but also expensive facilities, training and nutritional advice 1) A audience B watching C spectator D viewing 2) A associations B confederations C authorities D bodies 3) A practices B occurrences C acts D operations 4) A branch B division C wing D limb 5) A doers B players C makers D performers 6) A hopeful B aspiring C striving D wishful Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box board draw lap referee runner-up dive fan oar round whistle a) While I was rowing across the lake I lost one .oar… b) Neither team deserved to lose and the match ended in a c) Ruth was well out in front by the end of the fifth d) After the rugby match David was attacked by an angry e) Brian impressed everyone with his into the pool f) Our gym teacher used to make us stop by blowing a g) During the chess game Carol knocked all the pieces off the h) Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second i) During the match one of the spectators offered the his glasses j) Denise won the race and her sister was Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences a) Later in the programme we have highlights of two big matches played earlier today: Ajax met Juventus while Barcelona took… on Porto The weightlifter who allegedly took… performance-enhancing drugs has been named today On my doctor's advice, I took… up yoga in order to relax b) The transfer of Mario Rossi to Manchester United has been approved by the of directors The new pool has a slide, water chute and diving In any game of chess, the queen is the most powerful piece on the whole c) Right now Evans is very in confidence; she needs to start winning a few races again There was a disappointingly turnout for the youth club's open day When you're cycling up a steep hill you will need to be in a gear 15 d) the earth down around the roots after you've planted the flower Jim's Dad took him out into the middle of the pool and showed him how to water I've got my photos drying out on the kitchen floor, so whatever you do, don't on them! e) Unbelievable - what an amazing around! Smith has come from behind to take the gold medal! As I'd never played this card game before, the others let me have another and Walton showed a of speed that left his opponents for dead 16 VOCABULARY – Travel and movement Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase Most big cities were built long before the heyday of the private car As a result they rarely have enough space for moving traffic or parked vehicles, and long queues of (1) C vehicles are a common sight Indeed some cities end up being almost permanently (2) during the day Those that have a relatively free (3) of traffic at non-peak periods of the day not escape either The (4) hour of early morning or early evening can easily see traffic brought to a (5) The effects of exhaust (6) on air pollution in cities has been well documented Buses might be seen as the solution, but they move slowly because of the sheer (7) of other traffic, thus encouraging more commuters to abandon (8) transport 1) A standing B settled C stationary D static 2) A stuffed B saturated C crammed D congested 3) A flow B current C tide D flood 4) A push B rush C hasty D hurry 5) A standstill B hold-up C jam D freeze 6) A smells B odours C fumes D stinks 7) A size B volume C breadth D depth 8) A civic B mass C public D popular Match each person from the box with one of the comments a) I love wandering through the countryside along deserted footpaths b ) I'll bring you your drink in just a minute, madam c) I've been waiting all morning at this roundabout for someone to stop d) I was just walking down the street opposite the bank when I saw it happen e) I've spent the last half an hour looking for a spot It's hopeless f) I'll ring the bell for you, love, when it's time to get off g) The sign clearly says two hours only and you've been here all day h) It's just impossible getting across the road here We need a subway, i) Do you think you could go a little more slowly, I'm a bit nervous j) This train is late every morning It has been for years Complete the text with words formed from the words in capitals The Manager Transworld Air Portugal Street 17 London Dear Sir or Madam, I travelled last week on a Transworld Airbus from London Gatwick to Copenhagen This was the (1) ….outward……journey of a holiday in Denmark, OUT a (2) tour arranged through a company called 'Sunset' My PACK (3) was due to leave at 8.20 am on Tuesday 25th November, but did FLY not in fact leave until 20.30, a delay of more than eight hours The reason given was that vital (4) work had to be carried out Although all MAINTAIN passengers were given a free meal, no other offer of (5) was given ASSIST Such a long delay is totally 6) , and I feel justified in the ACCEPT circumstances in requesting some form of financial (7) COMPENSATE I have written to the tour (8) , who denied responsibility and OPERATE advised me to write to you I look forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully, Charles Rogers Both options make sense Underline the one which forms a common collocation a) We managed to complete our journey ahead of/in front of schedule b) On our way to York, we divided/broke our journey in Peterborough c) As I wasn't coming back by train, I asked for a single/simple ticket d) The two coaches collided/bumped, but luckily no one was injured/wounded e) There has been widespread public enmity/opposition to the plan for a new road f) My car skidded/slipped off the road and hit a tree g) The train was packed, and there was standing place/room only h) Look at that enormous goods/industrial train - it must have 20 or 30 wagons! i) The police accused Donald of breaking the speed limit/restriction j) The Chairman made a brisk/flying visit to the company's new office in Brussels Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space Anyone who has gone on a skiing holiday at a ski (1) ….D… of any size will be familiar with the age-old problem - the eternal wait for ski lifts and cable cars Well, there is an alternative If you feel like something just a little different why not try heli-skiing in Canada? Somewhere in the snowy wastes of the Rocky Mountains the helicopter will deposit you and your group onto a slope of virgin snow that you have all to yourselves It is all a (2) cry from the busiest slopes of, say, Switzerland, France and Italy You are fifty miles from the nearest town and there is nothing remotely (3) a ski-lift, so you have to (4) on legs, skis and the chopper You might see the (5) mountaingoat or grizzly bear, but there won't be (6) of other skiers There are one or two disadvantages Your friendly helicopter pilot might just put you down in a five-metre snow (7) And freezing weather might ground your helicopter and leave you (8) in the 18 wilderness 1) A spot B haunt C refuge D resort 2) A different B strange C far D long 3) A resembling B appearing C seeming D looking 4) A count B trust C rely D reckon 5) A occasional B sometime C incidental D irregular 6) A bunches B hordes C throngs D swarms 7) A dune B pile C mound D drift 8) A deserted B stranded C marooned D aground Replace the words underlined in each sentence with a form of one of the words given It may be necessary to use a plural or a particular verb form a) Ann got off her horse and picked up her riding hat b) As the plane went faste r down the runway, David began to sweat nervously c) Without realising it, Jim drove backwards into a lamp post d) In thick fog, the two ships ran into each other outside the harbour e) Passengers who wish to get off at Hove should travel in the front coach f) Please up your safety belt before we begin the journey g) The captain refused to put at risk the safety of the crew h) The balloon rose up gracefully into the summer sky Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences a) It only takes one small accident to .w?fa…… up the traffic for several hours The new Atlantic airbus will … №.W…… about 700 passengers Like it or not, it is the train and not the car which will w.'ff… the key to the future of domestic travel b) Why don't you just get the goods delivered to your house, and yourself two-hour car journey into the city-centre? By driving at 70 km/h instead of 100, you can a lot of petrol I'm trying to up for a trip to Canada, so I can't afford to buy much at the moment c) The Department of Transport have a deadline of June for completion of the new motorway Because of the strike by air traffic controllers, delays are to continue well into next week The trains in Switzerland are so punctual you can your watch by them d) The train was delayed because of ice on the 19 After the accident there was a solid of cars stretching back for several miles In a new initiative announced today, police are to take a harder on speeding motorists e) After a while the we had been following became thick undergrowth Right, now, I want you to run twice around the for a warm-up Sorry, I've rather lost of my argument 20 VOCABULARY – News events Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space Reports that the government is about to (1) C… the go ahead to plans for the building of a new runway at London's Gatwick airport have angered local (2) and raised fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution The (3) plans also include permission for additional night flights and will (4) the compulsory purchase of farmland, (5) the demolition of a number of private homes According to sources close to the Ministry of Transport, the government is known to be concerned by the increasing (6) of traffic at London Heathrow, where there are no plans for further runways in the foreseeable (7) Gatwick is widely (8) as a better (9) for expansion than London's third airport, Stansted, which still (10) from poor transport links A spokesperson for the Keep Gatwick Quiet association, (11) up of local people, accused the government of (12) back on promises made before the General Election 'We were told then that the airport authority had no (13) of building another runway, and we believe that the government has a duty to (14) its pledges.' Prominent figures in the government are also believed to be concerned at the news, although the Prime Minister, interviewed last night, is (15) as saying that reports were 'misleading' However, he would not give an assurance that plans for building a runway had definitely been rejected 1) A sign B make C give D approve 2) A inhabitants B dwellers C occupants D residents 3) A controversial B debatable C notorious D doubtful 4) A involve B concern C assume D need 5) A further to B as well as C moreover D what's more 6) A sum B size C volume D length 7) A years B period C time D future 8) A regarded B believed Cfelt D held 9) A potential B outlook C prospect D likelihood 10) A affects B undergoes C experiences D suffers 11) A made B set C brought D taken 12) A getting B falling C going D turning 13) A desire B intention C wish D objective 14) A bear out B count on C pull off D stand by 15) A quoted B known C thought D written Both options make sense Underline the one which forms a common collocation a) The two men, disguised/transformed as security guards, overpowered staff at the bank and escaped with £150,000 b) The pilot was the one/sole survivor of the crash 21 c) The fire extensively/widely damaged the 500-year-old building d) Mr Johnson was taken to Maidstone General Hospital where his condition was described as 'critical/perilous' e) The government spokesperson declined to speak about/comment on the matter f) A woman and a man were later detained/arrested for questioning g) The findings/results of the committee are due for publication this week h) The government agreed that the problem must be removed/tackled at once i) We must be very careful with sensitive/difficult issues such as this, to avoid giving offence, j) A police spokesperson admitted that detectives were baffled/upset by Mr Day's disappearance, but were hoping to come up with an explanation Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box a) With Smith out injured, there is little … prospect …… of City reaching the next round b) After heavy rain, during the race were hazardous c) It is common that Douglas intends to retire at the end of the season d) Two French and two English forwards were involved in an ugly just before half-time e) Miss Schmidt easily secured her in the next round with a confident display of power tennis f) The final day begins with the Australian team on the of victory g) Whether Alberto was offside is a matter of , in my view h) I have every that Jack Wood is the man to lead our team to victory i) There is no concrete that anyone in the team has taken drugs j) The club has disclaimed for the damage, blaming it on supporters from London Complete the collocation or fixed phrase in sentences (a-j) using endings (1-10) a) The union is drawing up6 b) The managing director said that recent events had put c) No one holds out d) He went on to say that the company prided e) Both sides have agreed to meet on a regular f) The union has since challenged 22 g) Others believe that both sides would jump at the h) It is unlikely that the union will moderate i) The management stated that the problem had been exaggerated out of j) The minister said that he put himself at the basis from now on, he added all proportion, and that an agreement was close a strain upon everyone employed by the company its demand for a shorter working week the figures given to the press by the financial director new proposals to put to the employers disposal of both sides in the dispute itself on its good relations with all its employees chance to resume negotiations without delay 10 much hope for the success of the discussions Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one of the collocations or fixed phrases from the box a) I am not thinking of resigning at the moment b) Everybody is aware that Smith has a criminal record c) We all know what caused the closure of the factory d) The report has made people afraid that others may be at risk from the disease e) We shall try hard, although there is not much chance of winning f) A hospital spokesperson refused to confirm that the injured man had been shot g) Some conservationists advocate an immediate ban on hunting h) Commenting on the weekend travel chaos, the rail company attributed this to a combination of snow and high winds In each headline, replace the word or words underlined with one of the 'headline' words from the box bid clash held toll boost cleared looms set vows 23 a) Miners' union promises to fight over local pay deals Vows……… b) Change to school funding aims to increase teacher numbers c) Newspapers and union going to clash over pay claim d) Man found innocent in bank robbery case e) British attemp t to aid refugees turned down f) Woman arreste d by police after pub shooting g) Number of people killed rises to six h) Rail strike approaches i) Ministers in disagreement over pay rises Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals Press (1) speculation… continues over whether the Prime Minister is SPECULATE on the point of calling a General Election An (2) is expected ANNOUNCE shortly from government headquarters Political (3) believe ANALYSE that the timing of an election is crucial to the (4 of the SURVIVE government Michael Lee of the 'Independent' commented: 'We've had repeated (5) from the Prime Minister that no ASSURE election would be called this year, but present circumstances may just cause him to change his mind.' Six months ago this would have been THINK (6) An election would have been (7) suicide, and would certainly POLITICS have led to the (8) of the government The government was DOWN coming in for severe (9) because of its education policy It was CRITICISE also widely attacked for its (10) involvement in the arms DISASTER export scandal, and for its (11) to address the problem of FAIL (12) But according to recent opinion polls, the electorate is EMPLOY impressed at the way the PM has restored party (13) and UNITE / overcome the internal (14) which were threatening to rip the DIVIDE party apart Michael Lee comments: There would be some (15) in calling an election pretty soon In JUSTIFY fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happens within the next day or two.' 24 TEST I’m not keen on control of the project to a relative newcomer A undertaking D picture B staged C created D led B make by C make over D make up B way C set D turn B admitted C cared D treated B take in C get at D pick up If you in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble A persist 10 C piece Can you the BBC World Service on your new radio? A put on B figment The Health Minister was in a private hospital last week A operated D not I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right of mind A frame C no I’m afraid we haven’t got a spare bed Can you with a mattress on the floor? A make B very He was unable to keep up the pace by the first three runners A set D alloting I’m sure that never happened – it’s just a of your imagination A fantasy C entrusting Our party chairman is great admirer of the Prime Minister A some B charging B continue C decide D react Many local authorities realise there is a need to make for disables people in their housing programmes A assistance 11 B conditions C admittance D provision Although the producer is to the reactions of his audience, he feels he must portray a “real” situation A enthusiastic 12 B respectful C sarcastic D sympathetic They’ve sold out of tickets for the football match tonight, so we’ll just have to make of it and go to the cinema instead! A a mess 13 B a meal C the best D a mountain Some intriguing new facts to light during the course of the investigation A came B brought C turned D made 25 14 The pollution problems in the town have been by mass tourism in the summer months A exacerbated 15 B developed C augmented D contributed You really shouldn’t buy that car I know the engine is fine, but most of the bodywork has been away by rust A eaten 16 B dissolved C erased D crumbled I’ve given up trying to make my sister see sense, and now I’m to the fact that she is going to marry Jason A adapted 17 D accepted B basket C box D kettle A new of programmes on wildlife will be shown on Channel in the autumn A episode 19 C.adjusted The quality papers are a different of fish from the gutter press A pan 18 B resigned B series C serial D sequel As I boarded the train, I was suddenly by the arm and ushered towards a firstclass carriage A clutched 20 B grabbed C caught D plucked Although she has three children of her own, this 32-year-old mum has four others for the local authority A upheld 21 C existed D persisted B aid C support D save B possibility C opportunity D chance By the on her face, I’d say she was absolutely furious A view 25 B remained There is a good it will rain as the sky is very overcast A capability 24 D sustained Thousands of children will starve to death if emergency is not received soon A help 23 C fostered How could anyone have a fall from the top of that high cliff? A survived 22 B supported B sight C air D look Mr and Mrs Thompson a baby because they couldn’t have any children of their own A accepted 26 B adapted C adopted D admitted I promise to keep what you tell me in confidence A hardest B strictest C tightest D closest 26 27 When he retired he discovered that his pension only gave him enough to basic expenses A cover 28 D claims B preserve C conserve D deserve B sharply C punctually D accurately B life C lifestyle D lifespan B deposit C discount D bargain B charge C expense D fare B clamp down C tighten up D narrow down B omit C emit D admit They hate zoos as they believe it is cruel to keep animals A under arrest 39 C refuses Cars and factories toxic fumes that pollute the environment A commit 38 B confesses After the break-in, the company decided to security A straighten up 37 D pushed On the weekend, children are admitted to the museum free of A cost 36 C put The hotel gives a to regular customers A reservation 35 B got The average of a dog is about fifteen years A livelihood 34 D maintain If you are not here at a.m., the bus will leave without you A concisely 33 C attain Citizens should the law to the best of their ability A observe 32 B retain He to have visited the United States more than a dozen times A declares 31 D manage I’ve had the car for 15 years so it was about time I rid of it A took 30 C fund They are so wealthy they can six homes without even noticing the expenses A contain 29 B spend B in captivity C behind bars D under observation I’m afraid it’s been a while since I read the report – could you just my memory with a few facts? A revive 40 B refresh C review D renew Although her proposal for the new ad campaign was a good one, it was because it was similar to one already used A turned down B turned back C turned off D turned away 27 41 I'm afraid I don't have much experience in dealing with teenagers A profound 42 B fractious C straitening D remarkable This new biography provides a fascinating account of the adventures of one of the most explorers A intrepid 43 B impenitently B prigation B zephyr B gabardious B multifarious B warfarantic C impeccably D impracticably C stiltation D laughter C nadir D shyness C.indentious D preferable C plethora D number C sycophantic D frantic The sales director said that the decline in the company's sales last month was just a temporary A abnegation 52 D terminable There was laughter from the audience at every one of his terrible jokes A titivantic 51 C demure There's a of restrictions on who can apply for benefits A swarthy 50 B penance She is almost embarrassingly to anyone in authority A obsequious 49 D argued The defeat was the of his career A zenith 48 C arboured There was in the crowd as the winning point was scored A jubilation 47 B acquiesced As usual he was dressed A impetuously 46 D intimate She gave him a smile A thatch 45 C intramural She begged to be allowed to go and her parents finally A argoted 44 B intricate B apprention C aberration D fact If teachers continue to pass students, who have little knowledge in the subjects they are studying, then the whole system of education in Poland will eventually be A demassed 53 D degraded B foresook C forsaken D foresaken Simon has a rather manner which I find offputting A haughty 55 C debrowed The house and garden had a look A forsook 54 B debased B primafity C intuitity D baggy He manages to combine two strands of the English character which is conservatism with flashes of eccentricity A innate B inmate C inscrute D inaudible 28 56 Example sentences help convey the of meaning of a word A nuptials 57 B obtuse C obviate D obstinate B penchant C penitent D penetrate Anyone with a of common sense could have seen that the plan wouldn't work A modicum 60 D nucleus Her for disappearing for hours at a time is worrying her parents A pennant 59 C nubiles Surely the answer's obvious - or are you being deliberately A obtrude 58 B nuances B modulum C modisem D momentum Harold has a steady job, a house in a respectable neighbourhood and leads a very life A stagnate B stale C staid D stagnant 29

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2016, 02:35



