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quantum field theory by michael sadovskii 2013

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A E= mc This eBook is downloaded from www.PlentyofeBooks.net ∑ PlentyofeBooks.net is a blog with an aim of helping people, especially students, who cannot afford to buy some costly books from the market For more Free eBooks and educational material visit www.PlentyofeBooks.net Uploaded By $am$exy98 theBooks DE GRUYTER Michael V Sadovskii QUANTUM FIELD THEORY STUDIES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 17 De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics 17 Editors Michael Efroimsky, Bethesda, USA Leonard Gamberg, Reading, USA Dmitry Gitman, São Paulo, Brasil Alexander Lazarian, Madison, USA Boris Smirnov, Moscow, Russia Michael V Sadovskii Quantum Field Theory De Gruyter Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme 2010: 03.70.+k, 03.65.Pm, 11.10.-z, 11.10.Gh, 11.10.Jj, 11.25.Db, 11.15.Bt, 11.15.Ha, 11.15.Ex, 11.30 -j, 12.20.-m, 12.38.Bx, 12.10.-g, 12.38.Cy ISBN 978-3-11-027029-7 e-ISBN 978-3-11-027035-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de © 2013 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Typesetting: P T P-Berlin Protago-TEX-Production GmbH, www.ptp-berlin.de Printing and binding: Hubert & Co GmbH & Co KG, Göttingen Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany www.degruyter.com Preface This book is the revised English translation of the 2003 Russian edition of “Lectures on Quantum Field Theory”, which was based on much extended lecture course taught by the author since 1991 at the Ural State University, Ekaterinburg It is addressed mainly to graduate and PhD students, as well as to young researchers, who are working mainly in condensed matter physics and seeking a compact and relatively simple introduction to the major section of modern theoretical physics, devoted to particles and fields, which remains relatively unknown to the condensed matter community, largely unaware of the major progress related to the formulation the so-called “standard model” of elementary particles, which is at the moment the most fundamental theory of matter confirmed by experiments In fact, this book discusses the main concepts of this fundamental theory which are basic and necessary (in the author’s opinion) for everyone starting professional research work in other areas of theoretical physics, not related to high-energy physics and the theory of elementary particles, such as condensed matter theory This is actually even more important, as many of the theoretical approaches developed in quantum field theory are now actively used in condensed matter theory, and many of the concepts of condensed matter theory are now widely used in the construction of the “standard model” of elementary particles One of the main aims of the book is to illustrate this unity of modern theoretical physics, widely using the analogies between quantum field theory and modern condensed matter theory In contrast to many books on quantum field theory [2, 6, 8–10, 13, 25, 28, 53, 56, 59, 60], most of which usually follow rather deductive presentation of the material, here we use a kind of inductive approach (similar to that used in [59, 60]), when one and the same problem is discussed several times using different approaches In the author’s opinion such repetitions are useful for a more deep understanding of the various ideas and methods used for solving real problems Of course, among the books mentioned above, the author was much influenced by [6, 56, 60], and this influence is obvious in many parts of the text However, the choice of material and the form of presentation is essentially his own For the present English edition some of the material was rewritten, bringing the content more up to date and adding more discussion on some of the more difficult cases The central idea of this book is the presentation of the basics of the gauge field theory of interacting elementary particles As to the methods, we present a rather detailed derivation of the Feynman diagram technique, which long ago also became so important for condensed matter theory We also discuss in detail the method of functional (path) integrals in quantum theory, which is now also widely used in many sections of theoretical physics vi Preface We limit ourselves to this relatively traditional material, dropping some of the more modern (but more speculative) approaches, such as supersymmetry Obviously, we also drop the discussion of some new ideas which are in fact outside the domain of the quantum field theory, such as strings and superstrings Also we not discuss in any detail the experimental aspects of modern high-energy physics (particle physics), using only a few illustrative examples Ekaterinburg, 2012 M.V Sadovskii Contents Preface v Basics of elementary particles 1.1 Fundamental particles 1.1.1 Fermions 1.1.2 Vector bosons 1.2 Fundamental interactions 1.3 The Standard Model and perspectives Lagrange formalism Symmetries and gauge fields 2.1 Lagrange mechanics of a particle 2.2 Real scalar field Lagrange equations 11 2.3 The Noether theorem 15 2.4 Complex scalar and electromagnetic fields 18 2.5 Yang–Mills fields 24 2.6 The geometry of gauge fields 30 2.7 A realistic example – chromodynamics 38 Canonical quantization, symmetries in quantum field theory 40 3.1 Photons 3.1.1 Quantization of the electromagnetic field 3.1.2 Remarks on gauge invariance and Bose statistics 3.1.3 Vacuum fluctuations and Casimir effect 40 40 45 48 3.2 Bosons 3.2.1 Scalar particles 3.2.2 Truly neutral particles 3.2.3 CP T -transformations 3.2.4 Vector bosons 50 50 54 57 61 3.3 Fermions 3.3.1 Three-dimensional spinors 3.3.2 Spinors of the Lorentz group 3.3.3 The Dirac equation 3.3.4 The algebra of Dirac’s matrices 3.3.5 Plane waves 63 63 67 74 79 81 viii Contents 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 Spin and statistics C , P , T transformations for fermions Bilinear forms The neutrino The Feynman theory of positron and elementary quantum electrodynamics 83 85 86 87 93 4.1 Nonrelativistic theory Green’s functions 93 4.2 Relativistic theory 96 4.3 Momentum representation 100 4.4 The electron in an external electromagnetic field 103 4.5 The two-particle problem 110 Scattering matrix 115 5.1 Scattering amplitude 115 5.2 Kinematic invariants 118 5.3 Unitarity 121 Invariant perturbation theory 124 6.1 Schroedinger and Heisenberg representations 124 6.2 Interaction representation 125 6.3 S -matrix expansion 128 6.4 Feynman diagrams for electron scattering in quantum electrodynamics 135 6.5 Feynman diagrams for photon scattering 140 6.6 Electron propagator 142 6.7 The photon propagator 146 6.8 The Wick theorem and general diagram rules 149 Exact propagators and vertices 156 7.1 Field operators in the Heisenberg representation and interaction representation 156 7.2 The exact propagator of photons 158 7.3 The exact propagator of electrons 164 7.4 Vertex parts 168 7.5 Dyson equations 172 7.6 Ward identity 173 ix Contents Some applications of quantum electrodynamics 175 8.1 Electron scattering by static charge: higher order corrections 175 8.2 The Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment 180 8.3 Renormalization – how it works 185 8.4 “Running” the coupling constant 189 8.5 Annihilation of e C e into hadrons Proof of the existence of quarks 191 8.6 The physical conditions for renormalization 192 8.7 The classification and elimination of divergences 196 8.8 The asymptotic behavior of a photon propagator at large momenta 200 8.9 Relation between the “bare” and “true” charges 203 8.10 The renormalization group in QED 207 8.11 The asymptotic nature of a perturbation series 209 Path integrals and quantum mechanics 211 9.1 Quantum mechanics and path integrals 211 9.2 Perturbation theory 219 9.3 Functional derivatives 225 9.4 Some properties of functional integrals 226 10 Functional integrals: scalars and spinors 232 10.1 Generating the functional for scalar fields 232 10.2 Functional integration 237 10.3 Free particle Green’s functions 240 10.4 Generating the functional for interacting fields 247 10.5 ' theory 250 10.6 The generating functional for connected diagrams 257 10.7 Self-energy and vertex functions 260 10.8 The theory of critical phenomena 264 10.9 Functional methods for fermions 277 10.10 Propagators and gauge conditions in QED 285 11 Functional integrals: gauge fields 287 11.1 Non-Abelian gauge fields and Faddeev–Popov quantization 287 11.2 Feynman diagrams for non-Abelian theory 293 396 Chapter 14 Nonperturbative approaches The Lipatov idea is to search for the steepest descent in (14.188) not simply over g, but over g and ' simultaneously: ˇ ıS.'/ ˇˇ D 0, (14.189) ı' ˇ'c S.'c / D gc (14.190) The solution of these equations exists for all interesting models and is realized on a spatially localized instanton 'c x/ The steepest descent approach is applicable here for large N , independent of its applicability to the initial functional integral (14.187) This fact is of prime importance; in the general case an exact calculation of the functional integrals is impossible, but they are easily calculated by steepest descent This allows us to determine the general form of large N asymptotics of the perturbation theory coefficients for any physical characteristics (such as Green’s functions, vertex parts, etc.) for different models of quantum field theory The typical form of Lipatov asymptotics for the perturbation coefficients of an arbitrary function F g/ has the form (14.191) FN D c €.N C b/aN , where €.x/ is the €-function, and parameters a, b, c depend on the specific problem under discussion In a concrete model of field theory the constant a is universal, the parameter b depends on the physical function F g/ under study, and c contains dependence on external momenta (or coordinates) The appearance of €.N C b/ N Š in (14.191) simply reflects the factorial growth of the number of diagrams with the order N of perturbation theory Obviously, such asymptotic behavior of perturbation theory coefficients corresponds to the divergent series! The knowledge of Lipatov asymptotics in combination with the exact results for a few lowest orders of perturbation theory, obtained by direct diagrammatic calculations, gives information on the perturbation series as a whole Approximating the complete series by the sum of lowest order contributions with asymptotics of higher orders, and applying the mathematical methods of the summation of the divergent series, we can obtain approximate solutions of an arbitrary physical problem The most common method to deal with a divergent (asymptotic) series of perturbation theory is to use so-called Borel transformation We can divide and multiply each term of the series by N Š and use the integral representation of the €-function, so that after the interchange of summation and integration, we can write Z Z 1 X X X FN FN FN g N D dx x N e x g N D dx e x gx/N F g/ D NŠ N Š N D0 N D0 N D0 (14.192) The power series in the right-hand side is in most cases converging (it actually has factorially improved convergence!) and defines Borel transform B.z/ of the function 397 Section 14.6 The end of the “zero-charge” story? F g/, which can now be determined from the following integral transformation: Z F g/ D dx e x B.gx/ , B.z/ D X FN N z , NŠ (14.193) N D0 Borel transformation gives the natural method of summation of a factorially divergent perturbation series of quantum field theory9 14.6 The end of the “zero-charge” story? In Chapter 13 we stressed the importance of the asymptotic behavior of the GellMann–Low function ˇ.g/ at large values of the coupling constant g for the internal consistency of quantum field theory However, until recently, only perturbation theory estimates of ˇ.g/ were available, and no definite conclusions on its behavior at large g could be drawn Below we shall present some nonperturbative arguments due to Suslov, allowing us to find this asymptotic behavior in analytic form [66] For simplicity we shall consider the O.N / symmetric Euclidean ' theory in d dimensional space with the action10 Z S ¹'º D ddx ² X N r'˛ /2 C 12 m20 ˛D1 N X ˛D1 '˛2 C 18 u ÂX N Ã2 ³ '˛2 , (14.194) ˛D1 where u D g0 ƒ and D d Actually, this is the direct analogue of equation (10.160) used in the theory of critical phenomena Here we are using lattice regularization of ultraviolet divergences, introducing the cut-off ƒ a , where a is the lattice constant Following the usual renormalization group formalism, we consider the “amputated” vertex € n/ with n external lines of field ' The multiplicative renormalizability of the theory means that we may write the direct analogue of equation (13.76) as n/ (14.195) € n/ pi ; g0 , m0 , ƒ/ D Z n=2 €R pi ; g, m/ , so that divergence at ƒ ! disappears after extraction of the proper Z-factors and their transfer to the renormalized charge and mass, which are denoted here as g and m We shall accept the renormalization conditions at zero momentum: ˇ ˇ 2/ D m2 C p C O.p / , €R p; g, m/ˇ p!0 ˇ ˇ 4/ D gm , (14.196) €R pi ; g, m/ˇ pi D0 10 A detailed discussion of methods to deal with divergent series of perturbation theory can be found in the review paper [65] Generalization to QED is more or less straightforward 398 Chapter 14 Nonperturbative approaches which are typical for applications in the phase transitions theory From equations (14.196) and (14.195) we can obtain expressions for renormalized g, m, Z in terms of the “bare” quantities:  à ˇ @ ˇ 2/ € p; g , m , ƒ/ , Z.g0 , m0 , ƒ/ D ˇ 0 pD0 @p ˇ ˇ , m2 D Z.g0 , m0 , ƒ/ € 2/ p; g0 , m0 , ƒ/ˇ pD0 ˇ ˇ (14.197) g D m Z g0 , m0 , ƒ/ € 4/ pi ; g0 , m0 , ƒ/ˇ pi D0 Applying the differential operator d=d ln m to (14.195) for fixed g0 and ƒ gives the direct equivalent of the Callan–Symanzik equation (13.82), which for large momenta has the form jpi j=m Ä @ @ n/ (14.198) C ˇ.g/ n g/ €R pi ; g, m/ , @ ln m @g where functions ˇ.g/ and g/ are defined as ˇ dg ˇˇ , ˇ.g/ D d ln m ˇg0 ,ƒD const p ˇ d ln Z ˇˇ g/ D ˇ d ln m ˇ , (14.199) g0 ,ƒD const and according to the general theorems depend only on g Now we shall show how the renormalization group functions are expressed via functional integrals The functional integrals of ' -theory are determined as Z / x , : : : , x / D D' '˛1 x1 /'˛2 x2 / '˛M xM / exp S ¹'º/ Z˛.M M :::˛M (14.200) Fourier transform of equation (14.200) can be written as / Z˛.M p1 , : : : , pM /N ıp1 C CpM :::˛M X / D Z˛.M x1 , : : : , xM /eip1 x1 C:::CipM xM :::˛M x1 ,:::,xM D KM pi /I˛1 :::˛M ıp1 C (14.201) CpM where N is the number of sites on the lattice, which is implied in the definition of the (regularized) functional integral, and symmetry factors I˛1 ˛M are similar to those discussed in Chapter 10 in relation to critical phenomena Now we have Z 0/ D K0 , 2/ Z˛ˇ p, p/ D K2 p/ı˛ˇ , 4/ Z˛ˇ ı ¹pi º D K4 ¹pi ºI˛ˇ ı (14.202) where I˛ˇ ı is given by an expression similar to that in equation (10.168) Now we can introduce the vertex part € 4/ by the usual relation for two-particle (4-point) Green’s 399 Section 14.6 The end of the “zero-charge” story? function: 4/ G˛ˇ 2/ ı 2/ 2/ p3 / N ıp1 Cp2 C G˛.2/ p1 /Gˇ ı p2 / N ıp1 Cp3 ı 2/ 2/ C G˛ı p1 /Gˇ p3 / N ıp1 Cp4 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 4/ G˛˛0 p1 /Gˇˇ p2 /G p3 /Gıı p4 /€˛0 ˇ 0 ı p1 , : : : , p4 / p1 , : : : , p4 / D G˛ˇ p1 /G (14.203) 2/ where G˛ˇ pi / are single-particle (2-point) Green’ functions Extracting factors I˛1 :::˛M we have 2/ G˛ˇ p/ D G2 p/ı˛ˇ , 4/ G˛ˇ ı ¹pi º D G4 ¹pi ºI˛ˇ ı 4/ €˛ˇ , ı ¹pi º D €4 ¹pi ºI˛ˇ ı (14.204) Now we can write G4 D K4 , K0 €4 D G4 D G24 K4 K03 , K24 (14.205) K0 K0 KQ 2 C p , K2 K22 (14.206) and G2 D K2 p/ , K0 €2 p/ D K0 D G2 p/ K2 p/ where for small p we have written KQ p C K2 p/ D K2 (14.207) Expressions for the Z-factors, renormalized mass, and charge follow from (14.197): Ä @ K22 € p/ D , (14.208) ZD @p K0 KQ pD0 K2 , (14.209) m2 D Z€2 0/ D KQ  Ãd=2 K2 K4 K0 , (14.210) g D m Z €4 D K22 KQ and d m2 D d m20  K2 KQ Ã0 D K20 KQ K2 KQ 20 KQ 22 , (14.211) where the prime denotes the derivatives over m20 Parameters g0 and ƒ are considered to be fixed, while m2 is a function of m20 only and derivative d m20 =d m2 is defined by 400 Chapter 14 Nonperturbative approaches the expression inverse to (14.211) Using the definitions (14.199) we have μ  Ãd=2 ´ K2 K40 K0 C K4 K00 /K2 2K4 K0 K20 K4 K0 KQ ˇ.g/ D C2 d K22 K22 K2 KQ 20 K20 KQ KQ (14.212) " # K2 KQ K00 K0 KQ 20 g/ D 2 (14.213) K2 K0 KQ K2 KQ 20 K20 KQ These equations determine ˇ.g/ and g/ in parametric form: for fixed g0 and ƒ, the right-hand side of these equations are functions of m20 only, while dependence on the specific choice of g0 and ƒ is absent due to general theorems Any infinities in the right-hand sides of equations (14.212) and (14.213) can be induced only by the zeroes of functional integrals11 It is clear from equation (14.210) that the limit g ! can be achieved by two ways: tending to zero either K2 or KQ For KQ ! equations (14.210) and equations (14.212), (14.213) give  Ãd=2  Ãd=2 K2 K2 K4 K0 K4 K0 gD , ˇ.g/ D d , g/ ! , (14.214) K2 K22 KQ KQ and the parametric representation is resolved as ˇ.g/ D dg , g/ D , g ! 1/ (14.215) For K2 ! 0, the limit of g ! can be achieved only for d < 4: ˇ.g/ D d 4/g , g/ ! g ! 1/ (14.216) The results (14.215) and (14.216) probably correspond to different branches of the function ˇ.g/ It is easy to understand that the physical branch is the first one Indeed, it is commonly accepted in phase transitions theory that the properties of ' -theory change smoothly as a function of space dimension, and the results for d D 2, can be obtained by analytic continuation from d D All the available information indicates the positivity of ˇ.g/ for d D 4, and consequently its asymptotics at g ! is also positive The same property is expected for d < by continuity The result (14.215) does obey such a property, while the branch (14.216) does not exist for d D at all According to our discussion in Chapter 13, the behavior of the Gell-Mann–Low function given by equation (14.215) corresponds to the continuous growth of the renormalized charge as we go to the region of strong coupling at small distances, and signifies the consistency of quantum field theory without “pathologies” like a Landau 11 This is the most nontrivial moment of our discussion Actually, it can be shown that zeroes of the functional integrals can be obtained by a rather subtle compensation of the contributions of the trivial vacuum and some instanton configuration with finite action Section 14.6 The end of the “zero-charge” story? 401 “ghost pole” (or a “zero-charge” problem) However, it should be clearly understood, that during our discussion here we have skipped many subtle details, which are to be looked for in original papers, as well as the difficulties which are making this pointof-view less than commonly accepted Bibliography [1] A A Abrikosov, L P Gor’kov, and I E Dzyaloshinskii, Quantum Field Theoretical Methods in Statistical Physics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965 [2] A I Akhiezer and V B Berestetskii, Quantum Electrodynamics, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965 [3] D Amit, Field Theory, the Renormalization Group and Critical Phenomena, McGrawHill, New York, 1978 [4] S Aoki et al., Quenched Light Hadron Spectrumm, Phys Rev Lett 84 (2000), 238 [5] V B Berestetskii, Problems of Physics of Elementary Particles, Nauka, Moscow, 1979 (in Russian) [6] V B Berestetskii, E M Lifshitz, and L P Pitaevskii, Quantum Electrodynamics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982 [7] F A 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Usp Fiz Nauk 86 (1965), 303 Index action functional, 12 integral, adiabatic hypothesis, 133, 134 anomalous dimensions, 344 magnetic moment, 182 anticommutators, 83 antiparticle, 53 antiscreening, 206, 351 area law, 368, 369 asymptotic behavior, 200 expansions, 209 freedom, 5, 190, 347, 348 baryons, Bethe–Salpeter equation, 114 bilinear forms, 86 bispinor, 75, 76 Borel transformation, 396 Bose statistics, 46 Callan–Symanzik equation, 343, 344 cancellation of vacuum diagrams, 165 Casimir effect, 48 force, 50 charge conjugation, 58, 85 color symmetry, 38 commutation relations, 43 Compton effect, 140 conditional degree of divergence, 327 confinement, 371 of quarks, 350 connected diagrams, 161, 257 conservation laws, conserving current, 16 Coulomb gauge, 40 counter-terms, 338 covariant derivative, 23, 25, 33 CP T -theorem, 59 critical exponents, 271, 276, 277 phenomena, 264 cutoff, 178, 207 diagram rules, 256 diagrammatic rules, 108, 154 dimensional analysis, 329 regularization, 331 dimensionalities, 13, 77 dimensionality of coupling constants, 247 dimensionless coupling constants, Dirac equations, 74, 75 matrices, 75, 79 discrete symmetries, 57 divergence, 178 Dyson equation, 166, 167, 172, 261 "-expansion, 272, 277 effective action, 262, 373 potential, 374 electron propagator, 141, 142, 145 self-energy part, 166 energy-momentum tensor, 15 Euclidean path integrals, 378 evolution operator, 129 Faddeev–Popov Ansatz, 292 Faddeev–Popov determinant, 291 “ghosts”, 293 “false” vacuum, 389, 391 Feynman diagram, 98, 138 407 Index Feynman’s rule, 101, 103, 145, 235 fixed points of the Gell-Mann–Low equation, 346 4-point function, 254 functional derivative, 226 integral, 213, 216, 225 integration, 237 fundamental bosons, fermions, gauge field, 24 Gauss–Poisson integral, 217 Gaussian functional integral, 239 integral over Grassmann variables, 281 model, 236, 266 Gell-Mann–Low equation, 207 function, 207, 208, 345, 400 generating functional, 231, 232 of interacting theory, 249 of interacting Dirac fields, 284 “ghost pole”, 190 Ginzburg–Landau theory, 310 global gauge transformations, 19 gluons, Goldstone theorem, 308 Goldstones, 308 gradient transformations, 22 grand unified theories, 356 Grassmann algebra, 278 variables, 278 Green’s function, 93, 95, 104, 211 hadrons, Heisenberg representation, 125 helicity, 78, 88, 90 Higgs bosons, 310 phenomenon, 310, 316 high temperature expansion, 364 homogeneous functions, 343 infrared catastrophe, 182 stable fixed point, 346 instanton, 381–383, 391, 396 instantons and metastable states, 387 integral over Grassmann variables, 279 integration in d-dimensions, 331 interaction representation, 126 internal parity, 57 inversion of spinors, 72 of time, 58 irreducible self-energy part, 261 isotopic space, 18, 24 Klein–Gordon equation, 14, 51 Lagrange function, Lagrangian, 12 Lamb shift, 180, 181 Landau functional, 265 gauge, 148 “ghost pole”, 346, 401 lattice gauge theory, 361 leading logarithm approximation, 269 leptons, link variable, 365 Lipatov asymptotics, 396 local gauge transformations, 20 field, loop expansion, 334 Lorentz condition, 41 group, 55 transformations, 55 Majorana neutrino, 90 Mandelstam variables, 120 mass operator, 166 surface, 50 masses and lifetimes of fundamental fermions, massive vector bosons, Maxwell equations, 40, 41 408 measurability of fields, 47 mechanism of mass generation, 305 Meissner effect, 311 Moscow zero, 190, 204, 206, 270 multiplicative renormalization, 341 n-point function, 258, 260 negative eigenstate, 394 Noether theorem, 16 non-Abelian gauge field, 27 normal product, 149 normalized generating functional, 250 optical theorem, 122 orbit of the gauge group, 290 order parameter, 265 Ornstein–Zernike correlator, 266 parquet equations, 267 path integral, 213 perimeter law, 370 phase transitions in quantum field theory, 324 photon propagator, 136, 146, 148 self-energy part, 162 physical charge, 185 mass, 262 Planck energies, length, plaquette, 366 Poincaré transformations, 56 polarization operator, 162 primitively diverging diagrams, 198 principle of least action, 12 Proca equation, 61, 310 propagator, 93, 95, 211 quantization, 42, 52 of Yang-Mills fields, 287 quantum chromodynamics, 38 electrodynamics, 175 mechanics “imaginary time”, 220 quarks, Index regularization, 330 relativistic notations, 11 renormalizability, 179, 185, 192, 200 renormalization, 179, 335 factor, 194 group, 188, 273, 342 renormalized charge, 179 running coupling constant, 5, 189, 190, 345 Rutherford scattering, 175 S -matrix, 115, 129 scattering amplitude, 115 cross-section, 117 matrix, 115, 129 Schroedinger representation, 124 screening, 206 second quantization, 43 single-particle irreducible diagrams, 261 spatial inversion, 86 spin and statistics, 84 spin-statistics theorem, 6, 54 spinors, 64, 67, 68 and 4-vectors, 69 of a higher rank, 65 spontaneous symmetry-breaking, 6, 305 Standard Model, 323 strong coupling expansion, 364 subtraction scheme of renormalization, 199 superstring theory, supersymmetry, symmetries, T -exponent, 132 T-ordering, 229 T -product, 131 tensor of Yang–Mills fields, 27, 28 thermodynamic analogy, 264 time inversion, 59, 85 Tomonaga–Schwinger equation, 128 two-particle Green’s function, 111, 171 2-point function, 252 ultraviolet divergences, 182, 253 ultraviolet stable fixed point, 346 409 Index unitarity condition, 121, 122 universality of critical behavior, 276 upper critical dimension, 272 vacuum fluctuations, 45, 48 polarization, vertex part, 169 virtual photon, 111 Ward identity, 174 Weyl equation, 87 Wick theorem, 149 Wilson loop, 367 Yang–Mills field, 25, 27, 28, 35, 312 zero charge, 190, 204, 206, 270, 401 zero mode, 385 Thank You Want More Books? We hope you learned what you expected to learn from this eBook Find more such useful books on www.PlentyofeBooks.net Learn more and make your parents proud :) Regards www.PlentyofeBooks.net [...]... complicated picture, which is expressed by the so-called “standard model” of elementary particles Now it is a well-established experimental fact, that the world of truly elementary particles1 is rather simple and theoretically well described by the basic principles of modern quantum field theory According to most fundamental principles of relativistic quantum theory, all elementary particles are divided... together with our main problem A M Polyakov, “Gauge Fields and Strings”, 1987 [51] Chapter 1 Basics of elementary particles 1.1 Fundamental particles Before we begin with the systematic presentation of the principles of quantum field theory, it is useful to give a short review of the modern knowledge of the world of elementary particles, as quantum field theory is the major instrument for describing the... Instantons in quantum mechanics 378 14.4 Instantons and the unstable vacuum in field theory 389 14.5 The Lipatov asymptotics of a perturbation series 395 14.6 The end of the “zero-charge” story? 397 Bibliography 402 Index 406 We have no better way of describing elementary particles than quantum field theory A quantum field... difficulties, due to the strong nonlinearity of this theory All variants of such quantization inevitably lead to a strongly nonrenormalizable theory, with no possibility of applying the standard methods of modern quantum field theory These problems have been under active study for many years, with no significant progress There are some elegant modifications of the standard theory of gravitation, such as e g., supergravity... suggested by Sakharov, when Einstein’s theory is considered as the low-energy (phenomenological) limit of the usual quantum field theory in the curved space-time However, up to now these ideas have not been developed enough to be of importance for experimental particle physics There are even more fantastic ideas which have been actively discussed during recent decades Many people think that both quantum. .. within the so-called electroweak theory All these interactions are characterized by corresponding dimensionless coupling con2 2 =„c, ˛Z D gZ =„c Actually, it was stants: ˛ D e 2 =„c, ˛s D g 2 =„c, ˛W D gW 8 Up to now we are writing „ and c explicitly, but in the following we shall mainly use the natural system of units, extensively used in theoretical works of quantum field theory, where „ D c D 1 The main... 2 !) by simple perturbation theory, similar to electromagnetic interactions Asymptotic freedom is reversed at large interquark distances, where the quark–gluon interaction grows, so that perturbation theory cannot be applied: this is the essence of confinement The difficulty in giving a theoretical description of the confinement of quarks is directly related to this inapplicability of perturbation theory. .. simply unimaginable for humans However, the effects of quantum gravitation were decisive during the Big Bang and determined the future evolution of the universe Thus, quantum gravitation is of primary importance for relativistic cosmology Unfortunately, quantum gravitation is still undeveloped, and for many serious reasons Attempts to quantize Einstein’s theory of gravitation (general relativity) meet with... regularization of ' 4 -theory 330 13.3 Renormalization of ' 4 -theory 335 13.4 The renormalization group 342 13.5 Asymptotic freedom of the Yang–Mills theory 348 13.6 “Running” coupling constants and the “grand unification” 355 14 Nonperturbative approaches 361 14.1 The lattice field theory ... interquark distance) to infinity, leading to nonexistence of free quarks The theory of interacting quarks and gluons is called quantum chromodynamics (QCD) 1.2 Fundamental interactions The physics of elementary particles deals with three types of interactions: strong, electromagnetic, and weak The theory of strong interactions is based on quantum chromodynamics and describes the interactions of quarks inside

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2016, 14:25

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Mục lục

    1 Basics of elementary particles

    1.3 The Standard Model and perspectives

    2 Lagrange formalism. Symmetries and gauge fields

    2.1 Lagrange mechanics of a particle

    2.4 Complex scalar and electromagnetic fields

    2.6 The geometry of gauge fields

    2.7 A realistic example – chromodynamics

    3 Canonical quantization, symmetries in quantum field theory

    3.1.1 Quantization of the electromagnetic field

    3.1.2 Remarks on gauge invariance and Bose statistics