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Những bài mẫu IELTS Writing band 8 từ examiners

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www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 The government’s money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects so as to help a country make progress and develop To what extend you agree or disagree? The news media have become more influential in people’s lives, some people think it’s a negative development, to what extent you agree or disagree? In some cities, the governments have tried to reduce traffic For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hours Do you think this development is positive or negative? ut or in g/ Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects To what extent you agree or disagree? ar T In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? co m /T he St We rely on the news for knowledge of the world, but we are unsure how far to trust journalists, what you think? And discuss what are the important qualities journalists should have //w w w fa ce bo ok In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines To what extend you agree or disagree? ht s: People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors To what extent you agree or disagree? www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 The government’s money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects so as to help a country make progress and develop To what extend you agree or disagree? Science plays an important role in a country’s future development, so some people suggest that it is necessary to invest governmental in science education and exclude other subjects from the support list I think paying more attention to science is reasonable but excluding other subjects certainly is not a rational choice In modern society, science education is far more important, especially when ut or in g/ comparing the countries that offer quality science teaching with the ones that barely support this subject As a result of constant support from the government, students in ar T many developed countries have access to rich resources to further explore their he St interests in this field Many of these students later become scientists who are able to /T contribute in solving difficult problems such as cancer cures, environmental co m problems, and that is why these countries develop faster and their citizens can //w w w fa ce bo ok maintain a higher standard of living By contrast, the countries with poor science education often end up with a slow development or with spending more money to buy hi-tech products from other countries However, a country’s development does not solely depend on science as other ht s: aspects will make a contribution too For example, language teaching will equip the young generation with essential skills to adjust to globalization, and with the skills they would be able to involve in global trade Art classes like painting and music will help students develop creative thinking and satisfy the ones who want to become artists and produce great works for art-related industries So I believe a high level of social development not only indicates how many satellites have been launched but also whether the educational system strongly supports other economic sectors To conclude, science education certainly deserves more governmental investments but it does not mean that other subjects are no longer important www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 The news media have become more influential in people’s lives, some people think it’s a negative development, to what extent you agree or disagree? Some people consider that the news media have negatively influenced people, but I would hold the opinion that the influence could also be beneficial in many cases In terms of some people’s negative attitude towards what is presented in the news, it is true that some newspapers and TV stations tend to report depressing events ut or in g/ that easily cause worries and concerns to viewers When people are constantly exposed to crimes and violence in the news, they would develop a sense of insecurity, ar T with which they may become hostile and suspicious to one another Also invasion of he St privacy is something that people like to associate with the bad reputation of the /T media Nowadays, celebrities are not the only victims as common people are targeted co m as well, and this is due to the fact that exposure of people’s private life earns more //w w w fa ce bo ok attention On the other hand, there are positive influences that we can benefit from The news media are an important platform that famous people cannot live without When they hold large events like fashion show, or the release of a new book or a new ht s: movie, they need the media to spread the information so that more people would know and possibly participate When the weather gets severe in winter, those who are affected by snow storm will rely on the news for further weather information in case they need to prepare to evacuate to a safe places in time So the above situations can justify that the increasing influence of the news media is not necessarily a negative development In conclusion, there are some news agencies that lack the awareness and caution of what they report However, I believe they are the minority and they cannot overshadow the overall convenience and importance that the news industry has brought to our lives www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 In some cities, the governments have tried to reduce traffic For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hours Do you think this development is positive or negative? In recent years, some governments have taken measures to reduce traffic congestion in cities by using punishments like imposing a tax on car users in order to ease the situation I would say that measures should be more considerate otherwise it could turn into a negative development Considering the fact that heavy traffic is mainly caused by the heavy reliance ut or in g/ on the use of private cars, limiting the use seems to be necessary and useful to solve this problem Some cities apply punishment like congestion tax, which can force a ar T number of people to choose other means of transportation, and ideally there will be he St fewer cars during peak traffic hours co m /T However, simply taxing people from using cars may just put off the normal rush hours till a later time, so there will always be many cars being stuck on the road //w w w fa ce bo ok no matter when In addition, most people finish their work at a certain time, if they want to avoid being fined for driving their own cars, they either have to wait longer in their office or take the already crowed buses and subway trains, which is another form of physical punishment In the long run, the congestion would still exist or harsh ht s: restriction can lead to complaints and outrage if the governments not consider other factors like poor road infrastructure and the inconvenience of taking public transportation In conclusion, reducing traffic makes commuting easier for everyone, but using punishment might only be effective to better the traffic condition for a short period of time, so governments should not solely rely on this type of method www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects To what extent you agree or disagree? Advertisers these days increase the amount of advertisements targeting children to promote their sales, and this tendency certainly causes negative effects on the young I think instead of banning completely, it is necessary to apply strict regulation on the amount and content For those advertisers who intentionally mislead children to overly consume ut or in g/ products that cause serious effects mentally and physically, there is a need to set harsh rules Some advertisements selling products like junk food and toy guns contain ar T misleading information which makes children believe that there is nothing wrong to he St buy these, even they should be proud of possessing these kinds of items As a result, /T health problems and accidents from wrong use occur to the young consumers, so //w w w fa ce bo ok and at any place co m these products should not be broadcasted on TV or other forms of media at any times As to those advertisements which normally display daily items that children may need like clothing, comic books, cartoon, they should not be treated the same as the highly harmful ones As quite a few parents consider many businesses as a tool to ht s: find useful products for their children, and moreover many businesses that product harmless children’s products rely on advertising to spread the information so that they can attract attention and make profits from potential customers To conclude, reducing the amount of misleading advertisements and monitoring the content are an urgent request for the sake of the young generation However, having all children-oriented advertisements disappeared from mass media will harm to innocent advertisements as well as the manufacturing industry behind, so this is not a legitimate solution to the problem www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Maternity leave is legal in many countries these days, and I think this policy is more advantages in many respects First of all, maternity leave allows women to have a good rest from exhausting pregnancy and painful delivery, which enables them to recover well and regain good health afterwards Without such a privilege, it is highly likely that some women ut or in g/ would face long-term health problems that may eventually affect their career and wellbeing ar T Second of all, new mothers will be able to make a solid connection with their he St newly-born children through regular breastfeeding and spending time together The co m /T first few months after birth is a fragile period for any baby mentally and physically, so they constantly need their mother’s attention and care If they are left to baby- satisfying //w w w fa ce bo ok sitters, the mother-child connection can be weakened and the care may not be quite Of course, some people may argue that employers would have to find temporary workers to take over the work for these women This is not only time- ht s: consuming but also risk-taking, as fewer candidates, especially those with special skills, would like to apply for a temporary position But I would say that the trouble can be avoided when the recruitment starts early Furthermore, when the new mothers come back to their workplaces, they will be even more loyal and hardworking towards their jobs for the reason that they have time to recover and they are still employed To conclude, in spite of the trouble that employers need to handle during the maternity leave, this policy creates great benefits for both women and businesses www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 We rely on the news for knowledge of the world, but we are unsure how far to trust journalists, what you think? And discuss what are the important qualities journalists should have The news has become an important source of information for people to connect with the world, however people often are disappointed by what they read or watch in the news due to the unreliability of the journalists I think our sense of uncertainly towards news media surely indicates some problems Generally speaking, most journalists are required to obey the rules in the news ut or in g/ industry In other words, they are not allowed to publicize unproved incidents and events under any circumstances and they have the obligation to carefully examine ar T details in their reports Yet, in many situations, the journalists may simply want to he St grab attention from readers and viewers by fabricating stories that can stir up public /T opinion, or they have to meet the deadlines so they are not able to double-check co m everything before turning in, so chances are the information could be false //w w w fa ce bo ok Therefore, a fully-qualified journalist should at least have the following two qualities First of all, they should be faithful with the truth, which is the main responsibility them should shoulder on order to avoid unwanted controversy or even hatred between different countries and races Second, no matter how long they have ht s: worked as a journalist, paying attention to details by all means is necessary as small organizations So having the above qualities is a must To conclude, it is inevitable that the news we have every day would contain misleading information as a result of attention-grabbing purpose or journalists’ carelessness So I would say that to be a responsible journalist, staying with the truth and working with an attitude towards details are the primary qualities they should have www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines To what extend you agree or disagree? Today, science and technology are way developed than before Some people think that modern society no longer needs to consume animal products like food or medicines I would say that this opinion is partly reasonable It is true that science has created a wide range of artificial materials for producing clothes, medicines and any other products that used to be made out of ut or in g/ animals Man-made replacements have appeared more powerful than animal products A typical example is that people used to wear fur to keep warm, but ar T nowadays there are better clothing products that can work exactly the same and are he St priced much lower Also in terms of medical treatment, newly-created drugs can /T fasten healing process, which largely shortens the recovering time for patients All co m these achievements show that no-animal products are better alternatives for modern //w w w fa ce bo ok lifestyle and it is time to change our shopping priorities Yet, however advanced our technology is, it is impossible to duplicate everything given by Nature The protein found in meat and milk is proved to be safe and natural for most people By contrast, supplement pills may provide a similar type ht s: of protein but they can never fully replace the natural ingredients, even scientists think there is a risk of taking these pills for a long time Also modern medicines like antibiotics generate more side effects than some traditional medicines, so the benefits may not offset the setbacks in this case To conclude, I believe that we surely can reduce the reliance on animals of food or other products, but it is still too early to abandon all animal products www.facebook.com/TheStarTutoringCompany Tel: +61 478 764 364 People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors To what extent you agree or disagree? Some people think that age is the main factor that affects people’s shopping habits, but I think this is only true in some cases Generally, people would consider what to buy and where to buy by referring to their peer’s choices Children mostly tend to buy things like snacks and toys for fun because these are other kid’s favorite In contrast, when one turns to 40, they might spend more of their savings on family-oriented purchases like groceries and home ut or in g/ appliances Moreover, as age increases, one likes to rely on a few trustworthy shops while younger people are more adventurous and they are inclined to try new stores ar T However, age factor is inadequate for explaining one’s shopping preference he St Financial condition is, in fact, more important Some young adults who are struggling co m /T with tuition fees often look for discounts in malls, but the ones from rich families will //w w w fa ce bo ok be the opposite Also, gender is another factor that can determine how one spends money Typically, men are less likely hesitant when they are buying clothes whereas women would spend far more time in comparing before they make the final decision Men mainly consider shopping as a way to buy necessary items, but women would see it as entertainment so that’s why they love to stay in a mall for the whole day ht s: To conclude, age is a common factor that shapes a person’s shopping habits, but it is certainly not crucial reason to explain most people’s shopping behavior as financial condition and gender can have stronger impacts as well

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2016, 18:45

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