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WRITING IELTS TASK Topic – Opinion (GỒM 46 ĐỀ VÀ HƠN 100 BÀI MẪU) The 21st century has begun What changes you think … Some sports are extremely dangerous but……… History tells that people have often thought about creating an ideal society Some languages are increasingly spoken in different countries For some people shopping is not just about buying what is necessary Nowadays for many people the Internet is replacing regular books Today, majority of children are raised by their grandparents Small shops in towns and villages are closing and replaced Competitive sports like football are considered to add a lot of value 10 Films can have effect on the children’s education 11 Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today 12 Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are the main sources in many countries 13 Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate 14 Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed 15 Nowadays, some universities offer graduate students skills that assist 16 Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children 17 Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel 18 In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only 19 Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between 20 Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us 21 Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students 22 Some people think that national sports teams and individual men and women 23 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in the local 24 Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain 25 Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students 26 Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic 27 Some people think that schools should select pupils according to their academic 28 Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds 29 Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables 30 Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist 31 It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances 32 Some people think that studying in a college or university is the best way 33 Many countries spend a lot of money in art 34 Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video 35 Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life 36 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries 37 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose 38 The number of cars keeps increasing, so road systems should be expanded 39 Some people think government should ensure the healthy lifestyle 40 Some people think that university students should specialize in one subject 41 Some people think the cheap air flight gives ordinary people more freedom 42 Some people think that children should obey rules or what their parents 43 Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer 44 Some people support development of agriculture, like factory farming 45 Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming 46 Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection The 21st century has begun What changes you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair The 20th century made huge steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier What should we expect in the 21st century? First of all, I think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another, from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes Second of all, I believe that we will be able to many things that take much time now without leaving our house Computers will be everywhere including out clothes Many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold huge amount of information and have a quick access to it But what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and Mars that will be available to all people Scientists say that Mars has many things similar to the Earth’s Moreover, they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow people to live there on the constant basis To sum up, I am sure that many amazing changes will be brought by the 21st century Furthermore, I think that with the help of the contemporary technologies people can many things that were even difficult to imagine a century ago So, nowadays it is rather difficult and even impossible to imagine all changes that will happen in the next decades Some sports are extremely dangerous but many people still like them very much Why dopeople take part in dangerous sports? Give some suggestions on how to deal with thesedangers Some sports are extremely dangerous but many people still like them very much.Why people take part in dangerous sports? Give some suggestions on how to deal with these dangers In recent years we have seen a considerable rise in dangerous or extreme sports This essay shall discuss some of the main reasons why people engage in such sports and suggest ways in which some risks involved in such sports can be reduced The main reason why people go for dangerous sports is that they get the thrill out of them They like taking risks They like to challenge their abilities and potentials They feel a sense of satisfaction when they come face to face with fears while bungee jumping, rock climbing and so on In addition, going through a dangerous experience gives them courage and confidence to face the hurdles of their daily life Another reason for pursuing such sports is that there is a lot of fame and money involved in them They get attention by doing stunts on motorcycles and jumping from tall buildings They make headlines in newspapers and TV News Channels They feel great when their name comes in the Guinness Book of World Records Once they get famous they get a lot of money also For instance, many businesses hire them to endorse their products They also get jobs on the basis of such skills Many steps can be taken to reduce the risks are that involved Firstly, these sports should be done under strict supervision All safety precautions should be taken Such sports should be performed after sufficient training and under supervision of adults Sport companies which cater to such sports should require a license for providing such training Some people suggest banning some sports However, I not believe that banning is a good solution We all know that forbidden fruits taste sweeter and people will such sports in hiding which would increase the risks involved To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, people such sports for fun, for money and for fame However, such sports should be performed after sufficient training from licensed companies and under some supervision History tells that people have often thought about creating an ideal society, but most of the times fail in making this happen What is your opinion about an ideal society? How can we create an ideal society? If we look at history, it is clear that since time immemorial, people have always wanted to create an ideal society but have been unsuccessful In the following essay, I intend to discuss what makes an ideal society and how we can create one An ideal society is a society where needs of the people regardless of their race, religion or wealth would be met Many great thinkers, such as Plato, Thomas More and Dr Martin Luther King Jr have offered their opinions on this to the public over the years However, these dreams failed because different people have different ideals about a perfect society To make it happen, either the ideals of all the people have to be fulfilled, or all the people would have to have the same ones Imagine a society with no crime, no terrorism, no warfare, no conflicts of cultures, no racism, no gender discrimination, no poisoned tongues, no killing, no lying, no stealing, no adultery and no excuses Such a society can never exist It would be wrong even to think of one A perfect society needs some kind of social inequality, or as I call it, a distinction in ability Those in the higher strata of society would be there because of their superior abilities and have greater responsibilities and, therefore, a higher social standing An ideal society should have some struggle If you had no struggle in life would you be happy? No, because that takes all the fun and enjoyment out of the difficulty, the losing, the failures, and the overcoming, the victory, the success There are many ways in which we can make an ideal society First of all, there must be democracy and a strong government which has the ability to rule over the country It should try to make the citizens life better by making better social and financial conditions to live There should be no corruption in the government Finally, I believe, one of the most necessary things of ideal society is freedom No people and no society are happy and ideal when they are not free However, we must remember that – ‘One’s freedom ends there where other’s starts’ If we will feel free and not disturb others freedom we will have ideal society An ideal society would allow complete freedom to everybody and complete individuality To sum up, I pen down saying that, a perfect society is difficult to attain as everyone has different concepts of an ideal society However, if we all respect our freedom and in doing so know our limitations, so that others can enjoy their freedom then it can be called an ideal society Some languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of others is rapidly declining Is this a positive or a negative development? Today, we not belong to a big planet called Earth We are part of a global village and there is more interaction among people of different parts of the globe than ever before Therefore, some languages are being spoken more and the use of a few languages is declining This is both – a negative as well as a positive development On the positive side, the increasing use of some languages is easing communication among people For example, English is now spoken in more than 86 countries of the world and French in around 33 countries In fact English has become the lingua franca in many parts of the world Because of this people not face difficulty when they travel from one country to the other What is more, if people speak the same language then they also find it easy to business with each other Global trade is based on good communication We all know that lack of communication gives rise to many misunderstandings Businesses cannot flourish if for every small communication an interpreter is required Nowadays, we belong to a 24/7 society Many multinational companies have opened in different parts of the world The rich nations who own these MNCs provide jobs to millions of people worldwide Naturally, a person who knows their language is better placed in these companies The pay package is also better and chances to work abroad also go up In a way the widespread use of a few languages also helps to decrease the gap between the rich and the poor On the downside, the decline in use of some languages is also something to be concerned about It is a well known fact that language and culture are inter-related If languages die out then culture also dies out We all enjoy life on this planet because of its diversity If diversity decreases, then boredom sets in and the earth becomes a dull and boring place to live in To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, the increase in use of a few languages and the decline of others is both a positive as well as a negative development This situation is an inevitable sequel of globalization If the governments take steps to protect the endangered languages, then the negative effects can be minimized For some people shopping is not just about buying what is necessary, but a form of entertainment Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and examples from your experience Shopping is generally thought of in terms of fulfilling needs Shopping is seen first as a function and secondarily as something that serves emotional and social needs As incomes have grown, choices have exploded and free time has increased, shopping has become entertainment as much as anything else This can be seen as both – a positive as well as a negative development In the following paragraphs I intend to explore the pros and cons of shopping as an entertainment On the positive side, shopping satisfies our needs Everyone needs the basics of life such as items of food, clothing and shelter Apart from that, needs vary from person to person The things which were considered the luxuries of yesteryears have become the necessities of today For example, the mobile phone has become a must-have for even the lower income group of people Many businesses and jobs thrive on the connectivity provided by the mobile phone and the internet Furthermore, shopping has given rise to the consumerist society of today This has given employment to many For instance, people are working in the manufacturing industries and in the retail sector also Mega stores and malls are also having a mushroom growth What is more, psychologists claim that the best way to cope with stress or any kind of strong and negative emotion is to hit the shops and plenty of shopping It is called retail therapy and, according to many, it is guaranteed to boost spirits On the negative side, excessive shopping makes us pile up things in the home which we don’t even need It also leads to a throw-away society which is detrimental to the environment To shopping, people need a lot of money and if this money does not come by fair means people resort to unethical means of getting it which leads to violence and crime in the society To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, shopping is good as long as it is done for need, but when it is done for greed then it becomes a bane So we should shopping only according to our requirement and then it will be a pleasurable experience also Nowadays for many people the Internet is replacing regular books What you think will happen in the future and what is your opinion? IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample Sample Answer 1: It is irrefutable that the Internet and the other forms of e-media have come as a threat to the physical book My view, however, is that despite the many threats, the book will remain as strong in the future as it was in the past Many people fear that the book may not survive because of the many threats it has been facing Films were an early threat because they were worldwide Besides, the affluent nations invest on infrastructural development in developing countries This also greatly contributes to the expansion of international business Apart from that, the wealthy nations supply technologies that also contribute to the expansion of business Most importantly, international cooperation overcomes cultural differences, language barriers, tension between nations, and so forth, which by consequence boosts international trade and commerce In a nutshell, international cooperation plays a vital role in protecting environment and expanding international business While it greatly contributes to protecting environment, the predominant benefit of it is worldwide business expansion Model Answer 5: Since the inception of the United Nations the term ‘international cooperation’ is creating a buzz This is made clearer with the number of organizations sprouting-up supporting international alliance On the one hand, it is believed that saving the environment is the main advantage of tie-ups between countries On the other hand, it is argued that intercontinental business is the major benefit of world co-operation Both arguments will be critiqued before reaching a conclusion It is felt by many that international coalition helps to curb environmental pollution For example, Kyoto protocol was signed by 191 countries to work together to halt the progression of climate change Now, these countries work harder to reduce the emission of green house gases from industries and vehicles Also, they are introducing stricter rules and regulations to manage the environmental issues This example clearly shows that collaborative approach aids in nature preservation It is easy to see why this argument has amassed a lot of support Others believe that global co-operation contributes to the development of trade For instance, American company, Apple markets iPhone all over the world Flexible trading regulations have made it possible Moreover, business outsourcing has created more jobs for people in developing countries This illustration proves the perks of global symbiosis on world commerce Thus, this concept is hard to ignore After analyzing these ideas, it is believed that international synergism contributes impartially towards the development of world business and environmental conservation Undoubtedly, these collaborations would bring in changes in other sectors as well Some people support development of agriculture, like factory farming and scientific creation of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose Discuss both views and give your opinion Same Topic – You should spend about 40 minutes on this task You should write at least 250 words IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample Sample Answer 1: Yesterday’s fiction is today’s reality Such colossal developments have taken place in agriculture which we could not even think of earlier It is a highly debated issue as to whether the growth of this industry is a blessing or a curse This essay shall delve into the merits and demerits of these developments On the positive side, farmers now have a wide range of selection, in terms of seeding, irrigation and use of pesticides and fertilizers Secondly, technology has saved people from tedious work and in the mean time increased the production markedly All this is needed to meet the demands of the burgeoning population Furthermore, genetic modification of foods has given us such species which need little or no insecticides and no fertilizers The quality of food has also improved For example, fish gene has been added to tomato to make it frost resistant A nut protein has been added to soya bean to increase the protein content Finally, factory farming, in which animals are fed nicely so as to increase their meat, is also the need of the hour On the downside, such technology has reduced the need for manpower and many people are now jobless Moreover, factory farming is considered inhuman Animals are tightly packed in cramped spaces and this may lead to many diseases Genetic modification is also considered unnatural and as it is relatively new, people are also concerned about its long term harmful effects Last but not least, the rich countries can use this technology and further increase the gap between the rich and the poor To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that as every garden has weeds, such developments have their pros and cons We should know where to draw the line and take maximum advantage of this technology minimizing its harmful effects Model Answer 2: A group of people believe that scientific approaches and advanced technology in agriculture activities brings a lot of benefits for societies, while others still maintain traditional ways Both views have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the following essay will discuss in details, but in my personal opinion, I believe that the old fashioned ways is better On the one hand, many farmers are using technology and scientific approaches on managing their farms these days They believe that by using technology such as tractors and dozers, or using advanced chemical fertilizer, it will increase their productivity However, many people not realize that the usage of these advanced technology approaches have side effects on many things For example, many fruits and vegetables that use pesticides have caused allergic diseases for human beings And then, the over usage of pesticides in farming has made pests became more immune and made the ecosystem became imbalance On the other hand, some farmers are still using the old fashioned ways They manage their plantations using traditional tools such as using cows, horses and traditional carts And they prefer to use natural seeds, rather than using special seeds, which was created by scientists Although the productivity of these farms is definitely lower, they generate healthier foods for mankind As a result, many people prefer to purchase organic fruits and vegetables nowadays, as they realize that qualities of these organic foods are better than the industrialized ones In conclusion, it is a fact that some farmers are in favor of using advanced technology and scientific approaches in handling their farms, while others still use the traditional ways Both approaches have their own benefits and drawbacks, but in my opinion, traditional ways are still better than the modern one, as organic foods are healthier for consumption Model Answer 3: In the present age, agriculture innovations are playing significant roles in our daily life.But in the meantime, whether people reform agriculture has sparked much debate.Some people assert that they can benefit from the expanding in farming factories while others argue that developing agriculture has an adverse effect on them Personally, I am in favor of the former Convincing arguments can made that agricultural innovations can make people achieve a greater standard of living than before To start with,there are amount of vegetables and fruits in the market with factory farming.Therefore,it is convenient for local residents to buy fresh vegetables in daily life.Moreover,an increasing number of new types of vegetables and fruits is coming in the supermarket or market.Specifically,people can improve their meals in the lunch and supper to digest more nutrition with new types of vegetables and fruits Lastly, developing agriculture has a beneficial effect on farmers.In other words,the measure taken by the related department to promote the development of farming benefits peanuts.The farmers can profit from the policy On the other hand,colorable arguments can made that the development in agriculture has side effects on society.The reason for this is that the quality of new types of vegetables and types which are created by the biologists in the laboratory cannot be guaranteed at this time.Obviously,adverse effects about creations of new types of greenstuff had been reported in the media three years ago.Even so,factory farming has made a contribution to the living of farmers.For instance,farmers have achieved a higher standard of living and eating than before without doing heavy work to support their families In summary,I would concede that transformed-gene food,to some content,has not been guaranteed by scientists.Despite that people can benefit from the development of farming.Overall,I am convinced that government should invest more money in the farming area to improve the life of farmers Model Answer 4: As far as agricultural development is concerned, along with rapidly scientific development and population increasing and global climate change Agricultural produce is now facing a big problem with lack of food, which is becoming more and more serious and there are many reasons for it My opinion is that those factors have caused some problems of food Some people try to scientifically create food and earn benefits It also can solve the problem of food shortages However, these ways may cause some problems People consider these ways to be an impact on traditional agriculture, and also the scientific food may be unfavorable to people’s health Traditional agriculture can’t compete with factory farming, because their skill is behind those factories and it affect their income Confronted with these agricultural questions, we should take a serious affective measures to cope with this serious situation Nowadays, more and more people beginning to become aware of the seriousness of the lacked food Agricultural creation of food has become a hot topic among people, and heated debated are on there ways Some people hold the opinion that scientific creation of food is superior in many ways Others, however, disagree The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that some scientifically create food may hurt human’s health, such that it may affect people’s DNA, cause diseases and so on Everything has twos sides and the scientific food is not exception It has both its advantages and its disadvantage It is an urgent for people to seek an answer to this serious argument If people are blind this point, they could suffer the serious consequence in the future Model Answer 5: In an age of overpopulation, many agriculture methods that have been unthinkable before can now be adopted, such as factory farming and inventing new types of fruits and vegetables Many stand for this, whilst many others oppose it Personally, I believe the relevant advantages override disadvantages, and my reasons would be explored as below Proponents argue that traditional agriculture has always been slow and lack of efficiency in mass production of food, which is already a serious problem in many countries In comparison, factory farming can be very profitable since we can just get rid of the impact from climatic factors and pest invasion, thus every drop of nutrition can be utilized for every grain of food Besides, new varieties of plant created by geneticists, like more highyielding crops, can be the root solution for the starvation and malnutrition worldwide Besides, with the technology of greenhouse, the production of green vegetables and fruits is always available in all seasons By this way, people can have well-balanced and healthy diets even in so-called “bad periods”, including winters or springs in which traditional plants grow up barely Opponents list the harm of factory production of agriculture, ranging from genetic disaster to the overuse of fertilizers For them, the concern of natural and organic food is above all other factors, they can even ignore the high price of fruits and vegetable, only if they are organic and grown in the field, that may mean safety even to the genetic level I personally agree with the former As we can easily see, human population has been explosively growing in the last half century, much faster than any period of history Traditional modes of agriculture may be just too slow to monotonous to fulfill the appetite of us Ergo, the trend from the field to the workshops just cannot be resisted Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and mathematics Discuss both views and give your opinion Same Topic – Some people think kids should learn more practical skills from classes for their future career However, others believe that in primary level, they should learn something theoretical for a good foundation for their future development Discuss both sides and give your own opinion You should spend about 40 minutes on this task You should write at least 250 words IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample Sample Answer 1: The debate on whether theoretical subjects are more important or practical are more important has been raging for ages Some individuals are of the opinion that pupils should be taught more practical courses like computers but others hold the view that theoretical subjects are more important In this essay I intend to discuss both views and finally give my opinion Those in favour of theoretical courses say that to be practically successful we need to have a strong and solid theoretical foundation Though practicality counts but it is like half knowledge if no theoretical knowledge is gained Moreover, theory provides powerful tools to deal with the world around us and the body within ourselves For example, medical theories help us combat diseases, economic theories explain inflation and unemployment, gravity theory explains the presence of planets Even marketing which was once thought to be purely practical is based on statistical data which require maths knowledge Those who advocate practical courses say so because today is the era of computers and technology They feel that such subjects have more job opportunities What they don’t take into consideration is that as far as the basic knowledge of such subjects is there it is all practical, but if you have to go into computer programming, you need to have mathematical concepts clear your In my opinion, both practical and theoretical subjects go hand in hand and each has their own significance Theory and practical are interrelated Theory is the basis of all practical knowledge For example a person becomes a doctor in five and a half years, which has four and a half theory plus one year practical So, for the overall development of the students a mix of all subjects should be there To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, both theory and practical subjects have their own importance Both should be incorporated in the school curricula Model Answer 2: Today,what type of courses should students learn become a hot-debated topic.Some people believe that students only need to learn practical courses while others hold the opinion that they also need to learn theoretical courses,for example,geography and math The idea that learning practical courses is sufficient for today’s students is probably owing to the fast speed of development.Those people think that students’ only task is to handle practical knowledge so that it will be easy for them to their jobs when they graduate.Therefore,they can better work and have higher pay However, someone say that students need to learn theoretical courses such as geography and math They may think that,in this way,students can have expanded horizons Also, if they learn those subjects well,they tend to solve practical problem easily For me, I support the idea that students have the need to learn theoretical courses for one reason; those subjects are the foundation of other courses Take math for example,many pupils who are doing well in computer always good at math For another reason,learning more courses can expand children’s horizons; their brains contain variety knowledge which will benefit their future life.People,who learn geography well, not only have the knowledge of the earth but also can recognize the roads accurately in unfamiliar places.Finally,having theoretical courses contribute to the development of science It is interesting to find that some children who are interested in learning math or geography finally become famous scientists.So having theoretical courses provide students the opportunity to find their hobbies In conclusion, no matter practical courses or theoretical courses are of the same importance I suggest students should learn theoretical ones in high school as well as some easy practical courses, and deeply study their majors when they come to universities or colleges Model Answer 3: With the development of human society, there is an increasing number of individuals paying attention to our educational system One issue has been constantly discussed is whether primary school students should learn more practical skills or they should learn something theoretical Personally, I believe that younger students should learn theoretical knowledge Compared with practical skills, theoretical knowledge is easy for primary students to understand and for them to actually acquire To be specific, students may not have the opportunity to practice the skill they acquired in their normal school lifetime However, they can easily obtain theoretical knowledge through the daily lectures or through their textbooks For example, students could learn the theory of why the plane can fly through the teacher’s explanation, but they could never be able to fly a real plane in their primary school Besides, understanding the theoretical knowledge is the foundation of learning practical skills Without the acknowledgement of basic theory, one can not practice the relevant skills Take learning English as an example In order to learn how to speak English, learners from nonEnglish speaking countries have to know and understand the grammar behind the language Grammar is the cornerstone of speaking English No matter how much one practice, he or she would fail to obtain the language, unless he or she learns the English grammar first In addition, some careers require theoretical knowledge If, for instance, a student wants to be an university professor when he or she grow up Then the student must learn a lot of theoretical knowledge Thus, in order to find a job in a particular area, like the academic world, individual has to be equipped with theoretical knowledge Others may support the statement that primary level students should learn more practical skills on the ground that it is practical skills that can solve our daily life problems They may argue that theory only exists in the book, yet in real life situation practical skill is the one that can help people to address their problems Nevertheless, I still prefer theory than practical skills, because practical skill can only stop the problem, it cannot forever prevent or get rid of the problem On the other hand; however, theoretical knowledge cannot only solve the problem but also stop it from happening again People can acquire the skill so that they can protect themselves from deadly air pollution Yet if they understand the theory of why these air pollution exists and how can geographic factors influence the movement of air pollution, individuals cannot only protect themselves from the pollution but also find a way to get rid of the pollution by using more eco-friendly fuel To sum up, although some one may argue that practical skills are more useful, I think theory is more important in terms of primary education Model Answer 4: While it may seem like a reasonable idea to teach more practical skills to some school students, it is not as easy as it may seem Not all students will need skills such as repairing a car in future life, just as not all students will go on to study at university Personally, I not believe it is necessary for all students to learn such non-academic skills while at school; however, it may be beneficial for some students who are maybe not academically inclined It may be possible to introduce any additional new subjects at the expense of some of the other traditional academic subjects for certain students This would clearly require some rethinking regarding the concept of what exactly the school education system should deliver One of the main problems is that such skill-based classes present a whole new range of challenges which education authorities may not be able to meet For example, a class or course based on car repair would have to take into account various brands and models not to mention the increasing technology incorporated within modern vehicles which in many cases limits the amount of work or repairs which an owner can carry out on their vehicle without the necessary equipment available at an authorized dealer for the brand The need for such technology resources in order to deliver the course may be a limiting factor in certain cases Schools also need to consider that there are many practical skills which young people acquire or learn without the need for any formal training, such as in the case of social media or driving a car Schools not educate children how to navigate or use features of social media nor how to drive a car or even play computer or console games; however, it is clear that children learn how to these things either though their parents, their own powers of discovery or with their own friends Overall, it is more important for schools to ensure that traditional academic subjects are still relevant and that course and class content is current, pertinent and engaging for students in today’s world Arming students with essential thinking and deductive skills prepares young people for learning about a whole host of other subjects throughout their life It is therefore unnecessary to include such subjects as car repair and managing a bank account into the standard educational curriculum ( Similar Topic: Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the work place Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?) graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the work place Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?) [...]... nationalities and age groups What is your opinion? Write about each view and then describe your answer supporting it with relevant examples from your own experience IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Samplemple Answer 1: It is irrefutable that competitive sports such as The Football World Cup and The Olympics are watched by millions of people worldwide There are divided opinions on whether these games unite... place So I feel we’ll never go without books because they have served usso well for so long.ample Answer 2: The Internet as the mainstream of media plays a very important role in transferring information Some people assert that internet would take the place of books in the future However, in my opinion, each medium has its own advantages and disadvantages Books will always hold a place in our lives... think it is having an opposite effect Discuss these points of view What is your opinion? Sample Answer 1: Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people Others think it is having an opposite effect Discuss these points of view What is your opinion? Technology seems to promise infinite benefits for mankind While it could... different cultures of the world For example, in LPU( Lovely Professional University), are 20 0 students from Malaysia, Korea and other parts of the world there To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, universities do not simply prepare a person for employment, but also have many other functions Model Answer 2: It is irrefutable that the main purpose of a university is for career preparation, but... this is that all the contemporary occupations nowadays are task specific which makes it a necessity for workers to be able to comply with every job requirement Once they graduate they are expected to take over all the responsibilities their job needs them to do, have the know-how, as well as the expertise to carry out all the arduous and demanding tasks For instance, as soon as I graduated at the Faculty... huge debates about the main purpose of educational institutions; such as, their task should be to prepare students with knowledge and expertise for employer needs or prove graduates with access to the material for their own analysing This essay will examine both sides of the argument and will highlight the most important task of universities There is no doubt that graduates must be prepared to go to... think visitors to others countries should imitate local customs and behaviours Some people disagree; they think the host country should welcome cultural differences Discuss the two views and give your opinion Today, with the passage of time each and every country is on the path of development, and with this development there is a growing trend of visiting different places in different countries It is... cosmopolitan society in which everyone is tolerant of each other’s customs and traditions is the need of the day After all, today, we are part of a small global village and not a big planet Earth Sample Answer 2: Tourism industry has been concerned in many countries and these days lots of investments have been developed on this matter But there are a lot of debates about some conflicts which come to existence... share their culture and behavior with the local people it gives an opportunity to local people for better understanding of their culture and characters This will have immense influence on local people’s opinion about foreigners and their culture Also, this helps them to identify the negative aspects of their culture and gives them an opportunity to correct it To sum up, by considering the above benefits,... tourists Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions It is irrefutable that cultural traditions attract tourists from all over the world and develop local economy Some individuals are of the opinion that these may be destroyed if they are modified to attract tourists Others, however, hold the view that if we don’t use them for tourism, they will die In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss

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    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Sample

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