t0$afe llauigation Guiilc near CAUTI0N: Shallows, Congestion thegateways tnroughtno hhnil$ea This guidebook is a summary edition For delailed inlormation, refer to the related laws and regulations, and navigational charts Hyogo Prefecture KanmonKaikvoArea Akashi Port, \, Keepcontinuous watchonVHFchl6 Always keep thisguidebook at your bridge Don't takeoulthisguidebook your from bridge KurushimaKaikyoArea "& ffWestem Lighr Buoy - "8 Vesselsof 5,000 gross bns or more intending to enter th€ rcute coming from eithcr lli tr ^,/ us0tow0n ;'iXlT,1'T'ff"lJi:il: y'roflic lDo you have the latest navigational charts (world geodeticsystem)? [Do you know the fact that a huge vessel alwayshas the rightol way (except in KanmonKaikyo)? [Do you know that lishingboatsare operatingwithintrafficroute? lAre you observingthe safetystandards {or the vesselsprescribedin the inter nationaltreaties? lDo you have a pilol aboard your vessel supposingthat you are inexperi e n c e di n t h e s a i l i n g ? [Do you stand by at a safe zone when a fog has set in, ratherthan pushing ahead ? Frequency: ScheduJedentry of huge vessels, etc rn the route Operating fishing boats Constructionsand works Seadisaster,weather 1,651kHz (Japanese) 2,0191EX >8ffi Leaving/passing for westem entrance of Kanmon Passage and proceeding to the west of s tS u b s t i t u t e W U Umashima >r I st Substitute.E Leaving/passingfor eastern entranceof KanmonPassase should (t[) navigalc 3000m Shallows ff lilotEmbrking Synclronizednlroh -.ft S*e^rn*dingOnu Leaving/passing for western and proceeding to the east of 1s t S u b s t i t u t e W M Mutsureshima ],000 weslwd 2000 Meoning of Signol entrance of Kanmon Passage cdei vessels H" and'T' @ Signolflogs -,t,tr, f*t,r"-t bound llluminated Vessels navigatingin the Hayatomoseto againstthe tidalcurrentmust keep a speed of knotsor nroreabovethe velocityof the t i d a lc u r r e n t Contents E W 0'13 Eastwardcu[enl Westwardcunenl Velocityof cunent(knot) When vessels lurn hor bows lo yield lo vessels head€d in ths opposil€ dtedion while oveilaking voss€ls hoaded rn lhe sam€ dtsction n€ar Moii Saki, lhe Ws may & sublsl lo Pr€slro curent more i Cmentwill getfaster fromnowon + willslowdownfiomnowon Cunent Method of indication *'o*\fl ! f Weslword current will get fosler by two knols kom now on Gulrle Io Safe Naulgatlon tnrouglr tlre lnlanrl sea Legend fr Principal Lighthouse Chartnumberand scopeof area Lighthouse conducting weatherobservation port Portareaof specific Facilities conducting weatherobservation Route subject totheMarine Traffic Safety Law Portradio Portnameand chartnumber Coast Guard offices setuptheMICS Entrance of route l= I I -i;:'::fl:ljTl;:I:J::1ffi::fl1ffiil::#::.Ttr_"fliSfr2003 and Light buoys buoys) {route-center Entrance of route, change-course point, etc., tsophasewhite light (bright:2 sec., dark: sec.) Q r r For light buoys elsewhere w1101 o rr - W127 Lighthouse use Hesaki and singlewhiteflashing Daiba 15sec \/Vl35 l H nmon E tilt (Al I at an intervalof sec.) Morse-codewhitetight Tokuyama port w i 6w l 3 A w i1 3 W126 t I Nakanoseki Port Kusayamasaki Mitajiri w1134 Lighthouse lsophase whitelight Bright:3 sec-,dark:3 t I Ube Port wtze 02 :illri W1262-W1267 Lighthouse flashing flashingsevery30 sec twtr LiaisonConference ontheGuideto theSafeNavigation of Foreign Vessels SailingtheInlandSea ParticipatingInstitutions JapanCoastGuardAcademy;The Inland SeaPilots'Association;Kanmon PilotageArea Pilots' Association;ForeignVessels'Association,HanshinBranch; Kanmon Port Liaison Conferenceon the SafetyMeasuresfor the Navigation of ForeignVessels;All JapanSeamen'sAssociation,Chugoku-ShikokuBranch;Al1 JapanSeamen'sAssociation,Kyushu-KanmonBranch; Kobe Society for the Study of the Preventionof SeaDisasters;The Inland SeaMaritime SafetyAssociation;Maritime Safe Environment Department,ChugokuTransportBureau;Harbor and Airport Department,ChugokuDistrict ServiceBureau;Harbor and Airport Deparhnent.,Shikoku District ServiceBureau;PrefecturalLand DevelopmentDepaftmentof Hyogo Prefecture;Civil Engineering Departmentof OkayamaPrefecture;Civil Engineeringand ConstructionDepartmentof Hiroshima Prefecture;Civil EngineeringDepartmentof KagawaPrefecture;Civil EngineeringDepartmentof Ehime Prefecture;Civil Engineeringand Construction Departrnentof YamaguchiPrefecture;Harbor Departmentof Kure City; Urban ConstructionDeparhnentof SakaideCity; Niihama Port Affairs Bureau; Industry Departmentof Imabari City; Harbor Bureau of ShimonosekiCity; Kitalq,ushuPort and Harbor Bureau;The 5th RegionalCoastGuard Headquarters;The 7th RegionalCoastGuard Headquarters(in no specialorder, honorific titles omitted) Preparedas of February2004by the 6th RegionalCoast Guard Headquarters &r Oyster rafts sefting srecr l-ll oysterraftssettingarea Passingat sightof the northentrancebuoy and the south entrancelightbuoyon yourleft i' \ U-)' \':i ," ;:, fl \ bndoseto ,Y'ouot a.i j { XThis mapis a referenceonlyto showa roughpositionof settingrafts :(ll &t, I fr,'i;:-t' ,l:i:ii::ll:r _ : Ondo Oohashi HiroshimaPort w t 2W A l1128 U i i n aL i Alternating flashing ofwhiteandred, onewhiteflashinq andoneredflashino every10sec ^1i l1l21 Aki-Enoshima Lighthouse rott ifrE-trfr tT"ru;;;lr'; th;;,;h Ohb'atake Seto] ' \ t ondosetosolth entance Singlewhiteflashing One flashingevery4 sec l v l 9w lwakuniPort w l1 Ya wt52 KudakoshimaLighthouse i Port lsophasewhite light Bright:3 sec.,dark: sec A lih M Tsurushim every 14 sec r Singlewhite flashing One flashingevery '10sec 108 17 minorcollisions with this buoyoccurred during past 10 years from 19921o2001 Keep mor e than 150mto r ightside of the lineconnectingtwo buoys l Fusumahana Lighthouse z-fr Singlewhite flashinq One flashingevery 10 sec O chrshlmaTsurushrma Crur&/ Z o* 4nLw.y 6/,'fr^t ki Lighthouse every;/u sec XMeteorological willbestarted observation onApril1,2004 {-${i : - , ^a ; y : t : r ) r l } ' } , ' : + : :- ; ,." Passing at sightof thelightbuoyto thenorthwest of Naoshima onvourleft route H"".!:["nrtl,",ftthenavisation willbe changedas indicated within2004 BuoybrhenodhwesroiNaoshma ,/,,1 {sst n /.rr./ w153 _/ J/,JL> \ 9) - Jl u- sanurTsd$rN {t{hr8odn (\- Mizushima ! v r1 AW l1 ##*++,6 A r Mushima Lighthouse !' lsophasewhite.light Bright:3 sec.,dark; sec Hyakkannshima Lighthouse E ,tiiiirFluri Singlewhite flashing One flashingevery 10 sec- ide' r $=\' r' $H,,, ,' t I A E Takar wl125 ffi [-6 Sanukimisaki Lighthouse W'I378 white light Bright:4 sec.,dark:4 sec Lighthouse flashing ofwhite andred oneredevery 20sec 7Vr 1Bminorcollisions withthis buoy occurredduringpast Niihama-ko Habusaki Lighthouse KawanoePort wtos &b$r,"hima Groupwhite flashing € flashings every 13 sec 'V'I Niihama-koWi-tzo i\l-lri iirt EsaiEuyirriorrt-,ril rxr Present conditions of thedirection andvelocity of thewind Datarelated to thesea Tidalcurrent,ebbandflow,pastmeteorological data,etc Arrival schedule of large-sized vessels, livecamera images, etc, Emergency information suchasevacuation orderand warningissued by theMeteorological Agency lr/arlne construction, fisherman activities, prevention seadisaster measures, etc pictures, Regional events, bathing resort information, harbor etc W& @,*tFwc jf,l tYl/ll]lll.t00t:iJlllil lrJr CoastGuideOffice (Navigation support center) =?r,/ :gr@H = Keepwatch on VHF16;Entryof P&l insurance;Preparations for up-to-datecharts;Lar gatingroute;Gompliance with the vesselsafetystandardslBoardingof a pilot in case wt34B Himei Port wt34A Higashi-harima P t'{ Kamishima Ugfrthouse flashing whiteligN 2iashrngs Group every I sec ,( Y Jizosaki ouse Groupwhite flashingsevery r light dark:3 s Ookadohana Lighthouse Singlewhiteflashing One flashingevery3 sec \, Naruto Straits Avoid sailing in narrow passage, strong tidal current, and complex flashing everv'10 :amats tt Mmm then, you'llbemissing! Surely \/v106 I Vesselsrequiredto installAIS are as follows(RuleNo.19) (1) All vesselsexceeding 300tonsgross,engagedin international voyages (2) All passenger vessels (3) All freighters exceeding voyages 500tonsgross,notengagedin international installation datesare as shownin the following table O Mandatory lnstallationDates :By the date of initialsafetyequipmentsurveyor the time limitspecified,whichevercomesfirst The SOLASConventionfor the Safetyof Life at Sea (1974)prescribesin its Chapter5, enteringin force on July 1, 2002,as follows: "Ships, AISis madecompulsory Convention of Contracting Governments: otherthanpasas pertheSthConference of SOLAS grosstonnage, senger shipsandtankers, of 300grosstonnage andupwards butlessthan50,000 willberequired to fitAISnot laterthanthefirstsafety 2004, whichever occurs earlier."(rr equipment survey after1 July2004orby31December ) arge-shippriorityin each route;Gaution!Manyfishingboatsin operationwithin navisoof lack of navigationexperience;Standingby at a safezonewhen a fog rises