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Lexicology: Literature review_Idioms_K55 NEU

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Ngành: Tiếng anh thương mại Môn: Từ vựng học Chủ đề: Những khó khăn của sinh viên trong việc hiểu thành ngữ. I. INTRODUCTION 1, Proposed research topic Our objective is to finding out the difficulty of Business English students intake 55 in idiom comprehension and carry out best solutions for them to improve their knowledge about idiomatic expression. 2, Background Idioms are part and parcel of mastering any language. They are a prominent natural part of our everyday discourse since they reflect cultural and linguistic boundaries enabling communication between different cultures. Traditionally, idioms are described as fixed expression as phrases or sentences whose figurative meaning is not clear from the literal meaning of their individual constituents. Many scholars confirmed that idioms can never be translated literally, word by word translation should be avoided. Language learners; therefore, find idioms hard to understand, and this is not surprising. In deed, to be Business student, the usage of English idiom in study and daily life is even more vital. They have to communicate, study, and work in English environment, so, using right variant of English idiom is very necessary. For those reasons, perceiving the meaning of idiom is definitely important to Business student. However, like many language learners, they also encounter trouble in comprehending idiom. This paper; therefore, attempts to find out difficulties faced by Business English students intake 55 and focuses on some solutions to use idiom effectively. 3, Rationale Despite recent development in the field of translation theory and application, idiomatic expressions are still considered as a serious challenge for translators as well as foreign teachers or learners. The difficulty of language learners is that idiom has no standard. In National Economic University, although teaching methods have been advanced and students have more opportunity to learn and practice English, Business English students are not good at translating and using idioms. So we do this research in order to find out the difficulties of Business English students and then suggest some methods to comprehend the meaning of idiom. 4, Purposes This research is derived from three basic purposes. The first purpose is discovering the situation in using idiom of Business English students. Second is finding out difficulties, and the last is giving some solutions to help them learn idiom effectively. 5, Scope This research focuses on the difficulties of Business student when translating and using idiom in terms of word order, structure and context. The interviewees we aim to are the K55 students of Business Department at National Economic University. We choose Business English K55 students because being intake 55, we can realistically and strongly identify their ability and partly recognize their difficulty during studying process in class. Hence, the accuracy of information collected will be expected to be high. 6, Research question Regarding on that purpose, we will find the answer for three research questions below: 1, Can Business English students perceive the meaning of idiom? 2, What are difficulties of Business English students when using idiom? 3, How to improve the idiom’ s understanding of Business English students? 7, Research method We plan to use quantitative and qualitative research methods together. We will get out questionnaires to gather statistical data about responses then back this up and research in more depth by interviewing. Moreover, the data from the book, journals, internet and other researches related to the topic was used as secondary data for the research.

een found to influence children’s performance in idiom comprehension However, adults are more affected by the familiarity of the idiom and transparency of idioms 14 4.3.2 Important role of using idioms in study and real life Everyone who is learning English, has a desire of speaking English fluently, especially students of BE K55 However, students have only focused on pronunciation and grammar, forgetting a vital element is idiom Idioms play an important role in English, but the English learner almost ignore them Using idiom give numerous benefit for communication on studying and real life The native English speaker usually use idioms on their communication as well as on their writing There for, masterly using idiom help student and English learner to improve listening, writing and also speaking skills Knowing idioms which native speaker used, which helps clearly understand what they are saying Using idioms on communication make English speaker more confident and less confusing on communicating with listener For writing, using idioms make the sentences more smoothly Therefore idioms comprehension is very important for English learner, especially BE K55 V CONCLUSION In conclusion, our research illustrates that most Business English students intake 55 have troubles in understanding and using idioms in study as well as in daily life Although comprehending the importance of idioms in study, most BE students ignore them due to numerous consequencies in terms of the complexion of idioms, their rare appearance and BE students’ knowledge This study also shows that the difficulties BE students have to cope with when they catch idioms are various in terms of vocubulary, culture and context Among them, culture is the most challenging factor contributing to idiom misunderstanding In fact, each nation has its own special cultural characteristics while idioms reflect its belief, attitudes and so on As a result, if BE students want to understand them deeply, understading its own culture is crucial Context also affects BE students intake 55’s idiom uderstanding because when they know the situation the idiomatic expression put in, they are mostly able to underatnd or guess their meaning In words, it is really significant for people to understand idioms, especially to BE students intake 55 because of its benefits in studying English as well as communicating with foreigners 15 APPENDIX Questionnaire The difficulty of BE student intake 55 in understanding idioms We are students from Department of Business English, NEU At the moment, we are conducting a survey relating to " The difficulties of BE student intake 55 in understanding idioms" We promise to keep all your information confidential and only use it for researching purpose Please read and answer all the questions below Thank you! Do you know the word “ idiom” • Yes • No You usually catch idioms in • Communication • Exam • Newspaper • Others You are often taught idioms by • Teacher • Friends • Yourself • Others How many idoms you know? • Less than 10 • 10-20 • More than 20 • More than 100 Do you think understanding idioms is important? • Important • Not important Are idioms difficult? • Difficult • Neutral • Esay 16 Why you feel idioms difficult? • Do not understand the context • Limited new words • Cannot understand the English culture • Others When catching a new idiom, what you • Skip it • Guess the meaning basing on the context • Radom • Translate it word by word • Others Can you guess the meaning of idiom “ neck and neck” • Yes • No 10 “In the last horse racing, two participants still run and catch closely The last result is neck and neck” Can you guess the meaning of idiom ‘’neck and neck” • Yes • No REFERENCES https://www.google.com/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwipjt7yO3LAhXIn5QKHZSNDVQQFggxMAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org %2Fwiki %2FComprehension_of_idioms&usg=AFQjCNGUgPFbM9vydrDdTXnGYr9tuvPKOA https://www.google.com/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwipjt7yO3LAhXIn5QKHZSNDVQQFghVMAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcc.edu %2Fclrc%2Ffiles%2Fwl%2Fdownloads %2FUnderstandingIdioms.pdf&usg=AFQjCNH89hOgAwr70qEd020S99qWk4iYsA https://www.google.com/url? sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehension_of_idiom 17 s&ved=0ahUKEwiIqbKnv3LAhVFJpQKHVCTAlkQFggfMAA&usg=AFQjCNHFbjRDnhHMaThCZbDa2oBxLD S6pw&sig2=6zu9dv_qg1cQRGm269vT5A http://www.macmillandictionaries.com/MED-Magazine/February2008/49-LA-Idioms- Print.htm Moon, R (1998) Fixed expressions and idioms in English Oxford: Clarendon Press Li, X (1988) Effects of contextual cues on inferring and remembering meanings of new words Applied Linguistics, 9(4), 402-413 Perras, Les www.english-listening-world.com/idioms.html Retrieved March 14, 2013 Li, X (1988) Effects of contextual cues on inferring and remembering meanings of new words Applied Linguistics, 9(4), 402-413 http://www.mextesol.net/journal/index.php?page=journal&id_article=194 18

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2016, 23:04

