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14TOPICS thi tiếng anh B1 HVNN

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SPEAKING AND WRITING TOPICS Now I would like to talk about my topic (Toi/em xin trinh bay chu de cua minh) Topic Hobby - What is your hobby? My hobby is swimming -When did you begin to love it? I began to love it when I was a student (when I was 18/ at high school) - How often you go swimming? I go swimming once a week/twice a week/three times a week - Why you like swimming? (I like it) because it helps me relax and keeps my body fit and healthy/ It’s good for my health - Who you go swimming with? I go swimming with my friends - Where you go swimming? I go swimming in the city center …………………………………………………………………… Topic Your closest friend/ One of your close friends My close friend is Lan/ Nam He/ she is 35 years old He/She is (an office worker/ a manager) He/She works in Gia Lam District - What does he/she look like? He is tall and handsome/She is tall and beautiful - What you often together? We go swimming together We play football together in our free time - Why you consider him/her as your close friend? Because we have the same hobby and we come from the same hometown - What is he/she like? He/she is very kind and helpful/ friendly/ intelligent - How often you meet him or her I meet him/her once a week/ twice a week …………………………………………………………………… Topic Favorite Sport - What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is swimming - How did you first become interested in it? When I was a student, my friend invited me to take part in a swimming club I liked it when I first went swimming - Why you like it? (I like it) because it helps me relax and keeps my body fit and healthy/ It’s good for my health - What equipment you need to play it? I need swimming costume(s) to go swimming What skills are needed to play it? I have to learn how to start and move my body while running/swimming - How often you go swimming? I go swimming once a week/twice a week/three times a week ………………………………………………………………… Topic TV program - Which TV program you like? My favorite program is news program (which is on VTV1/3 channel at 7:00 in the evening) - What you like about it? (The thing I like about it is that) I can get a lot of useful information about different areas such as sports, politics, education and so on - How did you first become interested in it? -My family bought a TV set in 2000 and when I first watched it, I became interested in it + Why you like it?/ Why is it your favorite program? I like it because I can get a lot of useful information about different areas such as sports, politics, education and so on + How did you first become interested in it? -My family bought a TV set in 2000 and when I first watched it, I became interested in it - How that program is different from other TV programs? The difference is that I can get a lot of useful information easily Topic Job - What is your job? I am an office worker/officer/ a manager/a teacher/ a doctor - What are the good things about this job? My salary is very good/(and) my colleagues/co-workers are friendly and helpful - What are the difficulties of doing this job? My job is very stressful and I have to work overtime - What are the things you like and dislike (most) about the job? The thing I like (most)about my job is that my salary is very good/ my colleagues/ co-workers are friendly and helpful The thing I dislike (most) about my job is that my job is very stressful/ my salary is not very good/ I have to work overtime - Do you think that you will change your job in the future? + Yes, I think so Because my salary is very low./ because I want to find a better job with higher salary + No, I don’t think so Because I like it very much/ my salary is very Topic House/Flat: rooms/floors/ storeys + Where is your house? My house is in the city center/in a small village in BN Province + What does your house look like? My house is very big and nice/ small but beautiful + How many rooms are there in your house? There are rooms in my house: a living room, bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom + What are the things you like and dislike about your house/ flat? (The thing I like about my house is that) its view is lovely/ it is very quiet/ it is modern and beautiful (The thing I dislike about my house is that) it is very small for of us/ it is sometimes noisy and dusty - If you change anything about your house/flat, what would it be? I would change my living room Why? Because I want to make it bigger/ it’s too small for six of us - What is your favorite room? My favorite room is my bedroom because I can anything I want …………………………………………………………………… Topic Weather in VN - How many seasons are there in a year? There are seasons in a year They are spring, summer, autumn and winter - When does each season begin and end? Spring begins in February and ends in April Summer begins in May and ends in July Autumn begins in August and ends in October Winter begins in November and ends in January - What are features of each season? Spring is warm and sometimes rainy Summer is very hot Autumn is cool Winter is very cold +What is the season you like and dislike?/ What is your favorite season? I like spring very much because it is warm/ I like summer very much because I often have a long holiday in this season./I like autumn because it is very cool I dislike winter because it is very cold/ I don’t like summer because it is very hot and dry How long does each season last? It lasts months ……………………………………………………………… Topic Importance of learning English + When did you begin studying English? I began studying English when I was at high school (at university) + Where did you begin studying English? I began studying English at high school + What is your most effective way of learning English? I think the most effective way of learning English is practicing English everyday such as speaking English with friends and doing exercises/ watching programs in English/ reading English books… + What difficulties you have in learning English? - I have some difficulties in learning speaking skill I can’t speak English fluently (quickly) + What are the advantages of learning English? Learning English helps me get a better job and pass the exams + How much time you spend learning English? I spend an hour learning English a day + How you often practice English at home? I practice English at home by watching TVand reading books Topic 09 Keeping body fit and healthy + What kind of food should you eat? I eat more vegetables, fruit, less meat and drink more water + What kind of habit should you stop (to keep your body fit and healthy?) I should stop drinking wine, beer and coffee, eating sweet things and smoking + Do you need to exercise and why? Yes, we We need to exercise because it is very good for our health (It is a good way to keep our body fit and healthy) + What is your own advice? I think swimming is one of the best ways to keep body fit and healthy Topic 10 Your hometown + Where is your hometown located? My hometown is located in HD Province + What is it famous for? It is famous for a kind of traditional cakes called Green Bean Cake (Dau Xanh) My hometown is famous for a kind of food called “Rice Noodle” (Pho) - What are the people like? They are friendly and helpful + What does your hometown look like? My hometown is very quiet and there are a lot of green trees and fields (My city is very beautiful with a lot of high buildings and green trees) + How far is it from your hometown to Hanoi? It’s about 100 km Topics 11-12 City vs countryside + What are the advantages & disadvantages of living in the city/ the countryside ? City Advantages: First, I would like to talk about the advantages of living in the city • City is a good place to work, study and entertain (because there are a lot of companies, universities and services there) • The services in the city are better ( For example, you can choose good hospitals, schools, and restaurants easily) • The living standard in the city is high (For example, you can enjoy better food in the city) Disads: However, there are some disadvantages of living in the city • • • • It is noisy and dusty in the city The streets are overcrowded The air is polluted There are many social evils/problems - Where you want to live? I want to live in the city because I can find a good job and earn more money there (I want to live in the countryside because I want to live near my parents and take care of them) Countryside Ads: First, I would like to talk about the advantages of living in the countryside • It is quiet in the countryside • The air is fresh • The prices are cheap • People are friendly and helpful • You not have to pay much money for your house and other services Disads: However, there are some disadvantages of living in the countryside • It is not a good place to work and study (because there are not many companies and universities there./ It is very difficult to find a good job) • The services in the countryside are not good enough/ are very poor For example, you can’t find a good hospital there • The living standard is low That’s all I would like to talk about my hometown… + Where you want to live/ why? I want to live in the city because I can find a good job and earn more money there I want to live in the countryside because I want to enjoy fresh air and work in a quiet environment +What you to overcome the difficulties? I close the doors and windows I can take much care of my children I can go to work early to avoid traffic jam I can go to work by bus/ car I can buy a car to get to the centre easily + where will you live in the future? I will live in the city in the future because I want to find a better job and earn more money I will live in the countryside in the future because I want to enjoy fresh air and work in a quiet environment Topic 13 Your English class + How often you attend your class? I attend my class once a week + What are your friends and the teacher like? The teacher is friendly and helpful and my friends are hardworking and active + What are the activities in the class? We speak English with each other, work in groups and answer the teacher’s questions +Why did you choose this class? I chose this class because I wanted to improve my English ( pass the English exams) + What benefit you get from this class? The benefit I get from this class is that I feel more confident and my English is better …………………………………………………………………… Topic 14 Travelling - What are some beautiful spots that you should go? There are many beautiful spots in my country such as Ha Long Bay, Sam Son Beach, Cua Lo Beach and so on - What can you and see in those places? I can go swimming/ fishing/ sailing/sightseeing/ shopping They can play sports there - Can you recommend some nice hotels and restaurants to your friends? Yes, of course If they want to visit Ha Long Bay ………….they should stay in ……hotel and eat in …… restaurant - What should you wear as you travel through these places? You should bring your swimming costumes ……………………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2016, 10:39



