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PRACTICE TEST (Trinh Thắm-41.01.703.029) PART A PRONUNCIATION I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other: B examine C eleven D elephant A exact B stork C force D form A work B key board C cupboard D overboard A aboard B reindeer C protein D vein A reign B assure C assist D possession A pressure II Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the rest: B campsite C pollute D proceed A severe B prosperous C tolerant D musician A merchandise B injury C employment D depressing A important B encourage C perspective D affection A generate B vigorous C consensus D populate 10 A summertime PATR B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR Choose the best option for each sentence or question: 11 Mr Walter was fined by the police when he exceeded the speed _on the highway A limit B ceiling C frontier D restriction 12 Richard has forgotten to buy tickets for the performance and _ we’ll have to spend this evening in front of the TV set A whereas B thereinafter C whereupon D therefore 13 The teacher got nervous seeing that whatever he said was on the students who weren’t paying any attention to the lecture A missed B lost C failed D slipped 14 “Can you see any _ between these two occurrences?” – “For sure, one thing that they have in common is the location they took place in.” A relation B union C joint D contact 15 “How was your vacation in Jamaica ?” – “Sadly, it _ from what we expected A was a far cry B went far C was by far D went too far 16 After a month-long investigation, police are still not sure who A is blamed by them B they blame C to lay to blame on D to be blamed 17 The forecasters take a gloomy of the economic future A regard B aspect C view D outlook 18 You ’d rather speak to him yourself, _ ? A hadn’t you B didn’t you C wouldn’t you D won’t you 19 I wish the neighbors _ making so much noise A would stop B will stop C stopping D stopped 20 After he left I just tried to _ as normal A carry on B go by C pass off D come around 21 A deep wound like this one will take longer to _ A cure B heal C mend D settle 22 Social and political problems the outbreak of war A improved B led to C gave D exploded 23 “How was your dentist appointment?” – “Painless I _ worried.” A mustn’t have B couldn’t have C needn’t have D wouldn’t have 24 It’s freezing outside so to stay home and be warm A we’d well B we might as well C we’d better D we’re better off 25 a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm A As a result of B In the event of C By reason of D In the time of 26 Because of the shortage of water there is a on the use of hose-pipes A ban B punishment C taboo D boycott 27 He’s about the same height as his father, but in every other respect he takes his mother A from B up C on D after 28 I take _ everything I said about Paul I realize now that it wasn’t true A on B over C in D back 29 In many families the important decision are by women A done B arrived C made D given 30 _ cell in the body is far from a capillary A Not B No C Not only a D Neither a 31 The band was so good that they soon had everyone _ in the aisles A dancing B dance C to dance D was dancing 32 “You had money a while ago, Where is it ?” – “If I’m not mistaken, A I just picked from my pocket B someone just my pocket picked C I just had my pocket picked D my pocket was just picked from me 33 Thousands of passengers were at the airport last night A disposed B quit C stranded D remained 34 They _ in sign language A conducted B operated C communicated D connected 35 Many people expressed a strong for the original plant A grace B preference C keenness D temptation 36 I don’t like Anthony, he seems to take too much _ in criticizing everyone A joy B fascination C pleasure D entertainment 37 It _ us only a quarter of an hour to reach the residence from the bus stop A needed B lasted C required D took 38 The food wasn’t bad But I’d to go somewhere else next time A rather B prefer C better D liked 39 It is believed that _ students will pass the exam with flying colors A each and every B each one of the C all of D every 40 Every worker gets an extra month’s salary as an end-of-year _ A bonus B addition C reward D donation PART C READING COMPREHENSION Question 41 – 45: I Read the following passage carefully: Water, one of the two elements that are essential to life, covers 90 percent of the earth’s surface However, despite appearances, water that is drinkable is rare on our planet In the past, we have considered air and water to be free; but we cannot so any more Although we have oceans, seas, rivers, and glaciers, we need to protect our drinking supplies As global warming increase, ice floes melt into the oceans The deserts are increasing in size as they encroach upon and absorb arable land Drought and scarcity of water are an increasing feature of our everyday lives A good example of our problems is California It has a reputation as a fertile state Nevertheless, for years it has been short of water, and, since the 1980s, has been suffering from prolonged drought Florida, too, has water problems and is trying to stop salt water from seeping into its underground reserves Floods occur regularly but not provide enough water to compensate for periods of drought Both the bloods and the drought demonstrate that we lack control and that we are unable to manage this primary resource II Choose the correct option for the following statements: 41 According to this article, what are the two “elements” that are essential to life? A Water and milk B Rice and water C Water and air D Fire and water 42 Which of the following words is a synonym of “free” in the first paragraph? A Easy B Without cost C Everywhere D Unattached 43 In the second paragraph, what is Florida? A A river B A glacier C A town D A state 44 Which of the following is NOT a synonym of “demonstrate” in the last sentence? A Prove B Show C Give evidence of D March 45 What does “it” refer to in the second paragraph? A The problem of salinity B Drought C Florida D California Question 46 – 50: Music is a very important part of our lives Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and thinking Some songs remind us of our childhood or youth Others remind us of the people we love Many important occasions, like weddings and funerals have special music Every nation has a national song like the American “ The Star – Spangled Banner ” In the U.S , high schools and colleges have school songs, too Music is a part of the history of America It expresses the problems and feelings of its people As the years pass, the music grows and changes Modern science has also changed music Inventions like records, radio, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders and video have changed the way we play and listen to music They have helped to make music an important form of international communication American music, from the earliest folk songs to modern “ pop ”, is known around the world Music is one of America’s most important exports It brings the people of the world together Even when people can not understand the same language, they can share the same music Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture Choose the correct option for the following statements: 46 What is true about “ The Star – Spangled Banner”? A It’s played in weddings B It’s the U.S national song C It’s liked by every nation D It’s one of the American school songs 47 According to the passage, music is changed thanks to the invention of the following EXCEPT … A International communication B Tape recorders C Electric instruments D Videos 48 The word exports in the last paragraph is nearest in meaning to … A things that can be sold B things that can be bought C things that can be enjoyed D things that can be changed 49 What is the earliest form of music in America ? A Folk music B National music C Pop music D School music 50 What can be the title for this article? A The development of American music B The future of American music C The history of American music D An introduction to American music Question 51 – 55: The environment is everything around us, both natural and man-made A major problem in the world today is the destruction of the natural environment This is complicated problem We burn fuel, and this causes air pollution We throw away plastic bags, containing toys and other objects These stay in the environment they are not like paper or wood that slowly disappears We have made thousands of new chemicals Factories that make or use chemicals always have chemical wastes There are often poisonous, and they also stay in the environment Since 1945 several countries have been testing nuclear bombs in the air and underground The explosions in the air cause nuclear fallout that causes cancer and kills animals and people Nuclear power plants that make electricity also produce dangerous wastes and have accidents that can be every disastrous Decide whether these sentences are True (T), False (F), or Doesn’t Say (DS) 51 Human beings are facing serious air pollution 52 This is a simple problem 53 People need to join hands to protect the environment 54 Nuclear bombs were first tested in 1945 55 A nuclear bomb causes a terrible destruction PART D WRITING 56 I don’t have a computer I wish 57 They grow rice in tropical countries Rice 58 I’m sorry I can’t go out with you now I wish 59 There isn’t any tree in my garden I wish 60 The Smiths began to live in Hong Kong ten years ago The Smiths have 61 They started dancing three months ago They have 62 Anna didn’t the exercise as well as Liz did Liz 63 I think we should go by train”, Hoa said Hoa suggested 64 Nga doesn’t live in Hue so she doesn’t see her parents every day  If 65 She is the woman She came into the office yesterday (who)  She 66 He hasn’t read these book before  This is 67 It / coast / will / be / Nha Trang / along / the / raining / of  68 going / boating / in / river / the / how / the / on / weekend / about ?  69 should / we / think / I / a / shower / in / stead / take / a / bath / of / save / energy / to  70 nice / to / it’s / say / very / you / of / so 

Ngày đăng: 18/06/2016, 20:36

