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Young learners go start with english work book b

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B Workbook Name: Class: e The Sta rt Workboo k builds on the vocabulary and language structures taug ht in the Pupil's Boo k It continues to strengthen young learners' fo unda tion in Engl ish through focused p ractice in the skills of reading, listening, spea king and writing The W orkboo k cor relates closel y to the Pupil's Book, giving learners easy access to a ctivities that provide prompt practice and consolidation of new materi a ls It The Workbook offers 1"'10 r pair and group work Sxills-Ioc use English fluently and co nfider - - - - Unit - " ) Spea king Look at the pIctures d tell the story For breakfa st 00 ~ -, ,,,, \ Thi~ i ~ Rob Rob lives wit h Mr Block likes eo ls chases The teacher-par en n ' f keeps parents invol e ii t I I"'" I eve ry pag e he leo r ru nq p ro cess II nv ­ look and write / Writing Write the answer Yes, l~y o r No ' he y don 't Giraffes Ye.$ 1hc:r Do tiger! live on land? Do frogJ.swim? Do crocodiles hove tcrls? Girc ttu Jive an land Do tigers live in woler? Do girolfei eat meat? G" H• • _ Do snckes hove arms? What am I? Read and write _ _ _ _ _ _ 1have a thin I eOI Ilik" Crocodiles _ Cmcodil 10m _ Whol om I? l om on - r- - _ ::.::- _ _ 75 74 The writing activ ities include varied word- and sentence-level tasks that place language in meaningful contexts The revision units ensure that learners approach assessments with confidence The activities cor respond closely to the materials taug ht in the Pupil's Book, making it easy for learners to revise and consol idate what they have learnt Revis'on Unit IJ Listoning ~ Reading Match questions and answers Draw lines Whot'j,rhol? • They hCJYen', got any legs Do mice like con? • No, they live on land Do g;roffe~ live Do horses eat plontl or meal? In What they like? listen and draw lines 4fJJ 11"0 frog trees? • Theyect plcors, How many leqs hove ,nake, g"'t'iiWDCT tt."Iiiaui4:i1 [ d="U~" Listening Listen Write a word or a number l Listen and circle ~ Name: a Hat b Cat City: a Liverpool b Beijing c Tokyo Age: a.8 b c 10 Favourite food: a Ice cream b chicken c fish Enjoys: a baseball b table tennis c music Pets: a dogs b mice c chickens Teac her / pare nt note : In the first activity , pupils practise responding to questions asking for personal information by writing about themselves In the second activity, pupils practise understanding conversations where people ask and answer questions re lated to persona l informati on 76 Q Speaking Ask, write and answer How you spell your word? favourite computer friend sport tennis guitar love flat pet photo sing basketball I p-h-o-t-0-.J Photo! goldfish Look Ask and answer • / What's his J name? His name's Ken Teacher/parent note : In the first activity, pupils work in pairs Each pupil randomly selects three words from the box and spells them while his or her partner writes them down In t he second activ ity , pupils work in pairs , and ask and answer quest ions about the character depicted according to the illust rat ion 77 Unit 12 Who are you? ~ Reading Read Cross out the wrong words Hello! My name is Chung and I am ten years old / TteW I live in / at Hong Kong My mum and dad is / are from China and I've got one brother and one / two sisters My favourite sport / food is badminton I am / not like football I like animals / animal I've got four chickens and a hippo / dog I love school and I love Hong Kong Hi! My name is Jaz I'm nine I / am from India I live / sit in Mumbai I like computers but / and music I can sing and I can play the piano / pineapple I love football I catch / play football in my school team I haven't / don't got any pets Which pen friend is for you? Teacher/ pare nt note : In the first activity, pupils read the two lett ers and cross out the incorrect options in each pair of words in the shaded boxes In the second activity, pupils choose which pen friend they would like to correspond with , and give a reason for their choice 78 / Writing Write the words IS what many sWimming What sport her is her name? two Her where name IS SU Li is she from? She from China How What is her favourite brothers has she got? She's got _ is her favourite Write sentences What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where you live? How many pets have you got? What is your favourite colour? Teach er/ par ent note : In th e first activity pupils practise forming quest ions and answers about per sonal informat ion, I n The second activity , pupils practise writ ing answer s about themse lves 79 Unit / 12 Who are you? Writing Read and answer Write one-word answers What's his name? What is he doing? How many robots are there? _ What is the parrot doing? _ What has the big robot got? A 80 H_o_n =9' - _ _ _ What are the robots doing? Who is watching the robots? _ _ Now cover your answers Tell the story Hong is sleeping He has four robots and Teacher/parent note : In t he first activity pupils look at the illust rat ions read th e questions and wr ite one-word answers In t he s econd act ivity pupils descr ibe what is happening in th e picture se quence using words and st ruct ures lear nt so for 81 Revision Unit '1 _ ~ Reading Match questions and answers Draw lines l What's that? Do mice like cats? • Do giraffes live in trees? • Do horses eat plants or meat? • • They haven't got any legs How many legs have snakes got? • • No, they live on land It's a frog • They eat plants • No, they don't, but cats like mice Read and tick (v") or cross ()(') Tigers Tigers haven't got any legs Tigers don't eat plants Tigers don't live in trees Tigers live in water Tigers don't drink lemonade Tigers have got tails )(' Te acher/parent not e : In the first activity pupils match questions with the appropriate answers In the second activity pupils revise positive and negat ive sentences in the present simple 82 listening What they like? Listen and draw lines • • • • • Look at the pictures on page 79 in your Pupil's Book Ask and answer questions about your favourite things What's your favourite fruit? fruit vegetable hobby sport animal My favourite fruit is bana nas I like apples and mangoes t oo pet Teac he r/par e nt note : In the first ac tivity , pupils revise sentences with like, enjoy and favourite by connecting characters and their preferred it e ms and act ivities In the second ocnvrtv pupils ask each other about their favourite things prompted by the pictures on page 79 of their Pupil's Book 83 Revision Unit / Writing Write sentences Ben lives in a big house In the morning, _ In the afternoon, _ In the evening, _ Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity pupils write about a charact er's daily routine using the present s imple in the th ird person singular 84 Q Speaking Hi! My name's Joe and I'm ten Pretend to be Joe Ask and answer What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What's your name? My name's Joe What sports you like? What hobbies you enjoy? What pets have you got? How many brothers have you got? How many sisters have you got? What are you doing now? Te acher/parent note : In this activ ity , pupils take turns to role-playa character, asking and answer ing questions about t he charact er's personal details 85 Let's play! , Play the game and draw your own monster I Let's make monsters! First, draw the monster's head, body and legs Playing the guitar Stopl What has your monster got? One eye, one tail and two arms Two eyes, green hair Yellow trousers and one arm Two eyes, one mouth and blue hair Three eyes, orange hair and two arms One tail, one mouth and eight toes Three arms, one mouth A grey T-shirt Stopl What is your monster wearing? Glasses An orange hat A pink sh irt and two eyes Purple socks Blue jeans Teacher / parent note : This is a game f or two or more players Pupils star t by drawing a monster's head, body and legs They then throw a dice and move t heir counters accordi ngly When th ey land on a re gular square, th ey add t o their pictures as per the infor mat ion given When they reac h a chec kpoint square , they have to stop and make sen te nces about th e monster they have drawn so fa r 86 '" does your mOns t o e, li/r .;) Coconuts Pears Reading Lemons Watermelons Riding a motorbike Sandwiches Flying Eggs Playing base ba ll Stop! What is your monster doing? Stop! What does your monster like? · ' ttfJ END Talk a bout your monster's dayl Chasing mice , ' , e I • : • 87 Can you these? Write your name and colour My name is _ I have finished I • Now I can talk about: what I am wearing what I can or cannot what I am doing what I like or don't like and much more! Please ask your teacher, parent or guardian to Well done, fill this in _ ( Teacher / Parent / Guardian) 88 [...]... soccer, basketball and baseball He can play table tennis too He can't play hockey and he can't play badminton 1 Can Tom play soccer? 2 Can Tom play baseball? 3 Can Tom play hockey? 4 Can Tom play badminton? 5 Can Tom play basketball? 6 Can Tom play table tennis? Yes , he can Look at page 27 in your Pupil's Book < /b> Tick ( ~) l Can Sue play hockey? 2 Can May play hockey? 3 Can Sam play baseball? 4 Can Bill... and answer Use the words in the box to help you play badminton play hockey play tennis play baseball play table tennis play the piano swim sing ride a bike play basketball play football play the guitar Can I play hockey here? Teac her/parent not e : In t his activ ity pupils practise asking can questions by ask ing thei r partners about the various sports that can be played at a sports cent re 26... 4 Can Bill play basketball? 5 Can Sue play baseball? 6 Can Sam play soccer? 7 Can May and Sue play baseball? 8 Can all the children play basketball? Teac her/parent note : I n the first activity , pupils prac tise reading st r uct ures and vocabulary learnt in th is unit in th e fo rm of a longer text In t he second act ivity , pupils answer ques t ions about characters' abi lities based on inf or... Pupil's Book < /b> 27 Unit / 4 Can you play hockey? Writing Look at the pictures Write the words 1 soccer 4 2 3 5 6 Write the words Words can be used more than once play can can't no Mr Lee: Sue, what sports can you play? Can you play hockey? Sue: Yes, I _ Mr Lee: Good Can you Sue: Soccer? No, I Mr Lee: Then Sue: soccer? _ you play baseball? _ _ _ _ _, I can 't play baseball but I can play basketball What... the robot 2 In picture 2, the robot is walking into the kitchen 3 In picture 3, the robot is sitting on the sofa 4 In picture 4, the robot is watching TV 5 In picture 5, the robot is standing 6 In picture 6, the robot is sleeping Shhh! Don't speak 6 The robot's sleeping Why not? ~iiiii!!iil Teacher/ parent note : In t he first activity, pupils hear and read a story about the robot containing verbs in... ing picture cues with < /b> the appropriate verbs in th e pres ent conti nuous 32 Read and complete with < /b> words from the box Words can be used more than once and shoes 1 are they cooking wearing drinking , we re May: I'm IS , you re standing = _ _ Bill Bill: sitting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reading Mayis 2 standing _ Mr Lee: The robot and I _ walking and _ talking 3 Sam : wearing black shoes! Sue and Bill: You're 4 Mr... It's Bill's shirt What colour is it? It's green -­ Look at the pictures Talk about the clothes ) Sue Sam Bill's trousers are black May J Bill Teacher/ parent note : In the first activity , pupils consolidate colours and clothes vocabulary In the se cond activity, pupils talk about the clot hes that the charact ers are wearing 15 Unit 2 Our clothes Writing Complete the sentences with < /b> words from the box... speak English < /b> walk play tennis play the guitar climb trees read Write what you can and can't do Use the words on page 20 of your Pupil's Book < /b> to help you 1 I can speak English < /b> 2 I can't fly 3 4 5 6 Teac her/parent note : In the first activity , pupils use can and can't to complete sentences about what they have learnt about characters' abilit ies so far In the secon d activity pupils write sentences about... first activity, pupils number sports illust rati ons in the order that they hear them described In t he second acti vity , pupils resp ond to ques t ions about Mr Lee's sporting abilities base d on pictorial clues 24 Q Speaking Ask and answer Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity, pupils practise can and can't structures with < /b> questions and answers about t he girl's abilities based on the illustrat... present cont inuous by re peati ng the statements 34 Q Speaking Look Say the differences A B In picture A, Bill is wearing a T-shirt In picture B, Bill is wearing a jacket Teacher/parent note : In this act ivi ty , pupils discuss how the two pictures differ , revising verbs in the present continuous as well as clot hes and f urniture vocabulary learnt in earlier units 35 Unit 6 _At the beach today

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2016, 22:09

Xem thêm: Young learners go start with english work book b

