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Young learners go start with english work book b

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Teacher /parent note : In this activity, pupils ask and answer about the objects in the ir classroom, us ing v oca bula ry from Start with Engl ish A... pupils f urther reinforce their

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Name :

Class :

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-The S ta rt It Workboo k bu ilds on th e vocabulary and language

s tr u ctur e s taug ht i n t he Pupil's Book I t continues to strengthen young learners'

f o unda tio n in E n gl i sh through f oc used p ractice in the skills of reading, listening,

s pea king and wr iti ng The W o rkboo k c or relates closel y to the Pupil's Book,

giving learners easy access t o a c t i vitie s t h at p rov id e prompt practice and

consolidation of new materi a ls

The Workbook offer s 1 "'10 r

pair and group wo rk Sxil s-Ioc

use English fluently a nd co nfider

Trang 3

-II nv ­

look and write.

/ W riting Write the answer Yes, l~y do o r No 'he y don 't

Giraffes Ye.$ 1hc:r do

1 Do tiger! live on land?

2 Do

4 Do tigers live in woler?

6 Do snckes hove arms?

What am I? Read and write

The writing activ ities include varied word - and sentence -level tasks that

p lace language in meaningfu l contexts

The rev ision un its ensure that learne rs approach assessmen ts with c o nfidence

The activities cor respond closely to the material s t a ug ht i n t he Pup il 's Bo ok , making it easy for learners t o revise and consol idate what they have learn t

Revis 'on Unit 2

IJ Lis toning

~ R eading

What do they like? listen and draw lines

Match questions and answers Draw lines

Whot'j,rhol? • They hCJYen', got any legs

Do mice like con? • No, they live on land

3 Do g;roffe~ live In trees? 11"0 frog

4 Do horses eat plontl or meal? • Theyect plcors,

5 How many leqs hove ,nake, g<M? • No,

Read and uek 1 1) ar eraul l()

Tige~ don', Irvein trees

1 Tigers haven't got any leg~

2, Tigers don', eot plont~

4 TIge~ five In woter

5 TIgen don't drink lemonade

6 TIge~ have gOlloil$,

Whaf' ycMr fGVOlrftc trott'

My favoun t& 'NI' IS bcnnd

t li k& appIu and mat'IIJOCoS '00

T _ _ ' t _._ , - _

- _ _ -_.- -­ - -_ - ,

Trang 4

· V ocabu lary: nouns an d pre pos it ions

• Vocabulary : nouns and c olour s


• V ocabulary: verbs

· Mod al v er bs can an d can' t

• A sking a nd answer ing quest ions

u s i ng c an and can 't

· Present co nt i n uous tense

• Present co ti nuous tens e

• Presen t con tinuous tense

· S t r uct ur es for mak ing requests


w i th ca n

· Structures f or making requests

• Structures for asking and

Trang 5

Speaking Reading Writing

• I nt er r ogat i ve structures

this/that? and

• Vocabulary : nouns and colours

• Inter rogative pronouns what

· Vo cab u la ry : verbs

, Modal verbs can and can't

• A sking and answer ing questions

us ing can and can 't

, Present continuous tense

• St ru ctures for ask ing and

answer ing quest ions i n present

cont inuous tense

• Structures for asking and

answer ing quest ions in present

continuou s tense

, Object pronouns your , hi m, her, it

and t hem •

• Vocabulary : nouns

• Structures for express ing likes and

d islikes using like

V ocabulary: verbs

Simple present tense to express

rout ines

· Vocabula ry: noun s

• Structures for asking and

answering quest ions usin g do as an

aUX iliary verb

• Vo cabulary : nouns (food and drink)

· Vocabulary : nouns (cloth ing and furn iture) and preposit ions

Vocabulary : verbs

• Modal verbs can and can't

• A sking and ans w ering quest ions using ca n an d ca n 't

· Present continuous t ense

• Present cont inuous tense

• Structures for ask ing and answer ing quest ions using do as an aux iliary verb

• Structur es for making requests

w i t h can

• Vocabulary : nouns and verbs

• Structures for express ing likes and

d isl ikes u sing like and e nj oy

• Simple present tense to express general facts

• Vocabu lary : nouns and verb s

• Pr onoun stru cture How do you V ocabulary revision

, Str uctures for as k i ng and

answer i ng questions , us i ng w hat ,

where and h ow old

Vocabulary : nouns

• General det er m iners a and an

• Asking and answering questions using

this, that, these an d those

, Possess ive determ iners

· Vocabulary : nouns

, V ocabulary: ve , Moda l verbs can and can

· St ructures f or ma king requests with can

, S tructures for expressing likes and dislikes us ing like and enjoy

, Structures using doas an aux iliary

• S imple present tense to e xpr ess general facts

, Stru ctures for askin g an d answ er ing questions about persona l i nf or mat ion


Trang 6

Read Draw lines

Food is good Food is nice

Eat vegetables with fish and 0 Eat lots of fish

, mangoes, pears and

fruit It's very nice

Write the words

Teac her / parent no t e : In the first act ivity , pupils practise re cog n i sing the names o f f r u it s and ve getab les by connect ing the

pictures i n the rhyme with the correct words In t h e s eco n ac t ivity , pup i ls practise naming some common

fr uits and vegetables from the r hyme in th e earlier act ivity ,

Trang 7

Listen and tick ( vi') or cross (

T eacher / par ent n ot e : In the first act ivity, p upils decide if food items in the short dialogues correspond w it h accompanying

illustrations I n the second activity pupils reinforce their understand ing of the au ra l form of food names, and their recogn ition of basic prepos itions


Trang 8

Unit 1 Food is nic e

Look at these pictures Ask and answer questions

What's this?

Teacher/parent no te : I n th is a t iv i ty pup ils pra ctise q ues t i o a nd ans wer structures ab out foo d i t ems using Whats this? a nd

What 's that?

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Now ask and answer about the things in your classroom

Teacher /parent note : In this activity, pupils ask and answer about the objects in the ir classroom, us ing v oca bula ry from Start

with Engl ish A


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Unit 1 Food is nice

Teac her / parent note : In the first activ ity , pupils reinfo rce t he i r understanding of ho w f ru it , m eat an d

cl assified In the secon d act ivity , p up il s pr actise t he c o r r ect use of a an dete rm in ers w ith food items

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1 I

That's a banana It's yellow

What's that?

What colour is it? )


What are these?

What colour are they?

What are those?

What colour are they?


Teac he r/pa re nt not e ; In this activity pupils f urther reinforce their new food vocabulary as well as quest ion and answer

structures us ing this , that , these , those , it and they


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Unit Our clothe s

Colour the shoes black

Colour the shirt yellow

Colour the jeans blue

Colour the blouse purple

Colour the skirt orange

Colour the hat grey

Colour the dress pink

T eac her/parent note : This a ct ivity rev ises the w r it t en fo rms of colour and clothes v ocabulary

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Read and tick ( I) or cross (


T eac her/pa rent note : This activity r e in f or c es p r evious ly - ear nt words f or f ur n i t ure as w e ll a s cl oth i ng


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Un it 2 Our clothes



Listen and draw lines

T eac her / pa re nt note : In the fi rst activity , pupils listen and colour d ifferent items of clothing In the second activity pupil s

pract ise their understand ing of questions c ont aining whos e and the use of apostrophes to denote ownersh ip

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Whose shirt is this?

What colour is it?

It's Bill's shirt

T eacher / parent note : In the first activity , pup ils consol idate c olours and clothes vo cabulary In the se cond activity , pup ils talk

about the cl ot hes that the c haract ers are wearing


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U nit 2 Our clothes


Complete the sentences with words from the box

Bill: And that's dress

Sam: Is that Mr Lee's

_ _ _ _ _ books


Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity , pupils compl ete short dialogues with the appropriat e clot hing vo cabulary determiners,

pronouns and v er bs


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Use my , their , our , his or her

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Unit 3 I can speak English

- t iIIb Ad _ , • 1 ·me ' ,., Ck ,,~~ ISl ~



Teacher/parent note : In this activity pupils practise canand can 't structures while descr ibing characters w ith unusual abilities

Pupil s look at the pictures and draw l ines to match the beginnings of sentences w ith their correct endings

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Unit 3 I can speak English

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Listen and write N or K



Teacher /parent note : In thi s activi ty , pu pils reinforce their rec ognition of ca n and ca n 't a urally in the con text of a casua l

di a logue bet ween two characters

Trang 22

Unit 3 I can speak English

nice pictures - - - - - fast I

Order these sentences

He can swim

1 swim / can / He

2 fly / Pex / can

3 can / 1/ climb / trees

4 They / English / speak / can

5 fast / can / run / You

Te ac her/parent n ot e ; In the first act ivity , pup i s co m plet e senten ces w ith the two ve r b p ar t s used in ca n s t ructures an d

diff er ent subje ct pronouns The second activity r e inf orces th is Pupils order verb parts and different subje ct pronouns into cor rect senten ces

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Write can or can't This is lemonade

Lemonade is nice


5 The robot speak English 6 Cows climb trees

Write what you can and can't do Use the words on page 20 of your Pupil's Book to help you

1 I can speak English

T eac her/par ent note : In the fi rst activity , pup ilsuse can and can 't to complete sentences about what they have learnt about

characters ' a bilit ies so far In the secon d act ivity p upils write sentences about their own abi l ities

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Unit 4 Can you play hockey?

- - I I i&G _ _ ' _ _ ~ t · iliiCWiW ~ u a ~ l ' ' !MIX W'~P' •

Look Listen and underline the answers

1 Yes, he can No, he can't

2 Yes, he can No, he can't

3 Yes, he can No, he can't

5 Yes, he can No, he can't

o / " ' -

° 0 _ _ _ - - ­

- ­

) )

Teacher / parent note : In the first activity , pup ils numbe r spo rts i llust rati ons i n the order tha t they hear them descr ibed In t he

s econd a cti vity , p pils resp ond to q ues t ions a bout M r Le e 's sport ing ab ilitie s base d on p i ctor ial cl ues

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Q Speaking

Ask and answer

Teacher/parent note : In th is act ivity , pup i ls pract ise can and can 't stru ctures with questions and answers about t he girl's

abi lities based on the illustra t ion


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Unit 4 Can you play hockey?


Can I play hockey here?

ca n be pl ayed at a s ports cen t re

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~ Reading

2 Can Tom play baseball?


This is Tom

He can play soccer, basketball 4 Can Tom play badminton?

He can play table tennis too 5

4 Can Bill play basketball?

8 Can all the children play basketball?

T eac her/par ent no te : I n the fi r s t ac tivity , p upils p rac tise reading s t r uct ur es and v ocabulary learnt i n th is unit i n th e fo rm

o f a longer text In t he seco nd ac t ivity , p upi l s ans wer q ues t ions about character s' abi l ities based on

in f or mat ion f rom page 27 of the P upi l's Book

Trang 28

Unit 4 Can you play hocke y?



Write the words Words can be used more than once

Mr Lee: Sue, what sports can you play? Can you play hockey?

What can you do?

T eac her/parent note ; In the first ac t ivity , pup ils name the sports represented by the pict ures In t he s econd a ct ivity , pup ils

sele ct words to c omplet e a c onversati on ab out a c haract er ' s sporting abilit ies In the third activ ity , pupils

c om pl et e a s ent ence a ccording to their own sport ing ab ilities

Trang 29

Can you play tenn is


5 horse / he / Can / a / ride

Answer these questions with Yes, I can or No, I con't

1 Can you ride a horse?

2 Can you play the piano?

3 Can you play table tennis?

4 Can you ride a bike?

5 Can you sing?

Now write the questions, using Con I ?

Tea cher /parent note : I n t he first act ivity pupils order s ent ences to make quest ions about a bilit y In the se cond a ct ivity pup i ls

an swer quest ions about their ab ilit ies In the third a ct ivity pup ils w r ite quest ions about th e i abil it ies that match given answers


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Listen, read and say

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Read and tick ( ~) or cross ( K)

1 In picture 1, Sue and May are watching the robot

2 In picture 2, the robot is walking into the kitchen

3 In picture 3, the robot is sitting on the sofa

4 In picture 4, the robot is watching TV

5 In picture 5, the robot is standing

6 In picture 6, the robot is sleeping

Shhh! Don't speak

The robot's sleeping

T eacher/ par ent note : In t he first activity , pup ils hear and read a story about the robot conta ining verbs i n the presen t

continuous In the second act ivity , pupils answer q uestions based on their understanding of the story


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Unit 5 I'm watching TV

T each er/par ent note : In t his act ivity , pup ils c omplet e a c r ossword puzz le by match ing p icture c ues w ith the a ppropriate verbs

i n th e p res ent c onti nuous

Trang 33

Read and complete with words from the box Words can be used more than once

shoes they wearing we re you re standing


_ _ are , too

Teache r /paren t n ot e : In this activity p upils read and select the appropriate verb in the present cont inuous , conjunct ion,

pronoun or noun to complete the sentences


Trang 34

Listen and repeat

Teacher/pare nt note : In th e firs t act ivity , pup ils pra ct ise verbs in the present c ont inuous as well as names of parts of a

hou se I n the s econd a ctivity , pup ils r einf or ce the ir understand ing of v erbs i n the present cont inuous b y

re peati ng the state ments

Trang 35

Teacher/parent note : In this ac t ivi ty, p upils di scuss how the two pi ctures diff er , r evising verbs in the present continuous as

well as c l ot h es a nd f urniture vo cabulary l earnt i n ear lier un its


Trang 36

Unit 6 At the beach today

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ , , t $_ r ~ ~ : a r ~ , ida IW r

~ Reading

~ Sue


1 He's eating a banana

2 She's reading a book

3 He's looking at the robot

4 He's standing under a tall tree

5 He's listening to the radio

6 She's wearing a white hat

7 He's sitting in a tall tree

T eac he r/par ent note : In th is activity , pupils re infor ce their understanding of posit ive sentences in the present conti nuous by

identi fying the character being described

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1 Sam / speaking / the robot / is / to

Sam is speaking to the robot

2 and Clover / are / running / Rover

3 watching / the dogs / May / is

4 May / talking / to / Sam / is

5 Rover / and Clover / are / sleeping

6 the / Sam / listening / dogs / are / to

co r rect as de picted i n the illust rat ion

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U nit 6 At the beach today

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c d


Teacher /parent no te : In the activities on these pages , pupils practise positive and negative present continuous stru ctures

by numbering i llust rati ons i n the order which they are described Pupi ls then listen and repeat th e

c omment ary re infor cing the ir ab ility to tell a simple narrative

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Unit 6 At the beach today

Tea c her / paren t note : In this activ ity , pup ils p ractise making sh ort s entences u sing present c onti nuous structures by spotting

the d ifferences b etween the t wo p ict ures

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2016, 22:09

