Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 200IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess 2009; 6(4):200-211 © Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Research Paper Laugh Yourself into a Healthier Person: A Cross Cultural Analysis of the Effects of Varying Levels of Laughter on Health Hunaid Hasan, Tasneem Fatema Hasan Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharastra, India, 431003 Correspondence to: Hunaid Hasan or Tasneem Fatema Hasan, “Ezzi Manzil”, CTS No. 3910, Near Bombay Mercantile Bank, Beside Amodi Complex, City Chowk, Juna Bazaar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India 431001. Email: or Phone: +91-240-234-8673/ +91-982-390-5866/ +1-905-826-3752. Received: 2009.05.01; Accepted: 2009.07.17; Published: 2009.07.28 Abstract This cross-cultural study explored along with various personality factors the relationship between laughter and disease prevalence. Previous studies have only determined the effect of laughter on various health dimensions, whereas, this study quantified the level of laughter that was beneficial or detrimental to health. There were a total of 730 participants between the ages of eighteen and thirty-nine years. 366 participants were from Aurangabad, India (AUR), and 364 participants were from Mississauga, Canada (MISS). The participants were provided a survey assessing demographics, laughter, lifestyle, subjective well-being, life satis-faction, emotional well-being and health dimensions. In AUR, a beneficial effect of laughter was mediated through moderate levels (level two) of laughter, whereas both low (level one) and high (level three) levels had no effect. Similarly, in MISS, the beneficial effect was medi-ated through level two, but a negative effect was also seen at level three. This could be at-tributable to a higher prevalence of bronchial asthma in western countries. Laughter was associated with emotional well-being in MISS and life satisfaction in AUR, providing cross cultural models to describe the interactions between laughter and disease. This study vali-dated the correlation between emotional well-being and life satisfaction, with a stronger correlation seen in MISS, suggesting that individualists rely more on their emotional well-being to judge their life satisfaction. In conclusion, there is a benefit to clinicians to in-corporate laughter history into their general medical history taking. Future research should consider developing mechanisms to explain the effects of level two, determine specific sys-temic effects and obtain more samples to generalize the cross cultural differences. Key words: Levels of laughter, History-taking, Disease, Life satisfaction, Emotional well-being Introduction Laughter is an innate capability that not only helps humankind express emotion, but has also shown promise as a promotive, preventive and therapeutic measure to a wide array of medical ail-ments. A study by Parse RR, structurally defined laughter as a “buoyant immersion in the presence of unanticipated glimpsings prompting harmonious integrity which surfaces anew through contemplative visioning”. (1) Interestingly, this definition was inti-mately associated with the structural definition of health proposed by a phenomenological study of health consisting of four-hundred participants be-tween the ages of seven and Ôn tập Hoá lên Huỳnh Minh Thành CÁC CÔNG THỨC CẦN NHỚ n= m – khối lượng n mol (g) M = n- số mol (mol) m=n.M m M V = n 22,4 n= N’ = n 6.1023 n= CM C% = n = ct Vdd mct 100 mdd M – khối lượng mol (g/mol) m n V 22,4 V – Thể tích n mol chất khí (đkc) N' 6.10 23 nct = CM Vdd Vdd = nct CM mct = C% mdd 100 mdd = mct 100 C% V= mdd = V.D mdd = dân CM – nồng độ mol (mol/lit) V – thể tích dd (lít) C m nct = % dd 100.M N’ số ptử(ngtử) n mol chất D= mdd D nct = mct M nct số mol chất tan mct – khối lượng chất tan (g) mdd – Khối lượng dung dịch (g) C% - nồng độ % dd (%) D- Khối lượng riêng của(g/ml) V – thể tích dung dịch (ml) mdd V dA/ B dA/B tỷ khối khí A so với khí B đk t0, p MA = = a => M A = a.M B Lưu ý: dA/kk = a MA = a 29 MB M= mhh mA + mB + = nhh nA + nB + H= lgthucte 100% lglythuyet Ôn tập Hoá lên Huỳnh Minh Thành + Lg(lí thuyết) lượng chất tham gia cho lượng chất sản phẩm tính theo pthh H = 100% + Lg (thực tế) lượng chất tham gia phản ứng lượng chất sản phẩm thu HÓA TRỊ – LẬP CTHH VQ1: Các viết sau ý gì: a Fe ………………………… b Al ……………………………… b N2 ………………………… d O2 ………………………………… e CaCl2 g SO2 VQ2: Tính hóa trị thành phần chưa biết CTHH sau: ( Biết : H (I), O (II), CO3 (II) , NO3 (I), SO4 (II), Cl (I)……) CTHH Hóa trị CTHH Hóa trị CTHH Hóa trị H2S S : II Fe(NO3)2 Fe : CuO Cu : PH3 P: CuCl2 Cu : Al2O3 Al : SiH4 Si : CaSO4 Ca : R2On R: HNO3 NO3 ( ) Mg3(PO4)2 Mg : FexOy Fe : H2SO4 SO4 (…) Al(NO3)3 Al : Na3PO4 Na : H3PO4 PO4 (….) PbCO3 Pb : K2S K: Na2O Na : Fe2(SO4)3 Fe : BaCl2 Ba : VQ3: Hoàn thành bảng sau: Thành phần Thành phần CTHH Tên gọi PTK Na Cl(I) Natri clorua 58,5 K NO3 Ca CO3 Fe(III) SO4 Al Cl Ca PO4 Ba NO3 Mg O S(VI) O Fe(III) O Fe(II) OH P(V) O K OH Al OH NaCl Ôn tập Hoá lên Huỳnh Minh Thành LẬP CTHH VQ1: Cân PTHH sau (Điền hệ số vào trước chất): Mg + O2 MgO Al + O2 Al2O3 Na + O2 Na2O Fe + Cl2 FeCl3 Fe + O2 Fe3O4 VQ2: Cân PTHH sau (Điền hệ số vào trước chất): Mg + Fe2O3 MgO Al + HCl AlCl3 Al + Fe3O4 Al2O3 Fe + AgNO3 Fe(NO3)3 Al + CuSO4 Al2(SO4)3 VQ3: Cân PTHH sau (Điền hệ số vào trước chất): + + + + + AlCl3 + NaOH Al(OH)3 + Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH Fe(OH)3 + CaCl2 + Al2(SO4)3 CaSO4 + FeCl3 + AgNO3 Fe(NO3)3 + Fe2O3 + HCl FeCl3 + VQ4: Cân PTHH sau (Điền hệ số vào trước chất): Fe(OH)2 FeCO3 Fe3O4 Fe2O3 Fe2O3 + + + + + O2 O2 CO H2 Al Fe2O3 Fe2O3 Fe Fe3O4 Fe3O4 + + + + + Fe H2 Fe Ag Cu NaCl K2SO4 AlCl3 AgCl H2O H2O CO2 CO2 H2O Al2O3 Lớp 10 THPT Đông Thuỵ Anh Thái Bình Phản ứng của X 2 và HX với kim loại : 1. Hoà tan 12,1 gam hh gồm Fe và một kim loại A có hoá trị II vào 200 gam dd HCl 14,6 % thu đợc dd X và 4,48 lít khí ĐKTC a. Tính tổng khối lợng muối khan có trong dd X b. Biết số mol hai kim loại trong hh bằng nhau . Xác định A và tính C% các chất tan có trong dd X 2. Ngâm một lá kim loại có khối lợng 50 gam trong dd HCl . Sau khi thu đợc 336 ml H 2 đktc thì lấy thanh kim loại ra , khối lợng thanh kim loại giảm 1,68 % so với ban đầu . Xác định tên kim loại đã sử dụng 3.Có một hh bột kim loại gồm Fe và A ( có hoá trị duy nhất ) . Nếu hoà tan hoàn toàn hh này trong dd HCl thì thu đợc 7,84 lít hidro đktc . Còn đem lợng hh kim loại đó tác dụng hết với Clo thì lợng clo phải dùng là 8,4 lít đktc . Tỷ lệ số mol Fe và A là 1:4 a. Xác định thể tích Clo đã phản ứng với A b. Cho khối lợng hh kim loại là 5,4 gam , kim loại A là gì ? 4. Cho 5,15 gam hh Zn , Cu tác dụng với lợng d dd HCl thu đợc 369 ml khí ở 27 0 C và 2 atm . Mặt khác , đem 5,15 gam hh trên tác dụng với oxi d thu đợc hh oxit , để hoà tan hết hh oxit cần m gam dd HCl ở trên a. Tính thành phần % Cu , Zn trong hh b. Tính m . 5. Để hoà tan 3,9 gam kim loại X cần dùng V ml dd HCl và có 1,344 lít H 2 đktc . Mặt khác , để hoà tan 3,2 gam oxit của kim loại Y cũng dùng vừa đủ Vml dd HCl trên . Hỏi X,Y là các kim loại gì ? 6. Hoà tan 5,5 gam hh 2 kim loại Al , Fe trong 500 ml dd HCl vừa đủ thu đợc 4,48 lít khí đktc a. Tính % khối lợng 2 kim loại b. Tính C M dd HCl 7. Hoà tan 13 gam kim loại A ( hoá trị II ) bằng dd HCl 2M vừa đủ đợc dd B .Cho B phản ứng với dd AgNO 3 d đợc 57,4 gam kết tủa a. Viết PTHH b. Tìm A . Tính V dd HCl đã dùng 8. Có 2 kim loại A, B đều có hoá trị II , KLNT của chúng tỷ lệ 3 : 5 , số nguyên tử trong hh tỷ lệ 2 : 1 . Cho 8,8 gam hh KL trên tác dụng với dd HCl d thu đợc 6,72 lít H 2 đktc a. Xác định A, B và % theo khối lợng 2 kim loại b. Nếu cho 8,8 gam hh vào nớc thì dd thu đợc chứa chất gì ? bao nhiêu gam ? 9. Cho 6 gam kim loại M tác dụng hết với dd HCl thu đợc 5,6 lít khí đktc . Trộn 6 gam M với 9,6 gam kim loại M ( cùng hoá trị với M ) rồi cho hh tác dụng với clo d thu đợc 44 gam hh muối clorua , hoà tan hh muối đó vào nớc , các muối tan hết thêm 200 ml dd AgNO 3 c mol/l thì vừa đủ kết tủa hết ion Cl - . Xác định M , M và c 10. Chia 16 gam hh X gồm Mg và một kim loại M ( hoá trị không quá 3 ) thành 2 phần bằng nhau . Phần 1 : đem hoà tan hết bằng dd HCl d thu đợc 4,48 lít khí đktc ; Phần 2 : cho tác dụng với clo cần vừa đủ 5,6 lít đktc tạo hh Y gồm hai muối clorua a. Tính V dd HCl 7,3 % ( d = 1,2 g/ml ) đủ hoà tan phần 1 b. Xác định M và tính khối lợng hh Y 11. A là mẫu hợp kim Cu , Zn . Chia A thành 2 phần bằng nhau . Phần 1 tác dụng với HCl d thấy còn lại 1 gam chất không tan . Phần 2 luyện thêm 4 gam Al thu đợc mẫu hợp kim B trong đó hàm lợng % Zn < 33,33 % so với hàm lợng của nó có trong A . Tính % Cu trong A biết khi cho B tác dụng với Hcl d một thời gian lợng khí bay ra vợt quá 6 lít đktc 12. Có 3 kim loại đều hoá trị 2 và là những kim loại hoạt động . Tỷ lệ KLNT của chúng là 3 : 5 : 7 và tỷ lệ số nguyên tử tơng ứng là 4 : 2 : 1 . Đem hoà tan 11,6 gam hh bằng dd HCl d thu đợc 7,84 lít hidro đktc . Xác định tên của 3 kim loại trên . 1 Lớp 10 THPT Đông Thuỵ Anh Thái Bình 13.Có 3 kim loại A , B , C có tỷ lệ KLNT là 12 : 14 : 29 và tỷ lệ số mol tơng ứng là 1 : 2 : 3 . Lấy một l- ợng kim loại A đúng bằng lợng kim loại đó có trong 24,45 gam hh 3 kim loại ( hh M ) vào nớc thì thu đợc 1,12 lít khí đktc a. Tìm 3 kim loại A , B , C b Cho 24,45 gam M tác dụng với V ml dd HCl 15 % ( d = 1,25 g/ml ) lấy d 25% so với lợng cần thiết thu đợc V lít khí đktc . Tính V , V 14. Khi cho a gam Fe hoà tan trong dd HCl ( thí nghiệm 1 ) sau đó cô cạn thu đợc 3,1 gam chất rắn . Nếu cho a gam Fe và b gam Mg ( thí nghiệm 2 ) vào Ph¹m Trung Kiªn - Hai Triªu secondary school De 1 I/. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: 1. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit 2. A. new B. sew C. few D. knew 3. A. image B. arcade C. take D. days 4. A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps 5. A. decided B. preferred C. listened D. enjoyed 6. A. much B. drug C. buffalo D. future 7. A. horrible B. hour C. hundred D. hold 8. A. teenager B. together C. guess D. regular 9. A. languages B. goes C. watches D. dresses 10. A. education B. collection C. question D. celebration II/.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital: 1/. English is an ………………… and important subject INTEREST. 2/. In electronics they learn to repair ……………appliances. HOUSE 3/. The most popular ………… at recess is talking . ACT 4/. Hoa is having a check-up MEDICINE 5/. In the countryside, people often know all the people in their . NEIGHBOR 6/. You must be careful when playing video games because they can be ………. ADDICT 7/. I’d like a nice orange JUICE 8/. Edison’s most famous ………. was the electronic bulb. INVENT 9/. This dictionary is very for you to learn English USE 10/. I have time to play than my friends LITTLE III/. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1/. I bought this dress at the .on Hang Bai street. A. clothes’ store B. store of closes C. clothes store D. closing store 2/. Isn’t it easy to learn English well ? - ……………………… A. No, it is B. No it does not C. Yes, it is D. Yes. It does 3/. There are two churches in the town and ………………of them are extremely old. A. each B. all C. both D. most 4/. My joke made the whole class ……………… A. smile B. laughing C. laugh D. crying 5/. Mr. Nam ………………… to work yesterday A. wasn’t drive B. not drive C. didn’t drove D. didn’t drive 6/. The news on TV last night ……………………. very good. A. was B. has C. were D. be 7/. Lan did not know the world . Hoa didn’t ……………………………. A. so B. neither C. either D. too 8/. The boss wants his ………………… to type some letters. A. secretary B. novelist C. journalist D. musician 1 Ph¹m Trung Kiªn - Hai Triªu secondary school 9/. If he eats all that food, he eats……………………… A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much 10/. Mr Robinson speaks Vietnamese very…………………… A. skillfully B. good C. fluently D. best IV/. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences: 1/. We can’t go out now because it (rain ) …………………… . 2/. They (meet) .their teacher at the moment 3/. We (visit ) ………………….the museum at the moment. We (visit ) ………… it once a year 4/. Hai ( not write ) ……………… to her parents last week. She ( phone ) … ……. them. 5/.Duy ( not visit)… ………the museum with his class last Sunday because he (catch ) ……. a cold. 6/. How much it ( cost ) …………….to mail a latter to England ? 7/. Take these pills and you ( feel ) ……………… better then, Ha . V/. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided : 1. From at nine in the morning until four afternoon Mr. Tuan works in the fields with his father. A B C D 2. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning A B C D 3. My Dad always has a three-weeks vacation A B C D 4. Mr Ba soon got used to travel to work by bicycle A B C D 5. The doctor says you should spend a little time to play video game. A B C D 6. The public library in the city has thousand of good books A B C D 7. What does the new student like ? - Oh, she is tall and beautiful A B C D 8. Ba is in class 7A and he enjoys the school very much A B C D 9. My father always has a lot of houseworks to do A B C D 10. There is a ten-floors building in front of my house A B C D VI/. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word Americans like sport §ª 3 Question I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B, C or D. 1. a. good b. book c. floor D.look 2. a. child b. ill c. wild d. nice 3. a. wet b. better c. rest d. pretty 4. A. apparent b. card c. car d. part 5. a. there b. chair c. clear d. hair 6. A. thousand B. house C. about D. souvenir 7. A. cheap B. wear C. eat D. teacher 8. A. type B. family C. diary D. pretty 9. A. rack B. calendar C. teenager D. calculator 10. A. empty B. expensive C. terrible D. pretty. 11. A. stopped B. finished C. watched D. visited. 12. A. classes B. lakes C. cages D. houses 13. A. coach B. globe C. scout D. household Question II. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C or D) ONE best answer to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. 6. Nga …………………. English at the moment. a. learns b. to learn c. are learning d. is learning 7. How do you go to school? - ……………. a. on bus b. by bus. c. with bus d. bus 8. My birthday is ……….the …… of November. a. on ………thirty b. at …… thirtieth c. in …… thirty d. on ……thirtieth 9. What is the longest month of the years? (number of letters) a. September b. December c. November d. January 10. My sister usually …………………to the movie theater. a. go b. to go c. goes d. going 11. ………….a beautiful holiday! A. It B. What C. How D. Which 12. How are you getting on at school, Mai? - …………………… A. That’s all right B. You are welcome C. Very well, thanks. D. Not at all 13. I am very glad to see you again after a long summer holiday. A. I do, too. B. So am I C. Neither am I D. so do I 14. My father takes care ……………sick children. A. of B. on C. about D. with 15. – Is Singapore rather crowded? - No, there are ………….people than in Hongkong. A. more B. a lot C. less D. fewer 16. Is it not easy to learn English well ? - …………… A. No, it is. B. No, it isn’t . C. Yes, it isn’t D. Yes, it does. 17. He writes articles for a newspaper. He is ……………………. A. a journalist B. a teacher C. a musician D. farmer 18. Red is my…………………color. A. interesting B. beautiful C. favorite D. main 19. Students have two…………… each day. A. 20-minutes breaks B. 20-minute break C. 20-minute breakes D. 20-minute breaks 20. I usually go to school ……… bike, but today I am going to school ………foot. A. by/by B. by/on C. on/by D. on/on 21. There are 365 days in a …………….year . A. single B. late C. new D. leap 22. ……………she…………… blind man’s bluff at the moment ? A. Is – play B. Does – play C. Is – playing D. Do – play 1 23. Would you like…………… dinner with my family ? A. have B. has C. having D. to have 24. They go and see their grandparents……………….a year. A. two B. any times C. twice D. one 25. It’ll…………… me a few more minutes to finish my homework. A. take B. give C. spend D. get 26. The weather today is much ……………. than yesterday. A. good B. best C. better D. gooder 27 . Mai is very ……………… in computer. Computer science is her favorite class. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestedly 28. Look . that strange man. He is looking Lan but she isn’t here. A. for/ at B. at/for C. at/at D. at/ on 29. I couldn’t find your telephone number A. guide B. brochure C. catalogue D. directory 30. The .popular after school activities in our city are football, tennis and swimming. A. more B. less C. most D. lest 31. Hoa a cushion for her armchair three days ago. A. make B. makes C. made D. will make 32. Some young people work hospital volunteers. A. as B. too C. so D. same 33. Hoa tried……… the new dress but it didn’t fit A. out B. at C. about D. on 34. Students learn about prepositions, De 4 I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest. 1. A. watched B. looked C. fitted D. stopped 2. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit 3. A. please B. real C. overseas D. ahead 4. A. new B. sew C. few D. knew 5. A. tool B. coop C. took D. food 6.A. talked B. visited C. rented D. fitted 7.A. help B. friend C. send D. fewer 8.A. stamp B. sew C. opposite D. bookstore 9.A. milk B. library C. dinner D. polish 10.A. pork B. go C. hold D. cold II. Choose from the four options given C marked A, B, C or D one best answer to complete each sentence by choosing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 11. Playing chess after dinner sounds .to me A. boring B. bored C. boringly D. boredom 12. They sat and watched the black and white programs . A. all the evening B. all of the evening C. all evening D. all of evening 13. People of can take part in the walking activity A. every age B. each age C. all ages D. all the ages 14. Peter can drive a car and his sister Mary A. too can B. can also C. so can D. can so 15. That boy is better history than I am A. for B. with C. at D. in 16. Lien never eats durians because she doesn’t like their . A. smell B. smelly C. smells D. smelled 17. People in Asia often drink A. some tea B. the tea C. tea D. many tea 18. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just , please A. few B. little C. a little D. a few 19. If he eats all that food, he eats A. too much B. too many C. quite much D. quite many 20. Do you often help your parents .the housework? A. with B. about C. for D. at 21. Please the milk carefully. I don’t want to boil over. A. see B. watch C. look at D. notice 22. “Was he disappointed ?” – “Yes, he found the movie .” A. boring B. boringly C. bors D. bored 23. 20 September, 1529, five small ship set sail from Spain. A. at B. in C. on D. by 24. Every student in those five rooms must bring own book to class. A. one’s B. his C. their D. someone’s 25. “Was the competition a success ?” “Yes, people took part in it more than usual”. A. more B. fewer C. less D. many 26. Lien never eats durians because she doesn’t like their . A. smell B. smelly C. smells D. smelling 27. Some people are used to in crowded streets and don’t mind it at all. A. riding B. ride C. rides D. is riding 28. She can not skate board, and I can’t . . A. too B. neither C. either D. so 1 29 . When I was a boy, I . tea to coffee. A. prefer B. preferred C. prefers D. prefering 30. Every girl ought to learn . to look. A. what B. when C. how D. where IV. Read the paragraph and fill in the gap with one suitable word: All the world knows William Shakespeare as one of the greatest poets and dramatists. He was (21) .in a small English town of Stratford-upon-Avon and (22) up in a large family if eight brothers and four sisters, but many of them died very (23) His father, John Shakespeare, made and sold gloves. William learned (24) .a school in Stratford. He married very young (25) he was about nineteen, and soon (26) to London where he worked at a theater. There he began to write (27) for the theater, his plays were good and people like (28) . Now Shakespeare could help his family in Stratford. He (29) thirty-seven plays and some books of poems. At the end of his life he came back to Stratford and (30) .there. V. Supply the correct form of the word in CAPITAL LETTERS for each gap in the following sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word on your answer paper. 31. He is sure to have an accident because he drives very . CARE 32. One of them is for fun WALK 33. After