This page intentionally left blank Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction This textbook provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, treatment of weather and climate prediction, for graduate students, researchers, and professionals It teaches the strengths, weaknesses, and best practices for the use of atmospheric models, and is ideal for the many scientists who use such models across a wide variety of applications The book describes different numerical methods, data assimilation, ensemble methods, predictability, land-surface modeling, climate modeling and downscaling, computational fluiddynamics models, experimental designs in model-based research, verification methods, operational prediction, and special applications such as air-quality modeling and flood prediction The book is based on a course that the author has taught for over 30 years at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Colorado, Boulder, and also benefits from his wide practical modeling experience at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research This volume will satisfy everyone who needs to know about atmospheric modeling for use in research or operations It is ideal both as a textbook for a course on weather and climate prediction and as a reference text for researchers and professionals from a range of backgrounds: atmospheric science, meteorology, climatology, environmental science, geography, and geophysical fluid mechanics/dynamics Tom Warner was a Professor in the Department of Meteorology at the Pennsylvania State University before accepting his current joint appointment with the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Colorado at Boulder His career has involved teaching and research in numerical weather prediction and mesoscale meteorological processes He has published on these and other subjects in numerous professional journals His recent research and teaching has focussed on atmospheric processes, operational weather prediction, and arid-land meteorology He is the author of Desert Meteorology (2004), also published by Cambridge University Press “Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction is an excellent book for those who want a comprehensive introduction to numerical modeling of the atmosphere and Earth system, whether their interest is in weather forecasting, climate modeling, or many other applications of numerical models The book is comprehensive, well written, and contains clear and informative illustrations.” Dr Richard A Anthes, President, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder “Tom Warner’s book is a rich, effectively written and comprehensive detailed summary of the field of atmospheric modeling from local to global scales It should be in the library of all meteorologists, climate researchers, and other scientists who are interested in the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of modeling.” Professor Roger A Pielke, Sr., Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins “Tom Warner has taught Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction courses for over thirty years at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Colorado at Boulder He also has been one of the principle developers of numerical models widely used in the atmospheric science community, and has a long history of applying such codes This extensive background gives Professor Warner a unique insight into how models work, how to use them, where their problems lie, and how to explain all of this to students His book assumes students have a basic understanding of atmospheric science It covers all aspects of modeling one might expect, such as numerical techniques, but also some that might be unexpected such as ensemble modeling, initialization, and error growth Today most students have become model users instead of model developers Fewer and fewer peer into the models they use beyond the narrow regions that may directly interest them With hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and groups of developers working on individual parts of the code, very few can say they truly understand all the parts of a model Professor Warner's textbook should help both the student and the more advanced user of codes better appreciate and understand the numerical models that have come to dominate atmospheric science.” Professor Brian Toon, Chair, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder “Tom’s new book covers an impressive range of need-to-know material spanning traditional and cutting-edge atmospheric modeling topics It should be required reading for all model users and aspiring model developers, and it will be a required text for my NWP students.” Professor David R Stauffer, Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University “The book addresses many practical issues in modern numerical weather prediction It is particularly suitable for the students and scientists who use numerical models for their research and applications While there have already been a few excellent textbooks that provide fundamental theory of NWP, this book offers complementary materials, which is useful for understanding of key components of operational numerical weather forecasting.” Professor Zhaoxia Pu, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction THOMAS TOMKINS WARNER National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado and University of Colorado, Boulder CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sa˜o Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: ©Thomas T Warner 2011 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Warner, Thomas T Numerical weather and climate prediction / Thomas T Warner p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-521-51389-0 (hardback) Weather forecasting – Mathematical models Climatology – Mathematical models QC995.W27 2011 551.63′4 – dc22 2010035492 ISBN 978-0-521-51389-0 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate I Title Lewis Fry Richardson is arguably the father of numerical weather prediction In addition to his great interest in methods for modeling the atmosphere, he was equally passionate about developing mathematical equations that could predict wars, with the hope that they could thus be avoided Let us all, in small or large ways, follow LFR’s passions With gratitude to John Hovermale, who wanted to write this book Contents Preface Acronyms and abbreviations Principal symbols Introduction The governing systems of equations 2.1 The basic equations 2.2 Reynolds’ equations: separating unresolved turbulence effects 2.3 Approximations to the equations Numerical solutions to the equations 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Overview of basic concepts Numerical frameworks Finite-difference methods Effects of the numerical approximations Lateral-boundary conditions Upper-boundary conditions Conservation issues Practical summary of the process for setting up a model Physical-process parameterizations 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Background Cloud microphysics parameterizations Convective parameterizations Turbulence, or boundary-layer, parameterizations Radiation parameterizations Stochastic parameterizations Cloud-cover, or cloudiness, parameterizations Modeling surface processes 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 vii Background Land-surface processes that must be modeled Ocean or lake processes that must be modeled Modeling surface and subsurface processes over land page xi xiii xviii 6 10 17 17 23 51 58 96 114 116 116 119 119 121 129 140 155 166 166 171 171 172 185 187 Contents viii 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Modeling surface and subsurface processes over water Orographic forcing Urban-canopy modeling Data sets for the specification of surface properties Model initialization 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 Background Observations used for model initialization Continuous versus intermittent data-assimilation methods Model spinup The statistical framework for data assimilation Successive-correction methods Statistical interpolation (optimal interpolation) Three-dimensional variational analysis Diabatic-initialization methods Dynamical balance in the initial conditions Advanced data-assimilation methods Hybrid data-assimilation methods Initialization with idealized conditions Ensemble methods 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Background The ensemble mean and ensemble dispersion Sources of uncertainty, and the definition of ensemble members Interpretation and verification of ensemble forecasts Calibration of ensembles Time-lagged ensembles Limited-area, short-range ensemble forecasting Graphically displaying ensemble-model products Economic benefits of ensemble predictions Predictability 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Background Model error and initial-condition error Land-surface forcing’s impact on predictability Causes of predictability variations Special predictability considerations for limited-area and mesoscale models Predictability and model improvements The impact of post processing on predictability Verification methods 9.1 9.2 9.3 Background Some standard metrics used for model verification More about reference forecasts 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approximation 11–12 Brier score 267–268 canonical correlation analysis 355 case studies, methods 321–323 climate modeling, future 407–431 anthropogenic landscape impacts 451–453 conservation properties 412 deterministic, initial-value prediction 420–422 downscaling 432–450 ensemble 427–430 experimental designs 408–410 flux corrections 413 global 408–431 intercomparison projects 415 523 land-surface and ice 410–411 ocean circulation 411–412 physical-process parameterization 412 regional 440–442 summary of models 422–427 verification 413–420 cloud-cover parameterizations 166–168 cloud-microphysics parameterizations 121–128 cluster analysis 352–353 cold starts 21 composite grid 28–29 computational fluid-dynamics models 401–406 algorithmic approximations 405 applications 405 coupling with mesoscale models 403–404 types 401–402 conformal projection 25 conservation energy 116 mass 116 consistency, of vertical and horizontal grid increments 40–42 continuous data assimilation 212–215 convective parameterizations 129–140 coupled models 378–400 agricultural 399 energy industry 396–398 floods 386–389 infectious disease 382–386 military applications 399–400 transport, diffusion, transformation 389–393 wave height 381–382 wave propagation 394–395 wildland fire 396 Courant number 19 Cressman analysis 227–229 data assimilation continuous 212–215 diabatic (physical) 233–236 ensemble Kalman filter 246–248 extended Kalman filter 244–246 four-dimensional variational 242–244 hybrid 215, 248–249 intermittent 210–212 relaxation 212–215 Index 524 data assimilation (continued) sequential 210–212 spinup, relation to 215–216 statistical framework 216–226 three-dimensional variational 231–233 diabatic initialization 233–236 differential grid resolution 36–40 diffusion 84–89 explicit numerical 85–89 grid 89 implicit numerical 89 physical 84–85 diffusion coefficient 70–71 direct numerical simulation models 402 dispersion, numerical 72–78 downscaling methods 432–450 current-climate 445–449 dynamical 439–444 future-climate 444–445 statistical 435–439 dust-transport modeling 391–392 dynamic balance 236–242 dynamic initialization 21, 199 dynamical core 17 energetics analysis 356–357 ensemble Kalman filter 246–248 ensemble modeling calibration 269–270 dispersion 256–257 economic benefit 280–282 graphical displays 273–280 mean 254–256 rank histogram 265–267 reliability 263–265 short range 272–273 superensemble 258 time lagged 271–272 uncertainty sources 257–261 variance 256 verification 261–269 error covariances 222–226 Eulerian analysis framework 343–347 experimental designs, in modeling 321–342 extended Kalman filter 244–246 factor separation 333–337 finite-difference methods, space 54–58 Eulerian 54–55 introduction 17–19 Lagrangian 55–56 semi-Lagrangian 55–56 staggering 56–58 finite-difference methods, time 51–54 explicit 52–53 implicit 53–54 introduction 19–20 multi-step 52–53, 78–80 semi-implicit 53–54 split explicit 51 finite-element methods 50 finite-volume methods 50–51 first-guess field 210–212 flood modeling 386–389 forecaster role, in NWP 364 four-dimensional variational data assimilation 242–244 Fourier basis function 42–44 geostrophic adjustment 236–240 grid structure consistency of vertical and horizontal grid increments 40–42 differential resolution 36–40 latitude–longitude grids 30–32 map projections 24–30 polyhedral gnomonic projections 28–30 spherical geodesic grids 32–36 grid-point methods 23–42 group-speed errors 76–77 hot starts 22 hydrostatic approximation 11 infectious-disease modeling 382–386 initialization 198–251 balancing 236–242 data-assimilation methods 210–249 diabatic 233–236 dynamic 21, 199 ensemble Kalman filter 246–248 extended Kalman filter 244–246 geostrophic adjustment 236–240 hot, warm, cold starts 21–22, 215–216 hybrid 215, 248–249 idealized 249–250 introduction 21–22 observations 199–209 physical initialization 233–236 instability, numerical linear 63–72 nonlinear 83–84 intermittent data assimilation 210–212 isochrone analysis 351 Lagrangian analysis framework 347–351 Lambert conformal map projections 24–27 land data-assimilation systems 187–188, 190–191 land-surface model 187–191 land-surface process modeling modeling 187–191 processes 172–185 urban-canopy modeling 194–196 Index 525 large-eddy simulation models 401–402 lateral-boundary conditions 96–113 error examples 97–107 recommendations 110–113 sources of error 96–97 types 108–110 latitude–longitude grids 30–32 limited-area model 36 linear instability 63–72 advection 63–70 diffusion 70–71 multiple terms 71–72 map projections 24–30 conformal 25 Lambert conformal 24–27 map-scale factor 26–28 Mercator 24–27 polar stereographic 24–27 polyhedral gnomonic 28–30 map-scale factor 26–28 Mercator map projection 24–27 metadata 205–206 microphysics parameterizations 121–128 military applications of models 399–400 model-output statistics 368–373 conventional 369–371 updatable 371–372 very-short update 372–373 nested grids horizontal nesting 36–37 stretched grids 36–40 vertical nesting 36–38 Newtonian relaxation 212–215 nonlinear instability 83–84 nonlinear normal-mode initialization 242 objective analysis of observations Barnes 229 Cressman 227–229 optimal interpolation 230 successive corrections 227–230 observations, used for initialization 199–209, 340–341 observing-system experiments 328 observing-system simulation experiments 323–328 ocean-surface process modeling 192 operational NWP 358–365 optimal interpolation 230 parameterizations 119–170 boundary layer, turbulence 140–155 cloud cover, cloudiness 166–168 convective 129–140 introduction 22–23 land-surface 171–197 microphysics 121–128 radiation 155–165 stochastic 166 perfect-prog method 368 phase-speed errors 72–77 physical initialization 233–236 physical-process studies 321–323 plume modeling 389–390 polar stereographic map projections 24–27 polyhedral gnomic projections 28–30 post-processing, statistical gridded bias correction 374 Kalman filters 373–375 model-output statistics 368–373 perfect-prog method 368 weather generators 375–376 predictability 284–293 definition 284 error sources 284–287 limited-area models 290–293 local-forcing impact 287–288 post-processing impact 293 variability causes 288–290 predictive-skill studies 338 predictor-corrector time differencing 52–53 primitive equations primitive-equation models principal-component analysis 353–355 pseudospectral models 46 quality assurance 203–205 quality control 203–205 radiation parameterization 155–165 rank histograms 265–267 rank-probability skill score 269 real-time verification 363 reanalyses global 431–432 regional 445–449 reduced grid 31–32 reduced-dimension models 339–340 reduced-physics models 340 reforecasts 330–331 relaxation 212–215 reliability diagrams 263–265 Reynolds’ averaging 7–10 Reynolds’ equations 7–10 Reynolds’ postulates 7–10 Reynolds’ stresses Reynolds’-averaged Navier–Stokes equations 401 rhomboidal truncation 45–46 river-discharge modeling 386–389 ROC diagrams 267 self-organizing maps 352–354 sensitivity studies 331–338 sequential data assimilation 210–212 Index 526 shallow-fluid equations 12–16 singular-value decomposition 355 skill scores 298–299 spectral analysis 355–356 spectral methods 42–50 advantages, disadvantages 49 basis functions 42 Fourier basis functions 42–45 horizontal resolution 48–49 Legendre polynomial basis function 45 limited area 50 pseudospectral 46 spherical harmonics 45 transform method 46 truncation methods 45–46 spherical geodesic grid 32–36 spherical harmonics 45 spinup 215–216 static initialization 21 statistical framework for data assimilation 216–226 statistical post processing 366–377 gridded bias correction 374 Kalman filters 373–374 model-output statistics 368–372 perfect-prog method 368 stochastic parameterizations 166 streamline analysis 350–351 stretched grid 36–40 successive correction, in analysis 227–230 synthetic initial conditions 339 targeted observations 206–209 Taylor diagram 262–263 three-dimensional variational analysis 231–233 time smoothers 95 time-lagged ensemble 271–272 trajectory analysis 347–350 transform method 46 transport and diffusion modeling 389–393 triangular truncation 45–46 truncation error 59–63 truncation, of spectral basis functions 45–46 turbulence parameterization 140–155 upper-boundary conditions 114–116 urban-canopy modeling 194–196 variational data assimilation four dimensional 242–244 three dimensional 231–233 verification 294–320 accuracy measures 295–298 definition 294 dependence on time of day, season, weather regime 307–309 ensemble forecasts 261–269 feature, event, object based 309–312 horizontal-resolution effects 305–306 probability distribution functions 306–307 reasons for verifying 294–295 reference forecasts 299–300 reforecasts, use of 317 representativeness error 302–304 scale dependence 312–315 skill scores 298–299 toolkits 318 value based 280–282, 317 variance 316–317 vertical coordinates height 89–90 hybrid 94 potential temperature 90–92 pressure 90 sigma-height 93–94 sigma-pressure 92 step-mountain 94–95 volcanic ash modeling 392–393 warm starts 22 water-surface process modeling modeling 192 processes 185–187 wave-height modeling 381–382 wave-propagation modeling, sound and electromagnetic 394–395 weather generators 375–376 wildland-fire modeling 396 [...]... mesoscale models and LES models Coupling CFD models and mesoscale models Examples of CFD-model applications Algorithmic approximations to CFD models 16 Climate modeling and downscaling 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Global climate prediction Reanalyses of the current global climate Climate downscaling Modeling the climate impacts of anthropogenic landscape changes Appendix Suggested code structure and experiments... They are used by governments and private industry for operational prediction of weather to which agriculture is sensitive, for purposes of estimating crop-disease spread, timing planting and harvesting operations, and scheduling irrigation Militaries employ models for producing specialized forecasts of weather that affects the conduct of their operations on the land and sea, and in the air Models are... models to predict cloud cover, temperature, and other quantities that influence the near-future demand for electricity for heating and cooling And, there are dozens of other sectors of industry and government that have found that model-based weather forecasts improve the profitability and safety of their operations In general, it has been found that better weather predictions lead to better decisions Global... Satellite, Data, and Information Service, of NOAA Network Common Data Format National Meteorological Center, predecessor of NCEP Nonlinear Normal-Mode Initialization NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis Project National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, of the USA Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System, of the USA NASA Seasonal-Interannual Prediction Project Numerical Weather Prediction National Weather. .. better understand and anticipate climate change that is unrelated to greenhouse-gas concentrations For example, worldwide land-use degradation and modification, such as from deforestation and urbanization, are known to have Introduction 3 significant effects on atmospheric processes Thus, “what if ” experiments are performed in which different scenarios are assumed for the landscape change, and the model... model forecasts and simulations,1 and can even preclude the existence in the model solution of certain types of atmospheric waves Because these equations cannot be solved analytically, they must be converted to a form that can be The numerical methods typically used to accomplish this are described in Chapter 3 The equations that serve as the basis for most numerical weather and climate prediction models... to write the first widely read textbook1 on numerical weather prediction2 (NWP), the subject was in its infancy, even though an earlier book, Weather Prediction by Numerical Process by L F Richardson (1922), presaged what was to come later in the century after the advent of electronic computers The availability of computers increased greatly in the 1960s, and universities began to offer courses in atmospheric... Historically the expression numerical weather prediction has been used to describe all activities involving the numerical simulation of atmospheric processes, whether or not the models were being used for research or operational forecasting But, some reserve the use of this reference only for model applications to forecasting In this book we will use the term numerical weather prediction to refer to... 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 Background Wave height Infectious diseases River discharge, and floods Transport, diffusion, and chemical transformations of gases and particles Transportation safety and efficiency Electromagnetic-wave and sound-wave propagation Wildland-fire probability and behavior The energy industry Agriculture Military applications 15 Computational fluid-dynamics models... GLDAS GME Climate Prediction Center Centered Root-Mean-Square Error Critical Success Index Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia Departure Cell-Integrated Semi-Lagrangian finite-volume method Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble system for seasonal to inTERannual prediction Direct Model Output Direct Numerical Simulation Decision Support System Global climate