Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Th©n gưi c¸c em häc sinh líp 12 - Trêng th pt Phan Béi Ch©u C¸ch lµm bµi thi tr¾c nghiƯm I.T×m hiĨu kiĨu bµi thi tr¾c nghiƯm: KiĨu bµi thi tr¾c nghiƯm ( hay cßn gäi lµ tr¾c nghiƯm kh¸ch quan) lµ ph¬ng ph¸p thi mµ ®ã ®Ị thi thêng cã rÊt nhiỊu c©u hái, mçi c©u nªu vÊn ®Ị cïng víi nh÷ng th«ng tin cÇn thiÕt cho thÝ sinh chØ ph¶i tr¶ lêi v¾n t¾t ®èi víi tõng c©u Trong bµi thi tr¾c nghiƯm cã nhiỊu kiĨu c©u hái kh©c nhau, ®ã lo¹i c©u hái cã nhiỊu lùa chän ®Ĩ tr¶ lêi ®ỵc sư dơng phỉ biÕn nhÊt C©u tr¾c nghiƯm nhiỊu lùa chän (NLC) cã phÇn, phÇn ®Çu ®ỵc gäi lµ phÇn dÉn, nªu vÊn ®Ị , cung cÊp th«ng tin cÇn thiÕt hc nªu c©u hái , phÇn sau lµ ph¬ng ¸n ®Ĩ chän, thêng ®ỵc ®©nhs dÇu b»ng c¸c ch÷ c¸i A,B,C,D Trong c¸c ph¬ng ¸n ®Ĩ chän chØ cã nhÊt ph¬ng ¸n ®óng hc mét ph¬ng ¸n ®óng nh©t C¸c ph¬ng ¸n kh¸c ®ỵc ®a vµo cã t¸c dơng “g©y nhiƠu “ ®èi víi thÝ sinh Nªu c©u NLC ®ỵc so¹n tèt th× mét häc sinh kh«ng n¾m v÷ng kiÕn thøc sÏ kh«ng thĨ nhËn biÕt ®ỵc ®©u lµ ph¬ng ¸n ®óng, ®©u lµ ph¬ng ¸n nhiƠu Trong so¹n th¶o c©u tr¾c nghiƯm NLC , ngêi ta thêng cè g¾ng lµm cho c¸c ph¬ng ¸n nhiƠu ®Ịu cã vỴ “ cã lý” vµ “hÊp dÉn” nh ph¬ng ¸n ®óng Ch¼ng h¹n , chóng ta h·y xem c©u tr¾c nghiƯm rÊt ®¬n gi¶n vỊ To¸n sau ®©y ( cho häc sinh míi b¾t ®Çu häc §¹i sè) Cho a = 15 vµ b + 2; tÝch cđa a vµ b b»ng : A 17 B 13 C 7.5 D 30 ThÝ sinh n¾m v÷ng bµi sÏ hiĨu r»ng tÝch cđa a vµ b lµ kÕt qu¶ cđa phÐp nh©n a víi b, tøc 15x vµ chän D lµ c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng Trong ®ã , ®èi víi thÝ sinh kh«ng hiĨu râ kh¸i niƯm “tÝch”, vµ c¸c ph¬ng ¸n A,B,vµ C ®Ịu cã vỴ “cã lÝ” , cã thĨ l«i cn thÝ sinh vµo mét c¸c ph¬ng ¸n tr¶ lêi sai Cơ thĨ : a + b = 15 + = 17 -> chän A A - b = 15 - = 13 -> chän B a : b = 15 : = 7,5 -> chän C II Quy tr×nh thi tr¾c nghiƯm ®èi víi thÝ sinh §iỊn vµo phiÕu tra lêi tr¾c nghiƯm: Tríc giê lµm bµi thÝ sinh ®ỵc ph¸t phiÕu tr¶ lêi tr¾ nghiƯm.§©y lµ tê giÊy ®ỵc in ®Ỉc biƯt , lµ tê bµi lµm cđa thÝ sinh ThÝ sinh cã thĨ dïng bót mùc , bót bi ®Ĩ lµm bµi vµ chØ ®ỵc dïng mét thø mùc ( kh«ng pahir lµ mùc ®á) Tuy nhiªn, nªn dïng bót mùc , bót bi ®Ĩ viÕt ch÷ vµ dïng bót ch× ®en lo¹i mỊm ( 2B 6B) ®Ĩ t« kÝn c¸c « trßn nhá, nh vËy t« sai cã thĨ dïng tÈy ch× dƠ h¬n tÈy mùc ThÝ sinh dïng bót mùc ®iỊn ®µy ®đ th«ng tin vµo c¸c mơc ®Ĩ trèng nh ®Þa ®iĨm thi, ngµy thi, m«n thi §Ỉc biƯt lu ý ghi chÝnh x¸c hä vµ tªn thÝ sinh b»ng ch÷ in hoa, ngµy sinh, ch÷ kÝ vµ ghi ®Çy ®đ , chÝnh x¸c phÇn sè cđa sè b¸o danh vµo c¸c « vu«ng nhá trªn ®Çu c¸c cét cđa khung trßn cho sè b¸o danh Sau ®ã dïng bót ch× , lÇn lỵt theo tõng cét t« kÝn « trßn cã ch÷ sè t¬ng øng víi ch÷ sè ë ®Çu cét III NhËn ®Ị thi : Khi nhËn ®ỵc ®Ị thi, thÝ sinh ghi tªn vµ sè b¸o danh cđa m×nh vµo ®Ị thi, tơ mã đề vào mã đề thi IV RÌn kü n¨ng lµm c¸c d¹ng bµi thĨ: Trong m«n TiÕng Anh , mét ®Ị thi tr¾c nghiƯm cã d¹ng bµi : Ng÷ ©m ( Phonetics), x¸c ®Þnh lçi sai phÇn g¹ch ch©n, lùa chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng ( multi- choice) , phÇn tõ vùng , d¹ng bµi lùa chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng phÇn ng÷ ph¸p vµ d¹ng bµi ®äc hiĨu Ph©n bè ®iĨm cho cho d¹ng bµi nµy t¬ng ®èi ®Ịu nhau, c©u khã còng nh c©u dƠ V× vËy, lµm bµi c¸c em nªn bè trÝ thêi gian hỵp lÝ Kh«ng nªn qu¸ tËp trung thêi gian cho d¹ng bµi nµo ®ã, bëi nh thÕ sÏ kh«ng thĨ nµo ®¹t kÕt qu¶ tèi ®a ( v× kh«ng cßn thêi gian ®Ĩ lµm nh÷ng d¹ng kh¸c) Trong d¹ng trªn, víi d¹ng bµi ng÷ ©m sai lÇm µm c¸c em hay gỈp ph¶i lµ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh ®ỵc träng ©m còng nh nguyªn t¾c ph¸t ©m c¬ b¶n TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Tuy cïng ch÷ c¸i nhng c¸ch ph¸t ©m cã thĨ kh¸c ( phơ thc vµo sù kÕt hỵp víi c¸c u tè cßn l¹i tõ) C¸ch kh¾c phơc lµ häc sinh ph¶i «n lun ®Ĩ n¾m ®ỵc c¸c nguyªn t¾c ph¸t ©m, c¸ch ®¸nh träng ©m Bªn c¹nh ®ã, HS ph¶i lun tËp nhiỊu d¹ng bµi nµy còng ®ỵc ®a rÊt nhiỊu c¸c s¸ch bµi tËp tr¾c nghiƯm Cã d¹ng bµi HS t¬ng ®èi “ sỵ”, ®ã lµ d¹ng bµi x¸c ®Þnh lçi sai sè phÇn g¹ch ch©n §©y lµ phÇn kiÕn thøc tỉng hỵp Lçi sai ë ®©y cã thĨ thc vỊ kiÕn thøc tõ vùng, cã thĨ vỊ kiÕn thøc ng÷ ph¸p hc cÊu tróc c©u HS ph¶i cã kiÕn thøc thËt ch¾c míi dƠ vỵt qua d¹ng bµi nµy Cã d¹ng bµi t¬ng ®èi quen thc víi HS, ®ã lµ chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng phÇn ng÷ ph¸p vµ phÇn tõ vùng ( vÉn thêng ®ỵc gép chung vµo d¹ng) Víi d¹ng bµi nµy HS thêng hay n¶y sinh t©m lÝ chđ quan nªn ®«i bÊt cÈn lµm mÊt ®iĨm mét c¸ch ®¸ng tiÕc Do vËy c¸c em cÇn hÕt søc cÈn thËn tr¸nh sai lÇm véi vµng, bÊt cÈn Mét d¹ng bµi kh¸c mµ HS thêng Ýt ®ỵc ®iĨm tèi ®a - ®ã lµ d¹ng bµi ®äc hiĨu Ngêi ®Ị ®a bµi ®äc , råi ®Ỉt c©u hái víi bµi ®äc nµy , kÌm theo c©u hái lµ c©u tr¶ lêi HS sÏ ph¶i dùa vµo néi dung bµi ®äc ®Ĩ chän c©u tr¶ lêi ®óng Trong bµi ®äc , ng«n ng÷ phong phó vµ còng thêng xt hiƯn nhiªu tõ míi Trong ®ã HS thêng cha quen víi kü n¨ng ®äc C¸c em cã thãi quen dÞch nghÜa cđa tõ míi ( word by word) , gỈp tõ míi lµ HS l¹i mn lµm râ ngän ngµnh cđa tõng tõ RÊt mÊt thêi gian vµ kh«ng cÇn thiÕt C¸c em nªn lµm c¸ch lµ n¾m b¾t ý chÝnh cđa c¶ ®o¹n vµ bµi, kh«ng nªn ®i s©u vµo nghÜa ®¬n lỴ cđa tõ vµ cơm tõ Mét khã kh¨n kh¸c cđa d¹ng bµi nµy lµ cã nh÷ng c©u hái mang tÝnh kh¸i qu¸t.C¸c c©u tr¶ lêi ®a cho Hs lùa chän ®óng ®«i 3/4 c©u tr¶ lêi ®Ịu cã c¸c u tè xt hiƯn bµi NÕu HS kh«ng cÈn thËn , cø nh×n thÊy cã cơm tõ hc ý g× ®ã trïng ( xt hiƯn bµi) th× lËp tøc khoanh vµo ®¸p ¸n ®Êy, dÉn ®Õn viƯc chän nhÇm ®¸p ¸n ë d¹ng bµi nµy HS cÇn ®äc ®Ĩ n¾m ý chÝnh cđa c©u , cđa ®o¹n v¨n vµ cđa c¶ bµi khãa VÝ dơ cã nh÷ng c©u hái vỊ ý chÝnh cđa bµi mµ c©u tr¶ lêi ®a h× cã tíi c©u liªn quan tíi ý cđa bµi V× vËy cÇn rÊt thËn träng chän c©u tr¶ lêi chÝnh x¸c mang ý chÝnh bao trïm vµ xuyªn st c¶ ®o¹n hc c¶ bµi §©y lµ c¸c d¹ng bµi quen thc, ®Ị thi cã thĨ thay ®ỉi d¹ng ®i mét chót nhng c¬ b¶n nã vÉn c¸c h×nh thøc nµy, ch¾c ch¾n kh«ng cã g× lµ l¹, ®¸nh ®è hc cho lµ qu¸ khã ®èi víi kiÕn thøc HS ®· ®ỵc häc V Mét sè ®iỊu ®¸ng chó ý : HS chän ®ỵc ®¸p ¸n mµ m×nh cho lµ ®óng cÇn ph¶i t« ®Ëm b»ng bót ch×, tr¸nh t« qu¸ mê nh¹t, kh«ng ®đ ®Ĩ m¸y qt nhËn ra, hc thay ®ỉi ®¸p ¸n mµ bÊt cÈn kh«ng tÈy s¹ch ®¸p ¸n ®· lùa chän ban ®Çu dÉn ®Õn ph¹m quy ( c©u chän ®¸p ¸n) §Õn thêi ®iĨm s¾p hÕt giê lµm bµi cÇn kiĨm tra toµn bé phÇn tr¶ lêi vµ chän c©u nµo cha lµm h·y ¸p dơng ph¬ng ph¸p t×nh cê ( chän t« « trßn) ®Ĩ tr¸nh bá sãt sè c©u Ph©n phèi thêi gian hỵp lÝ cho tỉng sè c©u, tr¸nh mÊt qu¸ nhiỊu thêi gian vµo bµi ®äc hiĨu Khi häc «n thi tèt nghiƯp , Hs cÇn b¸m s¸t SGK , n¾m ch¾c c¸c kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n SGK vµ lun tËp cho c¸c d¹ng bµi c« gi¸o híng dÉn trªn líp Ngoµi SGK, c¸c em nªn lun tËp thªm bµi ë c¸c s¸ch bµi tËp tr¾c nghiƯm hc kiĨm tra tr¾c nghiƯm tiÕng Anh.Kinh nghiƯm cho thÊy : M«n TiÕng Anh : Mn ®iĨm cao, lµm nhiỊu bµi tËp v× c¸ch nµy võa rÌn kü n¨ng lµm bµi , võa ®Ĩ «n l¹i c¸c kiÕn thøc ng÷ ph¸p vµ cÊu tróc tõ vùng Ci cïng, chóc c¸c em gỈp nhiỊu may m¾n Good luck to you! Mrs Phuong N M TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 PhÇn : PhÇn lý thut Part I: Pronunciation ( ph¸t ©m) A C¸c phơ ©m h÷u vµ v« tiÕng Anh: * H÷u /b, d, g, v, ð, z,ʒ,ʤ, m,n, η,l,r,,j,w/ + toµn bé nguyªn ©m a,e,o,u,i * V« /p,t,k,f,θ,s,∫,t∫,h/ Quy t¾c c¬ b¶n viƯc ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘s’: ‘s’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /z/ theo sau c¸c ©m h÷u thanh( trõ ©m /z, ʒ,ʤ/) ‘s’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /s/ theo sau c¸c ©m v« trõ ©m/ s,∫,t∫ / ‘s’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ / iz/ ®i sau c¸c ©m / z, ʒ,ʤ, s,∫,t∫ / Quy t¾c c¬ b¶n viƯc ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘ed’: §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /d/ theo sau c¸c ©m h÷u ( trõ ©m /d/ ) §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /t/ theo sau c¸c ©m v« ( trõ ©m /t/ ) §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /id/ theo sau c¸c ©m /t, d/ B Stress Tõ cã hai ©m tiÕt( Two-syllable words) - §èi víi tõ cã hai ©m tiÕt, träng ©m cã thĨ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu hc ©m tiÕt thø hai §èi víi ®éng tõ, tÝnh tõ, tr¹ng tõ, vµ giíi tõ cã quy lt c¬ b¶n sau: nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m dµi hc nguyªn ©m kÐp ( trõ ) th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai Vd: arrive(v), attract(v), correct(a), perfect(a), alone(adv), inside(pre) Ngc l¹i nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m ng¾n hc nguyªn ©m kÐp , hc ®ỵc kÕt thóc b»ng mét phơ ©m th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu Vd: open(v), borrow(v), lovely( a), sorry(a), rather(adv) §èi víi danh tõ, nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m ng¾n th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu Vd: money, product Ngỵc l¹i, nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m dµi hc nguyªn ©m kÐp th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai Vd: balloon, design, estate Tõ cã ba ©m tiÕt( three -syllable words) §èi víi ®éng tõ , nÕu ©m tiÕt ci lµ ©m tiÕt m¹nh, nã sÏ cã träng ©m Vd: enter’tain, resur’rect NÕu ©m tiÕt ci lµ ©m tiÕt u, träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®øng tríc nã,vd: encounter, determine NÕu c¶ ©m tiÕt thø hai vµ thø ba lµ ©m tiÕt u th× träng ©m sÏ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu tiªn Vd: advertise, speculate §èi víi danh tõ, nÕu ©m tiÕt ci cïng u hc tËn cïng b»ng /əu/, vµ ©m tiÕt thø hai m¹nh, träng ©m sÏ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai ®ã Vd: statistics, potato, diaster ; NÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai vµ thø ba cïng lµ ©m tiÕt u,th× ©m tiÕt ®µu tiªn sÏ mang träng ©m Vd: quantity, cinema, emperor Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) *Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi mét hc nhiỊu phơ tè( affixes).Phơ tè bao gåm tiỊn tè ( prefixes) vµ hËu tè(suffixes) *Ba trêng hỵp phơ tè cã t¸c ®éng ®Õn träng ©m cđa tõ: B¶n th©n phơ tè mang träng ©m chÝnh Vd: ‘semicircle, perso’nality Phơ tè kh«ng lµm thay ®ỉi träng ©m chÝnh cđa tõ gèc Vd: ‘pleasant, un’pleasant, ‘market, ‘marketing Sù cã mỈt cđa phơ tè lµm thay ®ỉi träng ©m chÝnh cđa tõ gèc Vd:’magnet.mag’netic D¹ng ph¸t ©m m¹nh vµ d¹ng ph¸t ©m u cđa c¸c tõ chøc n¨ng ( weak forms and strong forms of function words) TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Mét sè tõ chøc n¨ng tiªng Anh ( trỵ ®éng tõ, giíi tõ, liªn tõ )cã thĨ cã hai c¸ch ph¸t ©m- d¹ng m¹nh vµ d¹ng u D¹ng ph¸t ©m u(weak form)lµ d¹ng ph¸t ©m th«ng thêng cđa nhãm tõ nµy vµ chóng chØ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m díi d¹ng m¹nh( strong form) c¸c trêng hỵp sau: Khi tõ ®ã xt hiƯn ë ci c©u nãi Vd: Chips are what I’m fond of Khi tõ ®ã ®ỵc ®em t¬ng ph¶n víi mét tõ kh¸c Vd: the letter’s from him not to him Khi tõ ®ã ®ỵc ®¸nh träng ©m v× mơc ®Ých nhÊn m¹nh cđa ngêi nãi Vd:You must give me more money Khi tõ ®ã ®ỵc trÝch ®Én Vd: You shouldn’t put and at the end of the sentence NhÞp ®iƯu (Rhythm): Ng«n ng÷ lêi nãi tiÕng Anh ®ỵc cho lµ cã nhÞp ®iƯu vµ nhÞp ®ã ®ỵc ph¸t hiƯn nhê vµo sù xt hiƯn ®Ịu ®Ỉn cđa c¸c ©m tiÕt cã träng ©m TiÕng Anh cã nhÞp ®iƯu theo träng ©m cã nghÜa lµ c¸c ©m tiÕt cã träng ©m cã xu híng xt hiƯn nh÷ng kho¶ng thêi gian t¬ng ®èi b»ng dï gi÷a chóng cã sè lỵng ©m tiÕt kh«ng mang träng ©m kh¸c Vd: ‘Walk ‘down the ‘path to the ‘end of the ca’nal Nt ©m ( Elision) Nt ©m lµ sù lỵc bá hc nhiỊu ©m nãi.Díi ®©y lµ sè trêng hỵp nt ©m chđ u: • Sù biÕn mÊt cđa nguyªn ©m • Sù mÊt ®i nh÷ng nguyªn ©m u theo sau /p, t, k/ • Sù biÕn mÊt cđa phơ ©m Nèi ©m( linking) o Phơ ©m -> nguyªn ©m Vd: Look at me; Can I help you? o Nguyªn ©m -> nguyªn ©m Vd: How often I have to it? Ng÷ ®iƯu ( Intonation) Ng÷ ®iƯu lµ sù lªn xng cđa cao ®é ©m ta ph¸t ©m.Cã ba lo¹i ng÷ ®iƯu c¬ b¶n ®ỵc tr×nh bµy SGK 12: ng÷ ®iƯu gi¸ng( falling tune); ng÷ ®iƯu th¨ng( rising tune); ng÷ ®iƯu th¨ng –gi¸ng( rising- falling tune).Sau ®©y lµ mét sè quy t¾c ng÷ ®iƯu c¬ b¶n: C©u trÇn tht: C©u trÇn tht th«ng thêng xng giäng ë ci ph¸t ng«n Vd: I love you C©u liƯt kª lªn giäng võa ph¶i ë mçi phÇn liƯt kª vµ xng giäng ë ci ph¸t ng«n Vd: We had some soup, smashed potato, fish and chips and finally a glass of orange juice C©u hái cã tõ ®Ĩ hái: Quy lt c¬ b¶n lµ xng giäng ë ci ph¸t ng«n Vd: What does WTO stand for? §«i lªn giäng dÇn tõ b¾t ®Çu cho ®Õn kÕt thóc ph¸t ng«n( thĨ hiƯn sù quan t©m nhiỊu h¬n) Vd: How’s your daughter? C©u hái ®¶o: ®Ịu lªn giäng ë ci ph¸t ng«n kĨ c¶ lo¹i cã d¹ng thøc gièng nh c©u trÇn tht Vd: Do you love him? You love him? Lêi yªu cÇu, ®Ị nghÞ: Lªn giäng ë ci ph¸t ng«n Vd: Can you open the door ,please? C©u hái ®u«i: Xng giäng ë phÇn ®u«i cđa c©u hái hái chØ ®Ỵ x¸c nhËn th«ng tin C©u hái nh thÕ nµy cã t¸c dơng gÇn nh mét c©u c¶m th¸n Vd: It’s really hot, isn’t it? Khi hái ®Ĩ lÊy th«ng tin thùc sù vµ cÇn cã sù kh¼ng ®Þnh hc phđ ®Þnh cđa ngêi nghe th× phÇn ®u«i cđa c©u hái ph¶i lªn giäng Vd: You don’t love her, you? C©u hái lùa chän: lªn giäng ë mçi sù lùa chän trõ sù lùa chän ci cïng th× xng giäng Vd: Would you like tea, coffee or milk? PART II: GRAMMAR (PhÇn ng÷ ph¸p) Unit 1+2 : Verb tenses: TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 I The present simple tense ( Thì đơn ) Form : S ( I / we / you / they) + V S ( he / she / it) + Vs/es S + Be( am / is / are) Usage: - Th× HT§G diƠn t¶ mét thãi quen, mét hµnh ®éng x¶y thêng xuyªn lỈp di lỈp l¹i ë hiƯn t¹i eg I watch T.V every night - Th× HT§G diƠn t¶ mét ch©n lý , mét sù thËt hiĨn nhiªn eg The sun rises in the East / Tom comes from America - Th× HT§G ®ỵc dïng ta nãi vỊ thêi khãa biĨu ( timetables), ch¬ng tr×nh (programmes) eg The train leaves the station at 8.15 a.m The film begins at p.m - Th× HT§G dïng sau nh÷ng cơm tõ chØ thêi gian : when, as soon as, vµ nh÷ng cơm tõ chØ ®iỊu kiƯn : if, unless eg When summer comes, I’ll go to the beach You won’t get good marks unless you work hard Adverbs: Often= usually= frequently, always= constantly, sometimes =occasionally, seldom= rarely, everyday/ week/ month II The present continuous tense( Thì tiếp diễn ) Form : S + Be ( am / is / are) +V ing Usage: - Th× HTTD diƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang diƠn vµ kÐo dµi mét thêi gian ë hiƯn t¹i( thêng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ : now, right now, at the moment, at present.) eg The children are playing football now - Th× HTTD còng thêng ®ỵc dïng theo sau c©u ®Ị nghÞ, mƯnh lƯnh eg Be quiet! The baby is sleeping Note :Kh«ng dïng th× HTTD víi c¸c ®éng tõ chØ nhËn thøc , tri gi¸c nh : to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget, belong to, believe ( Víi c¸c ®éng tõ nµy ta thay b»ng th× HT§G.) eg She wants to go for a walk at the moment SO SÁNH SIMPLE PRESENT Với PRESENT CONTINUOUS Thì Simple Present dùng để hành động diễn thời gian n chung khơng thiết phải thời gian Thời gian nói chung thời gian ma việc diễn ngày (every day), tuần (every week), tháng (every month), năm (every year), mùa (every spring / summer / autumn / winter)… - He goes to school every day - Mrs Brown travels every summer * Thì Present Continuous dùng để hành động xảy (a current activity) hay việc làm (now/ at present/ at this moment), hơm (today), tuần (this week), năm (this year)… - We are learning English now - Mary is playing the piano at the moment Hãy so sánh : - I work in a bakery every day - I’m working in a bakery this week * CHÚ Ý : (1) + Thì Simple Present thường dùng với động từ tri giác (verbs of perception) :feel, see, hear… động từ trạng thái như: know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe… + Ngồi dùng Simple Present với động từ : be, appear, belong, have to… + Thì Simple Present dùng với trạng từ tần suất (adverbs of frequency) : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally, rarely, never… - That child needs care - This book belongs to me - He never comes late + Chúng ta dùng Simple Present để chân lí hay thật hiển nhiên (a general truth) TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 - The sun rises in the east - Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom (2) Thì Present Continuous còng dùng để hành động tương lai gần (a near future action) Với trạng từ tương lai : tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next summer… III The present perfect tense ( Thì Hiện hồn thành ) Form : S + have / has + PII Usage : - Th× HTHT diƠn t¶ hµnh ®éng võa míi x¶y ra, võa míi kÕt thóc, thêng ®i víi tr¹ng tõ “just” eg We have just bought a new car - Th× HTHT diƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu tõ qu¸ khø , cßn kÐo dµi ®Õn hiƯn t¹i vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng tiÕp tơc ë t¬ng lai eg You have studied English for five years - Th× HTHT diƠn t¶ hµnh ®éng xả qu¸ khø mµ kh«ng biÕt râ thêi gian eg I have gone to Hanoi - Th× HTHT diƠn t¶ hµnh ®éng ®ỵc lỈp ®i lỈp l¹i nhiỊu lÇn ë qu¸ khø eg We have seen Titanic three times - Th× HTHT dïng sau nh÷ng tõ so s¸nh ë cÊp cao nhÊt.( lêi b×nh phÈm) eg It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen - Th× HTHT dïng víi This is the first/ second time, it’s the first time eg This is the first time I’ve lost my way -Th× HTHT dïng víi This morning/ This evening/ Today/ This week/ This term nh÷ng thêi gian nµy vÉn cßn lóc nãi eg I haven’t seen Joana this morning Have you seen her? Note : - Gone to kh¸c víi Been to eg Marry has gone to Paris(®ang ë hc ®ang trªn ®êng ®Õn Pari) Marry has been to Paris(®· ®Õn nhng b©y giê kh«ng cßn ë Pari) Adverbs : - just, recently, lately :gÇn ®©y, võa míi - ever :®· tõng - never :cha bao giê - already :råi - yet: cha (dïng c©u phđ ®Þnh vµ nghi vÊn) - since :tõ khi( chØ thêi ®iĨm mµ hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu) - for : kho¶ng(chØ kho¶ng thêi gian cđa hµnh ®éng ) - so far =until now =up to now =up to the present : cho ®Õn nay, cho ®Õn tËn b©y giê ** Th× HTHTTD : S + have been + Ving Sư dơng t¬ng tù th× HTHT nhng mn nhÊn m¹nh tÝnh liªn tơc cđa hµnh ®éng eg You have been learning English for years SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) dùng để kết tình trạng (the result of the present state), việc xảy khứ không rõ thời điểm, lập lập lại nhiều lần kéo dài đến + Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để tiếp diễn hành động (the continuity of an action) - I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet - He has been living here since 1975 - We have been working in the garden all morning + Thì Present Perfect Continuous dùng với động từ : lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay… - They have been learning English since 1995 - The chair has been lying in the store window for ages IV The past simple tense ( Thì Q khứ đơn ) Form : S + V- ed (regular /irregular ) Usage : _Th× QK§G diƠn t¶ hµnh ®éng x¶y qu¸ khø, ®· chÊm døt vµ biÕt râ thêi gian eg I went to the cinema last night Adverbs : -last : yesterday - ago : TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 ** - Khi ®ỉi sang d¹ng phđ ®Þnh vµ nghi vÊn nhí ®a ®éng tõ chÝnh vỊ nguyªn mÉu - Chó ý c¸ch ph¸t ©m c¸c ®éng tõ cã tËn cïng lµ ‘ed’ §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /d/ theo sau c¸c ©m h÷u ( trõ ©m /d/ ) §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /t/ theo sau c¸c ©m v« ( trõ ©m /t/ ) §éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®ỵc ph¸t ©m lµ /id/ theo sau c¸c ©m /t, d/ SO SÁNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VÀ THÌ SIMPLE PAST * Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) dùng để khứ không rõ thời điểm liên lạc với * Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để khứ có thời điểm rõ rệt cắt đứt với + CHÚ Ý : (1) Thì Present Perfect thường với từ : up to now, up to the present, so far (cho tới nay), not … yet (vẫn chưa), for, since, ever (đã từng), never, several times (nhiều lần), just (vừa), recently (vừa mới), lately (mới đây) - Have you ever seen a tiger ? - The train has not arrived yet - We have lived here for years - The bell has just rung (2) * Thì Simple Past thường với tiếng thời gian khứ xác đònh : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last summer, ago - We came here a month ago - He went to the cinema yesterday * Thì Simple Past dùng để chuỗi hành động xảy khứ - He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out V The past continuous tense : Form : S + was/ were + V ing Usage : - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y vµ kÐo dµi mét thêi gian ë qu¸ khø eg Yesterday, Mr Nam was working in the garden all the afternoon - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y t¹i mét thêi ®iĨm x¸c ®Þnh qu¸ khø eg We were learning English at a.m last Sunday - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra( ë qu¸ khø ) th× cã mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c xen vµo.(h® ®ang x¶y dïng th× QKTD , h® xen vµo dïng th× QK§G ) eg When I saw her yesterday, she was having breakfast - Hai hµnh ®éng x¶y song song cïng mét lóc ë qu¸ khø eg Last night, I was watching T.V while my sister was reading a book Note: kh«ng dïng th× nµy víi c¸c ®éng tõ chØ nhËn thøc, tri gi¸c( thay b»ng QK§G) Adverbs:- at 4p.m yesterday - at this time last Sunday SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VÀ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) dùng để hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy khứ - I met him in the street yesterday + Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) dùng để hành động kéo dài khứ tương ứng với hành động khác khứ - I met him while he was crossing the street - She was going home when she saw an accident + Thì Past Continuous diễn tả hành động kéo dài điểm thời gian xác đònh khứ hai hành động liên tiếp song song với - My father was watching TV at o’clock last night - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV VI The past perfect tense ( Thì q khứ hồn thành ) 1.Form : S + had + PII TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Usage :DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø x¶y tríc mét thêi gian cụ thể hc tríc mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c qu¸ khø.( NÕu c©u cã hai hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø , h® nµo x¶y tríc ta dïng QKHT, h® nµo sau ta dïng QK§G) eg They had live here before 1985 After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed VII The past perfect continuous tense ( Thì q khứ hồn thành tiếp diễn ) 1.Form: S + had been + Ving Usage : DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø ®· x¶y vµ kÐo dµi cho ®Õn hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø thø hai x¶y ( h® thø hai dïng QK§G).Kho¶ng thêi gian kÐo dµi thêng ®ỵc nªu râ c©u eg The boys had been playing football for hours before I came SO SÁNH THÌ PAST PERFECT VÀ THÌ PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Past Perfect Continuous (Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) dùng để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động trước hành động khứ khác xảy Hãy so sánh : - She had been studying English before she came here for classes (Hành động had been studying xảy liên tục hành động came for classes xảy ra) - She had studied English before she came for classes (Hành động had studied chấm dứt trước hành động came for classes) Và so sánh : - It had been raining when I got up this morning (Mưa dứt thức dậy.) - It was raining when I got up this morning (Mưa thức dậy VIII The simple future tense ( Thì tương lai đơn giản) Form : S + will/ shall + V bare infi Usage: - Dïng ta qut ®Þnh lµm mét ®iỊu g× ®ã vµo lóc nãi eg You will give your sentences now - Dïng ®Ĩ yªu cÇu, ®Ị nghÞ ®ã lµm g× eg Will you shut the door - Dïng ®Ĩ ®ång ý hc tõ chèi lµm g× eg: A:I need some money B:Don’t worry I’ll lend you some - Dïng ®Ĩ høa hĐn lµm ®iỊu g× eg:I promise I’ll call you when I arrive - Dïng shall I vµ shall we ®Ĩ ®Ị nghÞ hc gỵi ý eg Where shall we go tonight?/ Shall we go to the cinema? - Dïng I think I’ll / I don’t think I’ll ta qut lµm / ko lµm ®iỊu g× eg.I think I’ll stay at home tonight./ I don’t think I’ll go out tonight Adverbs : - someday :mét ngµy nµo ®ã - next week/ next month - tomorrow : - soon :ch¼ng bao l©u n÷a IX Near future (Thì tương lai gần ) Form: S + Be + Going to + V bare infi (dù ®Þnh sÏ ) S + Be +V ing (s¾p sưa ) Usage :- DiƠn t¶ hµnh ®éng sÏ x¶y t¬ng lai gÇn cã dù ®Þnh tríc( thêng c©u kh«ng cã tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian ) eg They are going to repaint the school -DiƠn t¶ sù tiªn ®o¸n, sù kiƯn ch¾c ch¾n x¶y ë t¬ng lai v× cã dÊu hiƯu hay chøng cø ë hiƯn t¹i - eg Tom’s a good student He’s going to pass the final exam Look at those clouds It’s going to rain X The future continuous tense (Thì tương lai tiếp diễn) Form: S + will / shall + Be + V ing Usage : - DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y t¹i mét thêi ®iĨm x¸c ®Þnh t¬ng lai eg I will be watching T.V at 8p.m tonight - DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ë t¬ng lai th× cã mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c x¶y eg I’ll be cooking when my mother return this evening SO SÁNH THÌ SIMPLE FUTURE VÀ THÌ FUTURE CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Future (Tương Lai Đơn) diễn tả hành động xảy (có thời gian xác đònh TEACHER : Phuong N.M For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 tương lai); Future Continuous (Tương Lai Tiếp Diễn) diễn tả hành động liên tiến điểm thời gian xác đònh tương lai - He will go to the stadium next Sunday - We will / shall have the final test Hãy so sánh : - I will eat breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc sáng mai, bắt đầu dùng bữa điểm tâm.) - I will be eating breakfast at o’clock tomorrow (Vào lúc sáng mai, dùng bữa điểm tâm.) + Trong mệnh đề trạng từ thời gian (adverb clause of time) hay mệnh đề điều kiện (adverb clause of condition), Simple Present dùng để thay cho Simple Future - I shall not go until I see him - If he comes tomorrow, he will it + Chú ý : WILL dùng cho tất XI The future perfect tense (Thì tương lai hồn thành ) Form : S + will + have +PII Usage : - DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng sÏ hoµn tÊt vµo mét thêi ®iĨm cho tríc ë t¬ng lai Thêng dïng c¸c cơm tõ chØ thêi gian nh : By (+mèc thêi gian ), By the time , By then eg We’ll have finished our lesson by 11 o’clock When you come back, I’ll have had lunch XII The future perfect continuous tense (Thì tương lai hồn thành tiếp diễn) Form: S + will + have been + Ving Usage : - DiƠn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu tõ qu¸ khø vµ kÐo dµi ®Õn mét thêi ®iĨm cho tríc ë t¬ng lai Thêng dïng c¸c cơm tõ chØ thêi gian nh : By for(+ kho¶ng thêi gian), By the time , By then eg By May, they’ll have been living in this house for 15 years SO SANH THÌ FUTURE PERFECT VÀ THÌ FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS + Thì Future Perfect (Tương Lai Hoàn Thành) dùng để hành động hoàn thành trước hành động khác tương lai hay điểm thời gian tương lai - The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing - By next Christmas, he will have lived in Dalat for years + Để nhấn mạnh tính liên tục hành động, dùng Future Perfect Continuous (Tương Lai Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) - By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling through Russia - By next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years **Sequence of tenses : ( sù phèi hỵp vỊ th× ) Trong c©u cã hai mƯnh ®Ị trë lªn , c¸c ®éng tõ ph¶i cã sù phèi hỵp vỊ th× Sù phèi hỵp cđa c¸c ®éng tõ mƯnh ®Ị chÝnh(main clause) vµ mƯnh ®Ị phơ ( subordinate clause) nh sau : Simple present TEACHER : Phuong N.M Main clause Subordinate clause - Simple present - Present perfect - Present continuous - Simple future/ Near future - Simple past (nÕu tgian x®Þnh ë qkhø) For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Simple past Present perfect Past perfect - Simple past - Past perfect - Past continuous - Would/ was ,were+ going to + V bare infi - Simple present (nÕu dt¶ mét ch©n lý) - Simple present - Simple past eg Marry says she’ll come here next Sunday People have said that London has fog Sù phèi hỵp cđa c¸c ®éng tõ mƯnh ®Ị chÝnh vµ mƯnh ®Ị tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian nh sau: Main clause Adverbial clause of time - Present tenses Present tenses - Past tenses Past tenses - Present tenses Future tenses + MƯnh ®Ị tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian thêng ®ỵc b¾t ®Çu víi c¸c tõ nèi sau: - when: - until: - whenever : - just as :ngay - as: - since: - while: - no sooner than: - before: - hardly .when: khã .khi - after: - as long as: chõng nµo, cho ®Õn - as soon as: - till: eg You will go home as soon as you have finished your exercises When I came there, it was raining hard I often drink coffee while I am watching T.V + Note:- Kh«ng ®ỵc dïng th× t¬ng lai (Future tenses) c¸c mƯnh ®Ị tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian ( cã thĨ thay b»ng th× hiƯn t¹i) eg If it rains tomorrow, We’ll stay at home - Trong trêng hỵp dïng tõ nèi Since lu ý: S +V( present perfect/ present perfect cont.) + Since + S + Ved eg You have been studying English since you came here SỰ HỒ HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ (THE AGREEMENT OF A VERB WITH ITS SUBJECT) Theo luật chung động từ hòa hợp với chủ ngữ ø no ù- tức – chủ ngữ số động từ theo sau số ngược lại chủ ngữ ø số nhiều theo sau động số nhiều Tuy nhiên, ta ý 10 luật đặc biệt sau: [1] : Hai hay nhiều chủ ngữ số đựơc nối liên từ AND đòi hỏi động từ số nhiều - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly - Tom and Mary were late yesterday Tuy nhiên, hai chử từ diễn tả người, vật hay ý tưởng chung động từ số - Bread and butter is my daily breakfast - To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life [2] : Hai chủ ngữ øđược nối với AND mà trước chủ ngữ ø ø đầù có EACH, EVERY, MANY A, NO động từ phải số - Each boy and girl has a textbook - No teacher and student is present [3] : Khi hai chủ ngữ ø nối OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR…thì động từ hồ hợp với chủ ngữ øgần - He or you are the best student in this class - Neither Jack nor I am willing to that [4] : Khi hai chủ ngữ ø đươcï nối AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH động từ hòa hợp với chủ ngữ ø TEACHER : Phuong N.M 10 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Because of 16) Russian is too hard for us to learn Russian is so _ 17) He is rather rich He can buy a new house He is rich enough _ 18) John was too ill to go to work John was not _ 19) The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go sailing The weather was too _ 20) It was such a boring film that we left before the end The film was so 21) The car was expensive We couldn’t afford to buy it The car was so _ 22) He is too weak to carry this bag He is so _ 23) Bill is too foolish to understand what I say Bill is not _ 24) Although William had a bad cold, he still went to school Despite _ 25) His father is taller than his mother His mother is not 26)Tom didn’t come to the party Ann didn’t come to the party, either Neither Tom 27)Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time In spite of 28) My father said I could use his car My father allowed 29) If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late Unless 30) Jane is a better cook than Mary Mary can’t 31) Jack is too young to get married Jack is not _ 32) She made herself ill because she worked very hard She worked so _ 33) The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down It was such _ 34) The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital The man who 35) It is said that he is 108 years old He is said 36) They don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly If 37) She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money If 38) I am always nervous when I travel by air Travelling by air 39)That factory is producing more and more pollution More and more pollution _ 40)We must leave now or we’ll miss the train TEACHER : Phuong N.M 96 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 If 41)She is a faster and more careless driver than I am She drives _ 42)We spent five hours getting to London It took 43)I hope to see you at Christmas I’m looking forward 44) Don’t try to escape It’s no use It’s no use _ 45) Ann said to Bill : “Don’t forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.” Ann reminded Exercise 2: Choose the best option I like tea more than coffee A I like coffee better than tea C I like tea very much Murder is the most serious of all crimes A Murder is very serious C No crimes is more serious than murder I find it important to learn English A I make it possible to learn English C It’s important to learn English The heavy rain stopped me from going out A As the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out C Because of the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out Could you please close the door? A Would you mind close the door? C Would you minded close the door? Bill drives more carelessly than he used to A Bill doesn’t drive as carefully as he used to C Bill doesn’t drive as carefully he used to The last time I saw Jane was three years ago A I haven’t seen Jane for three years C I haven’t seen Jane since three years Ban cannot get married because he is under sixteen A Ban is young enough to get married C Ban is old enough to get married No one in the class is taller than Lan A Lan is the tallest student in the class C Lan is the tallest student in class 10 Dave is very young He cannot understand it A Dave is not young enough to understand it C Dave is not young to understand it 11 He likes not only sports but also reading A He only enjoys sports C He enjoys neither sports nor reading 12 She is married with two children A She has a husband and two children C She is a childless mother 13 What’s the matter with you? A What’s thing with you? C What’s wrong with you? TEACHER : Phuong N.M B I like coffee as you D I prefer tea to coffee B Everyone is afraid of murder D Murder is the dangerous crimes B I find that learning English important D It’s as important to learn English B Thanks to the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out D Except for the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out B Would you mind to close the door? D Would you mind closing the door? B Bill doesn’t drive carefully he used to D Bill doesn’t drive as carefully as he used B I haven’t seen Jane three years ago D I have seen Jane for three years B Ban is too young to get married D Ban is too old to get married B Lan is the tall student in the class D Lan is tallest student in the class B Dave is very young to understand it D Dave is too young to understand it B He only enjoys reading D He enjoys both sports and reading B She is single D She has two children B What’s issue with you? D What’s right with you? 97 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 14 She started school when she was years old A At the year of she started school B At the age of she started school C At the old of she started school D At the time of she started school 15 He enjoys having noodle soup every meal A He has to eat noodle soup every meal B He should eat noodle soup every meal C He likes to eat noodle soup every meal D He must eat noodle soup every meal 16 They didn’t see each other six months ago A They haven’t seen each other six months B They haven’t seen each other for six months C They haven’t seen each other since six months D They haven’t seen each other six months ago 17 I don’t speak English as well as my sister A My sister speaks English better than I B I speak English worse than my sister does My sister speaks English more well than I D A and B 18 Daisy doesn’t play cricket as well as she used to A Daisy was used to play cricket better B Daisy used to playing cricket better C Daisy used to play cricket better D Daisy got used to playing cricket better 19 “I think you should go by bus.” He told us A He asked us to go by bus B He ordered us to go by bus C He advised us go by bus D He advised us to go by bus 20 Our house is going to be painted by a local firm A We are going to have our house painted B We are going to have our house be painted C We are going to have our house to be painted D.We are going to have our house being painted 21 Whose English books are these? A Who are these English books belong to? B Who these English books belong to ? C To whom these English books belong to? D Whom these English books belong to? 22 It was too careless of you to drive very fast A You should not drive very fast B You should not drive very slowly C You should not have driven very fast D You should not to drive very fast 23 What were you doing then? I didn’t know A I didn’t know what you were doing then B I didn’t know what were you doing then C I didn’t know what you had done then D I didn’t know what you would then 24 The last time they were in Paris was in 2003 A They weren’t in Paris since 2003 B They haven’t been in Paris since 2003 C They hadn’t been in Paris since 2003 D They haven’t been in Paris from 2003 25 What’s her date of birth? A When did she born? B When were she born? C When’s her birthday? D When was she born? 26 This is the most horrible film I have ever seen A I already saw this horrible film before B I have never seen such a horrible film before C This is the most horrible film I saw D I have ever seen this horrible film before 27 The police are looking for the missing boy A The missing boy is looked for B The missing boy is looking for C The missing boy is being looking for D The missing boy is being looked for 28 Susan regretted not buying that villa A Susan wished she had bought that villa B Susan wished she bought that villa C Susan wished she could buy that villa D Susan wished she hadn’t bought that villa 29 It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this A I wish you told us about this B I wish you would tell us about this C I wish you had told us about this D I wish you have told us about this 30 It started to rain at o’clock and it is still raining A It has been raining at o’clock B It has been raining since o’clock C It has been raining for o’clock D It has been raining in o’clock TEACHER : Phuong N.M 98 For the examination for GCSE C Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 31 They made her hand over her passport A She was made to hand over her passport B She was made hand over her passport C She was handed over to make her passport D She was handed over for her passport to make 32 I tried to eat the cake, but it was too sweet A It was such a sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it B It was so sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it C The cake was too sweet that I couldn’t eat it D The cake was very sweet that I couldn’t eat it 33 My brother and I went to that school A I went to that school and my brother, too B I went to that school and so my brother did C I went to that school and so did my brother D I went to that school and so my brother did, too 34 She said to us, “Don’t be late again.” A She said to us not to be late again B She told us to be late again C She told to us not to be late again D She told us not to be late again 35 I often get up early in the morning A I am used to getting up early in the morning B I am used to get up early in the morning C I used to get up early in the morning D I used to getting up early in the morning 36 It isn’t necessary to shout A You need to keep silent B You don’t need shouting C You needn’t shout D It’s necessary to keep silent 37 “You shouldn’t stay up late ”, the doctor told Mr William A The doctor advised Mr William not stay up late B The doctor advised Mr William not to go to bed so early C The doctor advised Mr William to stay up late D The doctor advised Mr William not to stay up late 38 Julia couldn’t pass the driving test because she was so nervous A Julia could pass the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous B Julia could pass the driving test if she wasn’t very nervous C Julia could have passed the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous D Julia will pass the driving test if she wasn’t so nervous 39 It takes me five hours to drive to Manchester city from here A Manchester city is five hours’drive from here B Manchester city drives for five hours from here C Manchester city is driving for five hours from here D I have five hours to drive to Manchester city from here 40 Peter lives in the house The house is opposite my house A Peter lives in the house it is opposite my house B Peter lives in the house which opposite my house C Peter lives in the house on which is opposite my house D Peter lives in the house which is opposite my house 41 The plants may develop differently The plants live on that island A The plants live on that island may develop differently B The plants that live on that island may develop differently C The plants which lives on that island may develop differently D The plants whose live on that island may develop differently 42 He came back at 9:00 last night His son was having dinner A After he came back at 9:00 last night his son was having dinner B He came back at 9:00 last night but his son was having dinner C When he came back at 9:00 last night his son was having dinner D When he came back at 9:00 last night and his son was having dinner 43 The weather was very cold They couldn’t go out A The weather was very cold and that they couldn’t go out B The weather was so cold that they couldn’t go out TEACHER : Phuong N.M 99 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 C The weather was not so cold they couldn’t go out D The weather was very cold they couldn’t go out My teacher lives far from our school A It’s a short distance from my teacher’s house to our school B It’s a long distance from my teacher’s house to our school C My teacher’s house is near our school D My teacher lives near our school The water was so cold that we couldn’t swim in it A The water was too cold for us to swim in it B The water was very cold for us to swim in C The water wasn’t warm enough that we couldn’t swim in it D The water was too cold for us to swim in Although there was a traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time A Despite traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time B In spite traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time C Despite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to his office on time D In spite of the traffic jam, Mr David managed to get to his office on time I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder A Unless you promise to try harder, I’ll help you B I won’t help you unless you promise to try harder C I’ll help you even when you promise to try harder D I won’t help you even when you promise to try harder John began playing the organ five years ago A John has been playing the organ five years ago B John has played the organ for five years C John has been playing the organ for five years D John used to play the organ five years ago She can’t have any more children because of her old age A She isn’t young enough to have more children B She isn’t young to have more children C She isn’t so young that to have more children D She is too old that to have more children I like watching TV more than listening to the radio A I prefer watching TV to listening to the radio B I prefer watching TV than listening to the radio C I’d better watching TV to listening to the radio D I’d better watch TV to listening to the radio Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold A You won’t catch a cold even if you don’t keep your feet dry B You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry C You will catch a cold if you keep your feet dry D Unless you keep your feet wet, you won’t catch a cold Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals A Children are always made to wash their hands before meals B Children are always made wash their hands before meals C Parents always allow their children to wash their hands before meals D Parents always let their children wash their hands before meals The bookshelf was so high that Heidi couldn’t reach it A The bookshelf was too high that Heidi couldn’t reach it B The bookshelf was too high for Heidi to reach C The bookshelf wasn’t slow enough for Heidi to reach TEACHER : Phuong N.M 100 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 D B and C 54 Peter regretted buying the secondhand computer A Peter didn’t want to buy the secondhand computer B Peter wished he didn’t buy the secondhand computer C Peter wished he hadn’t bought the secondhand computer D Peter was glad to buy secondhand computer 55 It was such a dull play that he fell asleep A The play was not interesting enough that he fell asleep B The play was too dull that he fell asleep C The play was so dull that he fell asleep D The play was very dull that he fell asleep 56 The garden is too small to play football in A The garden is so small not to play football in B The garden is small enough to play football in C The garden isn’t big enough to play football in D The garden is such small that they can’t play football in 57 Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news A Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news B Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news C Donald could not help himself and so he wept D Donald could not help himself because he was weeping 58 Caroline asked me what time the meeting would end A Caroline said, “What time will the meeting end?” B Caroline said, “What time would the meeting end?” C Caroline said, “What time the meeting will end?” D Caroline said, “What time the meeting would end?” 59.I’ve never eaten this food before A It’s the first time I’ve eaten this food B It’s the most tasty food I’ve ever eaten C I’ve never eaten such a good food before D the food is so good that I’ve never eaten before 60 We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad A It was so bad a weather that we couldn’t go out B It was such a bad weather that we couldn’t go out C It was so bad weather that we couldn’t go out D It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out Unit 14 – 15 : Phrasal verbs Exercise I/ Choose the most appropriate preposition to fill in each blank up after on off in I’d like to listen to some music Would you please turn the radio… .? Please try to give… smoking It is not good for your health Don’t put… your homework anymore the deadline is coming When I was young, my uncle looked… me because my parents were abroad Before you enter the class, you need to fill… this form so that we can have your personal information Exercise II Choose one of the following phrasal verbs to complete the sentneces look up look after find out go on turn down give up grow up break down We'll buy a smaller house when the children and left home TEACHER : Phuong N.M 101 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 The computer isn't working - it this morning It was not problem We his number in the telephone book Who the cats when we go away on holiday? I where he lived by checking in the local library My headaches have been much better since I drinking coffee 'What _here? What are you doing?' I _their offer because they weren't going to pay me enough money Exercise III- Choose from the four options given(marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each sentence The driver skidded and ….a dog A ran B ran in to C ran after D ran over Aren’t you going to …the dress…before you buy it? A try/ X B try/ up C try/ on D try /in I’m sorry, sir But you’ve already worn these dress That’s why we can’t…it… A take/ back B take /after C take/ in D take/ again Are you telling the truth? Or are you … this story A making B making up C making for D doing Perhaps important supplies of food and minerals were suddenly… A cut out B cut off C cut down D cut back His alarm clock is always set for six o'clock He arises at the same time every day A turns off B gets up C puts on She telephoned her friend to tell him about the meeting They decided to drive there together A turned on C called up Some old friends of mine visited us last night A called on B took off B called up C wore out Fortunately, Marie is associating well with her new co-workers A calling on B talking over C getting along with Exercise IV Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets You may have to change the form Peter is just like his father! (take after) Peter _ Quite by chance, Brenda met Philip at the station, (run into) Brenda _ 3.Tina's car stopped working on the way to Scotland, (break down) Tina's car 4.Ruth's party has been postponed until next month, (put off) Ruth's party TEACHER : Phuong N.M 102 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 It would be a good idea to stop drinking coffee, (give up) It would be a good idea _ I saw their number in the phone directory, (look up) I _ 7.We offered them £250,000 for the house but they refused our offer, (turn down) We offered them £250,000 for the house _ It took me a long time to recover from my illness, (get over) It took me I’m thinnking about my next holiday with pleasure (look) I’m looking forward 10.You don’t need to wear your rain coat it is so hot here ( take) You can Unit 16 : Clauses of time Exercise I.Match an adverbial clause in A with its main clause in B A By the time we got to the station, B a It's two hours since Mary rang b she went home 3.While Mary was washing-up, c she broke a cup After Jill had given Nick his books, d.What were you doing when I phoned you last night? e the train had left until Mrs Hall comes back f I received a phone call When I got home g we'll phone you As soon as we're ready, h Pleasewait here Exercise II Put each verb given into the correct tense When Harry (wake up) _, we told him the news Everyone (wait) for the concert to begin when a message (come) When the film started, I (already arrive) ten minutes before It's a long time since we (not speak) _ to your sister After I finish University I (travel) all over Europe by InterRail Hand in your paper as soon as you (finish) By the time you leave here, I (collect) over 1000 Euros for charity When I see her again, I (tell) _ her your news Exercise III For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words Steve left before my arrival When I _already left I'll wait here until it stops raining When it stops raining _leave In the middle of my meal, the phone rang While I _my meal the phone rang TEACHER : Phuong N.M 103 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 I haven't been to the cinema for ages It's _last went to the cinema Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water After Michael _a deep breath, he dived into the water When he was younger David played tennis David _tennis when he was younger Hurry up! We'll get to the theatre after the beginning of the play By the time we get to the theatre, the play _ Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot better After Kate _two aspirins, she felt a lot better MẪU CÂU GIAO TIẾP 1) CÁC MẪU ĐỀ NGHỊ NGƯỜI KHÁC GIÚP MÌNH: Đề nghị - V0 , please - Can you / Could you + V0 - Would you please + V0 - Will you + V0 - I wonder if you'd/ could + V0 - Would / Do you mind V-ing Trả lời đồng ý - Certainly - Of course - Sure - No problem - What can I for you? - How can I help you? Trả lời khơng đồng ý I'm sorry (I'm busy ) I'm afraid I can't/ couldn't - No I don't mind - No, of course not - Not at all - I'm sorry, I can't ) CÁC MẪU MÌNH MUỐN GIÚP NGƯỜI KHÁC: Trả lời đồng ý -Yes Thank you -That's very kind of you Yes, please Oh, would you really? Thanks a lot -Shall I - Would you like me to -Do you want me to - What can I for you ? - May I help you ? - Do you need any help? - Let me help you - Can I help you ? Trả lời khơng đồng ý No Thank you No, thank you I can manage No, there's no need But thanks all the same Well, that's very kind of you, but I think I can manage, thanks ) CÁC MẪU XIN PHÉP NGƯỜI KHÁC: - May I ? - Can I .? Could I -May I go out ? -Do you think I could -I wonder if I could -Is it all right if I - Would you mind if I + QKĐ TEACHER : Phuong N.M Trả lời đồng ý - Certainly - Of course - Please - Please go ahead - Yes, by all means Trả lời khơng đồng ý - I'd rather you didn't - I'd prefer You didn't -No, I'm afraid you can't -I'm sorry, but you can't - No, of course not 104 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 - Would you mind if I smoked ? - Do you mind if I + HTĐ Do you mind if I smoke ? - Not at all - Please - Please go ahead ) CÁC MẪU CÂU RỦ, GỢI Ý LÀM GÌ : Trả lời đồng ý Trả lời khơng đồng ý Yes, I think that's a good idea That's probably the best option No, let's not Sure, why not? Yes, definitely By all means Good idea Shall I / we (do)? Let's (do) Why don't I / we (do)? How about (doing)? What about (doing)? I think we should (do) I suggest that we (do) It might be a good idea if we / you (do) I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to (do) 10 If you ask me, I think we / you should/ could V (do) ) CÁC MẪU CÂU CÁM ƠN: Trả lời - You're welcome - That's all right - Not at all - It's my pleasure - Thank you - Thank you very much - Thanks a lot - Thanks a lot for ) CÁC MẪU CÂU hỏi lại nghe khơng rõ: - Pardon? ( chữ thơng dụng em cần nhớ) - Please say that again - Could you repeat that? ) CÁC MẪU CÂU MỜI: a) Mời ăn uống: Ví dụ: Đáp lại: b) Mời đâu: Ví dụ: - Would you like + ăn/uống Would you like a cup of tea? ( mời bạn uống trà) - Yes, please / - No, thanks - Would you like + to inf Would you like to go to the cinema with me? ( mời bạn xem phim với tơi) Would you like to go to the party? ( mời bạn dự tiệc) ) CÁC MẪU CÂU CẢNH BÁO : Don't move! Look out! 10) CÁC MẪU CÂU CHUNG : Uh-huh! Showing And? interest (Thể quan tâm) TEACHER : Phuong N.M Mind you head! Be careful! Right! What then? Watch out! Take care! Really? Oh? 105 That's interesting! What happened next? For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 Showing that you're listening (Thể bạn lắng nghe) Thanking and responding ( Cảm ơn đáp lại lời cảm ơn ) Now, you mentioned Yes, I was going to ask you about that of ? Could you explain in more detail ? Apologizing ( Xin lỗi ) Sorry Excuse me I apologize That's all right/OK That's quite/perfectly all right Don't worry about it Accepting an apology ( Chấp nhận lời xin lỗi) Giving instructions ( Đưa lời hướng dẫn ) Checking someone has understood ( K.tra xem hiểu hay chưa) So, that's how ? Could you give me / us an example Many thanks Thanks a lot That's very kind of you Thank you very much It's a pleasure / My pleasure You're welcome 10 Any time 11 That's OK / all right 12 I'm glad to have been of some help Cheers! Not at all Don't mention it I'm very/awfully/so/extremely sorry Sorry, (it was) my fault Please accept my apologies Not to worry No reason/need to apologize Make sure Remember (to do) Be careful (not to do) Don't forget (to do) Giving directions Go straight on Take the first/second on the left / right Turn left / right Go along as far as 10 Take the number bus / tram 11 Get off (the bus / tram) at (place) 12 Carry on until you see 13 Look out for Are you with me? Did you follow that? Have you got that? Is everything clear so far? Does that seem to make sense MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THƯỜNG GẶP 1.A: “More coffee ? Anybody ?” B: “………………….” A I don’t agree.I’m afraid” B.I’d love to 2.A: “ Do you like the weather here ?” B: “ I wish it…………………” A.doesn’t rain B.didn’t rain 3.A: “ Oh,I’m really sorry” B: “…………………” A.It was a pleasure B.That’s all right 4.A: “ What’s your hobby,Hoa? B: “…………………….” TEACHER : Phuong N.M 106 C.yes,please D.It’s right.I think C.won’t rain D.hadn’t rained C.Thanks D.Yes, why? For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 A.Well, I like collecting stamps B.Oh, with computers C.Well,I want stamps D.Oh,on the phone A: “You look nice today I like your new hairstyle” B: “………………………” A.It’s nice of you to say so B.Shall I? Thanks C.Oh, Well done D.I feel interesting to hear that A: “ A motorbike knocked Ted down.” B: “ …………………… A.ưhat is it now? B.Poor Ted! C.How terrific! D.What a motorbike! A: “ I have bought you a toy.Happy birthday to you!” B: “…………………” A.The same to you B.Have a nice day! C.What a pity! D.What a lovely toy ! thanks 8.A “………………” B: “Oh, It’s great” A.How is the English competition ? B.Would you like the English competition? C.What you like about the English competition? D.What you think of the English competition ? “ Peter : “ Do you feel like going to the cinema this everning ?” Mary: “……………………………” A.I don’t agree.I’m afraid B.You’re welcome C.That would be great D.I feel very bored 10 Laura: “ What a lovely house you have “ Mary: “……………….” A.Of course not, It’s not costly B.Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D No problem 11 A : “ Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris ?” B: “……………….” A.Yes,it’s was B.Sorry,I don’t C.I don’t think that D.Not yet 12.A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?” B: “…………………….” A Yes.Here it is B.Not at all C.Yes,let’s D.Great 13.A: “…………….detective stories?” B: “In my opinion,they are very good for teenagers” A.How about B.Are you fond of C.What you think about D.What people feel about? 14.Hellen : “ Congratulations !” Jane : “…………….” A.What a pity B.Thank you C.I’m sorry D.You are welcome 15.Linda : “ Excuse me ! Where ‘s the post office ?” Maria: “………………… ” A.It’s over there B.I’m afraid not C.Don’t worry D.Yes, I think so 16.Tom: “ How did you get there ?” John: “ ………………” A.Is it far from here ? B.I came here by trainC.I came here last night D.The train is so crowded 17.Alice : “ What shall we this everning?” Carol: “………………….” A.Let’s go out for dinner B.No problem C.Thank you D.Not at all 19.Mary: “Whose bike is that?” Tom :”…………….” A.No, It’s over there B.It’s Jane C.It’s just outside D.It’s Jane’s 20.Peter : “ How you go to school?” Mary: “…………………” TEACHER : Phuong N.M 107 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 A.I go there early B.Everyday,Except Sunday C.I don’t think so 21.A: “ Bye” B: “………… ” A.See you lately B.Thank you C.Meet you again 23.A: “ I’ve passed my driving test” B: “………………… ” A.Congratulations! B.That’s agood idea C.It’s nice of you to say so 24.A: “ would you like to have dinner with me ?” B: “……………….” A.Yes, I love to B.Yes, so I C.I’m very happy 25.Ann: “……… where the nearest post office is ? Linda: “ Turn left and then turn right” A.Could you tell me B.Should you show me C Do you tell me 26.A : “ How you ?” B: “…………….” A.How you ? B.Not too bad C.I’m well.Thank 27.Peter: “ I enjoy listening to pop music” Maria: “……………… ” A.I’m too B.I don’t C.Neither I 28 A: It’s hot in here? B: “ …….I open the window?” A.Did B.Shall C.Would 29 David : “ Jame is a very brave man “ Bob: “ Yes, I wish I………… his encourage” A.had B.will have C.have had 30.David: “ You’ ve got a beautiful dress!” Hellen: “ ……………… ” A.I B.Thank you C.You,too 31.Sue: “ I love music” Alice : “……………” A.So I B.No, I won’t C.Yes, I like it 32.Maria: “ I’m taking my end term examination tomorrow: Sarah : “……………… ” A.Good luck B.Good day C.good time 33 Hang: “ Thank for your help,Lan:” Lan: “ ………………… ” A.with all my heart B.Never remind me C.It’s my pleasure 34.Ann: “ Do you think it will rain?” Peter : “…………………” A.I don’t hope B.I hope not C.I don’t hope so 35.Ann: “ Do you think you you will get the job?” Mary: “………………….” A.Yes, that’s right B.I think not C.I know so 36 David: “ Happy Christmas !” Peter : “………… ” A.The same to you! B.Happy christmas to you! C.You are the same ! 37.A: “…………going on a picnic this weekend ?” B: “ That’s great !” A.Why don’t we B.Would you like C.How about 38.What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!- _ A Thank you very much I am afraid C You are telling a lie TEACHER : Phuong N.M 108 D.I go there by bus D.See you later D.Do you? D.Yes,it is D.Will you say me D.Yeah,OK D.So am I D.Do D.have D.Okay D.Neither I D.Good chance D.Wish you D.It’s hopeless D.Well,I hope so D.Same for you! D.Let’s For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 B Thank you for your compliment D I don't like your sayings 39.You look great in this new dress - A With pleasure B Not at all C I am glad you like it D Do not say anything about it 40.How well you are playing! - A Say it again I like to hear your words C I think so I am proud of myself B Thank you too much D Many thanks That is a nice compliment 41 I’m sorry It’s late I must go now - A You are welcome B Good bye See you soon C Not at all D Hello 42.What a lovely hat you have! – Thanks …………… A that’s OK B I don’t care C I’m glad you like it D certainly 43 A: How’s life? – B: A Sure B Not too bad, but very busy C Very well, thank you D Pleased to meet you 44 A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” –B: “ ” A Go ahead B Not at all C Come on D I’m pleased you like it 45.A: “Thank you very much” B: …………………… A.Not at all B.You are well come C.That’s all right D.All are correct 46 A: “Do you fancy a coffee?” B: ……………………… A.Oh,dear B.Everything is ok C.Oh,yes I ‘d love one D.How you 47 A:“You look nice in that red shirt.” B: ………………………… A.It’s nice of you to say so B.Am I? Thanks C.Oh,poor me D.I’m interesting to hear that 48 A: Peter had an accident.he’s been in hospital for days” B: …………………………… A.Poor it B.Poor him terrific D.Oh,Is he? 49 A: “Happy birthday! This is a small present for you” B:………………………… A.What a pity B.How beautiful it is ! Thanks C.Have a good time D.How terrble! 50 A: “How are you getting on ?” B: ……………………………… A.All right B.Not bad C.It’s Ok D All are correct 51 A: “ I’m sorry.It ‘s late I must go now.Bye bye” B: ……………………………… A.You are welcome B.Goodbye.See you soon C.Not at all D.Hello 52.A: “ Thank you for a lovely evening.” B: ………………………… A.You are welcome B.Have a good day C.Thanks D.Che 53 A: “ Do you mind if I use your bike” B:………………………… A.Yes you B.Yes , It’s my pleasure C.No, you don’t D.No, You can use it 54 A: “ Congratulations!” B:………………………… A.What a pity! B.Thank you C.I’m sory D.You are welcome 55 A : “ ………………… ” B: I’m in teaching TEACHER : Phuong N.M 109 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 A.What you for a living ? C.How you live? TEACHER : Phuong N.M B.What you earn for a living? D What are you working ? 110 For the examination for GCSE [...]... prison - in the end:( ci cïng) - in love with 3 ON a For time: TEACHER : Phuong N.M 18 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 - On ®ỵc dïng tríc thø ( ngµy trong tn) eg on Sunday - On ®ỵc dïng tríc ngµy th¸ng eg on August 12th - On time : ®óng giê( chÝnh x¸c) - On Christmas day - On holiday/ on a trip/ on a tour - On the occasion of: nh©n dÞp b For places: - On : ë trªn eg on the... holiday/ on a trip/ on a tour - On the occasion of: nh©n dÞp b For places: - On : ë trªn eg on the table - on the phone - On horseback: trªn lng ngùa - on a diet - On foot : b»ng ch©n( ®i bé) - on fire - On TV / on radio - on the left/ right - On the beach - on the 1st floor 4 BY - By ®ỵc dïng trong c©u bÞ ®éng nghÜa lµ ‘bëi’ - By ®ỵc dïng ®Ĩ chØ ph¬ng tiƯn ®i l¹i( by bike, by car ) - By the time : tríc... n¬i chèn: Nhãm tõ trong c©u trùc tiÕp today yesterday tonight tomorrow this moth TEACHER : Phuong N.M Nhãm tõ trong c©u gi¸n tiÕp that day the day before that night the following day/ the next day that month 11 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 last month next month here now ago this these the moth before / the perious month the month after / the following month there then before... danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng phơ ©m (consonant) - dïng tríc mét danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng uni : a university, a uniform, a universal, a union - tríc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®ỵc, tríc 1 danh tõ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh cơ thĨ vỊ mỈt ®Ỉc ®iĨm, tÝnh chÊt, vÞ trÝ hc ®ỵc nh¾c ®Õn lÇn ®Çu trong c©u - ®ỵc dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ sè lỵng nhÊt ®Þnh VÝ dơ : a lot of, a couple, a dozen, a great many, a great deal of TEACHER : Phuong... hang on a hanger or a hook; Treo 2 end a telephone call Kết thúc cuộc gọi đt up TEACHER : Phuong N.M 29 For the examination for GCSE Basic Grammar Review – Grade 12 keep on continue Tiếp tục leave out omit Bỏ sót, bỏ qua look up look for information in a reference book Tra cứu( từ,kiến thức ) make up invent Phát minh pay back return money to someone Trả lai tiền cho ai pick up Lift Đón put off Postpone... tríc c¸c tû sè nh 1/3, 1 /4, 1/5, = a third, a quarter, a fifth hay one third, one fourth, one fifth - Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ gi¸ c¶, tèc ®é, tû lƯ VÝ dơ: five dolars a kilo; four times a day - Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ tríc c¸c danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®ỵc, dïng trong c©u c¶m th¸n VÝ dơ: Such a long queue! What a pretty girl! Nhng: such long queues! What pretty girls - a cã thĨ ®ỵc ®Ỉt tríc Mr/Mrs/Miss... C«ng thøc: V + Adverb + preposition +O Vd:catch up with, come up against, come up with, face up to, fall in with, get along /on with, get out of, look up to, make up for, put up with, run out of, stand up for, stand up to Some common Phrasal verbs Verb Preposition Synonym ( Ngh ĩa) call back return a telephone call Gọi lại ( điện thoại) call off cancel Hủy bỏ call on ask to speak in class Gọi phát... Wish, If only: (ao íc, gi¸ mµ ) Sau Wish vµ If only thêng dïng mét M§ chØ mét ®iỊu ao íc, mét ®iỊu kh«ng thËt Cã 3 M§ sau Wish vµ If only: a Future wish: S + wish + S + would/ could + V (bare inf.) ( If only) eg I wish I would be an astronaut in the future If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday b Present wish: S + wish + S + V past subjunctive=simple past ( V2 ;be –were) ( If only ) eg... on/ rely on: dùa vµo, phơ thc vµo - look after: tr«ng nom, ch¨m sãc - die of( a disease): chÕt v× - look for: t×m kiÕm - join in: tham gia vµo - look up: tra tõ.( trong tõ ®iĨn) - escape from: tho¸t khái - look forward to: mong ®ỵi - insist on: kh¨ng kh¨ng - put on: mang vµo, mỈc vµo - change into, turn into: hãa ra - put off: ho·n l¹i -wait for sb: chê ai - stand for: tỵng trng - arrive at( station,... arrive in( London, Paris, England ) ®Õn - infer from: suy ra tõ thµnh phè hay ®Êt níc - congratulate sb on st: chóc mõng ai vỊ viƯc g× II Articles MẠO TỪ A, An, The: Mạo tõ a (an) vµ the 1- a v Μ an an - ®ỵc dïng: - Tríc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®ỵc b¾t ®Çu b»ng 4 nguyªn ©m (vowel) a, e, i, o - Hai b¸n nguyªn ©m u, y - C¸c danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng h c©m vÝ dơ: u : an uncle h : an hour - Hc tríc c¸c danh tõ viÕt