Business plan kid and wild care project (english version). Start up with new business. We need a special or newest project to reach the best revenue in shortem and can stand in long term. The idea was based on the fact that in the future people will be increasingly busy on work, when kids are living in a favorably materialistic environment, they will be lack of necessary life skills. Parents of the middle class will increase with the economic growth, which means they would be willing to pay for a needed program for their children. Moreover, teaching children basic life skills along with school education is essential for them think and handle every day life situations. Furthermore, in modern life, when people can travel around the world, there are risks you may encounter such as crashed plane, wrecking ship… They can occur unless you never travel. And when these risks occur, parents always want their children to have the advantages, even the smallest one to survive. Thus, with this program supplement, children will calm down and handle any situations while waiting to be rescued.
TEAM: KID AND WILDTeam member: Thuy Dung, Mai Dung, Tien Dung, Tuan MinhTime project: From 2020
Trang 2III Idea analysis
1 Idea summary2 Mission & Objective3 Key to success
IV Strategy and Implementation Summary
1 Value Proposition2 Marketing Strategy3 Promotion Strategy4 Marketing Programs5 Positioning Statement6 Pricing Strategy7 Sales Strategy8 Sales Forecast9 Sales Programs10 Strategic Alliances
V Website Plan Summary
1 Website Marketing Strategy
VI Management Summary
1 Organizational Structure2 Management Team3 Management Team Gaps4 Personnel Plan
V. Financial Plan
1 Important Assumptions2 Break-even Analysis3 Projected Profit and Loss4 Projected Cash Flow
Trang 35 Projected Balance Sheet6 Business Ratios
I Introduction
1 Forecast for Vietnam to 2020-2030
In my opinion, Vietnam’s economic growth will be increasing sharply in 6-16 years from now ondespite difficulties caused by the slowly economic recovery pace of the world Along with thesharp rise in growth, the living standard of Vietnamese people will also improve In the 2020-2030 period, more than half of the Vietnamese population will focus on living in the city.Currently, Vietnam GDP rises to according to … organization, and in the years 2020-2030,Vietnam GDP will reach And the middle-class citizens will also increase Accordingly,people’s demand to enjoy such as travel will not be limited Vietnamese people will also be ableto go everywhere on earth, like any other citizens of other nations Besides, in the future, thehigh-tech products will continue to develop very strongly As a result, children will be lack of lifeskills due to interests in high technology stuffs and have a tendency of staying at home more.Furthermore, security situation is increasingly growing in an unpredictable situation Robberies,murders, scam and kidnapping will happen more and more in the future To make the matterworse, along with global warming, the weather will be worse and change to an unforeseeableway Certainly, the forecasting of human will be more accurate but they still can not avoid mothernature’s tantrum
2 About the business idea
Based on the situation I mentioned above, human needs to adopt some soft skills to fit in with atleast the urban life, particular in children In the busy life, when parents sometimes have to workmore and leave their children at home, there are a lot of risks such as when a stranger comes tothe house and has bad intentions or black out while it has a storm, as well as when someone in thehouse had a stroke, then what should children do in these situations Besides, with the risks oftraveling such as dropping planes or sunken ships ( which can absolutely happen), wait childrenshould do before an adult comes In situations like this, even adults find it difficult to solve theproblems, then teaching the kids how to think and handle themselves is very important.
Therefore, our group came up with an idea of building a teaching center of soft skills, helpingchildren survive in any environments and situations We aim to teach children simple skills andtreatments so that they can handle things themselves and don’t depend entirely on adults We
Trang 4intend to associate with schools and build an appropriate program as a form of extra-curricularclasses and extra programs supporting school education.
II Goals
1 Short-term goal
Our short-term goal is teaching children life skills and how to handle everyday situations throughour extra-curricular programs associated with schools, and programs at our center, too .Particularly, we will teach them skills which are needed everyday such as using knives, scissors,cooking, sewing As well as how to handle situations that they may encounter when they aregoing home alone with the feeling of being stalked by strangers, sudden rain, or when being homealone but there is a blackout, someone is ringing the door bell,…
2 Long-term goal
If the business is running well, we also want to build an outdoor eprogram in the deltaenvironment, in forests, on mountains, under the sea, to teach children how to survive in thenatural environment, in the summer They will learn how to find water, food, how to recognizeplants, muchroom through the guidance of the residents Throughout this program, studentswill know simple and necessary ways to survive on his own in required time.
III.Idea analysis1 Summary idea
The idea was based on the fact that in the future people will be increasingly busy on work, whenkids are living in a favorably materialistic environment, they will be lack of necessary life skills.Parents of the middle class will increase with the economic growth, which means they would bewilling to pay for a needed program for their children Moreover, teaching children basic lifeskills along with school education is essential for them think and handle every day life situations.Furthermore, in modern life, when people can travel around the world, there are risks you mayencounter such as crashed plane, wrecking ship… They can occur unless you never travel Andwhen these risks occur, parents always want their children to have the advantages, even thesmallest one to survive Thus, with this program supplement, children will calm down and handleany situations while waiting to be rescued.
This is a daycare business plan for Kid N Wild (KNW), which will focus on two subdivisions:'HN' and 'HCM,' which are new upscale community developments within a 20 kms radius,
Trang 5boasting a lot of new homes Our target customers are dual-income, middle-class families whovalue the quality of education and child care we provide for their children, ages 7 years to 12years.
We will open for business starting with an initial enrollment of 13 kids We project healthyrevenues by the end of the first year, and expect to nearly triple that by the end of Year 3 Ourbiggest operating expenses will be compensation at industry standard rates for our highly-qualified personnel, and rent on our facilities, improved for our purposes during the start-upperiod We would like to grow into four campuses, eventually, but growth is plannedconservatively, to be financed from existing cash flow as we go We anticipate a net profitbeginning in our second year.
To these ends, we are putting significant investment in the business, and are seeking a matchingamount in the form of a long term loan.
Trang 6Open second campus by the end of Year 1 Begin franchise effort by end of Year 3.
4 Keys to Success
The keys to success for KNW are:
Marketing: differentiating KNW's care giving and educational services from traditional daycare
offerings and interest activity programs
Service quality: care giving and educational programs provided by degreed and certified
educators, child care workers, tutors and subject matter industry professionals in a technologicallyadvanced first-class collegiate environment
Reputation: maintaining a highly regarded reputation for excellence in care giving, education and
community involvement and being the employer of choice in our market for child care andeducational talent.
Profitability: controlling costs and managing budgets in accordance with company goals,
adhering to strategic business plans for growth and expansion and reinvesting in the business andits employees
IV_Strategy and Implementation Summary
Kid N wild will focus on two subdivisions: 'Hanoi' and 'HCM,' which are new upscale communitydevelopments within a 20 kms radius and boast a lot of new homes
The target customers are dual income, middle-class families who value the quality of educationand child care provided for their children ages 7 months to 12 years.
1 Value Proposition
KNW value proposition is quite clear and quite easily distinguished from others in the market.We offer uniquely premium child care services especially about life soft skill and survive softskill, as measured by the curriculum and activities offered, experience and educational level ofthe instructors
2 Marketing Strategy
Marketing in the child care industry depends largely on reputation and referral At children'sCommunity schools that reputation will start within our community bolstered by our involvedcommitment to those we serve
3 Promotion Strategy
We will depend on client referrals, community exposure and direct mail campaigns as our main
Trang 7way to reach new clients As we change strategies, however, we need to change the way wepromote ourselves:
a Advertising We'll be developing our core positioning message: "A community collegefor kids about life soft skill!" to differentiate our service from the competition We willbe using direct mail campaigns, and local community newspaper advertising, facebookfanpage to launch the initial campaign
b Sales Brochure Our theme and curriculum will help sell the college to prospectiveclients
c Direct Mail We will send quarterly direct mail campaigns to the housing developments in a 20-kms radius of the campus We will also offer monthly calendars for parents and children's Community schools, noting weekend family days and other open house approaches.
4 Marketing Programs
Catered open houses, parent survival days/nights, clubhouse pool parties and weekend moviematinees are but a few approaches we will utilize to reach out to our community We will alsodevelop and maintain partnerships with local businesses that cater to the needs of children Our pre-opening effort will include an application fee waiver, free children ID cards, T-shirts anda community block party sponsored and hosted by Child's schools Community
5 Positioning Statement
For families who value the importance of higher education and quality child care servicesespecially about life soft skill, Child's school Community offers a great alternative to traditionalchild care services and specific interest based programs Unlike those programs, "Kid N wild"combines child care services with a modified collegiate level curriculum, just for kids!
6 Pricing Strategy
"Kid N wild" must charge appropriately for the high-end, high-quality educational and caregiving services we offer Our revenue structure has to support our cost structure, so the salarieswe pay to assure quality services must be balanced by the revenue we charge
We will be price competitive in the market we serve; however, we will not subscribe to the "lowprice leader" concept The quality of our service will support the prices we charge.
Trang 8A sales increase of approximately 32% each month is expected until the start of the next schoolterm, in August While this forecasted increase seems large by industry standards, it is a goodestimate based on initial enrollment Going into years 2 and 3, we expect that our presence willbe known, convenience factor considered and we will then be a considered as a choice in August2021 In fiscal years 2022 and 2024, 80% and 90% of full enrollment is assumed respectively.We expect to be open for business on January 1, 2021, starting with an initial enrollment of 13students: 7 Full-time students at $115 each per week 6 After-school students at $60 each perweek and Drop-in revenue of approximately $100 per month.
Trang 10After school care 33,840
Direct unit costsYear 1
Trang 11Direct cost of SalesYear 1
Full time 2,985 After school care 987
9 Sales Programs
Sales programs will include incentives for obtaining quarterly financial and enrollment goals,probationary period completion, passing county inspections and maintaining perfect attendanceCustomer service awards will be provided for those employees who best exemplify the mission ofKid N wild and exceed customers' expectations.
10 Strategic Alliances
As mentioned previously, Kid N wild will form professional alliances with Impact Fitness tooffer Drop-In child care services while parents work out We will also partner with FamilyPediatrics to provide referrals of their existing customers A discounted rate will be offered inboth cases.
V_Web Plan Summary
The Kid N wild website will be the virtual business card and portfolio for the college, as well asits online "home."
It will showcase the campus, curriculum and activity calendar for the school It will also providefor an Internet background of the instructors, online projects posted by the students, the campusnewsletter and online enrollment
The KNW website will be simple, yet classy and well designed, but at the same time, in keepingwith the latest trends in user interface design A site that is too flashy, or tries to use too much ofthe latest technology can be over-done, and may not be supported by all browsers
The key to the website strategy will be presenting a very well designed and informative Webpresence that will market the KNW image, service offerings and community commitment.
1 Website Marketing Strategy
The KNW website will embody the mission of the school It will not only offer visitors theopportunity to "look around" the campus, but it will give them a good idea of the level of qualityand service they can come to expect from KNW