Alkanes are hydrocarbons, they contain only carbon and hydrogen.. If you continue the successive substitution hydrocarbons, each different from one organic compounds in which the mem
Trang 2 Alkanes are hydrocarbons, they contain
only carbon and hydrogen
compounds, meaning “fat”
atoms connected by sigma bonds
Trang 3 The simplest molecules is methane, CH4 -
the atmospheres of the outer gas planets
methane, 1.5 ppm ethane)
Trang 4
decomposition of organic substances
(wood, lignite and mineral coal)
for alkanes are natural gas and oil
Trang 5Homologous series
What is a homologous series?
A homologous series is a series of organic
compounds with a similar general formula,
possessing similar chemical properties due to the presence of the same functional group, and
shows a gradation in physical properties as a
result of increase in molecular size and mass.
Trang 6Homologous series
Trang 7Homologous series
will be obtained
will be obtained
Trang 8 If you continue the successive substitution
hydrocarbons, each different from one
organic compounds in which the members differ by a constant atomic mass of 14
Trang 10Isomerism
Isomers are compounds that have the same numbers and kinds of atoms but differ in the way the atom arranged
Trang 11Isomerism
Isomeric Alkanes
can be arranged in a multiple number of
ways, forming different structural isomers (constitutional isomers)
attachment of atoms
Trang 12
The carbon atoms in alkanes can be
(n for "normal")
branched at one or more points
CH 3 - CH 3 - CH 2 - CH 3 CH 3 - CH - CH 3
CH 3
Trang 13 The number of possible isomers increases rapidly with the number of carbon atoms.
Trang 15artifacts They’ve been retained due to
familiar usage in industry
chain are called:
methane, ethane, propane, butane
Trang 16 Alkanes with five or more carbon atoms are
appropriate Greek-numeric prefix
The alkane names form the basic for
naming all other organic compounds, so at least the first ten should be memorized
Trang 17 For the hydrocarbons without branch, use the
Trang 18 For the hydrocarbons with two methyl
iso -pentane
Trang 19 For those containing three -CH3 groups at
+ the name of the hydrocarbon
neo –hexane
Trang 20 Primary carbon (1°) - linked to one other
Trang 21Alkyl groups
If one hydrogen atom is removed from an
alkane, the partial structure that remains is called an alkyl group.
They are named by the replacement of the
ending “-ane ane” from the hydrocarbon’s name with the ending “-yl”.
Alkyl groups are not stable compounds
themselves, they simply parts of larger
Trang 22 Removal of a hydrogen atom from the end carbon of an n-alkane gives an n-alkyl
Trang 23 Branched alkyl groups are generated by removing a hydrogen from an internal carbon
n-propyl and isopropyl groups
Trang 24 Four 4-carbon alkyl groups:
The prefixes sec- (for
secondary) and tert- (for
tertiary) used for the C4
alkyl groups refer to the
number of other carbon
atoms attached to the
branching carbon atom
Trang 25IUPAC nomenclature of
Organic compounds
IUPAC is the abbreviation of International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Trang 26IUPAC naming rules
in the molecules and use the name of that
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 3
Name as a substituted hexan
Trang 27 If two chains of equal length are
present, choose the one with the larger
number of branch points as the parent:
Trang 28 Step 2 Number the atom in the main chain
branch point, number each carbon atom in the parent chain:
The first branch occurs at C3 in the proper system of numbering, but at C4 in the improper system.
4 5
Trang 29 Step 3 Identify and number the substituents
group) according to its point of attachment
on the parent chain
CH 2 CH 3
CH 3 CH CH 2 CH 2 CH - CH CH 2 CH 3
CH 2 CH 3
1 2
3 4
5 6 7
Trang 30 If there are two substituents on the same
Trang 31 Step 4 Write the name as a single word
Use hyphens to separate the various
Trang 32 If two or more identical side chains are
tetra-, and so forth
Correction the second comp.: 4-ethyl-3-methylheptane.
4 5
4 5
Trang 33 The following trivial names are retained in the IUPAC system:
isobutane for 2-methylpropane,
Trang 34 Sometimes common names for substituents can be incorporated:
Trang 35compounds:
Trang 36following IUPAC names:
(a) 3,4-Dimethylnonane
(b) 3-Ethyl-4,4-dimethylheptane
(c) 2,2-Dimethyl-4-propyloctane
Trang 37Solution
Trang 38Conformation of ethane
able to rotate freely, with
respect to one another,
about C-C axis
Trang 39 Orbital overlap in the C-C bond is exactly
the same for all geometric arrangements of the hydrogens
result from rotation around a single bond
conformation and staggered conformation
Trang 40The staggered conformation is 12.6
kJ/mol lower in energy (the more stable) than the eclipsed conformation (the least stable)
Trang 41 Chemists represent different conformations
in two ways
Sawhorse or Dash-Wedge structures
Newman projections view the C-C bond end-on and represent the two carbon atoms
by a circle
Trang 42 Bond attached to the front carbon are represented by lines to the center of the circle.
represented by lines to the edge of the circle
Trang 43 Spatial modeling of Eclipsed (left) and
Staggered (right)
Trang 44Conformation of Butane
longer equivalent and represent two distinct
Trang 45eclipsed-conformation
Trang 47Laboratory preparation
Hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons
in the presence of metal catalyst such as
Ni, Pd and Pt to produce alkanes:
Ni Ni
Trang 48From halogenated derivates
The Wurtz reaction between alkyl halides and sodium leads to the formation of
symmetrical alkanes:
R-X + R-X + 2Na → 2NaX + R-R
X can be: Cl, Br, I
Trang 50
Alkyl halides are converted into
alkylmagnesiumhalides and then reduced to alkanes
place under heating with CaO (+NaOH):
Trang 51Physical properties
At home,
read the physical properties of alkanes !
Trang 52Physical properties
physical properties of alkanes
intermolecular attraction in alkanes is van der Waals forces (but so weak)
Trang 53Diagram of Bp, Mp and density
Trang 54 As an alkane molecule approaches another, electron repulsion causes a subtle (unclear) redistribution of electron density leading to temporary bond polarization in the
Trang 55 A straight-chain alkane will have a boiling point higher than a branched-chain alkane due to
between adjacent molecules
Boiling point of Isobutane: -12°C
n-Butane: 0°C
Trang 56Branching reduces surface area:
Trang 57Chemical reactions
break unless alkanes are heated to very high temperature
420 kJ/mol and of C-C: 376 kJ/mol
Trang 58 Alkanes are generally unaffected by most bases and acids
polarized (nearly the same electronegavity)
breakage producing free radicals
Trang 59which a C-H bond is broken and a new
Trang 60 In this reaction a halogen atom replaces one
or more of hydrogen atoms of the alkane
produces a mixture of:
Trang 61 The reactivity of hydrogen atoms can be
ranked in the order:
mixture of isomeric monochloro products as well as more highly halogenate compounds
Trang 62 Chlorination of propane at 25 ºC gives
Trang 63alkanes than chlorine
attack when it does react
The reaction of bromine with isobutane
produces almost one product.
Trang 64Radical mechanism of Halogenation
Free radical substitution (SR) occurs in 3 steps.
Initiation the halogen radicals form by
initiators (peroxides) is required
Trang 65 Chain reaction or Propagation.
from the alkane to give an alkyl radical
This reacts further
Trang 66 Chain terminationChain termination step where the radicals
Trang 67Nitration reaction
phase at high temperatures produces to
Trang 68the most important source of heat energy
CnH 2n+2 + (1.5n+0.5)O 2 → (n+1)H 2 O + nCO 2
Trang 69
Incomplete oxidation in the presence of a catalyst leads to various products.
R-CH 3 + O 2 → R-CH2-OH (alcohol) → R-CH=O (aldehyde) → RCOOH (acid)
Trang 70Thermic decomposition
smaller ones
homolytic mechanism with formation of free-radicals
Trang 71 Acid catalysts are used for cracking (such
as silica-alumina and zeolites)
bonds yielding a carbocation and the very unstable hydride anion
Trang 72 The products of thermic decomposition are
chemical industry
where n = m + p and p >= 2