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CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PUBLICLY LISTED COMPANIES IN SINGAPORE AND VIETNAM A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Finance at The University of Waikato By TUAN VAN NGUYEN 2015 This page intentionally left blank ii ABSTRACT This study uses a dynamic modelling approach to investigate the relationship between corporate governance structures and financial performance of publicly listed companies in Singapore and Vietnam The dynamic modelling approach facilitates answering the first research question: whether the relationship between corporate governance structures and firm financial performance persists in the Singaporean and Vietnamese markets when the relationship’s dynamic nature is taken into account Moreover, by focusing on two different types of national governance systems in the Asian region (well-developed vs under-developed), this study observes how the relationship between corporate governance structures and firm performance is moderated by each country’s national governance quality By carrying out this observation, this study answers the second research question: whether the corporate governance–firm performance relationship varies according to the quality of national governance systems in which firms operate Two samples – including a total of 379 publicly listed non-financial companies1 covering a four-year period from 2008 to 2011– are examined through the use of a two-step system generalised method of moments estimator This estimation technique allows for potential sources of endogeneity inherent in the corporate governance–firm performance relationship, including dynamic endogeneity, simultaneity, and unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity across firms The results suggest that the performance effect of corporate governance structures persists in both markets even after the dynamic nature of the corporate There are 122 companies for the Vietnamese market and 257 companies for the Singaporean market iii governance–firm performance relationship is taken into consideration For the Singaporean market, the results also show that the three corporate governance structures (board diversity, board size and ownership structures) appear to have statistically significant effects on firm performance For both markets, it is observed that there is a statistically significantly positive relationship between ownership concentration and financial performance This finding supports the prediction of agency theory regarding the efficient monitoring effect of large shareholders in markets with highly concentrated ownership For the Vietnamese market, the results show that board gender diversity has a positive effect on firm performance Remaining robust even after the alternative proxies for gender diversity are employed, this finding is consistent with the perspectives of agency theory and resource dependence theory The number of female directors in the boardroom also matters, supporting the view that if female board representation affects firm outcomes, this effect is more pronounced when the number of female directors increases However, the marginal positive performance effect of board gender diversity ceases when the percentage of female directors reaches a breakpoint of about 20% This finding suggests that there is perhaps a potential trade-off between the costs and benefits of board gender diversity Importantly, the results indicate that the relationship between the current performance and one-year lagged performance is statistically significantly positive in both markets, and robust when alternative estimation methods and models are employed In line with Wintoki, Linck, and Netter (2012), among others, this finding suggests that the corporate governance–firm performance iv relationship should be investigated in a dynamic framework This means that past firm performance should be considered as an important independent variable to control for potential effects of unobserved historical factors on current corporate governance structures and performance Furthermore, the results show that better national governance quality has a positive effect on firm performance, and that the performance effect of ownership concentration is contingent upon national governance quality The results suggest that ownership concentration appears to have a stronger positive effect on performance of companies in Vietnam where the national governance system is underdeveloped In contrast, concentrated ownership tends to have a weaker effect on financial performance of firms in Singapore where the national governance system is well-established This finding is consistent with the argument that ownership concentration is an efficient corporate governance mechanism which can substitute for weak national governance quality In the absence of effective national governance mechanisms, ownership concentration is likely to be an important corporate governance strategy for Vietnamese firms to control potential agency problems On the contrary, in Singapore, where national governance quality – such as legal protection of shareholders – is much better, the role of ownership concentration in determining performance seems to be weaker This study is novel in that it is the first to explore the corporate governance–firm performance relationship using a dynamic modelling approach for the Vietnamese and Singaporean markets The findings of this study significantly contribute toward a better understanding of international diversity on corporate governance by providing robust empirical evidence from the emerging and mature markets in v the Asian region This study also extends the corporate governance literature by enriching the understanding of the interaction between corporate-level and national-level governance mechanisms vi THESIS RELATED RESEARCH OUTCOMES A number of refereed journal articles and conference papers have been produced from this thesis as follows REFERRED JOURNAL ARTICLES Nguyen, T., Locke, S., & Reddy, K (2014) A dynamic estimation of governance structures and financial performance for Singaporean companies Economic Modelling, 40(C), 1-11 [SSCI] [ABDC: A] Nguyen, T., Locke, S., & Reddy, K (2015) Does boardroom gender diversity matter? Evidence from a transitional economy International Review of Economics and Finance, 37(C), 184-202 [SSCI] [ABDC: A] REFERRED CONFERENCE PAPERS Nguyen, T., Locke, S., & Reddy, K (2012) Do female directors add value? Evidence from an emerging market Paper presented at the 16th Annual Waikato Management School Student Research Conference, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand Nguyen, T., Locke, S., & Reddy, K (2014) A dynamic estimation of governance structures and financial performance for Singaporean companies Paper presented at the 18th New Zealand Finance Colloquium (PhD Symposium), AUT Business School, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Nguyen, T., Locke, S., & Reddy, K (2015) Ownership concentration and corporate performance from a dynamic perspective: Does national governance quality matter? Paper presented at the 19th New Zealand Finance Colloquium (PhD Symposium), Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand2 Another version of this paper was presented at the 2014 Department of Finance Seminar Series, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand vii This page intentionally left blank viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis would not have been possible and my four-year PhD journey would certainly have been much less enjoyable without the kind help and strong support from others around me I would, therefore, like to start these acknowledgments by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to my chief supervisor, Professor Stuart Locke, for his valuable advice, comments, and suggestions His constant encouragement and strong support has been invaluable, especially when I was having a hard time with the formal research proposal writing stage I would also like to specially thank my co-supervisor, Dr Krishna Reddy, for his helpful comments and detailed feedback on draft versions of my papers and thesis I would like to extend my thanks to all staff in the Department of Finance, Waikato Management School, for their contributions to the seminars which provided me with a helpful and friendly academic environment I thank our Department administrators, Ms Maria Fitzgerald (before) and Ms Denise Martin (current), who organised the research facilities and assisted me with paperwork I also gratefully acknowledge the Government of Vietnam for the scholarship for my PhD study in New Zealand; and the Department of Finance, Waikato Management School for its financial support for presenting my papers at academic conferences I would like to thank StoxPlus Corporation for providing Vietnamese data I thank my PhD fellows, especially Azilawati for her advice on how to effectively extract data from Thomson One Banker database; and Noor, Tấn, Thu, Tuyến, and XiaoJun, who helped and encouraged me, discussed and shared great ideas not only in research but also in my daily life I owe Quỳnh Nhuệ, my dear wife, a great debt of gratitude for her sympathy, love, and assistance in making this thesis a reality Finally, but no less important, I wish to tell Xuân Phương, my beloved daughter, that words cannot express how happy I was that she was with me during my PhD research journey It is to her that I dedicate this thesis Nguyễn Văn Tuấn ix This page intentionally left blank x Antoniou, A., Guney, Y., & Paudyal, K (2008) The determinants of capital structure: Capital market-oriented versus bank-oriented institutions Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 43(1), 59-92 Anwar, S., & Sam, C Y (2006) Private sector corporate governance and the Singaporean government-linked corporations International Public Management Review, 7(2), 66-82 Arellano, M., & Bond, S (1991) Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 277-297 Asian Development Bank (2005) Viet Nam: Gender situation analysis Hanoi, Vietnam: Asian Development Bank Retrieved from http://www2.adb.org/Documents/Reports/Country-GenderAssessments/cga-vie.pdf Asian Development Bank (2013) ASEAN corporate governance scorecard Mandaluyong, Philippines: Asian Development Bank Retrieved from http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/30252/asean-corporategovernance-scorecard.pdf Aslan, H., & Kumar, P (2012) Strategic ownership structure and the cost of debt Review of Financial Studies, 25(7), 2257-2299 Aslan, H., & Kumar, P (2014) National governance bundles and corporate agency costs: A cross-country analysis Corporate Governance: An International Review, 22(3), 230-251 Balatbat, M C A., Taylor, S L., & Walter, T S (2004) Corporate governance, insider ownership and operating performance of Australian initial public offerings Accounting & Finance, 44(3), 299-328 Bauer, R., Frijns, B., Otten, R., & Tourani-Rad, A (2008) The impact of corporate governance on corporate performance: Evidence from Japan Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 16(3), 236-251 Baum, C F (2006) An introduction to modern econometrics using Stata Texas, USA: Stata Press Baum, C F., Schaffer, M E., & Stillman, S (2007) Enhanced routines for instrumental variables/generalized method of moments estimation and testing Stata Journal, 7(4), 465-506 Bebchuk, L A., & Roe, M J (1999) A theory of path dependence in corporate ownership and governance Stanford Law Review, 52(1), 127-170 Bebchuk, L A., & Weisbach, M S (2010) The state of corporate governance research Review of Financial Studies, 23(3), 939-961 260 Beiner, S., Drobetz, W., Schmid, M M., & Zimmermann, H (2006) An integrated framework of corporate governance and firm valuation European Financial Management, 12(2), 249-283 Berenson, M L., Levine, D M., & Krehbiel, T C (2012) Basic business statistics: Concepts and applications (12 ed.) 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Corporate governance regulatory system in Vietnam 50 3.2.2 The context of corporate governance in Vietnam 52 3.3 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN SINGAPORE AND VIETNAM: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 55 3.4 NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN SINGAPORE AND VIETNAM 59 3.4.1 National governance quality in Vietnam and Singapore 59 3.4.2 Gender-related institutional environment in Vietnam 62 3.5 SUMMARY... between Singapore and Vietnam 56 Table 3.2: The governance indicators (percentile ranks) of East Asia-Pacific region, OECD, Singapore, and Vietnam in 2013 61 Chapter 4 Table 4.1: The number of publicly listed companies in Vietnam and Singapore at the end of 2011 76 Table 4.2: Summary of the sample selection procedure for Vietnam 77 Table 4.3: The industrial structure of sampled... by Mallin, Melis, and Gaia (2015) who argue that comparing such diverse institutional settings should improve the generalizability of empirical findings With regard to corporate governance practices, Singaporean firms achieve top ranking across Asia (CLSA, 2012) and have the highest average score of corporate governance when compared with the rest of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)... CHAPTER 3 INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN SINGAPORE AND VIETNAM 47 CHAPTER 4 DATA AND METHOD 67 CHAPTER 5 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND FIRM PERFORMANCE IN VIETNAM 121 CHAPTER 6 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND FIRM PERFORMANCE IN SINGAPORE 167 CHAPTER 7 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN AN... Appendix 8: Case-wise correlation matrix for the variables (combined dataset of Singapore and Vietnam) 258 xxvii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 OUTLINE Over recent decades, especially after the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, the corporate governance–financial performance relationship has emerged as one of the most fascinating and controversial issues in the corporate finance literature A survey conducted... dynamic modelling approach – undertakes a cross-national comparative study on 1 the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of companies in two Asian markets, namely Singapore and Vietnam This is motivated by several major reasons, which can be described briefly in three important questions: (i) why should a dynamic modelling approach be used?; (ii) why should national governance... means of numerical variables between Singapore and Vietnam 195 The difference in the proportions of categorical variables between Singapore and Vietnam 203 7.1.2 A cross-country comparative analysis of corporate governance structures–firm performance relationship 205 Dynamic nature of the corporate governance–firm performance relationship in Singapore and Vietnam. .. structures and performance of Singaporean listed companies: Static models 255 Appendix 6: The relationship between corporate governance structures and performance of Singaporean listed companies: A dynamic OLS estimation 256 Appendix 7: The relationship between corporate governance structures and performance of Singaporean listed companies: A fixed-effects estimation 257 Appendix... STRUCTURES AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 44 2.6 SUMMARY 45 CHAPTER 3 INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN SINGAPORE AND VIETNAM 47 3.0 INTRODUCTION 47 3.1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN SINGAPORE 47 3.1.1 Corporate governance regulatory system in Singapore 47 3.1.2 The context of corporate governance in Singapore 49 3.2 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN VIETNAM. .. stream of research on the interaction between corporate governance mechanisms and national institutions 1.1.3 Why Singapore and Vietnam? In order to address the two research questions mentioned above, it is ideal to have a deep and historical database from which generalizable findings can be achieved (Heugens, Van Essen, & Van Oosterhout, 2009) This implies that the database should be comprehensive and