QCVN 05 : 2013BTNMT National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality QCVN 05 : 2013BTNMT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về chất lượng không khí xung quanh QCVN 05:2013BTNMT was complied by Drafting Committee of national technical regulations on air quality; submited by Vietnam Enviroment Administration, Department of Science Technology, Department of Legal Affairs and promulgated in line with Circular No. 322013TTBTNMT dated October 25, 2013 issued by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
QCVN 05 : 2013/BTNMT
National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality
HÀ NỘI - 2013
Trang 2QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT
National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality
QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT was complied by Drafting Committee of national technical regulations on air quality; submited by Vietnam Enviroment Administration, Department of Science &
Technology, Department of Legal Affairs and promulgated in line with Circular No 32/2013/TT-BTNMT dated October 25, 2013 issued by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
2 CÔNG BÁO/Số 793 + 794/Ngày 17-11-2013
Trang 31 General Provision
1.1 Scope of Regulation
1.1.1. This Regulation deals with limitations on values of basic factors including sulfur
dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), dioxide nitrogen (NO2), ozone (O3), total suspended particles (TSP), PM10, PM2,5 particles, and lead (Pb) in ambient air
1.1.2 This Regulation applies to supervision and assessment of ambient air quality
1.1.3 T his Regulation does not apply to air within manufacturing facilities and indoor air
1.2 Interpretation of terms
In this Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
1.2.1 Total suspended particles (TSP) is total particles with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 100µm
1.2.2 Particle PM10 is total suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 µm
1.2.3 Particle PM2,5 is total suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal
to 2,5 µm
1.2.4 Average 1 hour : The arithmetic average of the measured values over a period of 1 hours 1.2.5 Average 8 hours : The arithmetic average of the measured values over a period of 8 consecutive hours
1.2.6 Average 24 hours : the arithmetic average of the measured values over a period of 24 hours ( a day )
1.2.7 Annual average : the arithmetic average of the 24- hour average values measured over a period of one year
2 Technical Reputation
Maximum value of basic parameters of ambient air is specified in Table 1
Trang 4Table 1: Maximum value of basic parameters of ambient air
Đơn vị: Microgam per cubic meter (g/m3)
No Unit Average 1 hours Average 8 hours Average 24 hours Annual Average
-5 Total suspended particles
Remark: ( - ) sign is not defined
3.1 Determining ambient air quality parameters method shall conform following standards:
- TCVN 5978:1995 (ISO 4221:1980) Air quality - Determination of mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air - Thorin spectro photometric method
- TCVN 5971:1995 (ISO 6767:1990) Ambient air - Determination of the mass concentration
of sulfur diexide Tetrachloromercurate (TCM) pararosaniline method
- TCVN 7726:2007 (ISO 10498:2004) Ambient air – Determination of sulfur dioxide – Ultraviolet fluorescence method
- TCVN 5972:1995 (ISO 8186:1989) Ambient air- Determination of the mass concentration of carbon monoxide - Gas chromatographic method
- TCVN 7725:2007 (ISO 4224:2000) Ambient air – Determination of carbon monoxide – Non-dispersive infrared spectrometry method
- TCVN 5067:1995 Air quality Weighing method for determination of dust content
- TCVN 9469:2012 Ambient air - Measurement of the mass of particulate matter on a filter medium - Beta-ray absorption method
- AS/NZS 3580.9.6:2003 (Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air - Determination
of suspended particulate matter - PM10 high volume sampler with sizeselective inlet -Gravimetric method)
- AS/NZS 3580.9.7:2009 (Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air - Determination
of suspended particulate matter - Dichotomous sampler (PM10, coarse PM and PM2,5) -Gravimetric method)
- TCVN 6137:2009 (ISO 6768:1998) Ambient air - Determination of mass concentration of nitrogen dioxide - Modified Griess-Saltzman method
- TCVN 7171:2002 (ISO 13964:1998) Air quality – Determination of ozone in ambient air – Ultraviolet photometric method
Trang 5- TCVN 6157:1996 (ISO 10313:1993) Ambient air Determination of the mass concentration
of ozone - Chemiluminescence method
- TCVN 6152:1996 (ISO 9855:1993) Ambient air - determination of the paticulate lead contenr of aerosols collected on filters - Atomic absorbtion spectrometric method
3.2 Accept the guidance on analysis method of other national and international standards which is equivalent or higher than above standards in Section 3.1
4.1 This regulation replaces QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT – National technical regulation on
ambient air quality which was promulgated in line with Circular No 16/2009/TT-BTNMT dated October 17, 2009 issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
4.2 The State Environment Management Authority is responsible for guidance, inspect,
supervise the implementation of this regulation
4.3 In case of the standards listed in Section 3.1 of this regulation are amended, supplemented
or replaced shall be applied under new documents