Họ Bướm phượng (Papilionidae) là một họ bướm bao gồm nhiều loài bướm lớn có nhiều màu sắc. Họ này có hơn 550 loài, sống chủ yếu ở vùng nhiệt đới, trên tất cả các lục địa, trừ Châu Nam Cực. Họ này bao gồm các loài bướm lớn nhất trên thế giới, bướm cánh chim Úc Bướm phượng khác với tất cả các loài bướm khác ở đặc điểm giải phẫu. Nổi bật nhất là sâu của chúng sổ hữu một cơ quan duy nhất ở sau đầu, gọi là tuyến mùi (osmeterium). Thông thường được ẩn, cấu trúc chẻ đôi này có thể được lộn ra ngoài khi sâu bị đe dọa, hoặc được co bóp nhẹ để lộ ra và phát ra chất có mùi chứa terpene. Con trưởng thành thường có đuôi chẻ giống như phượng, nên nó được gọi là Bướm phượng.
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTUR Faculty of Biotechnology Swallowtail butterfly HANOI, 04/2015 OUTLINE INTRODUCTION I SCIENTIFIC SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION II MORPHOLOGY MORPHOLOGY & & ANATOMY ANATOMY III SYMPTOMS SYMPTOMS AND AND DAMAGES DAMAGES IV CHERACTERISTICS CHERACTERISTICS & & REPRODUCTION REPRODUCTION V VI ENEMIES ENEMIES & & METHOD METHOD CONTROl CONTROl 2 INTRODUCTION • Swallowtail butterflies are large,colorful butterflies • Include over 550 Species (the majority are tropical members of the family inhabitevery continent except antarcrica I • INTRODUCTION The largest butterflies in the world, the birdwing butterflies • of the genus ornithopera For thespecific epithets of the genus, Linnaeus applied the names of Greek heroes to the swallowtails. Swallowtails have a number of distinctive features • • The osmeterium normally remains hidden, but when The osmeterium normally remains hidden, but when threatened, the larva turns it outward through a transverse threatened, the larva turns it outward through a transverse dorsal groove by inflating it with fluid dorsal groove by inflating it with fluid • The forked appearance of the swallowtails' hind wings, which can be seen when the butterfly is resting with its wings spread, gave rise to the common name swallowtail. INTRODUCTION Distribution The swallowtail butterfly citrus damaging is common in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Hong Kong, Japan, VietNam, Laos … In our country, all the citrus-growing areas are found for this The Lime butterfly Papilio demoleus kind of pest Through preliminary investigation, we have L identified three species butterfly belong to Swallowtail butterfly The Black swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes L The Great swallowtail butterfly Papilio memnon Seilz Distribution II SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Suborder: Ditrysia Subfamily: Papilionoidea Family: Papilionidae Latreille [1802] Specie Papilio Machaon (Old World swallowtail) III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY MORPHOLOGY TAILS COLORFUL COLORFUL swallowtail III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY MORPHOLOGY The two tails look like antenna to the predators so they bite there instead of the real end. These butterflies are very colorful, the females tending The two tails look like antenna to the predators so they bite there instead of the real end. These butterflies are very colorful, the females tending to be more colorful then the males. They have a colorful dot at the bottom of their wings to look like their head so the predators will attack the dot to be more colorful then the males. They have a colorful dot at the bottom of their wings to look like their head so the predators will attack the dot instead of their head. You will see many butterflies with the bottom of the wings missing or chewed because of this instead of their head. You will see many butterflies with the bottom of the wings missing or chewed because of this Male Female III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY MORPHOLOGY • • Male Adult common mormon butterflies have a wingspan of 70 to 115 mm. Their hindwings have swallowtails. Adult males are smaller than females The male has one morph only. It is a dark-coloured swallow-tailed butterfly. The upper forewing has a series of white spots decreasing in size towards the apex . The upper hindwing has a complete distal band of elongated white spots 10 III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY Swallowtail Caterpillar Anatomy butterfly Distribution Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control 16 III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY Swallowtail Caterpillar Anatomy butterfly Respiration system Distribution Caterpillars also need to breathe. They take in air by means of spiracles, Hosts tiny holes along the sides of their bodies that deliver oxygen directly to their body Symptoms and Damages tissues via tracheae, eliminating the need for lungs. Spiracles can be opened and Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of closed to control water entering or exiting the body. Once again, spiracles and Generation/Year their web-like tracheae are easy to see on the transparent body of the Canna Natural Enemies Skipper caterpillar below Method of control 17 15 III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY Swallowtail Caterpillar Anatomy butterfly 2.Digest system A caterpillar’s body is basically a long tube. The mouth, with mandibles for chewing, is at Distribution one end. The digestive tract runs the length of the body, ending in the anus, where the Hosts caterpillar excretes waste.This digestive tract is Especially easy to see on the Canna Skipper Symptoms and Damages caterpillar (Calpodes ethlius), as it is essentially transparent Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control The green color on the caterpillar to the right is actually the plant material inside its gut. As it travels through the gut, the caterpillar extracts the nutrients, expelling only that which it cannot use. Caterpillars are extremely efficient digesters III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY Swallowtail Caterpillar Anatomy 3.Legs butterfly The legs on the three segments of the thorax, toward the front of the body, are the true Distribution legs, jointed and ending in hooks. Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphologicalhas sets of prolegs, which are stumpy and end in sticky suction-cups The caterpillar Bio-ecological characteristics and No of called crochets. These prolegs allow the caterpillar to cling to surfaces even when upsideGeneration/Year down Natural Enemies • Method of control In the photo of a Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) caterpillar to the left, note the true legs held close to the head, pulling the parsley stem close to the mouth. The prolegs are prolegs further down the body, clasping the stem 6 true legs 19 III MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY Swallowtail b Swallowtail butterfly anatony butterfly Distribution Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control 20 IV.Symptoms and Damages Swallowtail butterfly The caterpillarn eats the leaves of plants such as the key lime, sweet orange, sweet lime, bael, mandarin orange, kaffir lime, curry tree, gin berry, and orange Distribution climber Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control 21 IV.Symptoms and Damages • Swallowtail The caterpillars prefer new, fully opened leaves. The first- and second-instar( caterpillars eat only the edges of the leaves butterfly Distribution Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control • The third, fourth, and fifth instars eat the entire leaf, avoiding the veins .Larvae prefer plants with smooth leaves that have a high nitrogen and water content. Because these plants are grown agriculturally, common mormon caterpillars can damage crop yields 22 V Bio-ecological characteristics and Reproduction Swallowtail butterfly Distribution Mormon butterflies lay about 20 to 25 eggs on Hosts Mormon butterflies lay about 20 to 25 eggs on the undersides and upper surfaces of leaves and Symptoms and Damages the undersides and upper surfaces of leaves and Morphological the total eggs that they can lay is 100-300 per the total eggs that they can lay is 100-300 per Bio-ecological and No of season. Their characteristics preferred host plants typically season. Their preferred host plants typically Generation/Year belong to the family Rutaceae and include belong to the family Rutaceae and include Natural Enemies cultivated citrus plants such as the key lime cultivated citrus plants such as the key lime Method of control tree and the mandarin orange. tree and the mandarin orange. 23 V Bio-ecological characteristics and Reproduction Swallowtail butterfly Distribution Hosts Symptoms and Damages The development of P. polytes from egg to adult takes 28 to 30 days. Both The development of P. polytes from egg to adult takes 28 to 30 days. Both Morphological in the wild and in captivity, the eggs typically hatch after 3 to 5 days. The in the wild and in captivity, the eggs typically hatch after 3 to 5 days. The Bio-ecological characteristics and No of larva eats its egg shell before commencing to feed on the leaves of the larva eats its egg shell before commencing to feed on the leaves of the Generation/Year host plant. Papilio polytes has five larval instars, or periods between Natural Enemies host plant. Papilio polytes has five larval instars, or periods between molts. Larvae develop for about 14 to 20 days before pupating Method of control molts. Larvae develop for about 14 to 20 days before pupating 24 V Bio-ecological characteristics and Reproduction Swallowtail butterfly Distribution The pupa hangs by an attachment to a branch or twig, The pupa hangs by an attachment to a branch or twig, Hosts and a silk harness further supports the pupal case. Symptoms and Damages and a silk harness further supports the pupal case. Papilio polytes pupates for about 10 days, after which Morphological Papilio polytes pupates for about 10 days, after which its emergence takes 15 to 18 minutes. After 40 to 50 Bio-ecological characteristics and No of its emergence takes 15 to 18 minutes. After 40 to 50 minutes, the butterfly crawls up a dry twig and pumps Generation/Year minutes, the butterfly crawls up a dry twig and pumps Natural Enemies its wings to circulate blood through its capillaries and its wings to circulate blood through its capillaries and Method of control dry its wings. After 60 to 75 minutes, the adult butterfly dry its wings. After 60 to 75 minutes, the adult butterfly flies away flies away 25 V Bio-ecological characteristics and Reproduction Swallowtail butterfly Distribution Hosts Symptoms and Damages Morphological Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control 26 Swallowtail butterfly VI ENEMIES & METHOD CONTROl ENEMIES • Distribution According to some Chinese reference, larvae of Hosts swallowtail butterfly usually parasitize by two Symptoms and Damages species: Pteromalus puparum L., Brachymeria Morphological obseurata Wek Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control • Fully caterpillar are often parasitized by a 2mm black bee. Bee lays a lot of eggs in the body of caterpillars, caterpillar still have ability to small into pupa, but pupae can’t emerged, because after a period of bee emerging, carve pupa shell and crept with hundreds of offspring. 28 Swallowtail butterfly VI ENEMIES & METHOD CONTROl METHOD OF CONTROL Distribution Hosts Regularly catching eggs, caterpillar and pupae on the citrus bud, because Symptoms and Damages they are easy to detect. Noting catches and kills the first born larvae in Morphological winter to reduce the sources of caterpillar in next year Bio-ecological characteristics and No of Generation/Year Natural Enemies Method of control It should be held simultaneously and promptly prevent when the first born of larvae appear. It can be used some pesticides to prevent the caterpillars 29 REFERENCES /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallowtail_butterfly /ypte.org.uk/factsheets/butterfly-swallowtail/overview creationwiki.org/Swallowtail_butterfly www.plantwise.org/KnowledgeBank/PWMap.aspx?speciesID=1557&dsID=26946&loc=global 30 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! 3426