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CW_COMP1661_Application Development for Mobile Devices 1.PDF

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Báo cáo môn Application Development for Mobile Device (FPT_Greenwich University) Đề tài: Ứng dụng quản lý Thú cưng_Pet''''''''s Management Application(Android)

COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR MOBILE DEVICES MOBIPAWS APPLICATION (REPORT DOCUMENT) Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH Student ID: 000808060 Submission Date: 11/11/2014 Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Contents I INTRODUCTION II IMPLEMENTED FEATURES III BUG LIST IV SPECIAL STRENGTH V SCREENSHOTS VI EVALUATION 39 VII CONCLUSION 39       REFERENCES http://duythanhcse.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/bai-tap-20-thuc-hanhve-datepickerdialog-va-timepickerdialog-trong-android/ http://duythanhcse.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/bai-tap-10-su-dungtextview-edittext-va-button/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2scZdcmlFtQ&index=5&list=PLJbBH p6iPUiGfbicAWrfXnrgfldwDgZyp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=488wFcwPC14&list=PLJbBHp6iPUiGf bicAWrfXnrgfldwDgZyp&index=9 http://www.tutorialsbuzz.com/2013/11/android-sqlite-databasewith.html basetut.com/sqlite-trong-android-part-1/ Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices I INTRODUCTION In this Coursework, I will build a mobile application to provide care service for pets when owners of pets have a job busy at the office and have not more free time to care them.… This application is called “MobiPaw” “MobiPaw” application is created to help users and owner of pets can view pet’s information, easily store and manage information of the pets As well as, daily reports for pets was created to rate the pet’s health “MobiPaw” application has more features: a) Register a new Pet’s information, update Pet’s Information or delete Pet’s Information b) Search Pet’s information such as Pet’s Name or Pet’s Owner View Pet’s List and Pet’s Detail c) Create Reports after Pet Sitters visit a pet d) Create Phone Gap to register a Customer Profile II IMPLEMENTED FEATURES FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION A B C D Fully implementation Fully implementation Fully implementation I only did PhoneGap on the feature Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices III BUG LIST Features A      Bug list Only check Blank for each attributes, not check input type of email (example: xxxxx@xxx.xxx) When run application by SmartPhone, ImagesButton of Start Date and End Date are incorrect like images selected I can’t check End date must be greater than Start Date I don’t check length of Phone Number When use Delete function, click “Delete” Button on the Menu, data will be deleted and not show notification of message alert to get acceptance from the Users In addition, my application has not good design, color and background It is very simple compared to other present applications on the technology market IV SPECIAL STRENGTH My application is a simple application It is easy to use all of standard features such as Insert, Update, Delete, Search Data Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices V SCREENSHOTS Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 1: Click “Add New” Button to input Pet’s information and the code of HomeMainActivity.java Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices public void getStartDate() { Istart=(ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.ibtnStart); } public void getDate() Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices { cal=Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf=null; sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy",Locale.getDefault()); String strDate=sdf.format(cal.getTime()); txt = strDate; dateChoose=cal.getTime(); } public void showStartDate() { OnDateSetListener callback=new OnDateSetListener() { public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int month, int day) { SDate = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtStartDate); SDate.setText( (day) +"/"+(month+1)+"/"+year); cal.set(year, month, day); dateChoose=cal.getTime(); } }; String s=txt; String strArrtmp[]=s.split("/"); int d=Integer.parseInt(strArrtmp[0]); int m=Integer.parseInt(strArrtmp[1])-1; int y=Integer.parseInt(strArrtmp[2]); DatePickerDialog pic=new DatePickerDialog( PetHome.this, callback, y, m, d); pic.setTitle("Please choose Start date"); pic.show(); } Step 2: After input Pet’s Information, click “Insert” Button to continue and code of “Start Date” ImageButton Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices private void DisplayPetDetails() { loaddata(); new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Your Pet Details") setMessage("Pet's Name: "+ PetName.getText().toString() +"\n"+ Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 10 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 12: Choose “Update” to update Pet’s Information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 26 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 27 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 28 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices private void DisplayPetDetails() { loaddata(); new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Your Pet Details") setMessage("Pet's Name: "+ PetName.getText().toString() Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 29 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices +"\n"+ "Pet's Type: "+ PetType.getText().toString() +"\n"+ "Pet's Gender: "+ Gender.getSelectedItem().toString() +"\n"+ "Service: "+ PetService.getText().toString() +"\n"+ "Start Date: "+ Start.getText().toString() +"\n"+ "End Date: "+ End.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Additional Comment: "+ Cmt.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Owner's Name: "+ Name.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Address: "+ Address.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Phone Number: "+ Phone.getText().toString()+"\n"+ "Email: "+ Email.getText().toString()) setNeutralButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }) setPositiveButton("Confirm", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { long i = Con.UPDATE_Information( getIntent().getStringExtra("id"), PetName.getText().toString(), PetType.getText().toString(), Gender.getSelectedItem().toString(), PetService.getText().toString(), Start.getText().toString(), End.getText().toString(), Cmt.getText().toString(), Name.getText().toString(), Address.getText().toString(), Phone.getText().toString(), Email.getText().toString() ); if(i>=0) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Update Success!!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); PetName.setText(""); PetType.setText(""); PetService.setText(""); Start.setText(""); End.setText(""); Cmt.setText(""); Name.setText(""); Address.setText(""); Phone.setText(""); Email.setText("");} else Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 30 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Update Fail!!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }}}).show(); } Step 13: I changed Address, Phone Number and Email After that, I click “Update” Button, application will show Pet’s Detail Form Click “Confirm” to change and save Pet’s Information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 31 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 14: Click “Delete” to delete pet’s information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 32 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 15: Click “PhoneGap” Button to access “REGISTER OWNER’S PROFILE” form Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 33 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Phonegap Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 34 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices function validationcheck() { if (document.myForm.htm_Name.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your FullName!!!."); document.myForm.htm_Name.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_ID.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Identity Card!!!"); document.myForm.htm_ID.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_Address.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Address!!!"); document.myForm.htm_Address.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_Phone.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Phone Number!!!"); document.myForm.htm_Phone.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_PetName.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Pet's name!!!"); document.myForm.htm_PetName.focus(); } else { alert("Register Success!!!"); } } function success(){ onDeviceReady(); } Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 35 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices REGISTER CUSTOMER PROFILE Full Name Identity Card Address Phone Name of the Pet   Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 37 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 16: After fill full information, we press “Register” Button to save information and application will send a notification Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 38 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices VI EVALUATION In this Coursework, I had a lot of experience for myself to build an application for Mobile Phone I also tried to find more information on the Internet to build a database, which will store all data when users entered And I choose SQLite Database to perform this task for my application SQLite Database is compact, simple, easy to query data and doesn’t need to be installed In additions, I also refer more information on the Internet to create DatePickerDialog on my application; it allows users easy choose date instead to enter manually Deadline of this Coursework within a month and I tried to complete it in the shortest time If I had change to it again, I will try to design application so make it looks beautiful and more vivid I will also fix mistakes that I made in this Coursework VII CONCLUSION I have completed all requirements of this Coursework, but also some functions are not really perfect Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 39 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 40 [...]... COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 12: Choose “Update” to update Pet’s Information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 26 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 27 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 28 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices. .. COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 14: Click “Delete” to delete pet’s information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 32 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 15: Click “PhoneGap” Button to access “REGISTER OWNER’S PROFILE” form Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 33 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices ... Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 20 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 9: Click “Report” to create report for pet Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 21 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 10: like Step 7, after choose “Report”, we will input information at “Report Contents” row for pet The click “Add” to insert into SQLite Below is a code... DUONG TUAN ANH 11 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 3: After click “Insert” Button, Application will show a Pet’s detail We will click “Confirm” Button to insert data into database(SQLite) and this is code of Show Pet’s Detail & Insert data Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 12 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 4: After click “Confirm” Button,... Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 23 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 11: After implement step 10, we will click “View” to run step 11 We will have a List of report Below is codes to show data when click “View” Button Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 24 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices private void showdata() { Cursor cr = con.ShowRP(getIntent().getStringExtra("id"));... notification and data was inserted Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 13 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices Step 5: Click “Search” Button to implement Search function of application Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 14 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.viewdetails);... Development For Mobile Devices { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Update Fail!!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }}}).show(); } Step 13: I changed Address, Phone Number and Email After that, I click “Update” Button, application will show Pet’s Detail Form Click “Confirm” to change and save Pet’s Information Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 31 COMP1661_Application Development For. .. Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 16 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices private void Dialog(final String id, final String name) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this) setTitle("Menu") setItems(R.array.Menu, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() Report Document / Student Name: LY DUONG TUAN ANH 17 COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface,int... COMP1661_Application Development For Mobile Devices function validationcheck() { if (document.myForm.htm_Name.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your FullName!!!."); document.myForm.htm_Name.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_ID.value... document.myForm.htm_ID.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_Address.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Address!!!"); document.myForm.htm_Address.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_Phone.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Phone Number!!!"); document.myForm.htm_Phone.focus(); } else if (document.myForm.htm_PetName.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Pet's name!!!"); document.myForm.htm_PetName.focus();

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2016, 12:18