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A basic modern russian grammar

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h s e r F n a i s s u R a i s s u R from A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Eugenia Nekrasova â A Basic Modern Russian Grammar, Eugenia Nekrasova,1997 â Graphic Design, eBook publisher, Dmitry Pobedimsky, 2002 ISBN 5-85550-119-1 Ron Maxim, Director, Government Cargo Support Services, Maersk Sealand, Atlanta, GA, USA: Mrs.Nekrasova`s book is very creative Frederick Lyons, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme in the Russian Federation This book very definitely helped me improve my Russian fluency With good humour and strong didactic principles it leads through the difficulties of the Russian Grammar Markku Lehto, Chief of Moscow Bureau of the Finnish Broadcasting Company, Finland The book is really very helpful The explanations given in the book are clear and inventive The teaching materials have been very well sorted To the Readers This book is meant both for the learners and the teachers of Russian The name of the book speaks for itself: "A Basic Modern Russian Grammar" The attention is focused on the facts of Modern Russian language which are basic, of high frequency and in common use As most of the learners are not professional linguists the author tried to avoid unnecessary linguistic terms The explanations, charts and presentation of grammar material enable the learners of Russian understand some practical mechanisms of the language in a certain logical order The teachers of Russian can use it in their practical work All the charts originally belong to the author The author expresses her deep gratitude to Mr D Pobedimsky without whom the book would not have succeeded and to Prof T Wade (UK) for his encouragement I wish you success, Eugenia Nekrasova Shortly about the Author Eugenia Nekrasova, Moscow, Russia M.A in Philology and Education, Moscow State University For many years she has been working as a full-time senior teacher and lecturer for the USSR / Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Language Service, teaching Russian, English and related subjects to foreign diplomats, businessmen and journalists, including the staff of the United Nations Moscow office, Sea Land CIS Logistics, Caterpillar Overseas, Ernst & Young, the State Finnish Radio & TV Moscow office and many others Now she divides her time between teaching and writing books on language She has written five successful books on learning Modern Russian as a Second Language and on learning English for people speaking Russian: "A Basic Modern Russian Grammar" - 380 pages, "Gummerus", Helsinki, Finland, 1998 Published in Finnish, translated from English ISBN 951-20-5264-4 "Exercises in Basic Modern Russian Grammar" - 250 pages, "Gummerus", Helsinki, Finland, 2000 Published in Finnish, translated from English ISBN 951-20-5507-4 "Living & Working in the Former USSR" - 211 pages, colour illustrated, succesfully practised course book of Modern Russian, best used for crashcourses ISBN 5-85550-121-3 "Popular English Grammar" - 400 pages, "Slavyansky Dom Knigi" Publishers, Moscow, Russia,1999 First print - 25,000 copies ISBN 5-93220-001-4 "English for Work and Travel" - 360 pages, "Slavyansky Dom Knigi" Publishers, Moscow, Russia, 2000, with D.Pobedimsky First print - 15,000 copies ISBN 5-93220-052-9 The author would gladly accept any comments on the book email: eugnekr@mail.ru Part The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular AGREEMENT BETWEEN WORDS IN RUSSIAN There are main types of relations between the words in a Russian sentence: Agreement and Governing Agreement could be in Gender, Number and Person THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER AGREEMENT Agreement in Gender takes place: between the long adjectives and the nouns, between the adjectival pronouns and the nouns, between the ordinal numerals and the nouns, between the cardinal numeral ôoneằ and nouns, between the long participles and the nouns, between the nouns/personal pronouns and the short participles /short adjectives, between the nouns/personal pronouns and the verbs in the Past tense form Part deals with the first five types of Gender Agreement Part covers the problems of Gender Agreement between nouns and words preceding them in units I called the words preceeding nouns in units - the characterizing words The characterizing words can be: adjectives, adjectival pronouns (possessive, demonstrative etc), ordinal numerals, long participles, cardinal numeral ôoneằ You will learn: how to establish the Gender of a noun and how to make the Singular form Gender Agreement between nouns and words characterizing them Part page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar HOW TO ESTABLISH THE GENDER OF A NOUN All Russian nouns are attributed to one of the three genders: Masculine (M), Feminine (F) or Neuter(N) You will be glad to know that the gender of the majority of the Russian nouns one can tell from the ending of the dictionary form (Nominative Case) The gender of nouns is mostly a formal thing Now you will learn how to determine the gender of a noun Nouns ending in consonants and -ộ are Masculine: ọợỡ - house ữồởợõờ - man ọúó - friend óợọ - city ỡúỗộ -museum ấốũộ - China Nouns ending in -, -, -ỹ, -ố are Feminine: ởó - Volga ỡỡ - mama, mommy ỡứớ - car ủũũỹà - article ớọồở - week ụỡởố - surname éợủủố - Russia Nouns ending in -ợ, -ồ, -ỹồ, -ốồ are Neuter: ỡủũợ - seat ỡồ - sea ờúù - compartment ỗọớốồ - building ũồởồõọồớốồ - TV ỗọợõỹồ - health But things are never that simple in languages: irrespective of the Feminine -, - ending a small group of nouns denoting males E.g has Masculine gender agreement ỡợộ (è) + ùù Notice! (so called ôNatural Masculinesằ): h ùù - father, dad ỡúổữớ - man ọọúứờ - grandfather ọàọ - uncle The following nouns are Neuter: h õỡ - time Notice! ỡ - name ốớũồõỹỵ - interview Part ỡồớỵ - menu ổỵ - jury ũờủ - taxi page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE GENDER OF SOFT SIGN NOUNS A very big group of nouns ending in -ĩ (soft sign) could be either Feminine or Masculine The Gender of these nouns could be found in the dictionaries h Nouns denoting males (ônatural masculinesằ) are Masculine: Notice! óợủũỹ - guest, õợọũồởỹ - driver, úữũồởỹ - teacher, ùốủũồởỹ - writer, ửỹ - Tzar, ờợởỹ - king, õũỹ - goalkeeper etc Names of months ending in -ỹ are all Masculine: ớõỹ - January, ụồõởỹ - February, etc ôNaturalằ feminines are all Feminine: ỡũỹ - mother, ọợữỹ - daughter etc Nouns ending in -ỗớỹ, -ủũỹ, -ủỹ are Feminine: ổốỗớỹ - life ớõợủũỹ - news ùọùốủỹ - signature etc The Gender of other soft sign nouns has to be learned individually h Notice! REPLACING SINGULAR NOUNS BY PERSONAL PRONOUNS A noun could be replaced by the following personal pronouns depending on the established gender: Masculine nouns by ợớ - he, it ọồ õứ ọúó? ọồ õứ ọợỡ? ợũ ợớ ợũ ợớ Feminine nouns by ợớ - she, it ọồ õứ ỡứớ? ọồ õứ ỡỡ? ợũ ợớ ợũ ợớ Neuter nouns by ợớ - it ọồ õứồ ỡủũợ? ọồ ơũợ ỗọớốồ? Part ợũ ợớ ợũ ợớ N page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar HOW TO ESTABLISH THE GENDER OF PLACE NAMES All the place names could be divided into groups: First group The place names have the endings which formally fit the Russian system of endings: M ấốũộ, ềộởớọ, ỹồũớỡ, ỡ, ớốủộ - ợớ F éợủủ, ễốớởàớọố, ỡốờ, ởó - ợớ N ẽốỡỹồ - ợớ Second group There are many place names which not fit the Russian system of endings: ờ, ẹữố, ềỏốởủố, ếởỹủốớờố, èốủủố, ềũố, ềờốợ, ẻớũốợ These words exist only in this unchangeable (indeclinable) form Their gender is established in a special way (through association with the ôgenericằ word) FOREIGN INDECLINABLE NOUNS AND THEIR GENDER AGREEMENT There is a group of nouns of foreign origin in Russian which not decline E.g ứợủủ - highway ỡồũ - subway ũờủ - taxi, cab ờụ - cafe ờúù - compartment ọốợ - radio (set) ờốớ - movies, cinema ũồởỹ - studio,dress shop ỏỵ - office ốớũồõỹỵ - interview ùởỹũ - overcoat etc All these words are Neuter and their Gender agreement and pronoun replacement is Neuter E.g èớủờợồ ứợủủ - Minsk highway - oớ ốớũồủớợồ ốớũồõỹỵ - interesting interview - ợớ ớõợồ ùởỹũ - new overcoat - ợớ but óợàữốộ ờụồ - Masculine - hot coffee h Notice! Part page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE GENDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN NOUNS AND CHARACTERIZING WORDS IN THE SINGULAR The adjectives and adjectival words are registered in the dictionaries in the Masculine You can make other gender forms on your own if you follow the rules which will be stipulated further The gender agreement between nouns and adjectives The Masculine adjectival endings which a foreign learner may trace from the dictionary are as follows: -ỷộ like in ớõỷộ - new, ốỗõủũớỷộ - famous -ợộ like in ỏợởỹứộ - big, large, ùởợừộ - bad, ọợợóộ expensive, dear -ốộ like in ủủờốộ - Russian, ớóởộủờốộ - English, ừợứốộ good, ỡởồớỹờốộ - small, little, ùợủởọớốộ - last So, these adjectives can be attached to the nouns the gender of which is marked or established as Masculine, for example: Masculine adjective + Masculine noun M M ớõỷộ + ọợỡ M M ỏợởỹứộ + ọợỡ M M ừợứốộ + ọợỡ Feminine adjective + Feminine noun To make a Feminine adjective to attach it to a Feminine noun, you have to replace Masculine endings by - ending ỷộ, ợộ, ốộ E.g M ớợõỷộ new F F ớợõ ỡứốớ new car M ỏợởỹứợộ large, big Part F F ỏợởỹứ ỡứốớ big car page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar M F ùởợừợộ bad F M ùởợừ ỡứốớ bad car M F ọợợóợộ expensive M F úủủờ ứờợở Russian school F ỡởồớỹờốộ small, little F ừợợứ ứờợở good school M F F ớóởốộủờ ứờợở English school M ọợợó ỡứốớ ừợợứốộ good, nice expensive car F úủủờốộ Russian ớóởốộủờốộ English F F F ỡởồớỹờ ứờợở small school The only exception to this rule presents a limited group of adjectives ending in -ớốộ like ùợủởồọớốộ - last, ớớốộ - early, ùợỗọớốộ - late etc h Notice! -ốộ in -ớốộ is replaced by - ùợủởồọớ| ủũớốử - last page ùợỗọớ| ợủồớỹ - late autumn ùợủởồọớ|ốộ ùợỗọớ|ốộ Neuter adjective + Neuter noun To make the Neuter adjective to attach it to a Neuter noun, you have to replace -ỷộ, -ợộ or -ốộ by -ợồ: ớợõỷộ ớợõợồ ùởỹũợ - new overcoat ỏợởỹứợộ ỏợởỹứợồ ợờớợ - large window ùởợừợộ ùởợừợồ ủùốủớốồ - bad schedule úủủờốộ úủủờợồ ủởợõợ - Russian word ụốớủờốộ ụốớủờợồ ọốợ - Finnish radio ỡởồớỹờốộ ỡởồớỹờợồ ợờớợ - small window Exception But -ốộ is replaced by -ồồ if a Masculine adjective ends in -ớốộ, -ổốộ, -ứốộ, -ữốộ, -ựốộ E.g ùợủởồọớ|ốộ ủõồổ|ốộ ừợợứ|ốộ óợữ|ốộ ớủũợự|ốộ Part N N ùợủởồọớ|ồồ ùốủỹỡợ - last letter ủõồổ|ồồ ỡủợ - fresh meat ừợợứ|ồồ ớủũợồớốồ - good mood óợữ|ồồ ỡợởợờợ - hot milk ớủũợự|ồồ õồỡ - present time h Notice! page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE GENDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS OF ADJECTIVAL ORIGIN An adjectival noun has the form of an adjective but functions as a noun Most of the adjectival nouns result from the omission of a noun qualified Notice! by the adjective, for example: M úữáớỷộ (ữồởợõồờ) - scientist F õớớ (ờợỡớũ) - bathroom M úủủờốộ (ữồởợõồờ) - Russian (nat.) F ớỏồồổớ (úởốử) - embankment M ỏồỗỏợũớỷộ (ữồởợõồờ)-unemployed N õũợợồ (ỏởỵọợ) - second course N óợữồồ (ỏởỵọợ) - main course F úủủờ (ổồớựốớ) - Russian (nat.) N ỡợợổồớợồ - ice-cream F ủũợởợõ (ờợỡớũ) - dining-room h So, the adjectival nouns are qualified like normal nouns: M M h ốỗõồủũớỷộ + úữáớỷộ - famous scientist F F ỏợởỹứ + ủũợởợõ - large dining-room N Notice! N õờúủớợồ + ỡợợổồớợồ - delicious ice-cream The possessive pronouns used as characterizing words íũợ ỡợộ ọợỡ M This is my house N íũợ ỡợá ỡồủũợ This is my seat My íũợ ỡợ ỡứốớ This is my car F M íũợ ớứồ ỡồủũợ This is our seat N íũợ õứ ọợỡ? Is this your house? M íũợ ớứ ọợỡ This is our house Our íũợ ớứ ỡứốớ F This is our car íũợ õứ ỡứốớ? íũợ ũõợộ ọợỡ? Your Is this your car? Is this your house? N (from ôõỷằ) F M íũợ õứồ ỡồủũợ? íũợ ũõợ ỡứốớ? Is this your seat? íũợ ũõợá ỡồủũợ? Your Is this your car? Is this your seat? N (from ôũỷằ) F Part page The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar two objects M N M ọợỡ + ọợỡ = ợỏ ọợỡ - both houses ợớố ợỏ - they both N ợờớợ + ợờớợ = ợỏ ợờớ - both windows ợớố ợỏ - they both The double numeral ợỏồ is used for a group of two Feminine nouns denoting two people, two animals or two objects, for example: F F ọồõợữờ + ọồõợữờ = ợỏồ ọồõợữờố - both girls ợớố ợỏồ - they both F F F F ỡứốớ + ỡứốớ = ợỏồ ỡứốớỷ ủợỏờ + ủợỏờ = ợỏồ ủợỏờố - both cars - both dogs ợớố ợỏồ - they both ợớố ợỏồ - they both THE INDEFINITE NUMERALS The Indefinite Numerals are as follows: ỡớợóợ - many, much, a lot ớồỡớợóợ - not many, a few ủờợởỹờợ - how many, how much ỡởợ - little, few ớồủờợởỹờợ - several ọợủũũợữớợ - enough ủũợởỹờợ - so many ủũợởỹờợ , ủờợởỹờợ - as much , as All the Indefinite Numerals exist only in one unchangeable form All of them are followed by the Genitive Singular for the Uncountables and the Genitive Plural for the Countables, for example: Countables Uncountables Gen S ỡớợóợ ủớồó - much snow Gen Pl ỡớợóợ ờớốó - many books Special case: ỡớợóợ ớợọú - a lot of people h Notice! Part 13 page 178 Numerals Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE COLLECTIVE NUMERALS Most commonly used Collective Numerals are as follows: ọõồ - a group of two ũồ - a group of three ữũõồợ - a group of four Other ẹollective Numerals: ùũồợ - a group of five ứủũồợ - a group of six ủỡồợ - a group of seven The Collectives are used to denote groups of people either solely male or mixed (male + female), for example: - ẹờợởỹờợ õủ? How many are you? - ủ ũợồ We are three The Collective Numerals always take the Genitive Plural form of the nouns, adjectival nouns and personal pronouns, for example: Gen ủ ũợồ - We are three - There are three of us ũợồ ọồũồộ - three children The verb combined with the Collective Numerals has the following forms, for example: Present ủ ũợồ - The verb is omitted - We are three Past ủ ỏỷởợ ũợồ - The Neuter form - We were three Future ủ ỏúọồũ ũợồ - The 3-d person Sing - We will be three The Collective Numerals are used in the impersonal sentences only Part 13 page 179 Numerals Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Part 14 Prepositions Prepositions are small but important words They belong to the class of ôgovernorsằ - words which change (govern) the case forms Further you will find the list of most common prepositions and their uses given in the alphabetical order You will also discover that many prepositions can govern different cases and can have different meanings ỏồỗ + Gen ỏồỗ ủừ - without sugar õ + Acc ò ồọú õ ậợớọợớ - I am going to London ùũớốửú ồọú õ ậợớọợớ - I will go to London on Friday õ + Prep ò ổốõú õ èợủờõồ - I live in Moscow ò ợọốởủ õ ỡồ - I was born in May õỡồủũồ ủ + Instr ò ồọú õỡồủũồ ủ ỏũợỡ - I go with my brother õỡồủũợ + Gen ẻớ ỏúọồũ ốóũỹ õỡồủũợ ỡồớ - He will play instead of me Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar ọở + Gen ỏúỡó ọở ùốớũồ - paper for the printer íũợ ọở ỡồớ ớợõợủũỹ - That`s news to me Part 14 page 180 ọợ + Gen ấờ ọợồừũỹ ọợ õợờỗở? - How can I get to the railway station? ẻớ ỏợũồũ ọợ ùũố - He works tilI five ợ ỗõũ! - See you tomorrow! ỗ + Acc èỷ ọợồừởố ũúọ ỗ ữủ - It took us an hour to get there ọợ ỗờỗũỹ ỏốởồũỷ ỗ ớồọồởỵ You have to reserve the tickets a week in advance ò ọ ỗ õủ - I am glad for you ẹùủốỏợ ỗ ùợỡợựỹ - Thank you for your help ọợ ỗùởũốũỹ ỗ ũồởồụợớ - You have to pay the telephone bill ủữáũ ỗ - bill for ẻớ ờúùốở ýũú ờớốóú ỗ 100 ọợởởợõ - He bought this book for hundred dollars ỗ + Instr èứốớ ủũợốũ ỗ ọợỡợỡ - The car is behind the house ò ồọú õợờỗở ỗ ỏốởồũỡố - I am going to the railway station to buy the tickets ò ỗồọú ỗ õỡố ớợ úũợỡ - I will come to fetch you early in the morning ốỗ + Gen ò õỷừợổú ốỗ ọợỡ õ - I leave home at seven ủồ ọồũởố ủọồởớỷ ốỗ ọồồõ - All parts are made of wood ồờợũợỷồ ốỗ ớủ ùợồọúũ ởồũợỡ õ ẩũởốỵ - Some of us will go to Italy this summer Part 14 page 181 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar ốỗ-ỗ + Gen ủồ õỷứởố ốỗ-ỗ ủũợở - Everyone left the table ò ợùợỗọở ốỗ-ỗ ùợỏờố - I came late because of a traffic-jam ờ(ờợ) + Dat ẽốồỗổộũồ ờợ ỡớồ õ óợủũố - Come to see me èỷ ùợọỳồừởố èợủờõồ ùợỗọớợ õồữồợỡ - We approached Moscow late at night ò ùốồọú ọõúỡ - I will come by two ờợỡồ + Gen ẻớ ồủũ õủá, ờợỡồ ỷỏỷ - He eats everything except fish ỡồổọú + Instr ừợờờồộớỷộ ỡũữ ỡồổọú ỉõồửốồộ ố ấớọợộ - hockey match between Sweden and Canada ỡốỡợ + Gen èỷ ùợồừởố ỡốỡợ õợờỗở - We drove past the railway station + Acc ò ồọú õợờỗở - I am going to the railway station ò ốọú ỗõũ ờợớửồũ - I am going to the concert tomorrow ò ồọú ũố ọớ õ ỹỵ-ẫợờ - I will go for three days to New York Part 14 page 182 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar + Prep ẻớ ủồộữủ ỏợũồ - He is now at work ẻớố ủồộữủ ọốủờợũồờồ - They are at the disco now ùợởú õợọ - There is some water on the floor ủởồọúỵựồộ ớồọồởồ ồọú õ ẽốổ - I will go to Paris next week ớọ + Instr ọ õừợọợỡ õốủốũ ờợởợờợởỹữốờ - There is a bell over the entrance ẻớ ỏợũồũ ớọ ớợõợộ ờớốóợộ - He works on a new book ợ (ợỏ, ợỏợ) + Prep èỷ óợõợốởố ợ ùợỏởồỡừ - We spoke about the problems ẻ ữáỡ ýũợũ ụốởỹỡ? - What is this film about? ợờợởợ + Gen ợờợởợ ọợỡ - near the house ợờợởợ ủũ ọợởởợõ - about hundred dollars ợũ + Gen ò ùợởúữốở ùốủỹỡợ ợũ ốờợở - I got a letter from Nikolay ờởỵữ ợũ ỡứốớỷ - key to the car ởồờủũõợ ợũ ởởồóốố - anti-allergic medicine èỷ ồừởố ợũ ợủũợớ ỡứốớồ - We drove from Boston by car ẻũ èợủờõỷ ọợ ấốồõ 700 ờốởợỡồũợõ - It is seven hundred kilometers from Moscow to Kiev Part 14 page 183 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar ùồồọ + Instr ẻớ ủũợở ùồồọ ớỡố - He stood in front of us èỷ ùợóợõợốỡ ùồồọ úợờợỡ - We will talk before the lesson ùợ + Dat ẻớ ỡớợóợ ồỗọốũ ùợ éợủủốố - He travels a lot about Russia íờỗỡồớ ùợ úủủờợỡú ỗỷờú - Russian exam ùợ úũỡ - in the mornings ùợ ỗờợớú - according to the law ẻớ ủồộữủ óợõợốũ ùợ ũồởồụợớú - He is talking on the phone now ùợọ + Acc ẻớ ùợủũõốở ựốờ ùợọ ủũợở - He put the box under the table ùợọ + Instr òựốờ ủũợốũ ùợọ ủũợởợỡ - The box is under the table ùợủởồ + Gen ò ùốồọú ùợủởồ ợỏồọ - I will come after lunch ùợ + Acc ẻớ ủủờỗở ùợ ủõợỵ ùợồỗọờú - He told about his trip ủ + Instr ò ồọú ủ ỏũợỡ - I go with my brother ò úữốởủ ủ ớốỡ õ ứờợởồ - He is my schoolmate (lit I studied with him at school.) ò ớồ ởỵỏởỵ ữộ ủ ỡợởợờợỡ - I don`t like tea with milk Part 14 page 184 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar ú + Gen ể ỡồớ ồủũỹ ủợỏờ - I have a dog ò ỏúọú ổọũỹ õủ ú õừợọ - I`ll be waiting for you at the entrance ữồồỗ + Acc èỷ ởồũốỡ õ èợủờõú ữồồỗ ễớờụúũ - We wilI fly to Moscow via Frankfurt èỷ ùợồọồỡ ữồồỗ ửồớũ - We wilI go through the center ò ùốồọú ữồồỗ ữủ - I wilI come in an hour THE NOUN COMBINABILITY OF PREPOSITIONS õ and The choice of the Accusative or the Prepositional after õ and is described in Part and in the beginning of this Part Below you`ll find the examples which show what nouns and noun groups can combine with these prepositions The primary use of prepositions õ and õ + Acc./Prep - in, into, inside ẻớ ùợởợổốở ờởỵữ õ ờỡớ - He put the key into the pocket ấởỵữ ởồổốũ õ ờỡớồ - The key is in the pocket + Acc./Prep - on, on to, on top of, on the surface ò ùợởợổốở ờởỵữ ủũợở - I put the key on the table ấởỵữ ởồổốũ ủũợởồ - The key is on the table Part 14 page 185 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar More complicated use of prepositions õ and The preposition õ + Acc./Prep is used with nouns denoting: continents: õợù, ỗố, ỡồốờ, ụốờ, õủũởố, ớũờũốọ, countries: éợủủố, ẹỉ, ễớửố, ồởốờợỏốũớố, ồỡớố etc., territories and administrative units: òờúũố, ốỗợớ, èợủờợõủờ ợỏởủũỹ, ẹốỏốỹ, ấỷỡ etc., towns, various settlements and their parts: èợủờõ, ỹỵ-ẫợờ, ậợớọợớ, ẽốổ, ỉồồỡồũỹồõợ, ẩỗỡộởợõợ, ởồỡ, ửồớũ - center, downtown, ùốóợợọ - suburbs etc., some town and settlement features (objects): ùồồúởợờ - lane, ùờ - park, ủọ - garden, ọõợ - yard etc., most of workplaces, public places, organizations and buildings: ứờợở, ùởỡồớũ, ỏớờ, ỡóỗốớ, ỡúỗồộ, ýợùợũ, ụốỡ etc., organized groups of people: ờởủủ, óúùù, ờợởừợỗ, ỡố, ởóồỹ camp, ợũọồở - department etc., buildings and their parts: ỗọớốồ - building, ọợỡ, ờợùúủ - building, ùợọỳồỗọ - entrance, ừợởở - entrance hall, ờợốọợ - corridor, ỗở large hall, ờợỡớũ - room, all other names of rooms, ờởủủ classroom, ùợọõở - cellar etc., some activity (limited group): ợũùúủờ - leave, vacation, ờợỡớọốợõờ - business trip, ũúùợồỗọờ - tourist trip etc., some natural features: ởồủ - forest, woods, óợỷ - mountains, hills, ũộó - taiga woods etc., some mountain ranges, mostly with the Plural names: ởỹùỷ, ốỡởố, ấùũỷ etc Part 14 page 186 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar The Preposition + Acc./Prep is used with nouns denoting: islands, some island countries and peninsulas: ấốù -Cyprus, ấúỏ, ởờớỷ, õộố but òùợớố - Japan, ẩủởớọố - Iceland are used with õ some mountain ranges and territories: ấõờỗ, ẽỡố, ểở, ởũộ etc., town and settlement features, some organizations, activity areas: úởốử - street, ùởợựọỹ - square, ứợủủồ - highway, ùợủùồờũ - prospect, avenue, ớỏồồổớ - embankment, ỏúởỹõ - boulevard ỡợủũ - bridge, ợủũớợõờ - stop, station, ủũớửố - (railway) station, ủũợớờ - parking, ỗùõờ - filling station, ợờốớ - outskirts, õợờỗở - railroad station, ỷớợờ - market, ùợữũ - post-office, ủũọốợớ - stadium, ủờởọ - warehouse, ủũợộờ - construction site, ỗõợọ, ụỏốờ - factory, ủùợũùởợựọờ - sports ground, ụúũỏợởỹớợồ ùợởồ - soccer field, ũồớớốủớỷộ ờợũ - tennis court, Part 14 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar page 187 some events or organized activity - ỏợũ - work, ờợớửồũ - concert, ýờỗỡồớ - exam, ủùồờũờởỹ - performance, ủợỏớốồ - meeting, ùồồóợõợỷ - negotiations, ọồớỹ ợổọồớố - birthday party, ýờủờúủố - tour, úợờ - lesson, ởồờửố - lecture etc some parts of buildings - ữồọờ - attic, ờỷởỹửợ - porch, ởồủũớốử - stairs, staircase, ýũổ - floor, ỏởờợớ - balcony, some organizational units - ợũọồởồớốồ - department, ụờúởỹũồũ - faculty, ờụồọ - chair, ờúủỷ - course Preposition is used with the following words: ọốợ - radio, ũồởồõốọồớốồ - television, ùồớủố - pension, retirement, ợọốớ - motherland, éúủỹ - Rus, ọữ - summer cottage Part 14 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar page 188 Nouns used with both prepositions Many nouns can be used with both prepositions, but only few of them are used without significant meaning difference: ờớốờúởỷ - school/university vacation ờúừớ - kitchen ụởợũ - navy E.g ờúừớồ = õ ờúừớồ Many nouns are used with both prepositions but with meaning difference: E.g vehicles õũợỏúủồ - going by bus õ õũợỏúủồ - inside a bus Prepositions ốỗ and ủ as correlated to õ and õ + Acc õ + Prep ốỗ + Gen from, out of õ + Acc ò ồọú ỗõũ õ ỹỵ-ẫợờ I will go to New York tomorrow õ + Prep ò ỏúọú õ ỹỵ-ẫợờồ ũố ọớ I will stay for three days in New York ốỗ + Gen ò õồớúủỹ ốỗ ỹỵ-ẫợờ õ õợủờồủồớỹồ I will come back from New York on Sunday + Acc + Prep ủ + Gen from, down from + Acc + Prep ò ởỵỏởỵ ừợọốũỹ ừợờờồộ ữồ ỏỷở ừợờờồồ I like going to hockey I was at hockey yesterday ủ + Gen ò õồớúởủ ủ ừợờờồ ùợỗọớợ I came home late from hockey Part 14 page 189 Prepositions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Part 15 ẹonjunctions Conjunctions are invariable words linking parts of sentences or sentences together in some logical order There are two main types of conjunctions: Coordinating and Subordinating Coordinating conjunctions include connective adversative disjunctive ố - and ố ố - both, and ớố ớố - neither, nor - and ớợ - but - but ốởố - or ốởố, ốởố - either, or Connective conjunctions ố - and èớồ ớọợ ờúùốũỹ úữờú ố ỏởợờớợũ I have to buy a pen and a pad ố ố - both and èớồ ớọợ ờúùốũỹ ố úữờú, ố ỏởợờớợũ I have to buy both a pen and a pad ớố , ớố - neither , nor ẻớ ớồ ùốồừở ớố õữồ, ớố ủồóợọớ He came neither yesterday nor today - and (used in the beginning of a sentence) ờúọ õỷ ủồộữủ ốọáũồ? And where are you going now? Part 15 page 190 Conjunctions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Adversative conjunctions Foreign learners permanently experience difficulty in making the choice between the adversative conjunctions and ớợ See the difference: - but Adversative conjunction is used when we have the opposition of two objects, actions, features, states, facts, etc., for example: ẻớ ủùốũ, ỏợũỵ - He is sleeping but I am working ể ớồóợ ồủũỹ õồởợủốùồọ, ú ỡồớ ớồũ - He has a bicycle but I don`t ớợ - but Adversative conjunction ớợ introduces a clause which contains information contrary to what was said, known or planned, or it may contain some clarifying information, for example: ể ỡồớ ồủũỹ ỏốởồũỷ ừợờờồộ, ớợ ớồ ừợữú ốọũố - I have some tickets for a hockey match but I don`t want to go ò ùốồọú, ớợ ớồ ủồóợọớ - I will come but not today ẻớ ớồ ùốồừở ủồóợọớ, ớợ ợỏồựở ùốồừũỹ ỗõũ - He did not come today but he promised to come tomorrow Disjunctive conjunctions ốởố - either or èớồ ớọợ ờúùốũỹ ỏốởồũỷ ủúỏỏợũú ốởố õợủờồủồớỹồ - I have to buy tickets either for Saturday or for Sunday ốởố , ốởố - either or ọợ ờúùốũỹ ỏốởồũỷ ốởố ủúỏỏợũú, ốởố õợủờồủồớỹồ - I have to buy tickets either for Saturday or for Sunday Part 15 page 191 Conjunctions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Most Common Subordinating Conjunctions ữũợ - that ẻớ ủờỗở, ữũợ ùốồọồũ ỗõũ - He said (that) he would come tomorrow ữũợỏỷ + Past Tense of a verb ẻớ ủờỗở, ữũợỏỷ ùốồừở ỗõũ - He told me to come tomorrow ồủởố - if ẹờổốũồ ỡớồ, ồủởố ợớ ùốồọồũ - Tell me if he comes ùợũợỡú ữũợ - because ùợũợỡú, ữũợ ẻớ ùởữồũ ùợũợỡú, ữũợ úùở - She is crying because she fell down ồủởố ỏỷ + Past Tense of a verb ủởố ỏỷ ợớ ùốồừở õợõồỡ, ũợ ỡỷ ỏỷ úủùồởố - If he came in time we would have made it ừợũ - although èỷ ùợứởố õ ọốủờợũồờú, ừợũ ợữồớỹ úủũởố - We went to a disco club although we were very tired ờờ ỏúọũợ - as if ẻớ ùợủỡợũồở ỡồớ, ờờ ỏúọũợ ỡỷ ớốờợóọ ớồ õủũồữởốủỹ - He looked at me as if we never met before ờờ - as ẻớ ọồởồũ õủá, ờờ - He does everything as I ữồỡ - than ẻớ ỏợũồũ ỏợởỹứồ, ữồỡ ồóợ ớữởỹớốờ - He works more than his boss Part 15 page 192 Conjunctions Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar [...]... ủốởỹớỷộ õồũồ! M What a heavy wind! ềờợồ ổờợồ ởồũợ! What a hot summer! Part 1 N F ềờ ủốởỹớ óợỗ! What a heavy thunderstorm! page 9 The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Similar meaning could be rendered by ờờợộ - such a , what a ấờợộ ủốởỹớỷộ õồũồ! M What a heavy wind! ấờợồ ổờợồ ởồũợ! What a hot summer! N ấờ ủốởỹớ óợỗ! F What a heavy thunderstorm!... The Declension of Nouns, Adjectives and Adjectival words in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Inanimate nouns take the form of the Nominative case, so the Accusative of inanimate nouns does not differ from the dictionary form, for example: Nom Acc úợờ ò ùợùúủũốở úợờ Summing-up table of Masculine nouns and names in the Accusative Accusative of Animates=Genitive ò õốọồở ẩõớ... Here Russians use the concept of Animacy and Inanimacy Animate nouns, which are nouns denoting human beings and representatives of the animal world, take the form of the Genitive case E.g íũợ ẩõớ - Nom ò õốọồở ẩõớ - Acc íũợ ờợờợọốở - Nom ò õốọồở ờợờợọốở - Acc Part 3 page 27 The Declension of Nouns, Adjectives and Adjectival words in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar The... which changes according to genders and ýũợ used in the meaning of ôthis is, that is, these are, those areằ The latter is not a characterizing word, and it does not change according to genders Part 1 page 8 The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar ũợũ - that one, the one which was meant, distant object M ợũ ũợũ ọợỡ Here is that house ợũ ũợ... the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Other characterizing words õồủỹ - all, the whole õồủỹ ọồớỹ - the whole day M õủ ủũớ all, õủá õồỡ - all the time N the whole F - the whole country ợọốớ - one, a ợọốớ ọợỡ M - one house, a house ợọớợ ỡồủũợ - one seat, a place N a one, F ợọớ ỡứốớ - one car, a car ủỡ - is an emphatic pronoun, it can characterize both nouns and personal pronouns:... These are my books ẻớố ớ ùợởờồ They are on the shelf Part 2 These are my friends ẻớố ủồộữủ ổốõúũ õ ậợớọợớồ They live in London now page 17 The Plural of Nouns The Number Agreement of Russian Nouns Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NOUNS AND CHARACTERIZING WORDS IN THE PLURAL The Plural of Adjectives Characterizing words also have the Plural form All three Singular... Plural ủỡố selves ợớố ủỡố -they themselves also ỡớợóốồ - many (people) ớồờợũợỷồ - some (people) Part 2 page 22 The Plural of Nouns The Number Agreement of Russian Nouns Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Part 3 The Declension of Nouns, Adjectives and Adjectival Words in the Singular In this part you will learn the main case forms (declension types) of nouns in the Singular adjectives and... trainer, ýờủờúủợõợọ - guide, ồổốủủá - film-director, ụợũợóụ photographer, ồọờũợ - editor etc Part 1 page 12 The Gender Agreement of Russian Nouns in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar Part 2 The Plural of Nouns The Number Agreement of Russian Nouns SINGULAR - ONLY NOUNS Not all the nouns have both Singular and Plural forms There are nouns which exist only in the Singular... Special attention has to be paid to the mosaic-like Genitive Plural endings of nouns h Notice! Try to memorize the case endings in combinations with prepositions or verbs most typical for this case Part 3 page 24 The Declension of Nouns, Adjectives and Adjectival words in the Singular Eugenia Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar THE DECLENSION OF MASCULINE NOUNS IN THE SINGULAR All nouns are registered... Nekrasova A Basic Modern Russian Grammar There are 6 cases in Russian: 1 The Nominative 4 The Accusative 2 The Genitive 5 The Instrumental 3 The Dative 6.The Prepositional The Singular case endings of nouns and units (which are characterizing words + nouns), fall into two main groups: First group Masculine & Neuter Second group Feminine The Plural case endings of nouns and units form one group : N M Plural

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