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1 It is possible ………… may assist some trees in saving water in the winter 10 11 12 13 14 a the leaves are lost b when leaves have lost c to lose leaves d that the loss of leaves Chosen as the nation’s capital at the end of the American Civil War, ……… a city of over a million people a Washington, DC is now b for Washington, DC., c to Washington, DC., c now in Washington, DC., Sometimes ………… wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself a to sleep the desire b the desire to sleep c to desire sleep is c the desire to sleep who ………… there is a close correlation between stress and illness a Some psychologists to believe b Believed some psychologists c Some psychologists believe d Some psychologists believing ………… Initial recognition while still quite young a Most famous scientists achieved b That most famous scientists achieved c Most famous scientists who achieved d.For most famous scientists to achieved According to educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn what……… to know to live a well-adjusted and successful life a they need b they need c they are needed d as they may need The Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park in Texas were created by volcanic eruptions that occurred………… a the area in which dinosaurs roamed b.did dinosaurs roam the area c when dinosaurs roamed the area d dinosaurs roaming the area …………… many copper mines in the state of Arizona, a fact which contributes significantly to the state’s economy a There are b They are c Of the d The The chair may be the oldest type of furniture,………… its importance have varied from time to time and from country to country a but when b until when c in spite of d although Deserts are arid land areas where ………… through evaporation than is gained through precipitation a the loss of more water b more water is lost c is more water lost d loses more water Portland, Maine, is…………the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years a where b it where c where is d which is where A few naturalelements exist in………that they are rarely seen in their natural environments a such small quantities b so small quantities c very small quantities d small quantity ……… of commodities by air in the 1920s at the same time as airmail service a The shipped b The shipping c A ship d To ship It can sometimes ………… a home a to take months to sell b take several months to sell 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 c selling takes several months d to sell taking several months In the United States…………is the most concentrated is New Orleans a French influence the city b where the city influences French c the city where French influences d where theFrench influences the city Thank you for you…………of $ 550 which we received today a remains b remuneration c remission d remittance This supermarket is trying to……………young shoppers by offering fashionable clothes a persuade b encourage c trap d target The financial statement would have reflected our difficulties if we ……… our accounting year a have not changed b have not been changing c had not changed d had not been changing Our Design Department has recently purchased the most…………software available, with the aim of greatly increasing our design capabilities a sophisticate b sophisticating c sophisticated d sophistication Managers should…………….staff to maintain the no-smoking policy throughout the building a suggest b encourage c co-operate d support That magnificent……… temple was constructed by the Chinese a eight-centuries-old b old-eight-centuries c eight-century’s old d eight-century-old The facilities of the older hospital…………… a is as good or better than the new hospital b are as good as or better than those of the new hospital c are as good or better that the new hospital d are as good as or better than the new hospital The students liked that professor’s course because…………… a there was little or no homework b there was few if any homework c of there wasn’t a great amount of homework d not a lot of homework Fred’s yearly income since he changed profession has…………… a nearly tripled b got almost three times bigger c almost grown by three times d just about gone up three times Standing on a busy street corner and peering into the darknees,………… a and the stranger realized that he had no place to go b no place was available for the stranger to go c the stranger realized that he had no place to go d a shot sounded and the vicious hunter appeared presently Have you ever been in Rome? - No, but that’s the city……………… a I must like to visit b I’d most like to visit c which I like to visit most d what I’d like to visit ……………….he began to make friends more easily a Having entered school in the new city, it was found that b After entering the new school 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 c When he had been entering the new school d Upon entering into the new school It’s getting quite late…………… a We’d rather to go home very soon b We’d better going home very soon c We’d rather going home very soon d We’d better go home very soon ………… hard I tried, I couldn’t understand him a Whatever b However c No matter d So Had we thought new research was unnecessary,………… a we wouldn’t invest in it b we wouldn’t have invested in it c we didn’t invest in it d we didn’t have to invest in it It was in 1921………………… a which Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physicis b that Einstein had won the Nobel Prize for Physicis c that Einstein won Physicis-Nobel Prize d that Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physicis The teacher suggest that her students……… experiences with ESP a write a composition on their b to write composition about the c wrote some composition of his or her d had written any compositions for his The director of this organization must know……………… a money management, selling, and able to satisfy the stockholders b how to manage money, selling products, and be able to satisfy stockholders c how to manage money, sell products, and satisfy the stockholders d money management, selling, and of being able to satisfy the stockholders ……………had she opened the cupboard door when she stood in front of it petrified a No sooner b As soon as c Hardly d The fact Not only………… a he refused to help me but he also made fun of me b did he refuse to help me but he also made fun of me c did he refuse to help me but he made fun of me also d he did refuse to help me but also made fun of me The people………………thought he was a bit strange a which he worked with b with which he worked c with who he worked d he worked with Please would you pass………… salt? a the b a c some d any Unfortunately the library provides no………… for photocopying a amenities b facilities c opportunities d chances I’d like to exchange this blouse but I’m afraid I can’t find the……… a note b bill c ticket d receipt 40 Pollution would be reduced if more people used………… petrol in their car 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 a uncontaminated b green c unleaded d cleaned They’d………… go by air than spend a week travelling by train a rather b prefer c better d all are correct He’s supposed to have written,………….? a hasn’t he b wasn’t he c didn’t he d isn’t he There is no………… in going to school if you’re not willing to learn a reason b point c aim d purpose ………… the gold medal he’ll have to better than that a Winning b In order win c To win d So that he wins Two children tried as hard as they could bring………… a reconciliation between their parents a up b about c in d together All of the people at the MME conference are………………… a mathematic teachers b mathematics teachers c mathematics teacher d mathematic’s teachers …………Java Man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal a It is generally believed that b Generally believed it is c Believed generally is d That is generally believed One of the most effective vegetable protein substitutes is the soybean…………used to manufacture imitation meat products a it can be b who can be c which can be d can be ………….is necessary for the development of strong bones and teeth a Although b Calcium c It is calcium d That calcium The government is thinking of bringing……………a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear crash helmets a on b up c in d round Here’s an interesting statistic: on a typical day, the average person………….about 48000 words How many words did you speak today? a speaks b was speaking c is speaking d spoke A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world In some areas, water……….from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply a has been taking b is taking c has taken d is being taken My sunburnt nose made me feel rather………………for the first few days of the holiday a self-effacing b self-centred c self-conscious d self-evident …………for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped with the project 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 a If it had been b If it hadn’t been c Hadn’t been c Had it been Chosen as the nation’s capital at the end of the American Civil War, a city of over a million people a Washington, D.C is now b for Washington, D.C, c to Washington, D.C., d now in Washington, D.C., The manager…………… all the staff members tidy up the office before they left a got b made c ordered d wanted Dealing with such complicated problems certainly………… a lot of time and patience a take b takes c are taking d have taken Only by……… with them can we finish the project in time a to team up b team up c teams up d teaming up I’m planning…………… a trip to Europe this summer for a big conference on marketing a take b in taking c for taking d to take We………….to hear from you soon so we can start the project early a expect b anticipate c enjoy c consider ……………the deadline, we must work out a feasible schedule and strictly stick to it a Meeting b Meet c Met d To meet Paul considered…………….jobs, but his co-workers asked him to stay because of the economic recession a to change b changed c changes d changing Knowing that the new employee didn’t mean to make the mistake, Mr Smith allowed him……………again a to try b try c trying d.tried The junior accountant………….making the mistake and begged the manager to forgive him a expected b hesitated c admitted d refused With an eye to………….the best candidate for the position, we set up a team composed of ten experts a choose b choice c choosing d chose You have broken the code of confidentiality;…………….,you must take responsibility a because b therefore c however d so Mr Newman does not look forward to traveling by train…………… the schedules are too irregular a why b which c when d because We were………late that we missed the business meeting that took place an hour ago a such b too 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 c very d so You can finish the report three days after the deadline,……… later than that a though b when c but not d however Not only you but the personnel manager…………to blame for the failure a are b is c being d will The proposal, in my opinion, was very good………….it saved time and money a in that b except that c so that d now that Jennifer is a good accountant……………she cannot use the new system very well a in that b except that c for that d because Careful…………he was, John still made several errors in his report a because b when c despite d as So far we……… enough money, so it is very likely that the project will have to be put off until next year a won’t b don’t collect c.hadn’t collected d haven’t collected You will get a promotion as long as you………… the project a will finish b finish c are finishing d will have finished All CEOs need………… that is pays to introduce an energy efficiency program that can help save their business money a convince b to convince c to be convinced d be convincing In a…………….conducted by the research team, 94 percent of the consumers agreed that the internet presents a threat to children a survey b design c broadcast d scandal Before buying a factory………… setting up one of your own in that area, you should carefully evaluate the security risks there a so that b nor c or d so To deal with the ever-increasing number of tourists from Europe, the shuttle transport company has decided to provide……………bus service on holidays a often b really c frequent d many Paul is a man……… I believe has the best understanding of what it is that makes our products different from others on the market a who b whom c whose d how This handout will help you write business letters in many different situasions ranging from applying for a job to…………….information a request b requesting c requests d requested 82 We……………the financial report yesterday, but the boss asked us to collect information for a 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 briefing he’s supposed to make for some new employees a should finish b had finished c should have finished d were finished Organically grown greenhouse vegetables are seeing increased sales among middle-income consumers…………… their higher cost a although b because c despite d even if Our proposal may not be 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed, but it…………us almost two weeks to work it out, and I believe it works a took b spent c cost d needed Although Apple has not disclosed how many Iphones were……… at launch on Friday, analysts expect stocks will sell out by early next week a useful b available c replaceable d inevitable This new policy must be…………gradually to avoid confusion a affected b implemented c resulted d exercised The source of this information is very trustworthy, which leaves no room for……… a doubt b authorize c belief d read A number of automobile……………agencies are located on the lower level of the airport a renting b rents c rented c rental Long work hours………… by a healthy diet and adequaterest a are caused b should be balanced c met d evicted Ten countries……………the trade agreement a notified b ratified c registered d assigned The tour bus driver……………after many hours behind the wheel a exhausted b lazy c trying d decided They wanted to………….on new small business a emphasize b determine c concentrade d establish The export trade was………….by regulation a smoothing b trouble c serviced d unaffected …………….training programs for employees are quite expensive, in the long run they are good investments in human capital a Although b In spite of c Despite d all are correct The contract, as submitted, contained several………………omissions a significant b impotent c service d late 96 Rooms at Aqua bay resort are considerable more expensive during the………….season a summit b peak c higher d tip 97 Companies were asked to……………bids for the project before November 15 th a invite b eliminate c renovate d submit 98 The conference room was in use, so the meeting was help…………… a everywhere b anywhere c elsewhere d somewhere 99 Her department brought in the most profits…………, she was promoted before the other managers a nevertheless b therefore c in addition c namely 100 Orders………before the twentieth of the month are filled by the thirtieth and billed as for the frist of the following month a received b calling c sent d place 101 The scientific method is the…………….of all scientific research a basing b basic c basis d base 102 Please sign the last page of rental agreement and……………….all the other pages a initiate b initial c initiation d initialize 103 We are sorry to………… you a inconvenience b unconvenient c convenience d inconvenience 104 Job description allow both prospective and current employees……….what is expected of them a and know b knowledge c knowing d to know 105 Mr Peter decided that he was not………………to life in a small town, and so he returned to the capital a suitable b suitor c suited d suiting 106 Knowing that we would be hungry after skipping lunch, the director had her assistant …………….some sandwiches for the meeting a picks up b pick up c picked up d picking up 107 My receptionist will get the forms…………………first thing tomorrow so that we can fax them to the head office before the conference call a sign b signed c to be signed d signing 108 During the flu season, temporary workers were needed to……………for permanent workers who were out sick a fill up b fill out c fill in d fill 109 Mr Benson watched technician………… the broken pump a repairs b repaired c hed repaired d repair 110 If their marketing team succeeds, they………………their profits by 20% a will increase b will have been increased c would increase d would have been increasing 111 As far as I can recall, the effective tax rate for the previous year………………42% a has been b was c will be d is 112 If Mr Tsujioka won a free trip anywhere, he………… to go to Brazil a could have chosen b would have been choosing c would choose d will choose 113 If the product had been adapted to local tastes and preferences, sales………… dramatically a would have increased b will increase c increase d might increase 114 Mrs Paula………all of her work by 5.00 p.m, so there is no reason she needs to work overtime a has been finishing b has finished c is finishing d will have finished 115 Mrs Prashar can always tell when her husband………….too much coffee because his hands start shake a will have drunk b has been driking c is going to drink d had drunk 116 He is convinced that the team from his country………… the next World Cup a will win b will have won c has won d would win 117 London’s Heathrow Airport is…………….airport in the world a the one busiest of b the busiest one of c one of the busiest d of the busiest one 118 The Ruhr valley in Germany is…………….area a a heavy industrialized b an industrially heavy c a heavy industrial d a heavily industry 119 We’ll have to take the stairs The ellevator is out of…………… a control b order c line d place 120 He works…………… waiter at a small coffee shop a like a b like the c as a d as the

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2016, 15:43

