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Đề thi Violympi khối 8 vòng 8+9+10 năm 2015-2016

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Cấu trúc

  • Exam number 319:37

  • Exam number 119:50

  • Exam number 319:50

Nội dung

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Answer: The smallest possible number of cookies that Tom ate is Question 9: Find the maximum area of a triangle that has the length of two sides are Answer: The maximum area of the triangle is cookies and Fill in the blank with the suitable sign (>; =;[...]... Vòng 10 cấp quốc gia Exam number 319:50 Fill in the blank with the suitable number (Note: write decimal number with "the dot" between number part and fraction part Example: 0.5) Question 1: How many... length of 60 cm and a width of 30 cm.It is cut into2 identical squares,2 identical rectangles and a shaded small square Find the area of the shaded square Answer:The area of the shaded square is Question 8: If is satisfy these equations Question 9: The number of ordered pairs is and where Question 10: Let ABCD be the square with the side length then the value of such that If and is a perfect square lie

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2016, 21:02

