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ability (n) lực, khả eg: The _ to work with others is a key requirement abundant (adj) nhiều, phong phú, thừa thãi eg: The recruiter was surprised at the (n) _ of qualified applicants ei c ev er yd ay abide by (v) tuân thủ eg: Two parties agreed to _ the judge's decision access (v) truy cập eg: You need a password to _ your account to accept (v) chấp nhận, thừa nhận eg: Without hesitating, she _ed the job of teller accomplishment (n) thành tựu, hoàn thành eg: In honor of her _s, the manager was promoted yd ay accommodate (v) dàn xếp, đáp ứng, làm thích nghi eg: The meeting room was large enough to _ the various needs of the groups using it ei c er ev accounting (n) tính toán, công tác kế toán eg: _ for expenses is time-consuming accurate (adj) xác eg: He counted the boxes three times to ensure his that figure was _ to accumulate (v) cộng dồn; tích luỹ lại eg: The bills started to _ after secretary quit achieve (v) thành công, đạt mục tiêu eg: I hope to _ as much as you have in short time with the company acquire (v) đạt được, giành được, thu được, kiếm eg: The museum _ed a Van Gogh during heavy bidding ei c ev er yd ay accustom to (v) làm cho quen, tập cho quen eg: Chefs must _ themselves to working long hours address (v) hướng tới, nhắm đến eg: Marco's business plan _es the needs of small business owners to action (n) hành động; trình diễn biến (của kichj) eg: The _ on stage was spellbinding adjacent (adj) gần kề, sát eg: Take the elevator to the third floor and my office is _ to the receptionist area yd ay adhere to (v) tôn trọng, giữ vững, tuân thủ eg: The chairman never _ his own rules er ev ei c adjust (v) điều chỉnh, dàn xếp, làm cho thích hợp eg: The stockroom clerk _ed the cooking pots on the shelf so they would be easier to count during inventory admit (v) cho vào, nhận vào eg: The staff refused to _ the patient until he had proof of insurance to admire (v) ngưỡng mộ eg: Raisa, _ing the famous smile, stood before the Mona Lisa for hours affordable (adj) giá phải eg: The company's first priority was to find an _ phone system yd ay advance (n) tiến eg: Every _ in technology was evident throughout the hotel's computerized functions er ev ei c agency (n) đại lý, chi nhánh, sở, hãng eg: Once we decided we wanted to go to Costa Rica for vacation, we called the travel _ to see how much flights would cost aggressive (adj) đoán; cạnh tranh eg: Wall Street is a very _ atmosphere where only the strong survive to agenda (n) chương trình nghị eg: The board was able to cover fifteen items on the _ allocate (v) phân bổ The office manager did not _ enough money to purchase software allow (v) cho phép, chấp nhận eg: My insurance does not _ me to choose my own hospital ei c ev er yd ay agreement (n) hợp đồng, thống chung eg: According to the _, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event announcement (n) lời tuyên bố, cáo thị, lời thông báo eg: Did you hear an _ about our new departure time to alternative (n) lựa chọn (một hai); phương án thay eg: I'd like to know the _ to this treatment before I agree to it anxious (adj) lo lắng; băn khoăn eg: The developers were _ about the sales forecast for the new product appeal (adj) hấp dẫn, lôi eg: The colorful vegetable made the dish look _ing ei c ev er yd ay annual (adj) hàng năm eg: I try to schedule my _ physical right after my birthday appointment (n) hẹn gặp, chức vụ bổ nhiệm eg: To get the most out of your _, keep a log of your symptoms and concerns to apply (v) nộp hồ sơ ứng tuyển eg; The college graduate _ed for three jobs and received three offers apprehensive (adj) lo lắng, sợ hãi (về tương lai) eg: The mortgage lender was _ about the company's ability to pay apprentice (n) người học việc, sinh viên tập eg: Instead of attending cooking school, Raul chose to work as an _ with a experienced chef ei c ev er yd ay appreciate (v) hiểu, nhận thức rõ eg: He didn't _ the complexity of the operation until he had to it by himself arrangement (n) xếp, kế hoạch eg: The travel _ were taken care of by Sara, Mr Billings's capable assistant to approach (v) tiếp cận, lại gần; (n) tiếp cận, cách tiếp cận eg: The director's _ to the play was controversial as need (adv) cần eg: The courier service did not come everyday, only _ ascertain (v) tìm hiểu chắn, xác định eg: A customer survey will help to _ whether there is a market for the product ei c ev er yd ay arrive (v) đến nơi eg: By the time our meal _ed, it was cold assemble (v) thu thập, tụ tập eg: Her assistant copied and _ed the documents to aspect (n) khía cạnh, mặt, diện mạo eg: The _ of HMOs that people most dislike is the lack of personal service asset (n) tài sản eg: The company's _ are worth millions of dollars assignment (n) phân công, giao việc, việc giao eg: When the reporter is on _, research piles up on her desk ei c ev er yd ay assess (v) định giá, đánh giá eg: The insurance rate Mr Victor was _ed went up this year after he admitted that he had started smoking again association (n) tổ chức, hiệp hội eg: Local telephone companies formed an _ to serve common goals, meet their common needs, and improve efficiency to assist (v) giúp đỡ, trợ giúp eg: Bonnie hired a secretary to _ her with the many details of the event (n) khéo léo, tinh xảo, tay nghệ cao eg: The software developer has excellent technical _, and would be an asset to our software programming team skills (adj) trôi chảy, êm thấm, hoà nhã eg: Her _ manner won her the appreciation of the manager but not her colleagues yd ay smooth ei c er ev software (n) phầm mềm, chương trình chạy máy tính eg: The new _ allows me to intergrate tables and spreadsheets into my reports solve (v) giải quyết, tháo gỡ (vấn đề) eg: One of the biggest problems to _ is why people would want to own the new product to sold out (adj) bán hết (vé, hàng) eg: We expect that this play will be a smash and _ quickly specialize (v) chuyên về, chuyên môn hoá eg: The museum shop _s in Ming vases specify (v) rõ, định rõ eg: The letter does not _ which attorney is handing our case ei c ev er yd ay source (n) nguồn, nguồn gốc eg: I can't tell you the of this information spouse (n) chồng, vợ eg: You may invite your _ to the company party to spectrum (n) dãy, chuỗi eg: The whole _ of artistic expression was represented in the watercolor statement (n) kê khai, báo cáo tài eg: The billing _ was filed with the insurance company last month stationery (n) đồ dùng văn phòng eg: We not have enough _, so please order some more ei c ev er yd ay stage (v) trình diễn eg: A historic house can be the perfect site to _ a small reception stock (n) nguồn hàng, nguồn cung cấp; (v) tích trữ eg: The office's _ of toner for the fax machine was quickly running out to stay on top of (v) cập nhật/ nắm bắt thông tin eg: In this industry, you must _ current developments strategy (n) chiến lược eg: A business plan is a for running a business and avoiding problems yd ay storage (n) nơi lưu trữ, kho eg: The double-sided disk has _ storage room for up to 500 megabytes of data er ev ei c strict (adj) xác, nghiêm ngặt eg: There is a _ limit of four item per person that can be taken into the changing room subcriber (v) đặt mua dài hạn; (n) thuê bao, người đặt mua eg: Jill _s to a gardening magazine to strong (adj) mạnh mẽ, kiên cố, vững eg: Even in a _ economic climate, many businesses fail, so your planning carefully subjective (adj) chủ quan eg: The reviews in this guidebook are highly _, but fun to read submit (v) nộp, trình eg: _ your resume to the human resouces department ei c ev er yd ay subject to (adj) khuất phục, tuân thủ, phụ thuộc eg: This contract is _ all the laws regulations of the state substitute (v) thay thế, chỗ eg: Don't try to _ intuition for good planning to substantial (adj) giàu có, có tài sản, quan trọng, có giá trị lớn eg: There is a _ difference in the price for the two air fares success (n) thành công, thắng lợi eg: When the manager won an award, he attributed his _ to his colleagues successive (adj) kế tiếp, liên tục, eg: Somehow the _ images were interrupted and had to be edited again ei c ev er yd ay subtract (v) lấy đi, trừ eg: Once you ring up an item, the computer automatically _s it from the inventory log suggest (v) đề nghị eg: I _ you think about the specials, since they are very good today to sufficient (adj) đủ eg: The postage on that box is not _ to get it to its destination supervisor (n) người giám sát eg: A good _ gets his team to work with him, not just for him yd ay suitable (adj) phù hợp, thích ứng eg: I have finally found a health plan that is _ for my needs er ev ei c supply (v) cung cấp, đáp ứng nhu cầu; (n) kho dự trữ eg: By making better use of our _ es, we can avoid ordering until next month systematic (adj) có hệ thống, có phương pháp eg: Any researcher know that creative thinking is necessary, but _ analysis is indispensable to system (n) hệ thống eg: The airline _ covers the entire world with flights take out (v) thu hồi, rút lui eg: My checking account allows me to _ money at any bank branch without a fee take part in (v) tham gia, tham dự eg: We could not get enough people to _ the meeting, so we canceled it ei c ev er yd ay take back (v) nhận lại, rút lại eg: Good quality control significantly limits the number of products _ for a refund taste (n) nếm (thức ăn), khả nhận thức (vị), khiếu thẩm mĩ, vị eg: This music does not appeal to my _s; but I'm old fashioned to target (n) mục tiêu; (v) đặt mục tiêu eg: Most managers _ desired income as the primary criterion for success tedious (adj) tẻ nhạt, thiếu hấp dẫn eg: Counting merchandise all weekend is the most _ job I can imagine tempt (v) cám dỗ, quyến rũ eg: I am _ed by the idea of driving across the country instead of flying ei c ev er yd ay technical (adj) chuyên môn, kỹ thuật eg: The computer can only be repaired by someone with _ knowledge theme (n) đề tài, chủ đề eg: The caterers prepared food for a party with a tropical island theme to terms (n) điều kiện, điều khoản eg: The _ of payment were clearly listed at the bottom of the invoice thrill (n) rùng (hoảng sợ), rộn ràng (vì vui sướng) eg: The thought of renting a sports car gave John a _ throw out (v) vứt bỏ eg: It is cheaper to _ shoddy products than to lose customers ei c ev er yd ay thorough (adj) hoàn toàn, kỹ lưỡng eg: The story was the result of _ research timeconsuming (adj) dài dòng, tốn thời gian eg: Even though it was _, all of the participants felt that the open house was very worthwhile to tier (n) tầng, lớp, bậc eg: If you are on a budget, I suggest you think about renting a car from our lowest _ transaction (n) công việc kinh doanh, giao dịch eg: Banking _s will appear on your monthly statement translation (n) chuyển, dịch, dịch eg: The _ of the statement from Japanese into English was very helpful to ei c ev er yd ay training (n) đào tạo eg: The new hire received such good _ that, within a week, she was as productive as the other workers trend turnover (n) xu hướng, mốt, thịnh hành eg: The clothing store tries to stay on top of all the new _s (n) luân chuyển vốn; số lượng công nhân thay (những người việc thời gian định) eg: We have to add another production shift to keep up with the high _ rate uniform (adj) đồng dạng, kiểu eg: A successful company wil ensure _ quality of its products yd ay typical (adj) tiêu biểu, đặc thù eg: Part of a category summary is defining the expenses that are _ to the business in question to er ev ei c update urge usual (v) cập nhật; (n) thông tin eg: Our latest _ shows that business is down 15 percent (v) nài nỉ, cố thuyết phục/ thúc giục; (n) ham muốn mạnh mẽ eg: I get the urge to play the guitar every time I pass a music store window (adj) thường lệ, thường dùng eg: It is not _ for that kind of surgery to be performed on an outpatient basic value (n) giá trị, ý nghĩa eg: It is difficult to put a on the work that an employee does vary (v) thay đổi, biến đổi eg: The amount of protection offered by different policies will _ ei c ev er yd ay valid (adj) có hiệu lực, hợp lệ eg: I need to make certain that my passport is if we plan to go overseas this December verify (v) xác minh, thẩm tra, kiểm lại eg: I can't _ the accuracy of these numbers, since I was not present for inventory weekend to verbal (adj) lời eg: Excellent _ skills are expected in the marketing department volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên ; (v) xung phong làm eg: My doctor _ed to call the drugstore, so my medication would be waiting for me wage (n) tiền công; lương (trả theo làm việc) eg: Hourly _ have increased by 20 percent over the last two years ei c ev er yd ay vested (adj) trao cho, quyền eg: The day that Ms Weng becomes fully _ in the retirement plan, she gave her two weeks' notice waste (v) lãng phí; (n) rác, vật giá trị eg: Withour a leader, the group members _ed time and energy trying organize themselves to warn (v) cảnh báo eg: The flashing light s the computer user if the battery is low weakness (n) nhược điểm eg: The candidate's only _ seems to be her lack of experience in fund-raising (adj) thông thái, sáng suốt, có kinh nghiệm, hiểu biết nhiều eg: Are you sure it was a _ decision to pull out all of your investments yd ay wise ei c er ev withhold (v) kìm lại, giữ lại, giấu eg: My employer _s money from each paycheck to apply toward my income taxes yield (n) sản lượng, lợi nhuận; (v) sinh lợi eg: The company's investment _ed high returns to wrinkle (n) nếp gấp (vải, quần áo) eg: A _ in the finish can be repaired more economically before a sale that after [...]... eg: The price for this brand is high _ed to the other brands on the market to common (adj) phổ biến, thông thường eg: It is _ for the office manager to be designated to order lunch for business meetings compensate (v) đền bù, bồi thường, trả cho eg: The company will _ employees for any travel expenses yd ay compatible (adj) tương thích eg: This operating system is not _ with this model computer... his checkbook to background (n) quá trình học tập eg: Your _ in the publishing industry is a definite asset for this job basic (adj) cơ bản, cơ sở eg: The new restaurant offers a very _ menu yd ay bargain (n) sự mặc cả, món hời eg: We were thrilled with the _s we found at the clothing sale er ev ei c basis (n) nền tảng, cơ sở, căn cứ eg: The manager didn't have any _for firing the employee... of the flowers were ordered to _ with the colors in the corporate logo ei c ev er yd ay convenient (adj) thuận tiện, dễ dàng eg: Is this a _ location for you to pick up your prescription? cover (v) bao bọc, bao gồm, bảo vệ, che đậy eg: Will my medical insurance _ this surgery? to courier (n) người đưa thư eg: We hired a _ to deliver the parkage criticism (n) sự phê bình, lời bình phẩm eg: The... thỉnh cầu/ lấy lại, tìm lại được (vật đã mất) eg: Lost luggage can be _ed at the airline office code (n) lề thói, tập quán eg: Even the most traditional companies are changing their dress to something less formal to client (n) khách hàng eg: We must provide excellent services for our _s, otherwise we will lose them to our competition (v) xảy ra đồng thời, trùng khớp với nhau eg: Sean was hoping... extra care of our boxes marked fragile to capacity (n) sức chứa eg: The new conference room is much larger and has a _ of one hundred people catalog (n) bảng liệt kê mục lục; (v) ghi vào mục lục, chia từng loại eg: Ellen _ed the complaints according to severity catch up (v) đuổi kịp, bắt kịp eg: The dental assistant on her paperwork in between patients ei c ev er yd ay casual (adj) thông thường... expenses yd ay compatible (adj) tương thích eg: This operating system is not _ with this model computer ei c er ev compete (v) đấu tranh, cạnh tranh eg: We _ed against three other agencies to get this contract complete (adj) đầy đủ, trọn vẹn, hoàn toàn eg: The new restaurant offers a _ menu of appetizers, entrees, and desserts to compile (v) thu thập tài liệu eg: I have _ed a list of the most... most popular items in our sale catalog comprehensive (adj) bao gồm, kể cả/ sáng ý eg: Our travel agent have us a _ travel package, including rail passes yd ay complicated (adj) phức tạp, khó hiểu eg: This explanation is too _; try to make it simple ei c er ev compromise (n) sự thoả hiệp eg: The couple made a _ and ordered food for take out concern (v) liên quan, dính líu, quan tâm; (n) việc phải... the story set out in an earlier film ei c ev er yd ay consume (v) tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng eg: Chen _s more than his share of computer time control (v) chỉ huy, điều khiển, kiểm soát eg: To _ the cost of this medication, you may get the generic verson to contribute (v) đóng góp, góp phần eg: Make sure your boss is aware of the work you _ed to the project convince (v) thuyết phục (= persuade) eg: The... chuỗi, dây chuyền (làm việc) eg: The hotel being built in Seoul is the newest one in the _ checkout (n) sự thanh toán tiền (khách sạn, ), nơi thanh toán tiền, hành động thanh toán tiền eg: The line at this _ is too long, so let's look for another to check in (v) đăng ký tên (khách sạn, sân bay) eg: Patrons _ at the hotel immediately upon their arrival circumstance (n) điều kiện, hoàn cảnh, tình... their products to culinary (adj) liên quan tới bếp núc eg: His interest in arts drew him to a commercial foods program daring (adj) táo bạo, liều lĩnh eg: Ordering the raw squid seemed quite a _ thing to do yd ay customer (n) khách hàng eg: Let's make sure all invoices sent to _s and are kept in alphabetical order ei c er ev deadline (n) hạn chót, hạn cuối cùng eg: The _ was to tight and they ... (adj) tương thích eg: This operating system is not _ with this model computer ei c er ev compete (v) đấu tranh, cạnh tranh eg: We _ed against three other agencies to get this contract complete... cannot leave the unit on your own, you'll have to wait for an _ essential (adj) cần thi t, thi u eg: Having Ann on this team is _ if we are to win the contract ei c ev er yd ay equivalent (adj)... thuận tiện, dễ dàng eg: Is this a _ location for you to pick up your prescription? cover (v) bao bọc, bao gồm, bảo vệ, che đậy eg: Will my medical insurance _ this surgery? to courier (n)

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2016, 09:52

Xem thêm: 600 từ vựng luyện thi TOEIC

