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Delta BCSkills socialising

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._i§ VfftC, '' Dl\, ıJı iuı ıg ,, "ğııa-ğ 6ul) p!^p0 6u !SllP!] oS e|ld aSlnOl PU€ a/v\Ol UESnS sJo}!pa salJas slıils uoı}E)lunuuo3 ssaulsnE Vll]G DELI\ Publishing Quince Cottage Htıe [-arre Peasla]ie Surrel,GU5 9SW England e DH-TA Publishing 2005 All rights reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission from the publishers or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 8, or under the terms of any licence perııitting copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WlP 9}IE PHOTOCOPIABLE Pages 46-52 may be photocopied for use in class but may not be soid or distributed separately or included in any other publication for sale or distribution |'irsı published 20O Critically read by Sarah Baldy-Kühnapfel Edited by Catriona Watson-Brown Designed by Caroline Johnston Illustration by Phill Burrows Cover design by Peter Bushell Picture research by Suzanne Williams Printed by Halstan and Co., Amersham, Bucks Photo acknowledgments Alamy/ront couerlImageState/Pictor International, p 8tr (Chris Fredriksson), 8cl (acestock); Getty Images pp Sbr (Thomas Barwick), 14 (Tobias Prasse), 2O (Christopher Bissell), (Mel Yates), 32 (|uan Silva), 3l (altrendo images); Punchstoclı Roy alty-t'ree pp Btl (Photodisc Red/Andersen Ross), 8cr (Digital Vision/Flying ColouIs Ltd), (PhotoAlto/Eric Audras), l5 (BananaStock), 21 (image100), 26 (PhotoAlto/Teo Lannie), 33r (Stockbyte Platinum), 40 (Dynamic Graphics Group / Creatas), 41 (Brand X Pictures/ER Productions); Topfoto p 8bl (Novosti) Photo editing: Pictureresearch.co.uk ISBN 1-900783-94-0 Es sı(a1 Ja/v\sup puu sldlı)su€4 tuplel-a/\pa-l :9 }!un 0v sa)Jnosau 9v s}uaıuatueııı tuple1 tululeya}uf :, }!un 9ı, :s }!un ı,t yodde.ı tu;pllng uo!}PsJa^uo) tu;4e1 :z }!un ?l }!un 0ı, :€ uoı}psJoıuo) B tuıuado : ı }!un ;eu.ınoI tuıu;ee1 uo!})nPoJ}uı v slsı(leuu spaoN s s}ue}uo) Introduction Cotıımunicatioıı Skills is a ner,ıı series ivhi;lı ,.j:: : -ı-.:ı]];]-_:]]_|ı j approach to develop key communication and laırglıage ki s es.::::_ı_ : - : cı1, international business environment The series is desigııe.i 1ır ]:a::ıe:s ıl b,ıs_iı.,s: English at pı:e-intermediatc and intermediate level eit}-ıer pre-serr-ice cır iıı-sı,rı,ıcç, aııd it can be used either in the classroom or for self-stı-ıdı: DF|I,TA Brısjııess Fcatures of the series include: ı Individua.l Needs analysis and a o o Awareness-raising journal Learning o Helpliıl activities Extensive personalized exercises Tips for effective performance in busincss sı_rggesticıns lor laırguage stı-rd1, l Regular language reference and rer-ieiı, ı ı sections Photocopiable resourccs An integrated audio CD Full transcripts and answer keys o Socialisiırg aims to develop thc skills and language needed to cope effectively in English in a range of typical social situations that business people might encountcr using a r,arietlı of means of communication There are six core units, each containing: o Context to raise awareness of the skills and issues (including cu]tural aspects involved in the varirıus activities of socialising, and to introduce clifferent strategies lbr developing these skills a Presentation and Practice - of core language (vocabulary, functional plrrases and ) ı ı o o pronunciation) linked to thesc skills Tips (cultural or language reiatcd) on how to be more effective in socia] sitı-ıations Consolidation - to allow learners to apply what they have learned to their orvn rt,ork situation Reference - useful phrases and vocabulary related to each unit Review - study suggestions and further practice (ideai for homer,r,ork/self-studlz) The book also contains: ı Needs analysis This encourages you to consider what you need 1o focı-ıs on in order to get the most out of the book and your learning ı Learning journal This provides the opportunity a a a ğ-{oını üeı u§e tl,ıl§ hooiç to reflect and personalize rt hat you have studied in thc book Resources section This provides additional matcrial such as photocopiable liamer,r.orks and cards Answer key This is designed to enable you to work either alone or with a teacher Transcripts These detail the content of the accompanying CD Step l by working through the Needs analysis (page 5) This will help you to: ı think about ytıur strcngths and It is recommended that you start ı o I Step You should then familiarize yoursclf with the Learning journal (page 6), to which you are asked to ref'er at the end of cvcry core unit weaknesses in socialising in English; identify and prioritize your immediate Step and future needs lbr socialising; You should worlr through thc units in the determine the order in which you work orcler they 1'eel most appropriate to vour needs and interests through the core units of this book hope you enjoy using this book >,(ğ David l(ing Author ığ.boı.ıt tİıe aııthor lntroduction David l(ing has extensive gcneral and Business Eııgiis}: ;:.i:i:_]: a]]: : :.h.r traiııiııg experience He has rvrilten aııd edilcd il raJ]gc ıı1 1,::::' , -.' ::- ,:, j -:]JL]agclcarning materials tr dcı1 sıs{|eu€ spaaN ,l ınod srr po]sll no{ euo aL{1 Ll1I./r\ pLte se8ed uo IEuJno[8uıuıee1 eq] ]ır >IooI dlııolıd 8uılıels - sJlun aq1 q8no"ıq] 8uı>l,ıoı,t ]JEJs no;( a-Io]cg ! r T l EaJP sn)oJ pue Jaqlunu }lun ı§l.ıol,ı; ,noı( oı aıuul.ıodıu! }soı.u Jo {|ıuaJJn) s! l,{)!ı{,1^ ro'1sa4eaıı aJE no{ 1aa; noı( t{)lıl/tl u! €aJp aqı Jo s(uJaı u1 - noı( ıo; ,§l,ıol.ıd ,paau ı(l1ea.ı noı( Jo JapJo u1 q3no,ıq1 »|Jo^^ o} pua}u! nor( sl;un eı,|} u/t^op aıoN s|ı!4s asoı,|} 8ulıo.ıdı"u; uo sn)oJ oı noı( ı|!/y\ Je}}aq op p|no) noı( 1eqıı ^^oııE ,do;eıaP ol paau PuE ı|a/v\ op ,(pea.ıle noı( 1eqıı;o ssauaJP^,\P ınor( 3uldolaıe6 nor( see.ıe q)!q/ı^ }noqe luıt{} pu€ 9- ı sl!un ;o 3uluul8aq aı{} ıE saıJeı,uLuns aqı qSno,ıqı )oo-1 ,EaJp ıuaJaJJlp E uo sasn)oJ ıooq slqı Jo 1!un ı{fp:I z tr tr tr le a ul a sulEe] >IJoi!\ ]e a s]uoAe 1eııos7saılıed >IJo^\ s3uılaatu ]EuJa]uI E s"ıcılddns sıeulıed 1ca[oıd san3ea1loı SluellJ - tr tr tr :3uılısıı ueq.\\ o tr tr tr tr sıaıTddns sıaulır:d 1ca[oıd sıaıTddns a sıaul.ıed 1ca[oıd o oIII JoJ 8uı>lıo,r,r eJu oq^A eldoad o tr tr tr - san3ea1loı S}ueJIJ :3uıruoıla^,ın 1.] tr tr ueqm a ,.1nlrorse lpuolsseJo.rd 3uılaauı ueq^\ a s3rıılaaru ssaulsnq JaTE a SJIEJ İ epeJl SeJueJeJLIoJ :qsl] 3ug uı eldoad q]l.,\r\ esIIIrIJos pLIp ]eau tr tr tr se]plJosse pue sıa3eueru lE a Je a ]V T 'üIJo^t snlels-q3ıq ı san8ea1loı o S]ueIIJ a :qlpı 8ulslplJos pue 3uılaaui uaqı,r qsıPug ,no,( ıo; anJ} aJp q)ıq/,^ ^^o|aq >1eads o1 şulod paeu I ,>IJo^\ aqü (/1) 4)!t ]V l /,suoIJl]nJIs esor{l uı aıe nod >1ulq1 nod op e^I]JaJJe /uoq pue '>IJo^A ]I] uı 11asınod puIJ nod op suolJr]n]Is ,sseulsnq ıo; qsq8ug u] q]I^[ esIII?IJos ol paau nod oqıı ]sJu JeplsuoJ ]elJos ]ı?I{M cıdo1 eqı 3ulqJeoJdde uaq,u saılııoı.ıd;ınoı( aıe 1eq1,1 ;nod ]noqe ]eq^\ 'oS ;8uıslleııos ;o ,uol]ounJ Sseulsnq e uo puedep ueJ ]Eap le {es o] 3ulq1 1q3lı aq] 3upıou1 rıo.ro 1son3 E aluoclam e./tA |{oı\A ^r\ot{ sseulsnq u Jo ssoJ]ns aqJ ,ssJulsnq 3uıop uı 1.red ıoferu e ,,ield 8uısııel)os Jo sJIlI^I]Je aq] 's]q] Jo esneJeg ,Jaq]o qJlra Q]Iıııı ucı ]a3 e.{i\ ıtoq puu eldoad 1noqe ,{1ııeuıi.rd sr sseuısng sls{ıPuP sPaaN Learning İournal DU rİng the COu rSe As you work through each unit, make a note of useful phrases and vocabu]a_r}, }-ou might use in real life An example is given, but what you note down wi]l depend on your own learning pattern Example Unit:1 Useful languageı You must be (Marcella) You're based ln ,,aren'tyou? 5ounds interesting Useful tips: Repeat a new name and use it in my conversation Your Learning journal tr Learningjournal Unit:1 Useful language: Unit:.2 Useful language: Useful tips: Useful tips: Unit:3 Useful language: UniE Useful language: Useful tips: Useful tips: Unit:5 Useful language: Unit:6 Useful tips: Useful tips: Useful language; E JeJeJ |tuınol 8ulu,ıea] pue no.{ isalou Jnod o1 8uıppe de»1 pue 'o] peeu nod.ıeıauaq,r,t ]I o1 >Iceq 'esJnoJ E JaTE pue 8uıınp pasn eq o1 pau3ısep sI {ooq sIrIJ q1]^[ 1ı dee4 os :o} pue}ul I 'JeDeq slql op oJ :ol paeu J :EaİE snJoİ :l!un ıauuold ınotr ,(eUnr) uol)sJ66ns ,(pn15 aql ul sP >|loM uol}Puo}uI JJIlynJ oP llü.M PuP, )sl]j)x] e]l}]eld uI sP sIlü>|s uoı;Pı:unuo;d Pue uol]Puo}ui',{cu dolanap oJ PaJu osle ; ,(ery;o Pu) Aq - ç7 pue sas]]lex]) a]l}]ejd 2+!uA uı se saseıqd lry,,,.ffİiKffffi#:i],:'#;; L §uısn s.ıauyed pa oıd !}ıru J sdı q ,uoı}pf ıuntı.-ı L|o) )o supJLu "]no se qsıl6u3 suo,+el rr'6r,r1, o* rn,lJrg, u ı e}u ı p.! ıllıı:İ yoddeı 6uıplıng :EaJe snJod ,:ıFIn a1dıuaxg ,^\oleq euo eq} aıf o1 q[ ,nod dlaq o1 uenı3 sı eldruexa op uy >IJo^\aIIIE4 e 8uısn eldruexa JoJ 'sllpls ınod 8uldole^ep uo sa]ou elery iseuI]pEap cpsIIeeJ ;1as.rnod ,eceldlJom arll uI peuJeal eıeq nod 1eq,ın asılce.rd 1ıı,r ]eql eloş nod sasrc.raxa uolslıaJ/uollepllosuoc qclq^^ ,3,a 'qluls ,ınod dolaıep p;dlaq no.,( a,roq Jo o} 1ğ sI ]I 11ı^\ enuuuoc 11iı,r nod aplcap ppoqs nod '1ıun qcee paleldruo, a^Eq no,{ ıeşy ,>1;ıoaı ^\oq spJe^\JaTe puğ esJnoc.ınod 8uıınp q]oq '8ulu.rea1 ınod eJEpllosuoc o1 1uelıodrıı sı 11 asJno) eq} leryşr Opening a conversation THlS UNlT LOOKS AT: l introducing yourself and other people and starting a conversation l talking about jobs, products and companies Çorltext l I welcoming people checking and clarifying what people say l ln what situations might you have to use English to introduce yourself and your company? When meeting new people and starting a conversation in English, what you find most difficult? a I(nowing the correct language to use a I(nowing how to greet someone suitably: rtıhcther to sIıake haı:is i,.,",-, er iıaııpe business cards etc ı l(nor,r,ing how to addrcss them after the introc]ucticııı l'iır cr;.ı:ı:- _-,, :>, ]- 1]ıı or Surname ı I(nowing wha1 to say to make the other pcrsoll fct-l ctlıll-,.,l_,,_^ eaSe a Understaııding what thc other person savs a Responding E l Openingaconversation to thc other person in the rigiıt ıı,a1 : _ ]].]]: ]]J: at W uoı}EsJaıuo) e 8uluadg tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr pue 3uı4ıaq) Jo s/fu^/\ aalu JoJ leq] leedal nod a]l SI ()t plnoJ auIE8e ]Pq] SE^l lEll]u {JJOS ,]eü{] tJ ldes nod plp ", l ,{JloS ta8 e}lnb ],uplp l ],ueJE ' ", s ano,{ aduPdtuoJ qJlrl,\4, ", uIo4 aJ no^ b i uopJl]d C ,euIPu Jnod qJ]e3 ],uplp J dJJoS T aule8e 1eq1 des no,( plno3 I ,uo!}PsJa^uo) aı,|ı u! JPaı{ no{ q)lı{,t\ 3ulıll.ıelı 3ulııo11o; aq} Jo ,(ue 1ı11 pue ulu8e uaıs!,l , , , ǧ 1ıo3 8uqoo1 no.ı{ 8uıAtııolı puo Bul4ıaqa l 3uıq1 Jo uos ]eq1,1 ,1no slq] pue ", 1q8no.ıq 1snI nod aJe^tlJos ^\au ,u,ııop 3uılla3 s,arueu,rno1 ç (]] ],USl 'UIOüPIJOIö^ UI PeSEq a-I,nO^ i!\OU>l I h l |l T uoı+DsJz^uo? or,uado ıno6 u! l! 29n puD 1ı 1oada,ı dı]p eq] 3uızıue3.ıo o1 o1qısuodseJ s,oq^\ ", € ", ]-IE^\e]S esı1 on8eoloı dru sı aJeq pue ", eıroH uEaS III,J ,uasJepad IIJuOH ", uesJepadPf ]ıı sl au,lDu ".; D o+ zzıJoujzul 6oıvı poo6 V dıt T s,}l q)Ea })oJJoı pue ule8e ua}s!-l ,uoı}EsJoıuof, eql ,a>1e}s!Ltı 1o tuıuado oq} ıuo4 s}f,EJlxa Jo q)Ea u! eıE}s!ı,u auo s! asau1ı ,uıalsds ıadııaıl;ı ,,ıafinq , )Jl)t|11 [0S ı >IceqJ oJ aLuDu S uot:} aJaql u,, ıalsnJ'e ıo3 8uqoo1 sI Jeulo:}snJ ,ıaauıOtıa ilı, sE s>]JoA\ d.nı1ıııın[ ,eJo.Jeq srualsdspcods ]noqe ,eJo.Jeq {1]caııoı pJEaL[ seq eqs a uaql p,ıLldül lruL1 l p JD J L l §,*r§ eqJ tJ ! Jalilo]snJ eqJ |LüpDLl / p JwIl aLuDıl s,-ıaulo;stlJ aı11 aü\ID l Jauo]sn] eqJ ıdlo sacnpo"ıd srua1sdspaeds p-OJaLl 1,LıpDLl nlos Qd lo s,{iuııdttıo:ı all] l ,pJEJ sseulsnq SIq 'lJLUolSnJ Jql ol ltlrJ.s llDq eSIr I b sıeadaı esl1 € J,usaop saıı, "ıeuolsnJ aqJ Z l,s,J / lı§rl SJJ,iDarlJlll tt],Jç I ll 2|}ı+ qo| ouD autDu 11n} t;"+;;; ""r],io sJ,),llro.ü lltI ,sJory\suE })eJJo) aı{ı au!ıJapun,{uedı,uoı Jeqloup tuo4 JaLuo}snf, uo!}EsJaıuoı e 8ulyels ueas pup Es!-l ot uaıs!-l |,! |LJ 1elluelod E ,I ııaql VllM hı,oalc aldoad rrnpor+u1 dıl suo|ı)nPoJ}u, q}!/t^ ,€ JeJsI]uıcJIoLIJ pe1leJ 'a8ue;ı ^\au 1ınpoıd s,{ur]druoJ oq] e]ouro.rd o1 qıune1 1ınpoıd E lE eJE daq;,1o1sı"ıg ur peseq 'sruals.{spaedö^ pal]EJ >IJO^\ e^r\OH duedtuoc )In e JoJ UeOS PUE Ue^\e]S eSIT Storting conyersotion, 4n 1,2 Here are some more examples of opening conversations Listen and complete each response 1r Hello, I'm Mr Cheng from Shanghai + Good morning, we've r 2r r-ıiten , pretty well already Yes, I feel we I but it's grea1 to meet y6ç don't believe we've + I'mJill Anderson, Chief Buyer for Mayfleld Productions And you are r Paola Cilento from Gianni e Donna, Milan + Sorry, l r your first We've heard so many good things about you a real pleasure to be here Good morning, Mr Nakita I'm delighted you could come Michael Evans + How 5r Paola to meet you I'm so glad + It's 4r you and what's your role in the project? I'm terribly sorry, I'm sure we 've met before, but + I(ate Price from Watership Publishing We met r Pı'açüİçe l ı Yes, Paola, Paola Cilento + Very pleased 3ı name at last year's conference in Madrid Of course, nice to see you again Put these words into the correct order to make complete sentences Hello, / pleased to / }ill Davis / meet you / my name 's / and I'm really Guy Cartier, / This is / Paris office / in our / who works our / introduce / Jean Paul Lemond, / Sales Manager / Let me you represent? / / How / What company / you do? can't quite / I'm sure / before, l place you / we've met / but I welcomc / I'd / you / like to / here today ıiııhtrt / I didn't / you said / quite catch / Sorr1 you could / so pleased / I'm / come for me? / but / Sorry, / repeat that / could you 1O you / so pleased / to have / I'm / finally met Add a negative tag to the end of these sentences to make them into questions Example You're rcpresenting Clayman Jnc, a ren t Yo_u l Your company is based in Toulouse You work with Michael Freeman, m l ? , You've got a copy of our brochure, You're updating your product line, I believe you've already met Teresa Bellisario, You came to the conference last year, She works in the Milan oflice, I'm sure you'd lilre a coffee, Openingaconversation ? Ljııit § Bl ,\1 At a conference Mlhot woujd you soy? You have met a potential client for your product You want to develop the contact over dinner Invite B and try to persuade him/her to ioin you At a conference You have been talking to A about his/her products, but you don't want to continue the discussion Refuse the invitation politely, but suggest another time Il *-_|_ .l I 82 Talking to your boss \2 Talking to your boss You are As boss You are very busy and don't want to hear about As problem You urgently want half an hour with B (your boss) to discuss a problem concerning another member of staff I I 83 Cold-calling A3 Cold-calling Your company has a new product You want to arrange to visit B to tell him/her about it face to face A4 Collaborating on a You're not very interested in As product Try to put himiher project i Bıl Collaborating on a project you need to talk to A about the project, but you've got a very busy schedule for the next two weeks, including a flve-day trip to NewYork You are working with B on a new project You've got some ideas on how to speed up the schedule you need a twohour meeting with B 85 Old colleagues A5 Old colleagues i you haven't heard from A for three years He/She suddenly rings you up, and you are suspicious about his/her You are trying to sell a new idea, so you are ringing old contacts you haven't been in touch with B for three years Arrange to meet reaSonS - -!I İ eO Sopport from a goo"rnment department *M § Resources I I I i i İ İ İ İ off Your company needs gou nment support for a newproject Speakto a member of the government d.purtment to try to arrange a meeting to discuss the project I ı _ J 86 Support from a governmentdepartment You worl< lor a government İ department and you are responsible for liaising wiı h local businesses.You want to co-operate with companies, but you must be careful of time-wasters l i İ İ İ İ i I I I I froın.Sociııli.siııgı l-ır-l)avid Kiııg e) »ı:LTA ı,uBLrsHlNG 2oo5 !| sa)Jnosau Sooz oNIHsITsna vııı« 8uıy plleo dq filIsrlDlros luo{ I I I I I I h, I I L I I l l 'ıq8U.{ru ssıuı ", I I I h I I I ,elu JoJ euop eı,nod 8uıq$ıaıa.ıo1 ", :]: I L iı ,' ,| h |ı k iaJeII} }I e^EeI ", q _* _ ^ ^ ^ ,S)TJEJ] '§IJEJI8uuleru ^_", duDTEtU aq Jo i ; I _i l l I I ı l I dllplıdsoq Jnod 11E ,eJnsEeld IEaJ E ", ", i I l I I A1 You are aware that B needs Whot would you soy? Bl to leave to catch a train must go now if you are going to catch your train Say politely that you have to leave immediately However, you want to malre sure you have B's contact details before he/she leaves .A2 You are finding B very boring You want to leave, but you don't want to be rude A3 Belbre you leave, sum up the meeting You want to make sure B is going to send you the latest price details of his/her products You're going to put in an order as soon as you've got the prices You've just looked at your watch and you realize you l g2 83 Vou are talking to A about your last project Tell A about the deadlines, problems, people you worked with, etc Try to make sure you finish before A leaves The meeting has ended You know A wants the latest prices of your products, but they haven't been published yet However, you want to make sure A makes a flrm order l A4 You have entertained B as a visitor to your company for the last two days The restaurant last night was awful you know that B must go to catch a plane Say goodbye ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,"ilring to B half an hour in the bar at a conference Now you don't think B is going to be a useful contact Politely, say you for -V @r? i _ must leave, sum up the meeting and thank B for buying the drinks Blt A is an important client You have been entertained as a visitor to As company for the last two days The hotel was very noisy, and the meal last night was awful Thank A and express your appreciation 85 You have been talking to A half an hour in the bar at a conference you think A is for going to be a very useful contact Try to keep the meeting going eor\\ d/\b Resources lioıı-ı Soı,iılisiıııl b1 Daı,icl King C) »ıı.rı pı]BLrsHıNc 2oo5 JIEJ s{a)| Ja^^suE pup s}dlJ)suPlI eql ul eloJ Jno{ ,JEef apEJl pIJpIrW arl] lE leru e^\ ]SEI eqdı]W ie]t\ aAEH + ,nod ef,eld e]Inb ],ueJ l ]nq 'eJoJaq ]eul a^,el,V\ eJns Iu,] V ,oJour elu IlaJ lno,{ eJe 'qo + ,l eJ,{ lxeu adoJnE uJeJse[ o]ul puedxe ot 8uldoll eJ,eM ,]SEI le nod ]eeu] V o] poSPeId ,1tl3u S,leq] ,Se^ + + e^PLl,Llo v j}q3l-ı 1rue 'ruıqoeo{ aq ]Snu no,,i 'o11ag l]EQ] SEı\ ueqM ae^\ tlJıLlM l,uplp I ", ıulql I V ,Llo ,,{[[ı],rı oLLIeu "ınod Z + qıle3 og ", op nod ^loH o] JüIll S,lü]tJ^\ p,t tlrıo5 ^^oH ;1ca[oıd puE ", op no,ı( op ı:Vto|| * ,SuEAg laEI{JIW 'an3ea1loc dru aınpoılul cru ]eT ,euloJ plnoJ nod palq8ııap ıu.I ,e]IüIEN JI^l '3uıuJotu pooD q i 'eloed - erueu,lsJU ınof 'Euuoc a 1a3 ],uplp ] dııo5 v ]eeu] 1r:aı3 ,3uılso.ıoluı + V v v Z 1nq q JdeJLtoc suol]do d,ıe,r ", 1no 1q8noıq aı,nod aJE^\JJos ıtou slq] pue oo] nod 1noqe o] eJIu s,]eqJ a]l s] 'qo :dH ]ol e pJEeI{ JA,aM 1,ua.rı: ^^ou{ ,punoJe 8uılla8 s,euIeu ıno1 1nod '3uıuıEJl eleJodJoJ uI oJ,nod 'esJnOJ Jo :HS auaq] ,sn Jo pJeeq a^lno^ 1poo3 dıar1 :411 anod ] ueJe 'rqoq{oo]S uI paseq aJıno1 i!\ou{ I ", sad qp ;,{es nod plp ,suol]nlos dırm oq] dq ,pıec ,{ru s,eıa11 t1c{ :SlI ,suol]nlos Cd :dH ",uro{ 2duedruoc qJIqM aı,nod pue ", srua]sdspeadş^ o} oruo]le1,1 :]Je^\e]ö^ EsIT dep aq] 8uızıue8,ıo JoI elqlsuodseJ s,oq^^ 'up^\o]S EsIT an8eelloı duı sı slq1 pue ,1ıa[o,ıd slq] uo ıeu3ısap pı?el eql 'a^\oH uEaS Iu,J ,JJetJ no,{ aes ol eJru dleaı s,11 ,nod 1aaru o1 pelq8l1ap '{IJuoH 'ol[eH :HS ,uesJeped {IJueH ", uesJapad S,]] :uesJapad üIIJuaH ,auruu -rnod qJ}ı]J ],uplp I {JJo)- :eMoH tlıres I,I ,nod aJE[d alınb 1,ueı eıns tu,J dııos dlqıııa] uı,I € + luuElD tLIo4 'o]ueIIJ uloEd V ", JJI] nod puy ,suor]JnpoJd dpeaıp Jaq]o qJEe eır J 'sa^ 11aıı,{pa.ıd ]eeJ ,uosJed uı no.ıt ^\ou{ o] s,lı 'auoqd eql uo ue>lods ua]Jo aı,e^\ '8uru-roru pooD + ,ıeq8ueq5 ruoı.1 3ueq3 JW Lu,] 'oIIeH v I 7,I ,TeJp 01 IIIo4 eulll punoJl]uJn] alqıssod ]seuorls erl1 ", sa8els Jo Jeqlunu ır LI]I^^ ]uaITJ e ]uaseJd i\\ou>I nod 8uıuueld IEI1IuI Jno dn paads p]noJ rI)Iq^\ IIIJ]sds e ıo1 3uı>1oo1 tu,J 'Ja8EuEI/t 1ıa[o,r4 JoIueS se 'lIeM :dH :gş ,,ıo;3un1oo1 nod e.re 3uıq1 ;o uos }IrqM 1{1eag 1snI E g Z pasecl.I I Jo V v i ,eJaq eq o1 aınsecld IEaJ E s,]I + ,nod 1noqe s8uFI1 poo8 dueul os pJpoll e^,e1'1 ,laru dlleug aı,a,r,r pe13 os ru,I a]I sE^^ ,LIEIIW a plegdery ıo; ıa.,{ng 'uosıepuy 11f uı,1 JaIqJ ,peJnpoJlul uaeq e^,a^\ a^altoq ],uop I € ;nod 1,uaıeq 'allsqa^l dpecıp aı,nod ,J.]UJo >IJO^/\ ,]aLu qıleı 1aaru o] auıoılaır ol 2op nod op ]aeu ,nod 1aaru o1 paseald dJeA + ,o]ueltJeloed'eloed'SaA V s ,1ıa[o.rd aruus ar[J uI pa^Io^ul uaaq dlqeqoıd a,t,aiı,r )ulll] l V 'oN + dlenlce-},ue^Eq I Jno ]o SSeJppE 3tI1 ]O3 ,IEuot]euJe]u] pJoJxO JoJ IV I s,I depo1 a"ıeq nod aruoıla;ı,r o] e1tt p,I ", depo1 o-ıeq nod euloo]a^\ o1 ", ,{epo1 eJoH dlleuu a,r.a,ır peseald dleeı ru,1 ", 1aru dleug e^,a1,1 ,eluoJ p]noJ no,{ peP os Lu.I ", euloJ p[noJ no.{ peP os ", auıoJ plnoJ no1 ,aIuEu Jnod rlJ]eJ ],uplp I !fuJos ", euıeu -rnod ;op nod op ,no.,[ pasecld nod 1ıary +,I depo1 a.raq no,{ ,]Jtu {IIEuu a,r,a,rı paseold dleoı ru,1 c ,atuoJ plnoJ nod peP os ru,J L ,arueu ınod qJ]eJ ],uplp ,nod €,I ,uıe3e nod aes o] aJIu 'esJnoJ ,pppew uI JJuJJ+uoJ s,JeJ,{ lsEI ,3uıqsllqn.1 dıqs"ıeler1,1 luo4 eJIJd alE)I + ]e ]aıu a14 I ]nc,I 'eJoJeq JeIII al,e^\ §ıdlJ)suD{ s ı +!uı ı sıdu)sup4 Ja/nsue pu€ sı(e>; Answer key presentation l Lisa name Sean introduces the company's had gives had heard heard software 21 7a buyer faster lt's Henrik Pedersen I'm Sean Howe and this is my colleague Lisa Stewart who's responsible for organizing the day You're based in Stockholm, aren't you? I ] ... ref'er at the end of cvcry core unit weaknesses in socialising in English; identify and prioritize your immediate Step and future needs lbr socialising; You should worlr through thc units in... awareness of the skills and issues (including cu]tural aspects involved in the varirıus activities of socialising, and to introduce clifferent strategies lbr developing these skills a Presentation and... name You realize the other person's English isn't very good and that you need to speak slower from Socialising by David King @ »ELTA puBLIsHING 2oo5 + sa]Jnosau Sooz 9NüHst,Ig]ıd vITTcI p1 3uı1 pı,ru6

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2016, 17:10

