PROII-8-1-Getting-Started-Guide PROII-8-1-Getting-Started-Guide PROII-8-1-Getting-Started-Guide PROII-8-1-Getting-Started-Guide PROII-8-1-Getting-Started-Guide
PRO/II® 8.1 Getting Started Guide The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide Use of the PRO/II program, and its component parts and subsystems, is governed by the terms and conditions of a separate written agreement between your employer and Invensys Systems, Inc., its subsidiaries or affiliates Copyright Notice Copyright © 2007 Invensys Systems, Inc All rights reserved No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, broadcasting, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Invensys Systems, Inc Trademarks PRO/II, SIM4ME, HEXTRAN, INPLANT, Invensys, and SimSci-Esscor are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates AMSIM is a trademark of DBR Schlumberger Canada Limited RATEFRAC and BATCHFRAC are registered marks of KOCH-GLITSCH Visual Fortran is a trademark of Intel Corporation Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation FLEXlm is a trademark of Macrovision Adobe, Acrobat, and Exchange are trademarks of Adobe Intel and Pentium are registered marks of Intel HP is a registered mark of Hewlett-Packard Epson is a registered mark of Seiko Epson Corp Canon is a registered mark of Canon Inc NEC is a registered mark of NEC All other products noted herein are trademarks of their respective companies All other products may be trademarks of their respective owners U.S GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND The Software and accompanying written materials are provided with restricted rights Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data And Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer SoftwareRestricted Rights clause at 48 C.F.R 52.227-19, as applicable The Contractor/Manufacturer is: Invensys Systems, Inc (Invensys SimSciEsscor) 26561 Rancho Parkway South, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA Printed in the United States of America, May 2007 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete Contents Introduction About this Manual vii About PRO/II viii About SimSci-Esscor viii Where to Find PRO/II Documentation ix Online Documentation ix Online Help x Where to Find Additional Help x Technical Support xi Authorized SimSci-Esscor Technical Support Centers .xiii Chapter Installation Requirements Verifying the Package Contents 1-1 Installation Media 1-1 Documentation 1-1 Software Requirements 1-2 Disk Space Requirements 1-2 Virtual Memory Requirement 1-3 Security 1-4 USB Security .1-4 FLEXlm7.2 Security 1-4 FLEXlm9.5 Security 1-4 TOKEN Security 1-5 Switching Security Types 1-5 Chapter Installing PRO/II Installing a Local Version of PRO/II 2-2 Directory Structures and Desktop Icons 2-5 PRO/II Installed Directory Structure (Standalone) 2-5 Installing a Network Version of PRO/II 2-6 Testing PRO/II 2-10 Reviewing the Results .2-11 Generate an Output Report 2-11 PRO/II 8.1isGetting Startedonly,if Guide tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete iii The document for study Converting Files 2-11 Modifying/Repairing/Removing PRO/II 2-11 Chapter Installing Acrobat Reader Installing Acrobat Reader 3-1 Testing the Installation 3-2 Uninstalling Acrobat Reader 3-2 Chapter Usage Reporting Installing the Usage Reporting Program 4-1 When to Use the Usage Reporting Program 4-2 Running the Usage Reporting Program 4-3 Option – Create USAGE File 4-4 Option – Reinitialize the USAGE File 4-4 Option – Report Usage Only 4-4 Option – Report from the Backup File 4-5 Option – Dump Contents of Usage File 4-7 Option – Dump Contents of Backup File 4-7 ASCII Dump Data Format 4-7 Usage Records: Example Run Data 4-8 Using the Data 4-8 Chapter Installation Troubleshooting Diagnosis of Problems with TOKEN and FLEXlm 7.2/9.5 Security 5-1 Diagnosis of USB Security Problems 5-11 General License Security Questions 5-16 Chapter Tutorial : Introduction What can PRO/II do? 6-1 Simulation Status Conventions 6-1 How is this Tutorial Organized? 6-2 Where to Start? 6-2 Where to Find Additional Help? 6-3 Description of the Problem 6-3 How to Proceed? 6-4 Chapter Session 1: Separator Starting PRO/II 7-2 Building the Flowsheet (required) 7-3 The ivdocument is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we Contents will delete Process Units .7-3 Process Streams .7-4 Correcting the PFD Diagram 7-6 Defining the Component List (required) 7-6 Defining a Thermodynamic Method Set (required) .7-9 Specifying Unit Operation and Stream Data (required) 7-12 Analyzing the Data Requirements 7-13 Stream Data 7-13 Unit Operations Data 7-18 Saving the Simulation 7-18 Running the Simulation (required) 7-22 Reviewing the Simulation Results 7-22 Viewing the Output Report 7-23 Using the Flash Tool (optional) 7-24 Chapter Session 2: Complete Expander Plant Building the Flowsheet (required) 8-1 Modifying the Stream Data (required) .8-8 Specifying the Process Unit Data (required) 8-8 Heat Exchangers 8-8 Compressor 8-12 Column 8-15 Running the Simulation (required) 8-25 Reviewing the Simulation Results 8-25 Modifying the Simulation Defaults 8-26 Chapter Session 3: Presentation of Output Modifying the Flowsheet Stream Border Style 9-1 Displaying Stream Properties on the PFD 9-3 Exporting the PFD to the Windows Clipboard 9-5 Producing a Stream Report in a Spreadsheet 9-6 Creating Pages for Printing the PFD 9-7 Creating Plots .9-10 Displaying Stream Results in HTML 9-11 Block Diagrams 9-13 Index PRO/II 8.1isGetting Startedonly,if Guide tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete v The document for study The vidocument is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we Contents will delete Introduction About this Manual This manual will guide you through the installation of the PRO/II family of software products and provides you with three sample sessions on using PRO/II An outline of this document is provided below Chapter Installation Requirements Outlines installation and security requirements Chapter Installing PRO/II Describes how to install PRO/II 8.1 Chapter Installing Acrobat Reader Describes how to install Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is used to access documents online Chapter Usage Reporting Explains how to install and run the Usage Reporting program Chapter Installation Troubleshooting Addresses some of the problems you may encounter while installing PRO/II 8.1 Chapter Tutorial : Introduction Introduces the user to PRO/II capabilities, conventions and finding information Chapter Session 1: Separator Step-by-step instructions to enable you to simulate a minimal set of process units in a gas processing application Chapter Session 2: Complete Expander Plant Additonal process units are added to complete an entire demethanizer/expander plant simulation Chapter Session 3: Introduces tools provided by PRO/II to Presentation of Output organize, format and review results The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide vii About PRO/II PRO/II is a comprehensive computer simulation system for process engineers in the chemical, petroleum, natural gas, solids processing, and polymer industries It combines the data resources of a large chemical component library and extensive thermodynamic property prediction methods with the most advanced and flexible unit operations techniques It provides the process engineer with the computational facilities to perform all mass and energy balance calculations needed to model most steady-state processes The PRO/II process simulation program is designed with both the beginner and the expert in mind It is based on a foundation of comprehensive, reliable, and accurate simulation capabilities It is easy to use, and the input language is an extension of the universal language of chemical engineering Expert systems, extensive input processing, and error checking allow even an inexperienced user to be instantly productive These features have made PRO/II an industry standard About SimSci-Esscor For 40 years, SimSci-Esscor has been a leader in the development and deployment of process simulation software, services, and complete solutions for oil and gas production, hydrocarbon and specialty chemical processing and refining, and fossil and nuclear power Benefit from products that minimize capital requirements, optimize facility performance, maximize ROI, and produce assets for: Plant engineering design and simulation: ➤ Integrated process engineering (FEED) ➤ Pipeline production analysis, asset model management ➤ Operational analysis, optimization, process control ➤ Dynamic simulation, operator training Design-Operate-Optimize a safe and profitable plant subject to ever more stringent market and regulatory constraints SimScisoftware solutions are indispensable tools in solving Esscor The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete viii Introduction these three increasingly complex challenges simultaneously SimSci-Esscor is business unit of Invensys Process Systems, owned by Invensys, plc Where to Find PRO/II Documentation Online Documentation Online documentation is provided in the form of PDF files that are conveniently viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.5 or Acrobat Exchange 7.0.5 Adobe Acrobat Reader is freeware that can be installed from the distribution CD or from the Adobe Systems website ( The online documentation files themselves remain on the CD Adobe Acrobat Reader requires seven MB of disk space in addition to the space required to install PRO/II The Welcome Screen lists all the online manuals (See below) These online manuals are stored in the SIMSCI\PROII\Manuals directory PRO/II 8.1 Welcome Screen The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide ix Online Help PRO/II incorporates an online Help system, a comprehensive reference tool that quickly accesses information Online answers are instantly available while you work In the Help system, commands, features, and data fields are explained in easy steps You can access the electronic Contents for the Help system by selecting Help/Contents from the PRO/II menu bar Context-sensitive help is accessed using the key or the What’s This? button by placing the cursor in the area in question Where to Find Additional Help If you want to See Learn how to install PRO/II This document Quickly learn how to simulate a simple flowsheet using PRO/II PRO/II Getting Started Guide Obtain detailed information on the capabilities and use of PRO/II PRO/II User’s Guide Obtain basic information on PRO/II keywords PRO/II Keyword Manual Obtain basic information on PRO/II calculation methods Online Help Obtain more detailed information on PRO/II calculation methods PRO/II Keyword Manual Obtain detailed information of component and thermodynamic properties SIMSCI Component and Thermodynamic Data Input Manual See simulation examples PRO/II Keyword Manual See simulation examples for chemical, solid processing, petrochemical, batch, and electrolyte applications PRO/II Application Briefs Manual Demonstrates the use of PRO/II with process industry examples PRO/II Casebooks Learn how to create a custom component databank using the LIBMGR utility LIBMGR and COMPS User’s Guide Learn about PRO/II batch reactor and distillation, electrolytes, Profimatics or polymers modules PRO/II Add-on Modules User’s Guide Learn about PRO/II-HTRI®, PRO/II-HTFS® or Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface modules PRO/II Interface Modules User’s Guide The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete x Introduction Note: The Property Label List is the simplest and smallest of about a dozen predefined stream property lists that can be displayed for streams These lists should be used selectively, since they can occupy a lot of PFD “real estate” If the resolution of the display makes it difficult to read the property lists, use PRO/II’s Zoom feature to enlarge the table Simply press PgUp to increase the resolution until the size of the text is comfortable to read Note: It is also possible to create custom stream properties lists Choose Stream Property Lists… from the Options menu on the main PRO/II menu bar This opens the Define Stream Property List dialog box Analogous tools are available for displaying properties of unit operations Exporting the PFD to the Windows Clipboard PRO/II provides the option to copy the PFD drawing to the Windows clipboard From the clipboard, it is simple to paste the drawing in any word-processing or report-writing program, such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect To export the PFD to the clipboard: Choose File→Export from the main PRO/II menu bar Click the radio button for Flowsheet Drawing Click OK PRO/II displays a dialog box confirming that the flowsheet has been exported to the clipboard The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-5 Figure 9-5: Flowsheet Exported to the Clipboard Note: The PRO/II PFD Export feature produces a high quality rendering of the PFD drawing Only the contents of the PFD window are captured This is superior to the standard Windows Alt+PrtSc screen capture, which is limited to the display terminal resolution and captures the entire PRO/II program window Producing a Stream Report in a Spreadsheet PRO/II can produce a preformatted stream report in Microsoft Excel Figure 9-6 shows part of a stream report from the demethanizer flowsheet simulated in the previous tutorial sessions Select the item Tools→Spreadsheet →Stream Properties from the main PRO/II window The stream report is automatically formatted and displayed in Excel The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-6 Session 3: Presentation of Output Figure 9-6: Stream Report in Excel Note: Microsoft Excel must be configured to allow macros before this export feature will work In Excel, navigate to Tools→Macro→Security and ensure the security level is set to Medium (preferred) or Low Next, close Excel to force the change to take effect Creating Pages for Printing the PFD If your flowsheet is large, you may want to break the PFD into separate pages To create one or more pages on the flowsheet PFD: Select the Draw→Page from the main PRO/II window Click the left mouse button at the location where you want to place a corner of the page Hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor to the desired page size Release the mouse button and the page outline will be drawn on the PFD as shown in Figure 9-7 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-7 Figure 9-7: Page Outline on a PFD You can resize this page or make this page one cell in a grid of pages To make changes to the page style: Double-click the left mouse button on the page boundary to bring up the Page Setup window, as shown in Figure 9-7a Figure 9-7a: Page Setup window The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-8 Session 3: Presentation of Output As you did for the entire PFD, you can also select pages of the flowsheet PFD and export them to the clipboard Choose the radio button Selected Page of Flowsheet Drawing from the Export window (see Figure 9-5) Figure 9-8 shows the result of exporting the page from the PFD and pasting it in MS Word Figure 9-8: Page Shown in Figure 9-8, in MS Word The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-9 Figure 9-8a: Export of the Page Shown in Figure 9-8, in MS Word Creating Plots PRO/II has built-in plotting capability, which can be used to paste Excel plots directly into your reports In the demethanizer flowsheet, you may want to view the column profiles To set up your plot options: Select the Options→Plot Setup from the main PRO/II window Choose the running Excel version from the drop-down list box Click OK to return to the PFD To create a plot: Select the Output→Generate Plot from the main PRO/II window to display the PRO/II - Generate Plot window, as shown in Figure 9-9 Select column T1 from the list displayed in the Units for Selection group box The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-10 Session 3: Presentation of Output Select the type of plot you want to generate from the Available Plots list Click Plot to create the Excel plot Output is shown in Figure 9-10 Figure 9-9: Generate Plot Window Figure 9-10: Column Profile Plot Created in Excel Displaying Stream Results in HTML You can display stream results in HTML format using your default browser or the viewer provided by PRO/II To change to the viewer: Select Options→Viewer from the main PRO/II menu PRO/II will display the Viewer window as shown in Figure 9-11 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-11 Click the radio button Viewer in the Display Results Using: group box and click OK to return to the PFD Select the stream for which you want to view the results Right-click on the stream and choose View Results from the menu On the other hand, you can select the stream and click View on the toolbar An HTML viewer window containing the stream results similar to Figure 9-12 will appear The HTML files are written to the C:\Windows\Temp directory Your default browser may also allow you to print, save, or export the results to other formats Figure 9-11: Viewer window The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-12 Session 3: Presentation of Output Figure 9-12: View Results window with PRO/II HTML Viewer Block Diagrams For large flowsheets, you may want to organize the flowsheet with subflowsheets This is done using the PRO/II block diagram feature To create a block diagram: Drag a selection rectangle around the section of the flowsheet containing the heat exchangers and the compressor, as illustrated in Figure 9-13 Right-click and select the Collapse item from the right mouse menu The selection will be collapsed into a block diagram (called BD1 by default) as shown in Figure 9-14 Use the View option, as described in Session 2, to view the unit operations within the block diagram in a separate view Simply double-click on the block diagram to expand the icon Block diagrams can also be nested The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-13 Figure 9-13: Selected Area of PFD Figure 9-14: Selected Section Collapsed into a Block Diagram The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-14 Session 3: Presentation of Output Figure 9-15: View is the top level PFD BD1-View is the block diagram BD1 This completes Session of the tutorial In this session, you have learnt some of the features that allow you to transfer your PRO/II results to reports and other applications Your tutorial session ends here Good luck working on your own flowsheets The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete PRO/II 8.1 Getting Started Guide 9-15 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete 9-16 Session 3: Presentation of Output Index Numerics , 6-3, 7-9, 7-16, 8-1, 8-3 A Composition defining stream , 7-14 composition , 7-1 Compressor adiabatic efficiency , 8-12 define , 8-13 main data entry window , 8-12 work , 8-12 Adding units , 7-3, 7-4 Connect units , 7-5 Adobe Acrobat Reader disk space requirements , 3-1 installing , 3-1 uninstalling , 3-2 Converting simulation databases from earlier versions , 2-11 ASCII dump data format in Usage Reporting program , 4-7 B Black-bordered items , 6-1 Custom , 2-3 D Dallas , 2-9 Dimensional units setting local units , 7-15 Blue-bordered items , 6-1 Directory structure PRO/II , 2-5, 2-8 Building the Flowsheet units , 7-3, 7-4 Directory Structures and Desktop Icons , 2-5 C Column condenser , 8-2 feeds and products , 8-16 overhead , 8-16 pressure profile , 8-17 reboiler , 8-2 trays , 8-2 Compiler requirements , 1-2 Disk space requirements Adobe Acrobat Reader , 3-1 PRO/II , 1-2 Documentation online Help system , 1-ix online PDF files , 1-ix E Expander adiabatic efficiency , 7-20 outlet pressure , 7-20 The document for study PRO/II 8.1isGetting Startedonly,if Guide tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete I-1 F Feed stream composition , 7-14 main data entry window , 7-13 L Library components , 7-8 Linked text , 8-13 Feeds , 7-6 FLEXlm , 2-4, 2-7, 2-9 M FLEXlm7.2 , 2-4, 2-7, 2-9 FLEXlm9.5 , 2-3, 2-7, 2-9 Messages window , 7-22, 8-25 Floating PFD palette , 7-3 Modifying/Repairing/Removing PRO/II , 2-11 Flow rate modifying units of measure , 7-15 Flowsheet , 7-3 N Flowsheet errors , 7-22 Notepad , 7-24 G O Gas-gas heat exchanger , 8-8 Gray-bordered items , 6-1 Online documentation , 1-x Green-bordered items , 6-1 Opening a file , 8-1 Operating system requirements , 1-2 H Hardware requirements , 1-2 Heat exchangers hot product temperature , 8-10 specifications , 8-10 specifying process streams , 8-9 Help online help , 1-x I Installation media , 1-1 troubleshooting , 5-1 Installation Requirements , 1-1 Installing PRO/II , 2-1 PRO/II on a network , 2-6 Installing a Local Version of PRO/II , 2-2 Installing PRO/II , 2-1 Output report generating sample problem , 2-11 P Package contents , 1-1 PaletteSee PFD palette , 8-5 PFD palette , 8-5 PRO/II default directory structure , 2-5, 2-8 family of software products , 2-1 generating an output report , 2-11 icons , 2-5, 2-9 installing all files onto a network file server , 2-6 installing executables onto a network file server , 2-6 installing user directories locally , 2-8 reviewing the results , 2-11 system administration , 2-6 testing the installation , 2-10 typical installation , 2-2 Usage Reporting program , 2-3 Process flow diagram , 6-2 Process unit description , 7-18 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete Index I-2 program , 6-5 R PRO/II , 2-6 T Reconnecting streams , 8-6 Technical support centers , 1-xiii Release Notes , 2-4, 2-8, 2-9 Testing the installation PRO/II , 2-10 results , 6-5 Troubleshooting , 5-1 S Security Elan , 1-4 Security FAQs downloading license security software , 5-16 drive read failure , 5-16 errors running Win NT , 5-17 finding host IDs , 5-10 FLEXlm options file , 5-10 FLEXlm performance on WAN , 5-11 invalid license keys , 5-9 launching FLEXlm server , 5-8 license file compatibility , 5-11 license usage configuration , 5-10 multiple FLEXlm servers , 5-7 multiple license files , 5-7 path access failures , 5-16 restricting access to FLEXlm server , 5-9 security and firewalls , 5-7 security chip missing , 5-17 using mixed security types , 5-16 Security options selecting for PRO/II , 2-3, 2-7, 2-9 Software requirements , 1-2 Streams mode , 7-5 products , 7-12 System administration Troubleshooting installation problems , 5-1 Typical installation PRO/II , 2-2 U Uninstalling Adobe Acrobat Reader , 3-2 Unsatisfied connectivity , 7-6 USAGE file data , 4-2 Usage Reporting program ASCII dump data format , 4-7 example run data , 4-8 installation options , 4-4–4-7 installing , 4-1 running , 4-3 using data from , 4-8 when to use , 4-2 V Valve outlet pressure , 7-20 Viewing output reports , 8-26 Viewports multiple windows , 8-3 The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,pleasePRO/II inform will delete I-3 8.1 us,we Getting Started Guide