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ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT - Advisor’s signature TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABBREVIATIONS ABSTRACT CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION NBC Introduction Company history highlights Organization 11 Vision and mission 12 4.1 Vision 12 4.2 Mission 12 4.3 Core values 12 Business activities 13 5.1 Domestic market 13 5.2 International market 13 5.3 Investing, Trading And Service Activities 13 Research Introduction 13 6.1 Problem statement 13 6.2 Purpose of the study 14 The scope of the research 14 Research questions 15 CHAPTER II – LITERATURE REVIEW 16 Taking charge 16 Satisfaction with job facets 17 Career Commitment 18 Career Family attitude 20 Value attainment 21 CHAPTER III: HYPOTHESES AND MODEL 23 Research Model 23 1.1 Dependent Variables 23 1.2 Independent Variables 23 Constructs 24 Hypotheses development 24 Measures 26 Research Participants 30 Procedure for Data Collection and Analyze 30 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 32 Reliability Analysis 32 Descriptive Analysis 32 Correlation matrix 33 Hypotheses Testing results 34 CHAPTER V: DISCUSS, LIMITATION, FUTURE RESEARCH RECOMMENDATION 36 Discussion 36 Management Implications 37 Limitations and Further Research Recommendation 38 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX 41 APPENDIX 48 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is very tough to study MBA at weekend course while working during weekdays All business trips and personal work have to be organized during weekdays Some times, I have no time to read textbooks or prepare well for examinations when the work enters high seasons The time is gone very fast Over one year was passed and I have finished my study It is time to prepare final works Firstly, I would like to take the chance to give my many sincerely thanks to Dr Nguyen The Khai who instructed us the subject of Business Research Method The most valuable knowledge that I have gained from him is “not over confident about your knowledge and always proving by figures” The method of how to research is very useful for me to apply in my real company to make decision Especially, he took a lot of time to share with us how to collect data and analysis in order to complete this research Secondly, I would like to thank very much to my dear classmates for your discussion on taking charge topic, being on Viber every night to help each other to analyze data on SPSS Many thanks to Mr Long, the oldest man in the class for your helping to make prints and beautiful covers for all members in the class Finally, many thanks to my family for supporting me during last over one year Special thanks to my wife who has stayed at home to take care of my two princesses make me feel comfortable to study It is the first professional research in my life It is sure to have many mistakes I hope to receive your valuable contributions for further understanding and developing Thank you very much, Nguyen Dinh Thi ABBREVIATIONS - NBC: Nha Be Corporation - TC: Taking Charge - SJF: Satisfaction with job facets - CC: Career Commitment - CFA: Career Family attitude - VA: Value attainment LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 1: Proposed Research Model of taking charge at Nha Be Corporation Table 1: Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha of the variables Table 2: Descriptive Statistics Table 3: Summary of Correlations of all variables Table 4: Model Summary of all hypotheses ABSTRACT This study examined the taking charge at Nha Be Corporation to understand the impact of career commitment, career family attitude, satisfaction with job facets and value attainment on taking charge behavior Data was collected by using a standardized questionnaires applying to 400 employees from different departments at Nha Be Corporation during 03 months There were 280 completed responses of the questionnaires used to make the statistical analyses The collected data were computed and analyzed through factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analysis From the findings of this research, the management board of Nha Be Corporation could consider to come out with strategies to enhance taking charge roles of their staff Keywords: Career commitment, Career family attitude, Satisfaction with job facets, Value attainment, Taking charge Chapter 1: Introduction NBC introduction After over 40 years in business, NBC’s greatest success is it has gained a great reputation of producing a high level of quality of products and with a large capacity to produce them for domestic and foreign customers NBC also has built a strong and united staff, who always aim for higher goals Company history highlight NBC was founded with two garment factories named Ledgine and Jean Symi in Saigon Export Processing Zone, which have been operating since before 1975 After the unification in 1975, the Department of Light Industry took over these two factories and changed their names into Export Processing Zone Garment Factory The number of employees who worked in the factories at that time was about 200 The early 1990’s was the period of strong development of the textile and garment industry It became the main force in Vietnam’s export-oriented socioeconomic development strategy In order to address the needs of strong economic units to accomplish the strategic task of the industry, on March 1992, the Ministry of Industry decided to found Nha Be Garment Company based on the foundation of Nha Be Garment Factory In April 2005, Nha Be Garment Company was privatized and transformed from a state-owned company into Nha Be Garment Joint Stock Company Also in this period, the company implemented various in-depth investment plans introducing processes, technology, state of the art equipment, and increasing workers’ skills The goal was creating major product ranges such as suits, high-value shirts, etc This could create the competitive advantage and were directed to markets like America, Japan and EU Until now, Nha Be Garment has been being assessed as the leader of Vietnam in suit production In 2008, the company had a lot of changes in orientation, organization and domestic market development It re-organized its departments to streamline production processes, separated some functions to form member units, and expanded operation to high potential areas In October 2008, the company changed its name again to Nha Be Garment Corporation - Joint Stock Company (NBC) and introduced a new brand identity system The domestic market became a focus of NBC’s operation with many large-scale plans NBC renovated its vital tasks such as market researching and product designing, and introduced new brands and extended its distribution system throughout the entire country Following the success with processing orders for domestic and export markets, NBC continued to invest heavily in the form of FOB 2011 marked this event when NBC proceeded with the construction of separate areas for foreign professionals and selected staff employees The export value of NBC in 2012 reached about USD420 million, of which the ratio of FOB orders accounted for 50% of total exports value Entering 2013, the garment and textile sector was faced with great opportunities and challenges with a series of free trade agreements (FTA) under negotiation NBC promoted the development of the ODM method mainly based on the foreign experts who catch the fashion trends, market tastes very well together with capable designers and strong sales teams who perfect the whole supply chain, contributing to enhance the production value, increase competitiveness and create a strong foothold in the market Organization 10 REFERENCES Blau 1985: 278; Goulet and Singh 2002: 75; Kalleberg and Berg 1987: 159; Porter, Steers, Mowday and Boulian 1974: 604) Jennifer M George and Gareth R Jones (1996), The Experience of Work and Turnover Intentions: Interactive Effects of Value Attainment, Job Satisfaction, and Positive Mood, Journal of Applied Psychology Julia Adler-Milstein Sara J Singer Michael W Toffel (2011), Managerial practices that promote voice and taking charge among frontline workers, Harvest business school Lin & Chen (2004), Career Commitment as a Moderator of the Relationships among Procedural Justice, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intentions, Asia Pacific Management Review Michael Jones, Michael Zanko & George Kriflik, On the Antecedents of Career Commitment, School of Management and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Australia Mueller, Wallace et al 1992; Meyer, Allen et al 1993; Wallace 1993; Snape and Redman 2003 Max Messmer (2003), Strategic Finance, Dummies and Managing your career for dummies Morrison & Phelps (1999), Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate work place change, Academy of Management Journal Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, Qamaruddin Maitlo (2012), Facets of Job Satisfaction and Its Association with Performance, International Journal of Business and Social Science 10 Patricia G Conway, Martha S Williams, and Janet L Green (1987), A model of job facet Satisfaction, Journal of Social Work Education 11 S Nelson and S Lyubomirsky, (2015), Juggling family and career, parents’ pathways to a balanced and happy life, BURKE 9781783474097 PRINT (M3606) (G) indd 38 12 Rothrauff, T and T.M Cooney (2008), ‘The role of generativity in psychological well-being: Does it differ for childless adults and parents?’ Journal of Adult Development 13 WALLACE, J (1993), Professional and organizational commitment: Compatible or incompatible? Journal of Vocational Behavior 14 http://www.managementparadise.com 15 http://www.retentionconnection.com 16 http://www.jobscience.com 39 APENDIX Questionnaires Dear colleagues, I am Kevin from MBA OUM program I would like to take your time to conduct my survey for final reports This questionnaire is designed to help me to understand employee satisfaction and career commitment within the organization Would you please save your time around 30 minutes to answer below questions as you can, and can be as frank as possible? Your answer will be very helpful for me to finish my survey Your response will be kept confidentially and used for survey purpose only Incase you have any question regarding the survey, please call Kevin at 0902 469 669 Thank you very much for your time and your suggestions Please answer the below questions by simply circling the number in the box How you feel about your job? Terrible Dissatisfied Good Satisfied Delighted 40 How you feel about the people you work with (your co-workers)? Terrible Dissatisfied Good Satisfied Delighted How you feel about the work you on your job (the work itself)? Terrible Dissatisfied Good Satisfied Delighted What is it like where your work (the physical surroundings, the hours, the amount of work you are asked to do)? Terrible Dissatisfied Good Satisfied Delighted How you feel about what you have available for doing your job Terrible Dissatisfied Good Satisfied Delighted Disagreed Unsure Agreed I like this career too well to give up Strongly Disagreed Strongly agreed If I could go into a different profession which paid the same, I would probably take it (R) Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 41 If I could it over again, I would not choose to work in this profession (R) Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed I Definitely want a career for myself in this profession Strongly Disagreed Unsure Agreed Disagreed Strongly agreed 10 If I had all the money I needed without working, I would probably still continue to work in this profession Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 11 I am disappointed that I ever entered this profession (R) Strongly Disagreed Strongly Disagreed Unsure Agreed agreed 12 This is I deal profession for a life’s work Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 42 13 I expect to go as far as I can in my career and expect encouragement from my souse (R) Strongly Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed Disagreed 14 I would like for my spouse to make most of the financial decisions regardless of who makes the most money Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 15 I not expect to have a career Strongly Disagreed Strongly agreed 16 I would like for my spouse to have more education than I Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 17 It would bother me a lot if I make more money than my spouse does 43 Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 18 If my spouse and I can’t agree on something, I think I should most often give in to my spouse Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 19 I will be mostly responsible for raising our children, regardless of whether or not I work outside the home Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 20 If I not work outside the home, I will all the housework Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 21 I expect to stay home full-time with our children Strongly Disagreed Strongly Disagreed Unsure Agreed agreed 22 My spouse’s career is more important than mine 44 Strongly Disagreed Disagreed Unsure Agreed Strongly agreed 23 A comfortable life (a prosperous life) Least Less important Important Important More Most important important More Most important important More Most important important More Most important important More Most important important 24 An exciting life (stimulating, active life) Least Less important Important Important 25 A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution) Least Less important Important Important 26 A world at peace (free of war and conflict) Least Less important Important Important 27 A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts) Least Less important Important Important 45 28 Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all) Least Less important Important Important More Most important important More Most important important More Most important important 29 Family security (taking care of loved ones) Least Less important Important Important 30 Freedom (independence, free choice) Least Less important Important Important 31 This person often tries to adopt improved procedures for doing his or her job Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 32 This person often tries to change how his or her job is executed in order to be more effective Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 46 33 This person often tries to bring about improved procedures for the work unit or department Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 34 This person often tries to institute new work methods that are more effective for the company Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 35 This person often tries to change the organizational rules or policies that are nonproductive or counterproductive Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 36 This person often makes constructive suggestions for improving how things operate within the organization Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 37 This person often tries to correct a faulty procedure or practice 47 Least Less important Important Important More Most important important 38 This person often tries to eliminate redundant or unnecessary procedures Least Less important Important Important More Most important important Thank you for sharing your thoughts 48 APPENDIX PRESESNTATION BUSINESS RESEARCH METHOD NGUYEN DINH THI K15C • Taking charge is very important for an organization to see how its employees advocate and are loyal to the organization • FACTORS INFLUENCE ON TAKING CHARGE at NHA BE CORPORATION 49 RESEARCH MODEL Satisfaction with job facets + H1 Career commitment + H2 Career – Family Attitude + H3 Taking charge + H4 Value attainment VARIABLE MEASUREMENT Variables Author Year Number of Items Taking charge (TC) Morrison and Phelps 1999 10 Satisfaction with job facets (SJF) Andrew and Withey 1976 Career commitment (CC) Blau 1989 Career-Family Attitudes (CFA) Sanders, Lengnick- Hall, and Steele-Clapp 1988 10 Value Attainment (VA) Rockeach 1973 50 CRONBACH’S ANPHA Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items Results Taking charge (TC) 0.774 10 Acceptable Satisfaction with job facets (SJF) 0.767 Acceptable Career commitment (CC) 0.770 Acceptable Career-Family Attitudes (CFA) 0.823 10 Good Value Attainment (VA) 0.790 Acceptable Variables *Data collection from 400 NBC staff: 280 surveys (400 sent) TESTING RESULTS β Sig0 Taking charge (TC) 1.619 0.000 Satisfaction with job facets (SJF) 0.291 0.000 Supported Career commitment (CC) 0.367 0.000 Supported Career-Family Attitudes (CFA) 0.090 0.084 Non-supported Value Attainment (VA) 0.156 0.018 Supported Variables Result 51 HYPOTHESIS • • • • H1: SJF - working environment H2: CC - HR policies H3: CFA - Future research H4: VA - Motivation MODEL SUMMARY DISCUSSION • Due to limitation of surveys, relevance to TC is not high Suggest to investigate in bigger organizations 52 [...]... perceptions, situations influence on taking charge behavior Therefore, the following questions will be addressed in the scope of study: - Does any satisfaction with job facets influence on taking charge? - What is the relation among taking charge and career commitment? - Does Career family attitude have same direction with taking charge? - How value attainment impact on taking charge? 14 Chapter II: Literature... in relations between Career Family attitude and taking charge When someone who is focus on family life, he or she is not willing to take charge at the organization 35 Final, as prediction, the results of this study showed the positive relation between taking charge and value attainment It indicated that employees were likely to take charge when they perceived value attainments 2 Management Implication... can conclude that the factors of Career Commitment, Satisfaction with job facets and value attainment are effecting on taking charge of staff at NBC Therefore, I suggest the following solutions to be deployed in order to enhance more taking charge in the organization: Firstly, the results showed that when staff satisfies with many job facets, they behave taking charge Job facets might be well paid,... related to NBC Career family attitude We assume that a person who are willing to take care of his family having a good attitude at work 4 Measures The survey consists of 53 questions The survey is designed to collect information about Taking Charge (TC), Satisfaction with Job Facets (SJF), Career Commitment (CC), Career Family Attitude (CFA), and Value Attainment (VA) in Nha Be Company 4.1 Taking charge. .. and to benefit the most from their actions The measure is developed by Morrison and Phelps (1999), uses 10 items to describe the behavior of "taking charge. " Taking charge correlated positively with top management openness, general self-efficacy, felt responsibility, expert power, and organizational level Exploratory factor analysis showed that taking charge was empirically distinct from in-role behaviors,... significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) Table 3: Summary of Correlations of all variables From the above table, it is depicted that: - Hypotheses 1: SJF is moderate associated with TC at correlation of 0.570 - Hypotheses 2: CC is moderate associated with TC at correlation of 0.573 - Hypotheses 3: CFA and TC are in low relationship with correlation of 0.490 - Hypotheses 4: CFA and TC are in low relationship... Family focus correlated negatively with educational aspirations and an employee's grade point average Balance correlated negatively with male gender of respondent and positively with educational aspirations and a respondent's grade point average Career focus correlated positively with educational aspirations and an employee's grade point average Dominance correlated positively with being a male respondent... Taking charge Taking charge measure was developed by Morrison and Phelps (1980), used 10 items to describe the behavior of taking charge Taking charge entails voluntary constructive efforts to bring about functional changes in an organization These may include changes in how work is performed It is discretionary behavior that is inherently change oriented, aimed at improvement in the organization Responses... Model of taking charge at Nha Be Corporation 1.1 Dependent variables Name Taking charge (TC) Authors Morrison and Phelps Year 1999 Number of 10 items 1.2 Independent variables Name Satisfaction with Career Career job commitment Family facets (SJF) (CC) Attitudes - Value Attainment (VA) 22 (CFA) Authors Andrew and Blau Sanders, Withey LengnickHall, Rockeach and Steele-Clapp Year Number 1976 of 5 1989... attainment had Beta of 0.135 (>0) and significant of 0.018 Therefore, hypothesis 4 was supported 34 Chapter V: Discussion, Limitation, Future research recommendation 1 Discussion The purpose of this study is examining and approaching whether the factors of Career Commitment, Satisfaction with job facets, Career Family attitude and Value attainment effecting on taking charge at Nha Be Corporation The followings ... the taking charge at Nha Be Corporation to understand the impact of career commitment, career family attitude, satisfaction with job facets and value attainment on taking charge behavior Data... THI K15C • Taking charge is very important for an organization to see how its employees advocate and are loyal to the organization • FACTORS INFLUENCE ON TAKING CHARGE at NHA BE CORPORATION 49... information about Taking Charge (TC), Satisfaction with Job Facets (SJF), Career Commitment (CC), Career Family Attitude (CFA), and Value Attainment (VA) in Nha Be Company 4.1 Taking charge Taking