Tài liệu tham khảo |
Loại |
Chi tiết |
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Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Standard Specifications f o r H ighw ay B rid g e |
Tác giả: |
A A S H T O |
Năm: |
1999 |
2) A boshi, H., E. Ichim oto; M. Enoki, and K. H arada, “The com poser- A m eth od to im prove characteristics o f soft clays by inclusion o f Large D iam eter S and C o lu m n s," Paris,1979, pp. 221-216 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The com poser- A m eth od to im prove characteristics o f soft clays by inclusion o f Large D iam eter S andC o lu m n s |
3) A ST M (1994), “A nnual Book o f A STM Standards, Section 4, C o n stru ctio n ,”A m erican Society for Testing and M aterials, Philadelphia, P en n sy lv an ia, 978 p |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“A nnual Book o f A STM Standards, Section 4, C o n stru ctio n ,” |
Tác giả: |
A ST M |
Năm: |
1994 |
5) Balaam, N.P., P.T. Brown, and H.G. Poulos, “Settlem ent A nalysìs o f Soft C lays Reinỷorced wỉth G ranular Piỉes, ” Bangkok, T hailand, 1997, pp.81-92 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“Settlem ent A nalysìs o f Soft C laysReinỷorced wỉth G ranular Piỉes, ” |
6) Balaam , N.P., H.G. Poulos, “M ethod o f A nalysis oỷSingle Stone C oìum ns, " S ym po- Sium on Soil R e in ío rc in g and Stabilizing T echn iqu es, P roceed in g s, Sydney, A ustralia, 1978, pp. 497- 512 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
M ethod o f A nalysis oỷSingle Stone C oìum ns |
7) Barksdale, R.D ., and R . c . Bachus, "Site Im prcvem ent U sing Stcme C o ỉu m n s,"Phase I ( D roft Report) , F H W A C ontract N o .D T F H 6 1 -80-C , School o f Civil E ngineering, G eo rg ia Institute o f T echnology, A ugust, 1981 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Site Im prcvem ent U sing Stcme C o ỉu m n s |
8) Barksdale, R.D ., “Site ỉm provem ent Using Sand C om paction Piles, ” G eo rg ia Institute o f T echnology, A tlanta, July, 1981 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“Site ỉm provem ent Using Sand C om paction Piles |
9) Barron, R.A., “C onsolidation o f Fine G rained Soils by D rain W eỉls, ” T ran sactio n s, ASCE, Vol.124, 1959, pp. 709-739 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“C onsolidation o f Fine G rained Soils by D rain W eỉls, ” |
10) Bergado, D.T., et. AI., “Im provem ent Technique o f Soft G round Subsiding an d Low ỉand Envirom ent, ” A .AA. B alkem a/ R o tte rd a m / B ro o k íield / 1994 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“Im provem ent Technique o f Soft G round Subsiding an dLow ỉand Envirom ent, ” |
11) Bich, N.N., V.D. Phung, and L.T. T hanh Binh, “ E ngineering Soils, Engineering G eoỉogy a n d G round ìm provem ent Techniques ỉn C o n stru c tio n ,” E n g in ee rin g Edition, H anoi, 2005; (V ietn am ese language) |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
E ngineering Soils, EngineeringG eoỉogy a n d G round ìm provem ent Techniques ỉn C o n stru c tio n ,” |
12) Bich, N.N., “G eotechnical Engineering Theory and P ro b ìe m ,” E n g in e e rin g Edition, H anoi, 2005; (V ietn am ese language) |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
“G eotechnical Engineering Theory and P ro b ìe m ,” |
13) Bishop, A .\v ., and L. B j e r u m , "The Relevance o f the T riaxial T est to the Solutioiì o fS ta b ilily P ro b lem s,” Proc. Res. Conf. Shear Strength C o hesive Soils, ASCE, p p 4 3 7-501, 1960 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
The Relevance o f the T riaxial T est to the Solutioiì o fS ta b ilily P ro b lem s |
14) British Standard (2005 ). E xe a u io n o f Special G cotecìm ical W orks - Deep M ixing. The European Standard EN 14679 : 2005 has the Status o f a British Standard |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
E xe a u io n o f Special G cotecìm ical W orks - Deep M ixing |
16) Broms, B.B., and p. Boman "Sìabilisaỉion ()f SoiI with Lim e C o h tm n s,” G round Engineering, Vo!. 12, No. 4, M ay 1979, pp. 23- 32 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Sìabilisaỉion ()f SoiI with Lim e C o h tm n s |
17) Casasỉranđe, A., and N. Carrillo, "Shear Faihire o f A nisotropic M a teria ls" in Contribution to Soil M ech an ics 1941- 1953, Boston Society o f Civil Engineers, Boston, 1994.1K) Casae;rande, L., and s. Poulos, "On rhe Effecti\'eness o f Sand D r a in s ” Canadian G eotechnical Journal, Voi. 6, 1968, pp. 287- 326 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Shear Faihire o f A nisotropic M a teria ls" inContribution to Soil M ech an ics 1941- 1953, Boston Society o f Civil Engineers,Boston, 1994.1K) Casae;rande, L., and s. Poulos, "On rhe Effecti\'eness o f Sand D r a in s |
24) (ỉeotechnical Engineeriníĩ C ircular No. 3, “Design Gitide: G eotechnical Earthqu- ake E n ỳn eerim ị for lỉiíỊlmxiỵs, " Vol. II - D esign E xam ples, F H W A - SA -97-077, Pederal H ich- way - Admini.stralion, m ay 1997 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Design Gitide: G eotechnical Earthqu- ake E n ỳn eerim ị for lỉiíỊlmxiỵs |
25) "Gesxmlìciic clesiiỊH and C onstruction Giticleliiies - P articipant N o te b o o k ," F H W A , H 1-95-038, Federal Hiiỉhway A dm inistration, Apri] 1998 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Gesxmlìciic clesiiỊH and C onstruction Giticleliiies - P articipant N o te b o o k |
26) Ishihara (1993), "Liqueịaclìon and Flow F ailure D uring E arthquakes,"Geotcchniqưe, Vol. 4 3 .No. 3, pp. 351-415." J ) Ladd. C.C., and R. Foot, "N ew Desiíịn Proccdure fo r Stabiìừy o f Soft C la y s ,” J.Gcotcch. Eng. Div., ASCE, V ol.100, No. GT7,pp. 7 6 3 -7 8 6 , 1994 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Liqueịaclìon and Flow F ailure D uring E arthquakes,"Geotcchniqưe, Vol. 4 3 .No. 3, pp. 351-415." J ) Ladd. C.C., and R. Foot, "N ew Desiíịn Proccdure fo r Stabiìừy o f Soft C la y s |
Tác giả: |
Ishihara |
Năm: |
1993 |
29) M eyerhoít, G.G., and M.A. Chaplin, 'T h e Compression and Bearing Capacity o f C ohesive S o ils," British Joum al o f Applied physics, Vol. 4, January, 1953, pp. 20-26.30J M e y e rh o ít, G .G ., "Some R ecent Reseach on the Bearing capacity o f F o u n d a tio n ,"Can. G eo tech . J., Vol. 1, N o .l,p p . 16-26, 1963 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
British Joum al o f Applied physics, Vol. 4, January, 1953, pp. 20-26.30J M e y e rh o ít, G .G ., "Some R ecent Reseach on the Bearing capacity o f F o u n d a tio n |
31) Poulos, H.G., C.Y . Lee & J .c . Small (1 9 8 9 ) , “P rediction o f E m bankm enĩ Perfor- m ance on M aỉaxsian M arine Cỉays, ” Proc. Int. Symp. O n trial E m b a n k m e n ts on M ala y sian M arin e Clays, K uala L u m p u r 2, 4 / 1-4/10 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
) , “P rediction o f E m bankm enĩ Perfor- m ance on M aỉaxsian M arine Cỉays, ” |