PRACTICAL ENGLISHREADING PRACTICE: TEXT READING: A smart criminal Hotel criminal in jail Dorchester, the Savoy, the Four Seasons, and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.. PRACTICAL ENGLISHREADI
Trang 1a person who has broken a law
a place where criminals are kept to punish themthe organization of people who try to stop crime and catch criminals
to kill someone intentionally; the act of killing someone intentionally
to enter a place through a window or door by force to steal something
to find and get hold of someone who has broken a law
to take something that isn't yours without asking or paying for it
to take money or something from a person or bank by force
READING: A smart criminal
Hotel criminal in jail
Dorchester, the Savoy, the Four Seasons, and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Guzman-Betancourt, who speaks many languages and was always well-dressed, charming, and polite, did not break into the hotels, but pretended to be a hotel guest Telling hotel staff that he had lost his room keys and forgotten the number
to the safe box, he was able to get into hotel rooms and safe boxes to steal guests' money, cards, clothes, watches, jewelry, and other goods He used at least 10
different names
Worldwide, it is thought he has stolen up to £500,000 He was also wanted by the police in the U.S., South and Central America, Canada, France, Russia, Thailand, and Japan
Trang 3the place in an airport where your passport is checked
an official mark or piece of paper in your passport that you need
to enter a countrythe place in an airport where you first show your plane ticket
the suitcases and bags that you take with you when you travelthe tired feeling that you get after a long flight
you are inside a plane
the place in an airport where your luggage can be checked for illegal goods
later than scheduled because of bad weather, technical problems, etc
to come down from the air to the ground in a plane
a trip in a plane
READING: Air travel overseas
High Flyer Business Class
British Airlines' "High Flyer Business Class" (HFBC) is a new service that helps you work while you travel
Two weeks ago, I flew from New York to Milan to try the new HFBC They picked up
my luggage from my office 3 hours before the flight At the airport, I went through a special check-in desk half an hour before the flight, not 2 hours like a normal flight
On board, I had a personal assistant who could fax, phone, or email for me Each seat had a computer with full Internet access Two large televisions showed business news in 8 languages I enjoyed my flight, and with their help finished all my work before we landed When I arrived in Milan there was a special fast passport control desk I went through customs and my bags were in a taxi before me!
In HFBC's first six months, it has had no delays and all flights have arrived on time
My nine-hour flight was excellent and with 12 flights every day to Milan, New York, London, and other important business destinations, HFBC is perfect for the
busy traveler
Trang 5to rejectinformed or up-to-date about something
to publish a message in an online form, so that other people can see or read it
having confidence or trust in something or someonegoing backwards
Trang 6of events Many blogs are political In addition to a main content area, most blogs include an archive of past content, a way for readers to post responses, and links to other websites.
Blogs are a cultural phenomenon because they provide a convenient and
inexpensive way for ordinary people to publish their own content Anyone with an Internet connection can start their own publication that may be read by people all over the world Because bloggers often comment on politics, business, and other world events, they are even sometimes recognized as journalists
Blogging has advantages and disadvantages As mentioned, it is a simple, effective way to reach many people It also allows the writer to engage in a two-way interaction with readers and to become more knowledgeable about the subject of the blog However, it means writing a lot and often Readers expect the blogger to post entries a few times a week It will take a lot of time and probably won't make the blogger much, if any, money
READING: Body language
shake your head
nod your head
you do this when you find something funny, but you do not make a noise with your mouth
to open your mouth and make a noise that shows you find something funny
to make a noise with your fingers on a hard surface
to use one of your hands to greet someone
to move your head and body down when you greet someone formally
READING: Body language
Speaking without talking
There are many different languages in the world, but what language are you using when you nod your head to say 'yes?' Not Turkish, because it means 'no!' You are
'speaking' body language.
In western countries, it is the custom to shake your head for 'no' — but in Sri Lanka, you are saying 'yes!' We all know you use your mouth to talk, but you also smile and laugh to show happiness In most countries, it is very rude to spit Laughing is usually fine, but in Japan women sometimes cover their teeth
It can be very difficult to understand body language You can be very rude without realizing it In many East Asian countries, it is rude to blow your nose Eating is
another area where habits differ! You should not eat with your mouth open in many western countries, or use your left hand in Arab countries Both are very rude
Luckily, some things are the same everywhere Thumbs up means 'okay' almost everywhere in the world Many people tap their fingers if they are bored, and cry if they are unhappy or very happy
Maybe that's why email is so popular It's not only quick to communicate around the world, but you don't need to remember the right body language!
Trang 9the number and variety of plants and animals
to cover with water, often in a natural disaster such as a hurricane
or a tsunamipractices (often agricultural) that change forests into non-forest land
the death or disappearance of a species of animal or plantfuels from dead plants and animals that lived millions of years ago
a huge mass of ice slowly moving over land
a warm structure made of glass for growing plantsrain, snow, or other forms of water falling from the sky
a group of plants or animals that can reproduce themselves
to put in danger
READING: Climate change
Climate is the average weather in a region over an extended period of time Climate change occurs when the average weather in a region changes over time Most
scientists believe that we are undergoing a period of climate change known as global warming This means that the average temperature of the Earth is gradually getting warmer, about 1 degree over the past 100 years
Many factors can contribute to global warming, including the high use of fossil fuels Fossil fuels refer to energy sources based on plant or animal remains, including coal, oil, and natural gas With the Industrial Revolution and the rise of manufacturing, people began to increase their use of fossil fuels Modern transportation also uses fossil fuels The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere These gases create a greenhouse effect by trapping heat close to the Earth
Another way that people contribute to global warming is by deforestation When we clear forests to make way for more farms to feed the world's growing population, we affect the climate Forests remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Reducing forests also affects precipitation, often resulting in a drier climate Long-term effects
of our current climate change include not only hotter, drier weather, but also melting glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, raising ocean levels, and possibly flooding coast areas Climate change threatens biodiversity as plants and animals are unable to survive in a different climate
Trang 11to say formally that someone is guilty in a court of lawthe adjective that is the opposite of 'legal'
a minor crime — parking in a no parking place for example
to show that someone is guilty or innocent of a crimethe punishment the judge gives you when you are proved guilty
an expression that means 'illegal'
money you pay as a punishment — breaking the speed limit for example
to send someone to prison, for example, for breaking the law
Cell phone theft rising
It's no secret that there has recently been a big rise in cell phone theft in the U.K In fact, in the year 2000, 700,000 phones were stolen And since 1995, there has been
a rise of 190% in cell phone theft If you have ever wondered exactly what happens, this is what the thieves do: they take the existing card out of the phone and then put the special card in When the new card is in the phone, the thief can then make as many free calls as he likes
Most people think that we now need a change in technology, and many companies have been trying to find ways to stop phone theft The American company Xlinix has designed an electronic chip that goes inside cell phones This means that companies (for example, Vodafone) can stop thieves from making calls on the stolen phones Xlinix is now talking to Nokia and Ericsson So maybe in the future these thefts will decline — and teenagers will find something else to steal!
Trang 12to wear special clothes for an event
to invite a lot of people to eat, drink and/or have a good time —
at home or another place
to ask someone to come — to your party for example
to have a good time
to move your body to music
to walk in the street in a long line for a special event — in a festival for example
READING: Famous world festivals
I'm sure you know about Carnival in Rio, but this one is a little different The most common carnival music here in Recife is called 'Frevo,' which is very different to Samba and Lambada I know how much you love music The jazz CD you sent me is great There's lots of music at Carnival with trumpets and drums and fireworks all night
The Carnival is for about a week, but people throw parties for a month Everybody dresses up and there are different costumes for each day of the Carnival!
I think this is the best Carnival in Brazil because the party is in the streets and the people follow the bands around the streets on foot — dancing, drinking, and having fun I really hope you can come You need a vacation!
Write soon
Best wishes,
Trang 14the study and doing of painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.
the study of the world's features, climate, population, products, etc.the study of the structure and properties of substances
physical exercisethe study of events and people of the pastthe study of music and musicians
U.S Children Start Earlier
It is 8:00 a.m and Susan in Seattle, in the U.S., is starting her school day, but her
British cousin Mark, in London, is still having his breakfast
Children in Britain start lessons an hour later than children in the U.S., but Mark stays
at school an hour later than his American cousin, Susan
This is not the only difference between the 2 systems Susan started elementary school when she was 6, while Mark began primary school at 5 Next year, when he
is 12, Mark will go to secondary school Susan is 12 now and has just started junior high school At 15, she will change schools again and go to high school So while Mark and his friends in Britain only go to 2 different schools, his cousin Susan in the U.S has to go to 3
Last year, Susan visited Mark's school in London "I thought it was going to be so different, but it wasn't The classrooms were similar, and there are also required and optional subjects Just like in the U.S., Mark has to take English and Math, but he can study more languages than we do In Seattle, it is always Spanish, but in Britain, kids can learn German, French, or even Japanese! That is a difference from home."
Which country has the biggest population?
You use which to ask about choice.
How long…?
How long do elephants live?
You use how long to ask about length of time.
How often…?
How often is the World Cup soccer competition?
You use how often to ask about frequency.
How far…?
How far is it from Tokyo to Sydney, Australia?
You use how far to ask about distance.
How much…? / How many…?
How much money do you have?
How many states are there in the U.S.?
You use how much/how many to ask about quantity.
When…? / What time…?
When is the festival?
What time does the film start?
You use when to ask a general question about time.
You use what time to ask a question about times of the clock For example, 8:30.
Whose car is that?
GRAMMAR: General knowledge
Who is the President of the U.S.?
You use who to ask a question about a person.
All of these question words are asking for information You cannot answer yes or no.
GRAMMAR: General knowledge
Trang 17a person who does something that is stupid or not wise — investing all your money in one company for examplethe same meaning as 'intelligent' or 'smart'
not intelligent, but not 'stupid,' 'silly,' or 'foolish'
a person who has a very rare and natural abilitythe same meaning as 'intelligent' or 'clever'the same meaning as 'stupid,' but the meaning is less strong than 'stupid'
the adjective from 'fool'
READING: Geniuses of the world
Genius or Idiot?
We often celebrate people for being intelligent or brilliant in certain areas, such as Albert Einstein, the scientific genius But we don't often reward people for being really unintelligent Since the mid-1990s however, a website called the Darwin Awards has told true stories about the silly things people do
For example, there is the story of a nineteen-year-old fool in Ohio in the United States He put his head in front of a train to see how close he could get to the
moving train before it hit him Then there was the story of a stupid criminal from Connecticut He tried to escape from the police by driving into the local prison, which he thought was a shopping mall
Another criminal who wasn't very clever was the Frenchman who robbed two
American Olympic runners at Seville Airport in Spain Larry Wade and Maurice Green, two of the fastest men on Earth, ran after the Frenchman and quickly caught the foolish thief The Frenchman said he was an innocent tourist, but a Spanish television crew had filmed everything and quickly called the police
Trang 19to keep something or someone safe
to cut or tear something, such as paper or cloth, into little pieces
a false appearancethe act of lying or tricking, usually to steal money or property
an act against the lawprivate, secret
READING: Identity theft
What is identity theft?
Identity theft is a serious crime When someone uses your personal information such
as your date of birth or social security number without your permission and uses it
to commit a crime such as fraud, that is identity theft Identity thieves may use your credit card, open new credit card accounts in your name, and even buy cars and houses in your name Often, the victims of identity theft end up facing enormous debt and poor credit
How can people steal your identity?
Identity thieves use different methods to find out your personal information One way is to go through your trash Important and private information can be found
on credit card bills, bank statements, and pay stubs Another way to get your
information is to file a change of address form with the post office Then your mail can be sent to the thief's address Sometimes, people steal your purse or wallet and find your information that way Thieves may also use false pretenses to get your information from financial institutions
How can you prevent identity theft?
You can take steps to protect yourself against identity thieves Keep your purse and wallet in a safe place Tear up or shred personal financial documents before you throw them away Don't give out confidential information such as your birth date, driver's license number, or other personal identification numbers unless you know who you are talking to Never put personal information online or tell someone over the telephone