Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1.
Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 1: Q1 Let’s first talk about your country Describe a house you lived in, in your home country A1 My house…umm, let’s see Well, I was actually born in America I lived there for 16 years My father worked for a mining company and so we moved around quite a lot Anyway, um, the house I remember most was a cedar house up in Alaska We lived there when I was…um…I guess most of my teenage years, from, from um, years to around 20 And the house? Let’s see…it had three floors My bedroom was on the first floor You see, in Alaska it’s dark for almost half the year and the first floor was built into the ground…it was a great house Anyway, my sister and I had a room on the first floor Then on the second floor there was the main living areas and a spare bedroom…actually it used to be a study The third floor was basically my parent’s bedroom with a large, open, study area It actually looked like a loft because you could see down into the second floor from the top floor Anyway, it was warm in winter and cool in summer It was a great home to live in Q2 OK What about changes in your country? In what ways you think your country has changed over the past five or ten years? A2 Oh, changes in my country…hmm Well, the country has changed quite a bit actually New housing and retail buildings are being built New areas of real estate seem to be appearing everywhere Unfortunately, not all the changes are positive I was listening to the news the other day on the radio and the reporter was saying that crime had increased – especially theft, burglaries and shoplifting I guess one change I’ve noticed in my country is that people are more cautious and reserved they don’t seem as friendly as they used to be People are, you know, kind of looking over their shoulders to see if…well…someone is going to steal something from them I think this is a real shame Yes, the country has changed…I don’t think it’s as friendly as it used to be…and that’s only happened over the past or so years Q3 Do you consider that the changes in your country over the past or 10 years have been positive or negative? Why? A3 Well, as I said, there have been both positive and negative changes Of course, if people are being robbed, then the impact of this is that people are less friendly and more ‘guarded’ if you know what I mean…obviously negative On the other hand, new infrastructure, you know, new houses and buildings being built I consider positive because…well it provides a lot of jobs for people When there’s more money around, people spend more and the country enjoys growth That’s definitely a positive! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Q4 Ok Let’s talk about living in another country What you like about living in another country? Well, living here in Canada has been good and bad Of course the experience of A4 doing things that I normally wouldn’t get to do, like going skiing, is fantastic! I went to Bamff for a ski holiday a few months ago But I miss some of the food from my country…but I find that for some reason I’m eating less! I guess the food is…I don’t know…heavier or heavier in my stomach I’m not sure how it works but I’m losing weight so that’s great! Experiencing another culture is also a really great thing It opens your eyes to the differences that exist in the world I think every person, especially when they’re younger…you know, in their 20s or 30s should take the opportunity to experience living in another country – it’s a fabulous thing to do! Q5 Ok What you dislike about living in another country? I thought you might ask this question! I guess the first thing that comes to mind is the A5 food It seems that food here in Canada is quite bland I don’t know why, but the food back home tends to be more…spicy, more full of flavour Umm…oh and I miss my family of course! Even though I call at least once a week, I miss my family a lot I know that it’s to be expected but it’s something I dislike about living in another country I definitely feel that there are more positives than negatives about living in another country…but I miss my mother’s home-cooked food and my family Q6 Fine Let’s move on to the topic of study at home How you usually approach your homework? A6 I hate homework! Do you know anyone who likes homework? I’m a real procrastinator when it comes to homework and this is a real problem, I know, but I find that I can waste hours before I actually seriously start to sit down and my homework Anyway, the teacher usually assigns us homework and I usually go to my room after dinner and try and complete it I try and eliminate distractions – sometimes I’ll even turn off my mobile phone! If I’m under pressure…which usually happens because of my procrastination, I’ll be forced to work for one hour and then take a 10-minute break then study again for another hour and then another 10-minute break This continues on and on until the homework, assignment, project or whatever it is that I’m working on is finished…one hour on and 10 minutes off It’s worked ok for me in the past Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Q7 What are the advantages of studying at home? Well the big advantage of studying at home is you can stay in your pyjamas! I tend to A7 waste a lot of time getting ready for school and then there’s the travel to school – which takes me about hour each way All the preparation and travelling is eliminated when you study at home – this is a real advantage When you’re at home, it’s possible to create a ‘distraction-free’ environment I guess you can be more in control of your environment No one walks by and starts chatting to you and you can turn off your mobile phone You can shut the door I think this is another advantage…yeah, being able to control your learning environment is good Q8 What about longer written assignments? How you plan and organise longer writing assignments? A8 Remember what I said before about being a procrastinator? Well, assignments are not very happy times for me! Usually I end up waiting until the night before and stay up all night Coffee becomes my best friend and I get no sleep It’s definitely not the way that I recommend planning for and writing assignments! I suppose I should start two or three weeks in advance, but I probably won’t… Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 2: Transcript Q1 Ok that’s good I’m now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes You can take notes if you want You have minute to prepare what you want to say I want you to talk about a sportsperson you respect Ok, you have a maximum of minutes to speak so if you go over minutes, I will ask you to stop Can you please begin speaking now? A1 A sportsperson I respect is a man I knew nothing about before coming to Canada He’s an ice hockey player who is a national hero in Canada even though he’s retired His name is Wayne Gretzky I first saw Wayne Gretzky not long after I arrived in Vancouver At that time I was living with my host family They had a show on TV about ice hockey and there was an interview with Gretzky During the interview they showed some of the highlights of his career Even though I know almost nothing about ice hockey, I could tell that he was a great player You could see him score many goals and the crowd was cheering so loudly and he won many, many awards But this is not why I respect him You see, during the interview, they asked him about how he felt about homeless and disadvantaged children He told the interviewer that he was very passionate about homeless and disadvantaged children and how he had started a foundation to assist them in their difficult circumstances I was…um…very moved by his attitude I felt like I saw the ‘real’ Wayne Gretzky, a caring and compassionate man who wanted to help others less fortunate than himself I was very impressed Since then, I’ve been more interested in ice hockey, in fact I just bought a ‘best of Wayne Gretzky’ DVD I’ve become a real fan! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 3: Transcript Q1 We’ve been talking about a sportsperson you admire and I’d like to now discuss one or two more questions that are related to this Firstly, let’s consider the role of professional sports What is the role of professional sports in your country? In my country, professional sports are a major form of entertainment Sportspeople A1 are idolised – especially the soccer players It’s amazing to see how people treat the sportspeople, it’s like they can no wrong…they are treated better than the president of the country – like kings and queens! Professional sportspeople are powerful people in our society They have a lot of influence…especially over the young people I guess it’s the same in most countries – the young people want to grow up to be like their sporting hero In this way, the role of professional sports is an important one – they can have tremendous influence over the younger generation They can encourage the younger children to get out and be more active…too many young people are sitting at home in front of the TV Professional sports can motivate others to get out and participate in sports! It’s also often an opportunity for families to go out together and enjoy the entertainment of professional sports…some families never miss a game! Q2 Ok, what about salaries? Please compare the salaries of professional sportspeople with those of other professions in your country A2 Well, personally, I think that professional sportspeople are paid way too much! It’s ridiculous to me that a professional sportsperson could make so much money Why Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab should a professional sportsperson make more money than, say…a teacher! A teacher has a much bigger influence on the development of the younger generation and yet, you couldn’t even compare the salaries of the two professions The elite, professional sportsperson can make millions, the teacher only thousands! I think that professional sportspeople are greatly overpaid compared to, say, even what a doctor or dentist makes I guess not all professional sportspeople make millions but, generally speaking they make more money than the other professions I guess sporting entertainment is big business! Q3 In many countries, professional sports people are very highly respected and treated like national heroes Do you agree or disagree with the high status of sporting professionals? As I mentioned previously, professional sportspeople are highly regarded by the A3 younger generation By the way, it’s not all the ‘younger generation’, there are a lot of older people who idolise professional sports people in my country For me, I guess, as long as the sportsperson is encouraging others to be a better person, I think it’s okay for them to have a high status in society I think professional sportspeople should encourage others – especially the youth - to lead a healthy lifestyle, to get outdoors and participate in a sport To be even-tempered and play fair…good sportsmanship, this is extremely important Unfortunately, however, too many sportspeople set a poor example Just recently, a well-paid soccer star in my country was found to have some illegal substances in his body – yes, he’d been taking drugs What kind of effect does this have on the younger ones who love him and want to be like him? Maybe they think they can take drugs like him too? So, I guess when it comes to high status – there’s good and bad associated with it Q4 Good Let’s now consider the role of advertising in sports Why you think some companies spend such big money on advertising in sports? A4 From what we’ve discussed so far, the answer’s fairly obvious, don’t you think? Because so many people come to watch these sporting spectacles and thousands and thousands, perhaps millions, who watch them at home, it makes me think that this must be a great place for people to advertise their products and services I think this is probably why some companies spend such big money Q5 Are there any products that you think should not be advertised during sporting events? Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab A5 Yes Cigarettes That was a fast answer, wasn’t it? No, seriously, I watched my grandfather slowly die from throat cancer due to smoking It made a very powerful impression on me I loved my grandfather and it was so devastating that he died as a result of smoking Since so many young people watch the sports, they may be influenced to purchase cigarettes In my opinion, any products that are harmful to humans should not be advertised during sporting events Q6 Can you comment on whether money spent on advertising will increase or decrease in the future? A6 Well, as long as there is wealth in our nations, I believe the advertising revenues will continue to increase In societies where people have excess money and time on their hands, they’ll continue to spend it at sporting events This will, in turn, lead to big numbers of interested people at the stadiums and watching on TV Wherever there are lots of people, you will find advertising! I believe the money spent on advertising will continue to increase as the years go by Of course, if there is an economic crisis, I think this would all change quite quickly Texas Academy ... start two or three weeks in advance, but I probably won’t… Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 2: Transcript Q1 Ok that’s good I’m now going to give you a topic that... bought a ‘best of Wayne Gretzky’ DVD I’ve become a real fan! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 3: Transcript Q1 We’ve been talking about a sportsperson you admire and...Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Q4 Ok Let’s talk about living in another country What you like about living in another