Speaking lab test 4

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Speaking lab test 4

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Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1. Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 1.

Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 1: Analysis Why this answer would score well The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be understood Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand The candidate's vocabulary is appropriate in relation to the questions asked There are no grammatical inaccuracies Presentation: The candidate sounds very relaxed, friendly and confident! Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked The answers are well structured: the questions are answered and in all cases, additional, related details are given Content: The responses answer the questions the examiner asks in detail (no one or two word answers!) A good use of a question which involves the examiner in a more friendly way ('Do you enjoy going to the dentist?') A wide vocabulary is demonstrated: Studyrelated vocabulary: immersion learning, cadavers, human anatomy; Descriptions of home: cold weather that prevailed, typically cold and wet, predominant memory The candidate's friendly personality and conversational approach is evident right from the very beginning making the experience an enjoyable one for both candidate and examiner The candidate answers the questions asked with good examples This is a good, confident start! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 2: Analysis Why this answer would score well The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows she can communicate on the topic effectively There are no grammatical inaccuracies Presentation: The candidate sounds relaxed and confident The personality of the candidate comes through and through the use of vocal variety, the topic is made more interesting through the recounting of an interesting story Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked on the Candidate Card The first three points are answered in the first sentence leaving most of the time to expand upon the last point (why you remember visiting it) Content: Remember the question required the candidate to discuss: where it was why you went there when you went there and; explain why you remember visiting it All of these aspects of the question were answered Good expression was used The vocabulary was varied and descriptive She concluded the speech by returning to the original, main point (why she remembered it) and gave good reasons why she did Her concluding statement gave her speech a sense of ‘finality’ One of the interesting things about the presentation is that the whole speech was a recount of a story Because it is usually easy to talk about a past experience (like a holiday), it is a good idea to recount a personal story This is a good, confident continuation of the test! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 3: Analysis Why this answer would score well The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows she can communicate on each topic raised by the examiner effectively There are no grammatical inaccuracies Presentation: The candidate continues to sound relaxed and confident The personality of the candidate continues to come through and builds upon the rapport established through Parts & Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked Firstly, she answers the question then conversationally, she expands upon the topic In other words, a point is made and then additional, related details are given Content: The information presented in the conversation clearly answers the questions The candidate demonstrates very well that she has a diverse vocabulary on many different topics - a demonstration of a very advanced knowledge of the language Some good, academic words are used and the candidate demonstrates her good vocabulary base by using a range of words which relate directly to the subjects asked (eg: negative ions, if a comparison was done, coastal communities seem to flourish, an abundance) It was interesting how when she was asked one question (the benefits of holidaying by the water) she had no idea about what to say and appeared to say the first things on her mind She openly and honestly said, “I’m not really too sure about that one ” However, as the time went on she quickly appeared to get her ideas together and ended up turning a negative situation into a positive one! She expressed ideas that were clearly her opinions by saying, “I believe ”, "I'd say " and “I guess ” This is a good, confident conclusion! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 1: Q1 I'd like to talk with you about what you Are you a student or you have a job? A1 Well, I'm a student I have been studying full-time, preparing for the IELTS but I've also been preparing in my own time for the university courses I plan to take Q2 I see Can you tell me about your studies? A2 Yes I've been preparing online for IELTS with Scott's English Success and it's been excellent I've learned a number of academic study techniques which I will definitely be able to use in the future, when I begin to study full-time at the university um I've always felt that emersion learning is the best way to learn a language so I came here to England If I don't achieve a 7.0, I won't be able to study dentistry which is exactly what I want to Q3 What is it you like most about the profession you're studying? A3 Hmmm well my father is a dentist and he and my mother always wanted me to become one I guess one of the things I like most about it that you can help people to have good, strong teeth we need our teeth and we'll need them all our lives Do you enjoy going to the dentist? [EXAMINER: Not really!] I know most people hate going to the dentist so my goal - when I become a dentist - is to make it an enjoyable, happy experience for people Q4 Is there anything you think you won't like about your studies? A4 As I said, I've been doing some study into the course in my own time, my own personal study so I'll be really ready if I'm accepted into the course it really depends upon how well I in this IELTS test! Anyway, I am aware well my father told me about this that part of my studies will involve dealing with cadavers – for study of the human anatomy – I don't think I'm going to like that part of my studies! Q5 Ok, good Is it ok if we talk about your childhood? A5 Yes, that would be fine Q6 Well, can you tell me a bit about where you grew up? A6 Yes I was actually born in Alaska in the United States and I grew up in a little town called Palmer before my family moved to Poland We lived in Palmer for um let me think years Q7 Was it a good place to live? A7 Well, the thing I remember most about living in Palmer was the cold weather that prevailed most of the time Although it's over 20 years ago that I lived there, I think Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab that living in Palmer is a lot like living in England and Poland for that matter! We did have some warm days in fact on a few occasions in Summer I remember it was very hot, but for most of the year it was typically cold and wet Q8 What are some of the fond memories of living in your home town? A8 Well, actually I have some happy memories of the place - playing sports such as baseball and tennis in the summer and football in the winter But, as I said it was just so cold, the predominant memory I have is that it was cold and wet! However, I had some good friends in Palmer In fact, one of them I still keep in contact with to this day he's married now and his wife just had a baby Anyway, overall, I guess it was a nice place to live the first or so years of my life Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 2: Transcript Q1 I'm now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes You can take notes if you want You have minute to prepare what you want to say I want you to talk about a beach, lake, river or dam you have visited Ok You have a maximum of minutes to speak so if you go over minutes, I will ask you to stop Can you please begin speaking now? A1 When I was 13 years old, um my family, and I went to Wisconsin in the USA to visit my relatives um…we stayed at my uncle’s cabin on a lake for weeks It was during the summer so the water was so warm to swim in - which was different to where I come from it's always cold and rainy Staying on the lake was like having our own private beach The houses were so spread out that we weren't close to anyone else My sister and I and our cousins loved playing in the lake We would take blow up rafts out onto the lake near a floating platform and then jump or dive off of it to swim in the water We tried not to touch the bottom of the lake since it was so shallow, because there were all these little crayfish all over the place and we were afraid that they would pinch our toes, like a crab I also loved to go fishing on the lake with my Grandpa in a little tin boat We did this probably two or three times and we always seemed to catch some sort of fish - mostly bass which we cooked for dinner I also remember staying in the basement of the cabin, which to me was really scary because there were all these spiders all over the place and I'm extremely frightened of them! The worst part about the basement was when we had some um thunder and lightning storms in the middle of the night - it seemed the shadows of the spiders were enormous when lit up by lightning in the darkness but anyway, it was still a great holiday which I'll always remember Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 3: Transcript Q1 We've been talking about a beach, lake or dam you've visited and I'd like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this Firstly, let's consider the numbers of people in your country who like to holiday near water Can you comment on the popularity of holidays near water in your country? A1 Yes um, holidays by the water are extremely popular in my country Many of the people travel long distances to holiday beside a lake or the ocean A couple of times when I was a teenager, my family used to travel to a big dam which had a camping site next to it and we've had many holidays at the beach in the past, too! The most popular time for the beach is, understandably, the summertime so because people have to travel so far, in the winter most people tend to travel less distance and camp near a lake Q2 What you think are the benefits of having a holiday beside a large body of water? A2 Um I'm not really too sure about that one I could guess that people find it peaceful different from their usual environment Yes, I think people like to be close to a large lake or the beach because it is peaceful Oh, and also the air Yes, the air is fresher and cleaner especially at the beach I remember hearing somewhere that there are a lot of negative ions in the air which work in the body to make you feel good Yes, I'd say the major benefit is fresh air - a peaceful, healthy atmosphere Q3 Can you compare the popularity of beach-side holidays to holidays in the mountains? A3 Um well I think that holidays beside the beach will always be more popular but maybe I'm being biased, because I prefer the beach to the mountains I guess skiing holidays are very popular in many countries However, I believe that if a comparison was done - between seaside holidays and holidays in the mountains - well I think, probably the beach would win, it would be more popular It could be because there are more beaches than ski mountains, but I'm not too sure People certainly continue to go on holidays, coastal communities seem to flourish around holiday time I think beaches are more popular than mountains when it comes to holidays Q4 OK, thank-you I'd like us to lastly consider the issue of water shortage Can you describe the current water situation in your country? A4 Well, fortunately in my country we have been blessed with an abundance of rainfall In the winter, especially, the rains just come and come and come! It seems as though Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab they never stop Last winter, I remember it rained for nearly weeks continuously! Not all areas receive such good rainfall, but I don't remember there ever being a drought back home Q5 Can you identify ways in which water is improperly used? A5 Um, well since I've been living in Britain, I've been reading about the inappropriate ways people waste water The number one reason that stood out in my mind was that people fail to simply turn off the tap when they're finished This is obviously a problem Another seems to be people taking long showers or wasting water outside around their gardens of course this is domestic use of water I'm not really too sure about how water is misused in industry but I'm sure that it is - especially when waste is dumped into waterways making them unfit for human use Q6: Can you suggest ways we can use water more efficiently in the future? A6: If people remembered the basics you know, as I mentioned maybe taking shorter showers or remembering to turn off the tap when they're not using water I think it starts with the small things, the individual households, it's all about education, really I think governments must also enforce penalties on companies and industries that pollute waterways In some countries, people catch water in large tanks as it falls on the roofs of houses Imagine if every household did this I think this would be an effective use of water! Texas Academy ... recount a personal story This is a good, confident continuation of the test! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 3: Analysis Why this answer would score well The Basics:...Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 2: Analysis Why this answer would score well The Basics: The candidate's... say " and “I guess ” This is a good, confident conclusion! Texas Academy Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab Speaking Lab Part 1: Q1 I'd like to talk with you about what you Are you a student or you

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2016, 14:02