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Hướng dẫn bói bài Tarot Touchstone tarot

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Cấu trúc

  • Front Cover

  • Copyright

  • Foreword

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • FAQs

  • Reading

  • Reversals

  • Significators

  • Spreads

  • Journaling and other creative pursuits

  • Other uses for the deck

  • The Touchstone Deck

  • The Major Arcana

    • 0 The Fool

    • I The Magician

    • II The High Priestess

    • III The Empress

    • IV The Emperor

    • V The Hierophant

    • VI The Lovers

    • VII The Chariot

    • VIII Strength

    • IX The Hermit

    • X The Wheel of Fortune

    • XI Justice

    • XII The Hanged Man

    • XIII Death

    • XIV Temperance

    • XV The Devil

    • XVI The Tower

    • XVII The Star

    • XVIII The Moon

    • XIX The Sun

    • XX Judgement

    • XXI The World

  • The Minor Arcana

    • Suit of Wands

      • Ace of Wands

      • Two of Wands

      • Three of Wands

      • Four of Wands

      • Five of Wands

      • Six of Wands

      • Seven of Wands

      • Eight of Wands

      • Nine of Wands

      • Ten of Wands

      • Page of Wands

      • Knight of Wands

      • Queen of Wands

      • King of Wands

    • Suit of Cups

      • Ace of Cups

      • Two of Cups

      • Three of Cups

      • Four of Cups

      • Five of Cups

      • Six of Cups

      • Seven of Cups

      • Eight of Cups

      • Nine of Cups

      • Ten of Cups

      • Page of Cups

      • Knight of Cups

      • Queen of Cups

      • King of Cups

    • Suit of Swords

      • Ace of Swords

      • Two of Swords

      • Three of Swords

      • Four of Swords

      • Five of Swords

      • Six of Swords

      • Seven of Swords

      • Eight of Swords

      • Nine of Swords

      • Ten of Swords

      • Page of Swords

      • Knight of Swords

      • Queen of Swords

      • King of Swords

    • Suit of Coins

      • Ace of Coins

      • Two of Coins

      • Three of Coins

      • Four of Coins

      • Five of Coins

      • Six of Coins

      • Seven of Coins

      • Eight of Coins

      • Nine of Coins

      • Ten of Coins

      • Page of Coins

      • Knight of Coins

      • Queen of Coins

      • King of Coins

  • Bonus Cards

  • Appendix: Love Knot Sample Readings

  • Back Cover

Nội dung

Touchstone t a r o t Provocative Bold Controversial touchstone-booklet-cover-final-printer.indd KÜNATI KÜNATI Touchstone tarot TM K AT B L AC K Creator of the Golden Tarot 11/18/08 10:46:19 AM Touchstone tarot TM 78 friends you hold in your hand Touchstone tarot TM K AT B L AC K USA | CANADA Touchstone Tarot TM Copyright 2009 and Trademark Kat Black | All Rights Reserved No part of this book or the Touchstone Tarot deck of cards, including illustrations, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatever, including internet usage, without written permission from Kunati Inc., except brief quotations or use of images embodied in critical reviews This book is a component of a boxed set, including 200-page book and 78-card Tarot deck, plus two special cards Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Black, Kat Touchstone tarot / [written and illustrated by Kat Black] 1st ed p cm ISBN 978-1-60164-190-8 Tarot Art, Baroque Miscellanea Art, Renaissance Miscellanea I Title BF1879.T2B53 2009 133.3’2424 dc22 2008049186 FIRST EDITION ISBN 978-1-60164-190-8 Printed in China For information, contact Kunati Inc., Book Publishers in Canada USA: 13575 58th Street North, Suite 200, Clearwater, FL 33760-3721 USA Canada: 75 First Street, Suite 128, Orangeville, ON L9W 5B6 CANADA info@kunati.com | http://www.kunati.com Packaging and booklet designed by Kam Wai Yu | Persona Corp http://www.personaco.com Written and Illustrated by Kat Black http://touchstonetarot.com Kunati is a trademark owned by Kunati Inc Touchstone Tarot is a trademark owned by Kat Black USA | CANADA Review I don’t want to discuss how the Touchstone Tarot fits my hand, or the symbolism, or the colors and the clothing I want to briefly discuss the images I know these people I know each and every one of them So you We work and play with them, we went to school with them; like the man in the Five of Cups, he sat at the next table when we were out to dinner the other night, and spent the whole night making the waiter miserable Since we identify with these people, the Touchstone Tarot may be one of the most accessible decks to date We don’t have to think about meanings, or refer to a weighty tome telling us what the cards mean—the figures in the cards tell us everything we need to know Where many decks go into the minutiae of symbolism, Kat Black took the faces and hands of ordinary people, and posed them in Baroque and Renaissance costumes, allowing the personas to shine through and provide us with meaning Look at the Page of Coins This looks exactly like Adam, my best friend’s son Look at the expression on his face; this is Adam right after Cookie told him he’d have to get a job when he went back to college As I thumb through the cards, I can identify my whole circle of friends, past and present, I invite you to the same —Dan Pelletier n Dan Pelletier has been reading Tarot for himself and others for over thirty years Dan is also co-owner of The Tarot Garden, a highly respected resource for tarot decks and related information on the Internet He has written articles appearing on the Tarot for Life website newsletter, Seeker’s Journey, TheTarotSchool.com, and Tarot Passages, and he has published interviews with deck creators on the tarotgarden.com website library Review The Touchstone Tarot (by Kat Black, of Golden Tarot fame) is a traditional 78-card deck, digitally collaged from the works of European masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods Stunning costumes and backgrounds are accompanied by modern-looking faces Kat uses the tagline: 78 friends that you hold in your hand, indicating that this deck deals not with esoteric symbolism and hidden secrets, but with real people who want to sit down, have a chat with us and offer advice and support The structure of this deck is traditional: the Major Arcana carry traditional titles, with Strength as VIII and Justice as XI The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins; the Court Cards are entitled Page, Knight, Queen and King Each of the Pages is depicted as a student, in black cap and gown, per the era reflected in the cards The Knights are all shown standing, while the Kings and Queens are shown in a seated position The imagery in this deck reflects the heart of each card: the Fool is shown with a flute in his hands and his loyal dog at this side The High Priestess stands between two pillars, holding both a scroll and a book in her hands The Chariot shows female imagery, great strength and intent with a hint of warrior The Hermit shares space with a lit lantern, an owl and a deer in a forest setting I feel very much at home with this deck While it is new to me, it is also an “old companion.” This is an elegant deck that connects to the reader (and the Seeker) without a problem Any level of Tarot student would find it easy to work with this deck Many thanks to Kat and her wonderful Tarot vision, and to the benefactor who made the development of this deck possible — Bonnie Cehovet n Bonnie Cehovet is a Certified Tarot Grand Master, a professional Tarot reader with over ten years’ experience, a Reiki Master/ Teacher and a writer Bonnie has served in various capacities with the American Tarot Association, is co-founder of the World Tarot Network, and Vice President (as well as Director of Certification) for the American Board For Tarot Certification She has published articles in the 2004 and 2005 Llewellyn Tarot Reader Reading from Bonnie Cehovet Five of Wands Four of Swords XVII The Star Ten of Wands XIX The Sun Knight of Coins Five of Coins II The High Priestess Question: What I need to know? Note: This is a business relationship reading Positions: 1st card (1/4): What is consciously known? 2nd card (2/5): What is not known? 3rd card (3/6): What needs to be known? a) Seeker: What is consciously known? Card 1, Five of Wands There have been some minor setbacks in this relationship for the Seeker, setbacks in achieving the goals that they set out to accomplish, as well as miscommunications and misperceptions There is a feeling of needing to defend themselves, or their position The Seeker may be too concerned about the business partner’s opinion 188 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t There is a sense of competitiveness between the Seeker and the business partner Seeker: What is not known? Card 2, Four of Swords What the Seeker does not know is that they need to take a small “time out” to address their inner fears and to resolve issues from the past The Seeker needs to be conscious about their expectations in this relationship Seeker: What needs to be known? Card 3, XVII The Star What the Seeker needs to know is that there is hope, that their goals can be realized The energy that they are working with is Divine energy Wherever the Seeker puts their attention, what they are working to manifest will come about b) Business Partner: What is consciously known? Card 4, Ten of Wands The business partner is conscious of their personal achievements and of their personal power They have a history of success, and expect others to acknowledge that They want to everything that they can to help the Seeker achieve their goals They feel their power Business Partner: What is not known? Card 5, XIX The Sun What the business partner does not know is that they have reason to truly believe in themselves They are extending themselves in many different directions, and run the risk of burning themselves out Kat Black 189 Business Partner: What needs to be known? Card 6, Knight of Coins What the business partner needs to know is that they need to be consistent in their efforts, and take responsibility They also need to watch a tendency to become somewhat dogmatic c) Consciously known compared, obstacles considered Cards and 4, Five of Wands and Ten of Wands, with card 7, Five of Coins The conscious understanding that the Seeker and their business partner have about themselves is apt to hit heads a bit The Seeker is not as sure of themselves as their business partner is, while the business partner wants to business as usual The obstacles that they may face have to with finances Each person needs to be aware of the needs of the other person, and where that person is coming from The Seeker does not want the business partner to know that they may be in a position where they see themselves as “lacking” in some way With the Seeker, there is a sense of the “victim” mentality, and of their not being able to see themselves actually reaching their goal d) Consciously known compared, assets considered Cards and 4, Five of Wands and Ten of Wands, with card 8, II The High Priestess The asset that these two people have is that of accessing their own intuitive faculties Both people have the ability to “know without knowing,” and “see without seeing.” 190 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t e) Not-known compared, obstacles considered Cards and 5, Four of Swords and XIX The Sun, with card 7, Five of Coins What these two people not know about themselves shows the Seeker needing a “time out,” with the business partner having the ability within themselves to bring in the energy to make things happen The obstacle connected with what the Seeker and their business partner not know is that if the Seeker were to allow their business partner to help them, they could move past the “lack” that the Seeker feels and accomplish their joint goals f) Not-known compared, assets considered Cards and 5, Four of Swords and XIX The Sun, with card 8, II The High Priestess The asset connected with what is not known is that if both parties listen to their intuition, the answers that they need are there g) Needs-knowing compared, obstacles considered Cards and 6, XVII The Star and Knight of Coins, with card 7, Five of Coins What the Seeker and their business partner need to know about themselves places a great deal of power with the Seeker, and would bring out the best in their business partner The obstacle connected with what they need to know is that they need to connect with spirit, and they need to adjust their mental attitudes: the Seeker moving away from victim mode into personal empowerment, and the business partner moving from their rigid, dogmatic Kat Black 191 ways to their own sense of empowerment in getting things accomplished h) Needs-knowing compared, assets considered Cards and 6, XVII The Star and Knight of Coins, with card 8, II The High Priestess The asset connected with what they need to know is that of intuition: if both of these individuals felt personally empowered, they could easily accomplish their joint goals I see the situation between these two people as one in which each person needs to move from a limited mindset into one of truly believing in themselves and in their goals Reading from “Prism” 192 King of Cups XIX The Sun Ace of Cups Ace of Wands Ten of Cups VI The Lovers XXI The World Six of Wands To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t Prism, Past, Card 1, King of Cups Although I was a pretty nice person (if I say so myself), I was somewhat uncomfortable in my role as a parent when my kids were little, and I thought it meant I would have to shut the door on my past in order to become more “respectable,” a more ideal parent Prism, Present, Card 2, XIX The Sun Mercifully, that attitude changed, and, having gained a new acceptance of who I really am, I now want to enjoy my life and appreciate each day I want to see what’s in front of my face and take things as they come, to see things as a child, as if it were the first time Prism, Future, Card 3, Ace of Cups I will be receiving a surge of love or feelings of being connected It could be either something new or a rekindling of a relationship I need to be open to receiving it Partner, Past, Card 4, Ace of Wands He used to be involved in the arts and is a creative person He was a motivator in those projects and brought a lot of energy to them Partner, Present, Card 5, Ten of Cups He is enjoying his role as head of the family Things are going pretty well for all of us, at least at the moment! Partner, Future, Card 6, VI The Lovers Kat Black 193 Hmmm! I hope this means that our marriage will become even more meaningful to him in the future I’d rather not consider other possibilities! c) Pasts compared, obstacles considered Cards and 4, King of Cups and Ace of Wands, with card 7, XXI The World I’m seeing The World here as the births of our kids My somewhat misguided sense of “responsibility” conflicted with his more youthful ideas (I should mention that I’m a little older) when it came time to raise our children I felt like we had to things by the book, and he often had other ideas d) Pasts compared, assets considered Cards and 4, King of Cups and Ace of Wands, with card 8, the Six of Wands The Six of Wands is the Victory card to me, especially a victory achieved with some difficulty by working together with others So we were able to overcome those issues and although it made our relationship somewhat difficult, it ultimately created a solid basis for the family e) Presents compared, obstacles considered Cards and 5, XIX The Sun and Ten of Cups, with card 7, XXI The World Here The World seems to me to be about achievement in the world In some ways, our present relationship is the opposite of the past I feel like I’m now more interested in looking at our situation in new ways, and he is more 194 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t interested in settling into a comfortable domesticity This difference may be due to the fact that he has a more successful career, and I am still feeling like I haven’t figured out my true niche (even though I’m in my fifties) f) Presents compared, obstacles should be assets Cards and 5, XIX The Sun and Ten of Cups, with card 8, Six of Wands Just as in the earlier step, if we can work through this difference, it could make our relationship stronger He provides stability and I like to think I am helping to provide some new energy and perhaps a way to move us forward g) Futures compared, obstacles considered, Cards and 6, Ace of Cups and VI The Lovers, with card 7, XXI The World Here I’m seeing The World as our next stage, maybe as empty nesters The future looks pretty lovey-dovey, but obstacles could arise, again, from our different views of how to manage this new stage of our lives h) Futures compared, assets considered Cards and 6, Ace of Cups and VI The Lovers, with card 8, Six of Wands I guess I see the Six of Wands pretty much the same way throughout the reading So, once again, if we can work through our differences of outlook, we will be able to enjoy this next phase of our lives Kat Black 195 196 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t About Kat Black Kat Black has been an artist and performer for over twenty years using a wide variety of media She exhibited as a painter before moving into digital art forms Her main art forms are currently video performance (VJing) and digital collage Technology and tarot have had a long association for Kat She began making her first digital tarot deck with Deluxe Paint on an Amiga in the early 1990s, although with only thirty-two colors available, it didn’t look very sophisticated As technology improved, so did the quality of work Kat could by “pushing pixels.” Her first commercial tarot deck, Golden Tarot, was released in 2004 It was a work of digital collage Unlike many collagists, Kat’s style is to try to integrate the elements as seamlessly as possible, to make the works look whole Golden Tarot achieved this to some degree, but in Touchstone, Kat’s technique has developed to the point that only those familiar with the original source artworks are likely to realise that the card designs are composites Kat particularly enjoys bringing relatively obscure artwork to a new audience by rearranging and contextualising it to fit in with traditional Tarot archetypes Kat was born and now lives in Perth, Australia but has lived in both the US and the UK She is married to Jasper Cook Kat Black 197 198 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t Provocative Bold Controversial A Must For Your Collection Quantum Tarot A Tarot of New Physics n Kay Stopforth Illustrated by Chris Butler The Quantum Tarot combines the revolutionary theories of 20th century physics with the traditional Tarot Card archetypes in a 78-card deck Quantum mechanics, Einstein’s theories of relativity and modern superstring theory offer new and wonderful ways to visualize Tarot themes The Quantum Tarot shows how New Age wisdom meshes tightly with New Age science US$ 26.95 | 208-page book plus 78 gilt-edged cards Book and cards: 2.8”x5.06” Elegant cigar-box to permanently store cards and book ISBN 9781601641694 Av a i l a bl e a t yo u r f a v o r i te b o ok s e l l e rs Touchstone t a r o t Provocative Bold Controversial touchstone-booklet-cover-final-printer.indd KÜNATI KÜNATI Touchstone tarot TM K AT B L AC K Creator of the Golden Tarot 11/18/08 10:46:19 AM [...]...10 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t Touchstone Tarot, tell me true, this is what I ask of you Kat Black 11 12 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t Dedication by Mary K Greer at Black, creator of the Golden Tarot, has done it again with the Touchstone Tarot This is no ordinary deck of collaged artwork Instead, it is a masterpiece in its own right,... of Touchstone Tarot was greatly appreciated This booklet will not teach you to read tarot It is intended just as a small companion volume to the deck While it includes some basic layouts and meanings, it’s intended more to tell you about this deck, with some insights and background regarding each card I recommend if you’re new to tarot to get a proper introductory book There are many excellent tarot. .. great pleasure that I bring you the Touchstone Tarot As the Provider of Pentacles (Coins), I literally did play a part in bringing you the Touchstone, much as the many personages you will be meeting played their parts in funding their own portraits! What can I say but that it has been huge fun and money more than wisely spent I have been a student and reader of Tarot for over thirty years, and yes,... a Christian Isn’t reading tarot wrong? I’ve been asked this a few times, probably because Golden Tarot contained a lot of Renaissance Christian imagery Touchstone doesn’t contain nearly as much religious imagery because by the Baroque era, most art was being commissioned by wealthy individuals rather than churches, but this is still a question that I get asked The earliest tarot decks were commissioned... Introduction hen I created my first deck, Golden Tarot, in 2000, I wanted to make an easy-to-read Rider-Waite-Smith–style deck that looked convincingly Early Renaissance in tribute to both the art and symbolism of tarot s traditions and heritage Luckily for me, a lot of other people wanted such a hybrid too and it became a popular deck Since then, a huge number of other tarot decks have flooded the market, filling... someone gives you a deck because they care about you enough to want you to make your own decisions, and they think tarot can help you to do that Or perhaps they think you’re great at counseling and that you might make a good tarot reader Or they see a particular deck and know you’re into tarot but don’t have this one, and they think it’s very “you.” I treasure the decks that have been gifted to me, and... context of the reading It’s up to you to decide 30 To u c h s t o n e Ta r o t n Divination or intuition? Ah, the old debate Is tarot reading fortune telling? It can be, but it doesn’t need to be A tarot deck is a tool that can be used in many ways, depending on the reader I use tarot myself as a form of counseling and to help me work out solutions to problems I think it’s helped me over the past decades... stylized faces of the Renaissance I canvassed my circle of tarot colleagues about the name Many good suggestions were made, but none struck me as “it.” As I worked on the deck, looking at thousands of paintings for elements to use, suddenly I saw “it.” A young jeweler leans from a window In one hand, he holds a ring, and in the other, a touchstone A touchstone is a small, textured stone used to assay the... deck as I truly felt it should be was Mary K Greer I was very lucky to meet Ms Greer in person at the International Tarot Conference in Melbourne in 2005, and very surprised to find she used Golden as Kat Black 25 one of her regular reading decks I remember reading her groundbreaking Tarot for Your Self many years after getting my first deck as a teenager, and thinking, Wow, it’s okay to read the cards... right, seamlessly combining historical portraits and backgrounds from the Baroque and Renaissance into easily recognizable tarot scenes of luminous color and clarity of detail This is a magical deck Personalities dominate each card, and the perception in their eyes becomes a test—the touchstone by which your sincerity and truth is measured Gazing out from the cards, each demands you accept the hard won .. .Touchstone tarot TM 78 friends you hold in your hand Touchstone tarot TM K AT B L AC K USA | CANADA Touchstone Tarot TM Copyright 2009 and Trademark Kat... http://touchstonetarot.com Kunati is a trademark owned by Kunati Inc Touchstone Tarot is a trademark owned by Kat Black USA | CANADA Review I don’t want to discuss how the Touchstone Tarot fits... articles appearing on the Tarot for Life website newsletter, Seeker’s Journey, TheTarotSchool.com, and Tarot Passages, and he has published interviews with deck creators on the tarotgarden.com website

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2016, 14:40

