llama llama
Trang 3llama llama
mad at mama Anna Dewdney
Trang 4Llama Llama
having fun
Blocks and puzzles
Trang 9
Llama Llama out with Mama
Trang 10`
Yucky music, great big feet
Ladies smelling way too sweet
Trang 12ak no
Clearance sales
and discount buys
What is little llama’s size’? Try it on and take it off
Pull and wiggle,
Trang 14\
Shirts and jackets,
pants and shoes
Trang 17Cheezee Puffs and Oatie Crunch What would llama like for lunch’?
Llama Llama doesn’t know
Trang 18TTT
Trang 21Coffee, bread, and chips galore
Trang 22‘eet » CRASH the cart and SMASH the signs No more waiting! No more lines!
Out go socks and Cheezee POtis
Trang 25
Please stop fussing, little llama
No more of this lama drama
I think shopping’s boring, too—
Trang 26A “i
ụ ”
Lo ae
C20212 lại a
Let’s see if we can make this fun
Trang 27Lets be a team at Shop-O-Rama——
Trang 28
Sweep up pasta, mop up juice
Wrap up towels rolling loose
Pick up puffs and find the socks
Trang 29a
Trang 31
Out to parking, not too far
Trang 32Snap the buckle,
Trang 34Llama Llama
Trang 35For Cordelia, my shopping buddy
VIKING Published by Penquin Group
Penguin Young Readers Group, 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2¥3
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Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England First published in 2007 by Viking, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group
i3 8 7 § 0 8 6 4 2 Copyright © Anna Dewdney, 2007
All rights reserved
Dewdney, Anna
Llama Llama mad at mama / by Anna Dewdney p cm