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NH$r J -I J Fru[ ffi ,fr :$/ GHJ*H NEWTE'r'L EARN ENGL ItH Paqe I 13 15 19 23 27 29 33 37 Paqe 43 47 51 ol 05 69 retuq% 75 '79 iat83 ,%ff _t Our scttool a @ Listenqnd tolk qboutthe school There'so computer room pool There'so swimming ,€P 'ffimh pool o swrmmrng o librory o comourer room o musrcroom o ployground on ort room D "o.orr*", 3] @ li"t"n ond reod.Tolk obout Tom,sschool We singin the musicroom, We drowin the ort room ;$' @ &-* leornonddroui Where'sthe musicroom? It's on the firstfloor Where'sthe orl room? It's on the secondfloor G 1st 2nd 3rd Ground First Second Third 4th Fourth fANGgACE,oau, Q e @ run Reoding )f2ffi8 ggk*a P Thisis my school,Tom We eot in the musicroom 'fu l,,,.,.o't,n We singin the conteen- We reodin the pool swimming I thinkyourschool'sgreot,Beeno ConI cometo vourschoolr ,) You qre Chorlie.TellCindy,o new pupil,obout the school tr8tr E trtrtr E trtrtr E trtrtr |;I @ trw E }T U] rc w I'min Closs28 (l q footboll o bicycle $Itu4rt"b gr0ss o porkkeeper 3) @ I-i"t"n ond reod.Ask ond onswerquestionsobout signs Do not Ieed the ducks Do not pick the tloute$, Do not climb lhe tees I f c.;;;d th" dr.k.?) Do not ride a bicycle Do not walk on tfre grcss Do not plqy lootbdll Conlrideobicycle? No,youcon't / { tl o ,y o uc o n ' t.J ffi 'm picktheflowers wolkon thegross climbthe trees ployfootboll t,lxcvacrlocurQ: 11 lJ -\i" Wtriiir3/ or:r1sa$s!t\:' ,# A Listen qnd look Tolk qbout the weqther P RI NG ) 9UMME R the sun roin ,/ ",/,/ O t, AUTUMN WINTE R ) It's cold a&N,o ou o, 36 Listenond reqd.Helenis visitingTom in London Ask qnd onswerquestions Sprlng / t: ^d, Zr*l ,/ " l t rz ,/ -?+\E; winter outumn |? e )uo'rr7r^ Whot'sthe weqtherlikein spring? Whot'stheweother likein summer? It's wet It's hot tlxeu,lct rocrs Q e@ L run Reoding Wow!It's o kite Let'sfly the kitenow We con'tfly the kite.It's not windy.Let'sgo to the zoo No.It's too cold Let'sgo home a In spring w It's so wet.Let'sgo home Thekiteis wet In s u m m e r It's so hot.We con'tfly the kitetodoy.Let'sgo to the beoch _'r.} ;-i;;;t"; -' € It's so windy.Comebock, kite.Don'tfly owoy GoodlIt's windy Let'sfly the kite Whendo the childrenget the kite? I In summer.f ] In outumn E In winter '3 Rroo,nn D SoYthe children'sPoems My opringpoem Kain,rain, Ooaway, \l;9 oo wet,wecant Kaln,rain, go away, ?la:J Cornea7ainanother dal 00e(A MY My Poem wind, oun wlnl,y hor' O1OW CO\A Soy the poemfor your fqvouriteseoson Pucrrct Q I ,# A@ t7 Seosonsondclothee Listenond look.Whoseclothesore they? Whosedressis it? It's Mum'sdress Ooo (a) @r T6a4 Whosetrousersorethev? They'reDod'strousers o shirt o jocket o oress ) o Jumper VocABsrAB, trousers shorts t ? Thechildrenore buyingnewschooluniforms Tolk oboutthe uniforms school uniform 5unmer I 1ummer | Winter ffi l ml[ sIAE Thisis o dress \Ninter ffilmfl Theseoreshorts We weoro iocketin winter Weweorshortsin summer Whotdo you weqr in winterqnd summer? L,lxcrr,lcr roctrrqftf I e @ rrn Reoding Thisis ourschool uniform Weweor trousers, o jumper ondo jocketin winter WhotconI weor? Ajocket,o jumper, o shirt,trousers We weorshortsond q shirtin summer" Wow!I'm veryhot We don'tweortrousers to schoolin summer We weorshortsond o shirt -l @ Rroo,^n ilt ,J It is s pf lng The childrenore tidyingtheirclothes Tq l k oboutthe clothes o cop o T-shirt Theseoreshorts Weweorshortsin summer It's hotin summer Thisis o jocket We weoro jocketin winter It's coldin winter oools .::.:l'!.i L'Lll!'iLl rr.l J Tolk qbout the other clothes P : c r ' : ,;( I tg Lote for school @ n"oa qnd listento the story Oh deorllt's eighto'clock I'm lotefor school Stop,Judy!Whereoreyougoing? Judymeetsherneighbour Hey,Judy!Whereore yougoing? I con'ttolknow,Mum.I'm lote a Rroo,*" Youcon'tgeton.Youhoven't gotonychonge Pleose,con I hovesome chongefor the bus? l/ Judycon'tget in Woit,Judy!There'sno school todoy 11 Judy forgetsit is o holidoytodoy It's o holidoytodoy Nevermind,Judy.Let'sgo ond hovebreokfost Ru,lr,,.c @ I Put the sentencesin the correctorder tr o tr o Judyhosn'tgotonychongeforthe bus Judygetsup ot eighto'clock I Judymeetsherneighbour tr o Judyhosbreokfost withher mother T Judycon'tget intoschool e C Giveshort onswers Picture 4: WhodoesJudvmeet? Picture 6: WheredoesJudywoitfor the bus? Picture 8: WhotdoesJudywont? Picture10: WhofindsJudvoutsidethe school? l ao"r*r"r*r,o* E fuOyis lote ogoin.Act Judy's mother Judy,you'reo noughtygirl.Everyweekyou'relotefor school Youmissthebus.Youployin thepork I'msorry, Mum ooO ployin the pork forgetyour homework getup lote forgetyourchonge PrncrcrQ RevisionG A Whqt'sthe weotherlike? Ask ond onswer Whot'stheweother likein spring? K,,,, I 7,,,' w@ e a ,, ',/ "19r!!e) :, s f, 4t Pointond soy uousers o jocket This is o dress o Jumper D Rr",r,o* "r*h o T-shirt )Jm o shirt C Mqtch.Ask ond onswer '4lil Sonio Jon _ \ frfi[tw , r, _ _ - -.t \ H 9;,' ::: :,rJ:+ ,r -!J)-,, I l r: J -' g\'' -.r I I D Wnicnis Beeno'splonet?Reodondtick My plonetis bluewithfifteen yellowcircles.Helpmefindit Rrv,r,o* Q iltlili 402642 [...]... rocr; Q e @ run Reoding I hoven'tgotonyfriendsin my newschool Hello!Whot'syour nome? Cheerup!Tryto mokesome newfriendsin the ployground 5 Howoldoreyou? Oh!You'rethree Whotfood do you like? Oh,I seelYou likecrisps I'vegoto newfriend,Mum Helikescrisps Thot'sgood,deor.Buttry to moke tomorrow friendsin the clossroom A Rroo,*n D Listenqnd reod.Sollyond Emmqqre newfriends F ,EffilE!ffi \\/hatis yourname? Emma... circle 11 12 15 18 T squore triongle r/ ^ * stor -@ ,w A @ 1 Feelingthfngs Listenondtolk oboutthings A.E The towelis soft.The wotchis hord 2 & s 4 o towel vo.orr,o", o key o wotch o stone f 3 ,6 o tie o tissue ti"t"n ond reqd.Ployo feelinggome 6 Tony Nowthe childrenget bocktheirthings.Act the children ond write the letters This is my pen Whosetie is this? 6Il^