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1 1 1 2 2 Study (v) Student (n) Walk (v) Walk (n) Drive (v) Driver (n) Farm (n) Farmer (n) Correct (v) Correct (adj) Danger (n) Dangerous (adj) Strong (adj) Strengh (n) Strengthen (v) Water (n) Water (v) Fine (adj) Fine (v) Feel (v) Feeling (n) Cook (v) Cook (n) Cooker (n) Store (n) Store (v) Right (n) Right (adj) Color/ colour (n) Color/ colour (v) Colorless/colourless (adj) Colorful / colourful (adj) Long (adj) Length (n) Warm (adj) Warmth (n) Visit (v) Visitor (n) Nation (n) National (adj) Nationality (n) Interest (n) Interesting (adj) Interested (adj) Built (v) Building (n) Grow (v) Growth (n) Grown (adj) Talk (v) Talkative (adj) Destroy (v) Destruction (n) WORD FAMILY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Environment (n) Environmental (adj) Power (n) Powerful (adj) Pollute (v) Pollution (n) Pollutant (n) Asia (n) Asian (n) Asian (adj) Damage (v) Damage(n) Damaging (adj) Keep (v) Keeper(n) Collect (v) Collector (n) Know (v) Knowledge (n) Work (v) Work (n) Worker (n) Care (v) Care (n) Careful (adj) Careless (adj) Produce (v) Produce (n) Producer (n) Differ (v) Difference (n) Different (adj) Difficult (adj) Difficulty (n) Heat (v) Heat (n) Hot (adj) Friend (n) Friendly (adj) Friendship (n) Protect (v) Protection (n) Protector (n) Protective (adj) Sing (v) Singer (n) Song (n) Fly (v) Fly (n) Act (v) Activity (n) Action (n) Active (adj) Fill the blank with the correct word from 1) Mary and John _ (visit) France this summer holiday 2) My mother _ (work) at a store on No.12 street She is a store _ (keep) 3) “Where is Mr.Brown?” – “He (cook) in the kitchen” 4) Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful landscape of Vietnam, it attracts many (visit) every year 5) If you (not water) the plants oftenly, they’re going to die 6) After a long day of working, she _ (feel) too tired now 7) My uncle (work) in a factory now, he is a (work) 8) There’s a bookstore on the (right) of the restaurant 9) Protecting the _ (environment) is everybody’s responsibility 10) Yoko is from Japan, her _ (nation) is Japanese 11) She _(feel) so sad because her husband _(not care) her (feel) anymore 12) Most of the children _(favor) food is candy 13) The teacher gives her a plus point because she’s got a _(right) answer 14) They (building) a school near here next month 15) My father always takes a _(walk) along the river side every morning 16) I’m a (study) I’m (study) psychology at the university 17) It’s in the summer (heat) 18) The girl likes that butterfly because it’s so _ (color) 19) The name of her (interest) song is “ The winmill of your mind” 20) The older usually like _ (warm) weather 21) ¾ of the earth is (water) 22) The two boys are closed friend, but they have quite a few _(differ) hobbies 23) In the winter, people have to wear _ (strength) boots and (warm) clothes 24) The factory is fined because of releasing too much (pollutant) into the river 25) Karen and her family is going to Paris to enjoy the _(warm) of spring there 26) The little kid seem to be very excited, he _ (color) the painting – paper at the moment 27) The Twins Tower isn’t the tallest _(building) in the world 28) According to “Tam – Cam” story, Tam’s step mother force her (differ) the peas into two (differ) bags 29) Tom always (talk) too much, he’s so _(talk) 30) My son (collect) a lots coins every year, he’s a coin _(collect) 31) Tsunami and earthquake is (destroy) many countries in the world 32) (hot) from the sun is held in the earth’s atmosphere by natural greenhouse gases 33) I know he’s _(strength) enough to carry my suitcase 34) Laure’s father is a taxi (drive), he _ (drive) carefully 35) Exhaust from vehicles is (pollute) the air 36) The students _(correct) their homework at the moment 37) You can widen your _ (know) by reading books 38) The woman in patterned dress is my mother’s close (friend) 39) Mr Chuck is a (farm), he _(growth) a lot of orchards 40) The workers have to wear (protect) clothes when they handle _(danger) compound 41) I love to talk to her because she’s nice and (friendly) 42) The villagers have to _(store) food for the winter 43) Learning English isn’t _(difficult) 44) The hen _(produce) dozen eggs 45) Moralizer is a famous (work) of art 46) We often (fly) our kites on the hill at the weekend 47) I found some (fly) in my bowl of soup So terrible! 48) We are getting _(difficult) in finding a shelter now 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) She _(sing) so beautifully so she can become a _(sing) After hearing the news, she (act) like a fool Our school has many out door _(act) We sing the _(nation) anthem every Monday The accident did a lot of (damage) to the car You need to wear warm clothes to _(protect) yourself against the cold I don’t want to get on his car, because he’s a _(care) driver “how is she now” – “she’s (fine)” The police is (fine) the offender The children feel safe under their parent’s (protect) The Nile river is more than 6000 kilometers in _(long) After the mass demonstration, the local government have to (strong) the leadership I will everything in my (power) to help you The film is too boring so no one _(interest) it We need a new gas (cook) because the old one was out of work Those chocolates are (produce) of France Almost the (asia) have black hair and brown eyes Alice is fond of (environment) science This is a valuable picture, so we need some (protect) My little kid is _(interest) in cartoon They are finding a _(cook) for their new food store He can play many kinds of sport, he’s so _(act)

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2015, 16:33

