Quickies Joint in one of the largest fast food joints in Dallas. Besides being noted in the quality of its products, it boasts of an efficient home delivery system
CASE STUDY 1: QUICKIES JOINT Quickies Joint in one of the largest fast food joints in Dallas. Besides being noted in the quality of its products, it boasts of an efficient home delivery system Business Problem Quickies Joint has increased its volume of business in the last few months. It has not been able to manage the transactional and inventory detail efficiently because all records are maintained manually. Its home delivery boys frequently misplace the order paper, which results in delay of delivery. In addition, the existing Paper- based system prevents the stall from taking the order quickly and generating their bills simultaneously. Therefore, Quickies joint has decided to automate its transactional and inventory management system. Goal Quickies Joint requires a computerized system that provides and effective method of storing transaction detail. It also requires an inventory system whereby the available quantity of each item is tracked at any given time. Quickies Joint has asked Petra,Inc., To create a computerized transaction system, Petra, Inc. needs to perform the following tasks: 1. Create a database named Quickies.mbd by using Microsoft Office Access 2007 2. Create a following tasks: • Item _Details • Transaction _Master • Transaction _Detail • Customer _Detail Their Structure is shown in the Following tables. Their Structure is shown in the Following tables. • Item _Details ( Muc chi tiet) • Transaction _Master ( Chủ giao dich) • Transaction _Detail (Chi tiet giao dich) • Customer _Detail (Chi tiet khach hang) Field Name Data type Width Description Mô tả Item _No Text 5 Item Number Mã số Item _Name Text 50 Item Name Tên mặt hàng Item _Description Text 50 Item description Mục mô tả QOH Number Quantity on hand Số lượng trong tay Amount Number Rate per unit Dánh giá trên 1 đơn vị ROQ Number Reorder quantity Xắp xếp lại số lượng Item _Detail Table Field Name Date type Width Description Mô tả Tran _No Text 5 Transaction Number Số lượng giao dịch Cust _ID Text 5 Customer Number Số khách hàng Trans _date Date Transaction Date Ngày giao dịch Trans _type Text 15 Type of Transaction (cash or credit card) Loại giao dich Mode Text 9 Mode (take _away or in _house) Cách thức Transaction _Master Table Field Name Data type Width Description Mô tả Tran _ No Text 5 Transaction Number Số lượng giao dịch Item _No Text 5 Item number Mã số Cust _ID Text 5 Customer Number Số khách hàng Quantity _ Ordered Number Quantity Ordered Số lượng đặt hàng Unit _Price Currency Cost of the item Chi phí Total _Amount Currency Quantity ordered * Unit price Số lượng * đơn giá Transaction _Details Table Field name Data Type Width Description Mô tả Cust _ID Text 4 Customer Number Mã số khách hàng Cust _Name Text 50 Customer Name Tên khách hàng Cust _Address Text 50 Customer Address Địa chỉ KH Cust _Ph _No Number Customer phone number Số ĐT KH Customer _Details Table 3. Validate the points mentioned in the bulleted lists while creating the structure of the respective tables Table: Item _Details • Item _no must the unique. • Item _name should not be left blank. • Item _description should not be left blank • The transaction should not take place if QOH is 0. • Amount should be greater than 0. • ROQ should be Greater than 0. Table: Transaction _Master • Tran _no should be auto generated. • The system should display the list of Cust _IDs from the Customer _Details table. • Tran _date should be the system date. • Tran _Type must the either Cash or Credit card. A user can enter “cash“ or “CC”, followed by the credit card number. • Mode in transaction _Details table should be -away or in –house Table: Transaction _details • The system should display a list of Transaction numbers from the Transaction _Master table. It should be a subform of Transaction _master. • The system should display a list of Item _Nos from the item _details table. • Quantity _Ordered and Unit _Price should be greter than 0. • Total _amount should be automatically calculated and be stored in the total amount field. Table: Customer_Details • Customer_No must be unique • Cust_Name should be mandatory • Cust_Address should be mandatory • Cust_Ph_No should be mandatory 4. Create appropriate relationships between the tables. 5. Create form to enables a user to enter data in the enables 6. Create subform for Transaction _Details. In this Subform, after the user enters the Transaction _ID, the corresponding Cust ID should be extracted the transaction _master table and be transaction> 7. Ensure that the quantity on hand in the item _Details should be automatically updated after every transaction. 8. Create a query that displays a dialog box in which the user can enter value such as “take- away ”or “in-house”. The system should display the details of the items basted on the specified criterion. 9. Create a query to find out the details of the customers who have performed the maximum number of transaction. The number should be count _based. 10. Create a query to find out the names of the items that have been sold the maximum in the month. 11. Create a monthly report providing details on the Status of items Quickies Joint. 12. Create a daily report providing the details on transaction for each day in Quickies joint. 13. Create a report that will be given as a bill to the customer after the customer purchases the required items. 14. Create documentation for the computerized system of quickies joint by using Microsoft word 2007. The documentation should include details each module, such as items, transaction, and Customer. This documentation should also include the limitations of the existing system and the need for the envisioned system. 15. Prepare a slide show presentation by using Microsoft office PowerPoint 2007 for the Stakeholders of Quickies Joint. The presentation should include. • The design of each table in the database • Screen shots of the relationships between the table • The validations that are created for ensuring data accuracy • The queries that are created for finding out the required details • Screen shots of the user interfaces including output. . CASE STUDY 1: QUICKIES JOINT Quickies Joint in one of the largest fast food joints in Dallas. Besides being noted in the. simultaneously. Therefore, Quickies joint has decided to automate its transactional and inventory management system. Goal Quickies Joint requires a computerized