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Environmental studies

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UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY UNIT : ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY UNIT ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY WARM-UP 1) What you think the term environment refers to? 2) What environmental issues are you concerned about? 3) Have you ever heard of the word ecology? READING The term environment broadly indicates the surroundings of an individual organism or a community of organisms, ranging on up to the entire biosphere, the zone of Earth that is able to sustain life By surroundings is meant all the nonliving and living materials that play any role in an organism's existence, from soil and air to what the organism feeds on and the organisms that may feed on it Any other factors acting on the organism, such as heat and light and gravitation, make up its environment as well In the case of human beings, cultural factors may also be included in the term Figure ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The environmental science of ecology is the study of the relationship of plants and animals to their physical and biological environment The physical environment includes light and heat or solar radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water, and atmosphere The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other plants and animals Because of the diverse approaches required to study organisms in their environment, ecology draws upon such fields as climatology, hydrology, oceanography, physics, chemistry, geology, and soil analysis To study the relationships between organisms, ecology also involves such disparate sciences as animal behavior, taxonomy, physiology, and mathematics An increased public awareness of environmental problems has made ecology a common but often misused word It is confused with environmental programs and environmental science Although the field is a distinct scientific discipline, ecology does indeed contribute to the study and understanding of environmental problems The term ecology was introduced by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel in 1866; it is derived from the Greek oikos (“household”), sharing the same root word as economics Thus, the term implies the study of the economy of nature Modern ecology, in part, began with Charles Darwin In developing his theory of evolution, Darwin stressed the adaptation of organisms to their environment through natural selection Also making important contributions were plant geographers, such as Alexander von Humboldt, who were deeply interested in the “how” and “why” of vegetational distribution around the world Figure : Ecology UNIT : ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY READING COMPREHENSION A QUESTIONS Answer the questions about the reading 1) What is environment? 2) Who is considered to be the founder of modern ecology? 3) When was the term ecology used for the first time? 4) What does ecology deal with? 5) Why does ecology depend on such sciences as climatology, oceanography, physics, chemistry, or geology? B TRUE-FALSE Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false 1) _ The term environment also includes cultural factors 2) _ Ecology does not draw upon physiology or mathematics 3) _ Ecology does not contribute to the study and understanding of environmental problems 4) _ Ecology is the study of the interactions of organisms with their physical and biological environment 5) _ The term ecology was introduced in the mid 19th century VOCABULARY Choose the best word or phrase in the box for each of the following sentences discipline environmental biosphere organisms factors selection sustain involves contributions evolution 1) Ecology focuses on the interactions taking place between ………………… and their environments 2) The study of ecology also includes how the nonliving ……………………… in the environment influence one another 3) Darwin's theory of ……………………… was essentially ecological 4) When did ecology emerge as a distinct …………………… ? 5) Alexander von Humboldt made significant …………… to ecology 6) Ecology also ……………… such disparate sciences as animal behavior, taxonomy, physiology, and mathematics 7) The moon can …………………… life because it does not provide enough of what organisms need in order to live or exist ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 8) Darwin stressed the adaptation of organisms to their environment through natural ……………………… 9) An ………………… movement aims to improve or protect the natural environment 10) The ……………………… is the part of the earth’s surface and atmosphere in which plants and animals can live WORD STUDY A UN-, IM-, IN-, DIS-, AND NONThe prefixes un-, im-, in-, dis-, and non- can be added to the beginning of some words These prefixes mean “not.” Look at this example: un- + healthy = unhealthy Smoking is not good for you It’s unhealthy Here are other words with these negative prefixes un- unimportant, unpopular im- impossible inincomplete, inexpensive dis- discontinue non- nonfat EXERCISE Choose the best word to complete each sentence 1) A person who is unfriendly is probably ………………, too A unpopular B unusual C uncomfortable D unimportant 2) The service at this restaurant is very slow It’s ……………… to have a quick lunch here! A impossible B important C immoral D immediate 3) The airline will ………… service to that city It is not a popular place to go A discontinue B disagree C disable D discover 4) ……………… yogurt is better for you than ice cream A Nonstop B Nonfat C Nonstandard D Nonstick 5) Jaime’s homework is ……………… because he felt sick last night A inexpensive B incomplete C inflexible D inevitable UNIT : ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY B MENT AND ER Some nouns and verbs have the same form We can add a special ending, or suffix, to other verbs to make noun forms Here are some examples: same form -ment verb noun verb noun verb order order govern government drive drink drink agree agreement own cost cost run work -er noun driver owner runner worker EXERCISE Complete the sentences with verbs and nouns from the chart (If you need to, make the nouns plural Also, make sure that each verb agrees with its subject.) 1) Susan is the fastest ……………… She can ……………… the race in less than three minutes 2) The bus ……………… will not ……………… an unsafe bus 3) I think the two companies will ……………… to work together They will both sign the ……………… 4) – Did Saul ……………… a salad and some tea? – Yes Now he’s waiting for his ……………… 5) Joseph bought a lot of food and ……………… for the get-together He hopes that everyone will eat and ……………… a lot 6) Even though they……………… hard, most of the ……………… at fast-food restaurants not make a lot of money 7) – My aunt is the ……………… of that popular take-out restaurant on Main Street – Does she ……………… the restaurant on Green Street, too? C TH AND GHT Some nouns that end in th or ght are related to similar words that are not nouns Read the following pairs of sentences and see how the words in bold print are related 1) 2) 3) 4) Some cities grow quickly Their growth is fast The street is five kilometers long The length is five kilometers The street is fifteen meters wide Its width is fifteen meters The lake is thirty meters deep Its depth is thirty meters ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 5) Joanna is very strong She has a lot of strength 6) How high is that building? What is its height? 7) Anna weighs 50 kilos Her weight is 50 kilos EXERCISE Now choose the best word for each sentence Use each word only once depth growth height length strength weight width 1) The flag is flying high above the ground The …………………of that flagpole is about 20 meters 2) The …………………of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is about 1,400 meters It is a very long bridge 3) What is the …………………of the Pacific Ocean at its deepest point? 4) People who build houses must be very strong They must have great …………………in their arms 5) Plants need a lot of water to grow Without it, their …………………is slow 6) What is the …………………of your garage? Is it wide enough to park two cars inside? 7) David is very thin now He weighs only 49 kilos He lost a lot of ………………… STRUCTURE STUDY THE PASSIVE A sentence is often written in a passive form when the important idea is not WHO does something, but WHAT IS DONE (a) They measured the extension in the steel bar (b) The extension in the steel bar was measured If the doer of the action has some importance (though less than the object), or is needed to complete the sense of the sentence, it is given, e.g ‘A knowledge of statistics is required by every type of scientists.’ Passives can be formed in the following ways: a) A tense of be + past participle active: He cooked the food passive: The food was cooked UNIT : ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY b) Modal + be / have been + past participle active: He may cook the food passive: The food may be cooked c) to be / to have been + past participle active: He is to cook the food passive: The food is to be cooked d) being / having been + past participle active: Cooking / Having cooked … passive: Being / Having been cooked … EXERCISE Rewrite the following sentences in the passive : 1) People apply mathematics in many different activities 2) People use computers for many different purposes 3) People use the decimal system even in countries with non-decimalized systems of weights and measurements 4) Water covers most of the Earth’s surface 5) Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived 6) Huge ocean waves swept houses into the sea 7) They have postponed the seminar 8) A mystery is something that we can explain 9) We are going to build a new zoo next year 10) The vegetables didn’t taste very good People had cooked them for too long 11) The situation is serious We must something before it’s too late 12) When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game 13) They are building a new ring road round the city 14) I don’t like people telling me what to 15) We gave the police the information 16) We will give you plenty of time to decide 17) They must first clean sewage in treatment plants 18) Has anybody told you about ecology? 19) In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats 20) He said that he wanted somebody to wake him up at 6.30 next morning ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Unit BIOMES AND ECOSYSTEMS WARM-UP 1) What is the biosphere? 2) What is a biome? 3) What is an ecosystem? READING That part of the world where life operates is known as the biosphere The biosphere consists of the air (atmosphere), water (hydrosphere), and earth (lithosphere) where living things interact with their environment Several approaches are used to classify its regions The broad units of vegetation are called plant formations by European ecologists and biomes by North American ecologists The major difference between the two terms is that biomes include associated animal life Major biomes, however, go by the name of the dominant forms of plant life Figure : Terrestrial Biomes UNIT : BIOMES AND ECOSYSTEMS Influenced by latitude, elevation, and associated moisture and temperature regimes, terrestrial biomes vary geographically from the tropics through the arctic and include various types of forest, grassland, shrub land, and desert These biomes also include their associated freshwater communities: streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands Marine environments, also considered biomes by some ecologists, comprise the open ocean, littoral (shallow water) regions, benthic (bottom) regions, rocky shores, sandy shores, estuaries, and associated tidal marshes A more useful way of looking at the terrestrial and aquatic landscapes is to view them as ecosystems, a word coined in 1935 by the British plant ecologist Sir Arthur George Tansley to stress the concept of each locale or habitat as an integrated whole A system is a collection of interdependent parts that function as a unit and involve inputs and outputs The major parts of an ecosystem are the producers (green plants), the consumers (herbivores and carnivores), the decomposers (fungi and bacteria), and the nonliving, or abiotic, component, consisting of dead organic matter and nutrients in the soil and water Inputs into the ecosystem are solar energy, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other elements and compounds Outputs from the ecosystem include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrient losses, and the heat released in cellular respiration, or heat of respiration The major driving force is solar energy Relationship among biotic components of the ecosystem 60 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNIT TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR AIR WARM-UP 1) Can we survive without air? 2) What should we to reduce the air pollution in our city? READING Treatments for air pollution from stationary sources either remove particulate matter or remove gases Four techniques, varying in cost and efficiency, for removing particulates are the cyclone separator, the wet scrubber, the electrostatic precipitator, and the baghouse The cyclone separator causes air emissions to whirl around, forcing heavy particles to the outside and ultimately to removal below The wet scrubber essentially washes particulates out of the exhaust The electrostatic precipitator electrically charges the particles and attracts them to charged plates, thereby removing them The baghouse operates like a vacuum cleaner, trapping particles in fabric filters placed in the exhaust stream Fig 16 Extremely small particulates are the most dangerous because they can penetrate deeply into human lungs When assessing removal efficiencies, therefore, it is important to determine the amount of smaller particles removed as well as the UNIT : TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR AIR 61 total removal of all particulates The electrostatic precipitator and the baghouse both have high removal efficiencies Gaseous emissions are in general more difficult to control than particulates Automobile emissions have been reduced by lowering engine combustion temperatures and by completing the oxidation of unburned gases by means of a catalytic converter in the exhaust system One of the most difficult air pollutants to control is sulfur dioxide, which is given off in the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels, particularly coal in power plants The projected replacement of dwindling oil supplies with coal makes this a critical problem Removal of sulfur dioxide from exhaust gases can be accomplished with devices called scrubbers Limestone scrubbers, for example, can remove up to 90% of the sulfur dioxide They are, however, very expensive; they consume about 5% of a power plant's output; and they create massive amounts of calcium sulfite sludge, which must be disposed of as waste The placement of strict emission controls on coal-burning plants has stimulated research on improved scrubbing devices READING COMPREHENSION A QUESTIONS Answer the questions about the reading 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) What are the four techniques for removing particulates? Explain them Which techniques are very effective in removing particulates? What can be done to reduce automobile emissions? What are advantages and disadvantages of limestone scrubbers? What is the pollutant that proves the most difficult to control? B TRUE-FALSE Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false 1) The four treatment techniques are the same in terms of cost and efficiency 2) Because extremely small particulates can penetrate deeply into human lungs, they are the most dangerous 3) Particulates are not as difficult to control as gaseous emission 4) Coal is a sulfur-containing fuel 5) Coal-burning plants contribute much to the environmental pollution 62 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES VOCABULARY Choose the best word from the box for each of the following sentences and put it in the correct form stationary remove whirl penetrate stimulate accomplish dwindle trap assess ultimately 1) Her father bought her a …………… exercise bike as a present for her eighteenth birthday 2) She …………… the dirty dishes from the tables 3) The wind …………… up the fallen leaves 4) A bullet …………… his lung when he was fighting on the distant war 5) The exhibition has certainly …………… interest in her work 6) A rather difficult task had been successfully …………… 7) Their savings have ……………away to almost nothing 8) The lift broke down and we were ……………inside 9) It is difficult to …………… the building’s value probably without seeing it 10) ……………, you’ll have to make the decision yourself WORD STUDY A WORD FORMS Study the list of verbs, nouns, and adjectives Notice how they are related to each other Then choose the correct word for each sentence Use a word from line in sentence 1, and so on Make the nouns plural if necessary 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) verb compete refrigerate announce poison unite decide store — embarrass add noun competition refrigerator announcement poison union decision storage chemical / chemist embarrassment addition adjective competitive refrigerated poison / poisonous united decisive storage chemical / chemist embarrassed additional UNIT : TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR AIR 63 1) Tom is very ………………………… He enters every competition he can, and he always wants to be the winner 2) You cannot keep milk in the cupboard You must ………………………… it, or it will turn bad 3) The president of the international student organization made an important ………… ……… at the meeting last night She announced that there will be a big party next Saturday 4) Some plants are suitable for humans to eat Other plants are ………………………… If you eat them, you might die 5) UN stands for the …………………………Nations 6) Kiki made an important ………………………… She decided to stay in the United States and go to college After college, she will return to her country to work 7) If you don’t have enough room to keep your bicycle in your apartment, you can …………… it in the basement 8) Scientists say tears contain ………………………… that your body needs to get rid of They say it’s good to cry sometimes 9) I hope the teacher doesn’t ask me a question in class today, because I didn’t finish my homework last night If she calls on me, I will be very ………………………… because I won’t know the answer 10) This lemonade is not sweet enough If we ………………………… a little more sugar, it will taste better B -Y In English we can add -y to some nouns to make adjectives Look at the example: noun + -y = adjective syrup + -y = syrupy The mixture is heated until it becomes a syrupy liquid Spelling notes: 1) If a noun ends in silent e, drop the e before adding y 2) If a noun ends in consonant-vowel-consonant and is a one-syllable word, double the final consonant before adding y Here are two examples: lace (drop the e) lacy fun (double the n) funny Add -y to each noun to make an adjective Remember to follow the spelling rules Then choose the best adjective for each sentence sun ………………………… snow ………………………… wind ………………………… cloud ………………………… 64 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES juice rain ………………………… ………………………… ice ………………………… 1) Last night the wind started to blow and it started to rain It never stopped It has been ………………………… and …………………………all day today, too 2) In summer, the weather is usually warm and ………………………… In fact, the sun shines almost every day 3) Be careful if you drive a car in winter Sometimes water on the roads ‘freezes and the roads become ………………………… 4) Oranges and lemons are two fruits with lots of juice A banana is different It is not ………………………… 5) Sometimes in winter it is difficult to see far away because the sky is full of snow and covered with clouds But I like ………………………… and …………………………days because everything looks very white and peaceful C -Y, -ITY, -TY In English you can often change an adjective to a noun by adding -y, -ty, or -ity Look at the adjectives in the chart Add the correct suffix to each one to make a noun -y -ity adjective noun adjective noun ability difficult ……………………… ability ……………………… electric -ty ……………………… ……………………… equal certain ……………………… safe ……………………… popular ……………………… special ……………………… human similar ……………………… Choose the best noun from the chart for each sentence 1) Amnesty International is trying to improve the lives of all ……………………… This organization tries to make life better and more peaceful for all people in the world 2) In many countries, people of different races and religions not have equal rights in society People are still fighting for ……………………… 3) Factories should provide better equipment for the workers to help improve ………………… and prevent accidents 4) Third World countries have ……………………… providing food, housing and medical care for all people It is difficult for these countries because their governments have very little money UNIT : TREATMENT SYSTEMS FOR AIR 65 5) My brother studied engineering at the university He has a ……………………… in chemical engineering because he studied in a special program for it, 6) Name one ……………………… between life in Canada and life in the United States These two countries are not very different 7) If you study English for several years, you will be able to speak it well This ………………… can help you find a good job D -EVER Several words in English end in the suffix -ever Look at these words and their meanings Then choose the best word for each sentence whatever = anything whenever = any time whoever = anyone wherever = any place 1) We can leave the party ……………………… you like I don’t care what time we go home 2) I lent my book to someone in class, but I forget who Would ……………………… has it please return it to me? 3) Tonight is my birthday, and I am taking you out to dinner You can order …………………… you like I’m having spaghetti 4) You can go ……………………… you like on vacation if you have a lot of money Some places are very expensive STRUCTURE STUDY REDUCTION OF ADVERBIAL CLAUSES (2) • Past participle in place of the passive: As he was loved by all who knew him, he devoted his life to others Loved by all who knew him, he devoted his life to others Although it was intended to be a nice surprise, the party was not whet I wanted at all Although intended to be a nice surprise, the party was not what I wanted at all If I am accepted for the job, I ll have to start at the beginning of next month If accepted for the job, I ll have to start at the beginning of next month After the manuscript had been lost for many years, it suddenly turned up again Lost for many year, the manuscript suddenly turned up again Once the brain is deprived of oxygen, it dies Once deprived of the oxygen, the brain dies 66 • ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Being + past participle following after, before, when, since, while, on, by: After it was cleaned the bike looked as good as new After being cleaned, the bike looked as good as new Since the government was elected, it has had one crisis after another Since being elected, the government has had one crisis after another He did military service before he was admitted into university He did military service before being admitted into university When he was being questioned, he suddenly burst into tears When being questioned, he suddenly burst into tears The message got across to people because it was repeated over and over again The message got across to people by being repeated over and over again EXERCISE Reduce (contract) the underlined part of the following sentences 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Because I was exhausted through lack of sleep, I fell asleep at my desk Although it was written many years ago, the book is still relevant today Since I was promoted, I’ve had no time to go out After he was released from prison, Andy could not find a job anywhere When he was caught, he confessed everything When it is seen from the outside, the building looks a mess, but it is lovely inside If we are elected, we will increase the value of pensions Although he was ridiculed by everybody, he continued to pursue his bizarre projects Unless it is destroyed, this material could have damaging consequences Jennifer had been shoplifting for many years before she was found out When British people are introduced, they often shake hands After the concert had been delayed for an hour, it started at nine o’clock When we were informed the flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements Although it was built years ago, it was in good condition If you are accepted for the job, you will be informed soon When the poem is read aloud it is very effective If the picture is seen from this angle, it looks rather good Because he has been promised a reward, he hopes he’ll get one Unless it is changed, this law will make life difficult for farmers When it was viewed from a distance, the island of Nepenthe looked like a cloud UNIT10 : PROBLEMS IN POLLUTION CONTROL 67 UNIT 10 PROBLEMS IN POLLUTION CONTROL WARM-UP 1) Do you think our country has made full use of pollution treatment systems available? 2) What are the reasons explaining why some advanced pollution treatment systems are still inaccessible to our country? READING Pollution-treatment systems have been effective in reducing the massive quantities of water and air pollutants that have clogged and choked urban areas Although the improvements have been significant, recent pollution-control legislation aims to go further in order to control the less visible but often hazardous chemical pollutants and gaseous pollutants that still contaminate many waterways and urban atmospheres Figure 17 : A garbage dump 68 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The costs of pollution control — resulting from capital, maintenance, and labor costs, as well as from the cost of additional residuals disposal — generally go up rapidly as a greater percentage of residuals is removed from the waste stream Damage from pollution, however, goes down as more contaminants are removed Theoretically, the level of treatment should correspond to a point at which total costs of treatment and of damage to the environment are minimized or the benefits of further treatment are proportionally much smaller than the increased cost In reality, costs or damages resulting from pollution can rarely be assessed in terms of dollars In addition, extensive treatment may result in more residuals and may involve a trade-off of one form of pollution for another For example, the advanced wastewater treatment system at South Lake Tahoe requires extensive chemical and energy inputs and releases ammonia and other pollutants into the air; also, the chemical sludge produced must be disposed of on land Because of the economic and residual trade-off problems associated with the more advanced treatment systems, complete reliance on them to meet the goals of federal legislation may not be appropriate In many cases the development of processes that either reduce residuals or convert them into usable products can extensively reduce the cost of treatment The conversion to clean energy sources, new combustion processes for coal, and advanced scrubbers are approaches that may reduce total residuals at a lower cost than present methods These methods of pollution control may be the most efficient in minimizing the effects of industrial activity on people and the environment READING COMPREHENSION A QUESTIONS Answer the questions about the reading 1) In what way have pollution treatment systems been effective? 2) Where the costs of pollution control come from? 3) Why may it be inappropriate to completely rely on the more advanced treatment systems? 4) What are some approaches that may reduce total residuals at a lower level cost than present methods? 5) What does extensive treatment result in? UNIT10 : PROBLEMS IN POLLUTION CONTROL 69 B TRUE-FALSE Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false 1) Many waterways and urban atmospheres are still contaminated with the less visible but often hazardous chemical pollutants 2) Although damage from pollution goes down, the cost of pollution control go up rapidly 3) The advanced wastewater treatment system at South Lake Tahoe does not produce any chemical sludge 4) In reality, costs and damages resulting from pollution are very high 5) Of three methods of pollution control mentioned, the conversion to clean energy sources is the most efficient in minimizing the effects of industrial activity on people and the environment VOCABULARY Choose the best word from the box for each of the following sentences put it in the correct form clog proportionally 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) hazardous rely visible convert contaminate sludge correspond dispose This drain is …………… with dead leaves The government has prohibited the import of …………… chemicals The hills were barely …………… through the mist A lot of our drinking water is now heavily …………… The written record of our plans does not …………… to what was actually said Farmers pay …………… less for water than urban ratepayers Nowadays we ……………increasingly on computers to regulate the flow of traffic in the town They have developed a new process for …………… waste into usable fuel Some …………… was found in the bottom of the tank He thought that was a better way of …………… of household waste 70 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES WORD STUDY A -OUS, -LIKE In English, we can add the suffix -ous and -like to some nouns to make adjectives Words that end in -ous mean “full of something.” Here is an example: Our classroom is very spacious (full of space) Words that end in -like mean “similar to,” or “like.” Here is an example: The painting that Simon made is very lifelike Spelling Note: If a noun ends in silent e, drop the e before adding the suffix -ous There are no spelling changes when you add the suffix -like EXERCISE Add the correct suffix to each noun in the chart noun joy fame danger poison -ous adjective …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… noun life war child -like adjective ……………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… Now choose the best adjective to complete each sentence 1) Some plants are very ………………………… to eat In fact, if you eat a ……………………… plant, you could become sick or even die 2) Holidays are usually ………………………… times People don’t have to work, and everyone celebrates and is happy 3) Albert Einstein is a ………………………… scientist Most people in the world know who he was 4) Eskimo carvings are very ………………………… They look exactly like living animals 5) In the 1930s Germany began to take ………………………… actions Then in 1939 it attacked Poland and started a war 6) When an adult does something that a child might do, people say he or she is ………………………… UNIT10 : PROBLEMS IN POLLUTION CONTROL 71 B WORD FORMS Study the words in the list Notice how they are related to each other Then choose the best word to complete each sentence Use a word from line in sentence 1, and so on 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Verb die decorate — describe breathe compute reserve revolt know connect Noun death decoration cruelty description breath computer / computation reservation revolution knowledge connection Adjective dead — cruel descriptive — — — revolutionary — connected 1) President John F Kennedy is ………………………… He ………………………… in 1963 Thousands of people went to his funeral 2) In Canada and the United States, many people ………………………… a tree with lights and colorful decorations for Christmas 3) Amnesty International tries to stop ………………………… to prisoners in all countries In many places, prisoners have terrible lives of pain and suffering 4) For your homework tonight, write a ………………………… of your home town Tell how it looks, where you like to go, and why you like it 5) When people swim under water, they must hold their ………………………… Fish can breathe under water, but humans cannot 6) If you have a small calculator, you can ………………………… your grocery bill while you are in the store 7) Next month Kei is going on a trip to New York He already made his plane …………………, so he is very excited 8) Thirteen colonies participated in the ………………………… War against England They became the United States of America 9) The more you study, the more your ………………………… increases 10) Maria is going to Julie’s house tonight to help her ………………………… her new computer Julie doesn’t know how to it by herself 72 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES C WORD FORMS This exercise is just for fun, and it is difficult See if you can figure out the meanings of these words and use the correct word in each sentence commercialized discouraged multiplicity non-warlike oversimplification programmer undereducated unrecognizable 1) Paula dressed in strange clothes and put a lot of makeup on her face for a party She was completely ………………………… No one knew who she was! 2) One student said that his native country nationalized the oil companies because people were stealing the oil This is only part of what really happened This explanation is an ………………………… of the situation 3) There is a ………………………… of problems in Third World countries, such as poor living conditions, few jobs, and very little medical care for people 4) Another problem in Third World countries is that most of the people are ……………………… because they quit school at an early age to get jobs 5) Carl is a computer ………………………… for a large company He writes programs for businesses and industries 6) Christmas has become very ………………………… in the United States Marketing experts make a lot of money because of this 7) Don’t be ………………………… if you can’t this exercise The words are very difficult! STRUCTURE STUDY SUBJECT-AUXILIARY INVERSION If a negative adverb or adverbial expression is put at the beginning of a clause for emphasis, it is usually followed by auxiliary verb + subject Under no circumstances can we cash checks Not until he received her letter did he fully understand the depth of her feelings Hardly had I arrived when trouble started Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature No sooner had I closed the door than somebody knocked UNIT10 : PROBLEMS IN POLLUTION CONTROL 73 EXERCISE Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words in brackets 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) I had hardly closed my eyes when the phone rang (Hardly …) We no sooner sat down in the train than I felt sick (No sooner …) There has never been so much protest against land mines (Never …) I realized what had happened only later (Only later …) You shouldn’t answer the door when I’m out in any circumstances (In no circumstances …) You shouldn’t sign the document on any account (On no account …) I have never seen such a big tree (Never …) We are not taking applications for that position any longer (No longer …) You can hardly ever see such a spectacular sight (Hardly ever …) Billy does not only sings, but he also plays the piano and writes his own songs (Not only …) In formal styles, if in an if-clause can be dropped and an auxiliary verb put before the subject This happens with were, had and should Were she my daughter, (= If she were my daughter, ) Had I realized what you intended, (= If I had realized ) Should you change your mind, (=If you should change ) Had we not changed our reservations, (=If we hadn t changed ) EXERCISE Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words in brackets 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) If the boss were to come in now, we would be in real trouble (Were …) If he should be late, we’ll have to start without him (Should …) If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam (Had …) If I were rich, I would spend all my time traveling (Were …) If my mother had been alive, she would have been 80 next year (Had …) If you should run into Peter, tell him he owes me a letter (Should …) If I hadn’t been so tired, I might have realized what was happening (Had …) If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty (Were …) If you should happen to finish early, give me a ring (Should …) If Jane hadn’t helped me, I would have been in bad trouble (Had …) 74 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES CONTENTS Reading Unit 10 Word Study Vocabulary Language Focus Page - The Passive 01 - The Passive 08 - The Prefixes UN-, IM-, IN-, DIS-, NON- Ecology - The Suffixes -MENT, -ER The Suffixes -TH, -GTH Biomes and - Compound Words Ecosystems - The Suffix -EN Energy and Nutrients - The Prefix REWord Forms: Nouns (1) - Word Forms: Nouns (2) - Word Form: Noun Endings - The Suffix -LESS Word Forms: Nouns Environmental - The Prefix OVERThe Suffix -LY Pollution - Word Forms: Other Words with -LY - Word Forms: Adjectives (1) - Word Forms: Adjectives (2) Word Forms - The Suffix -IZE - The Suffix -IVE - Word Forms - The Suffix -SHIP Treatment Systems for - The Prefix EN- Adverbial Water - The Suffix -AGE Clauses (1) - The Suffix -IST - Word Forms Environment and Imbalances Types of Pollution Pollution Control (cont.) - The Causative 15 - Relative Clauses 24 - Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses 32 - Reduction of 39 Relative Clauses - Adverbial Clauses - - Reduction of Reduction of Treatment Systems for - The Suffix -Y Adverbial Air - The Suffixes -Y, -ITY, -TY The Suffix -EVER Clauses (2) - The Suffixes -OUS, -LIKE - Word Forms (1) Word Forms (2) Problems in Pollution Control Contents 46 - Subject- 53 60 67 Auxiliary Inversion 74 [...]... can remember a time ………………… there was no television Figure 10: Garbage washes up on a beach 32 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNIT 5 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WARM-UP 1) What do you think of our present environment? 2) Think of some reasons explaining why our environment is getting worse READING Environmental pollution is any discharge of material or energy into water, land, or air that causes or may... 20 years old 5) If the teacher says to put a line under the verb, then we must ……………………… the verb 6) …………………………………… wants to talk to you on the telephone I don’t know who it is 12 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES B -AL, -ABLE, AND -FUL The suffixes -al, -able, and -ful can be added to the end of some words These suffixes mean that something “is full of something” or “has something.” Here are some... town at 90 miles an hour They report that many people are homeless after the floods Those two houses belong to the same family People say that there is a secret tunnel between them 14 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) They say that the company is losing a lot of money People expect that the strike will end soon They believed that the workers had stolen the money... grazing food web In this way nature makes maximum use of energy originally fixed by plants The number of trophic levels is limited in both types of food webs, Figure 5 : A Food Web 16 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES because at each transfer a great deal of energy is lost (such as heat of respiration) and is no longer usable or transferable to the next trophic level Thus, each trophic level contains... compounds into simple inorganic compounds available for reuse by plants Figure 6 : Energy and nutrients cycle 17 UNIT 3 : ENERGY AND NUTRIENTS Feeding or tropic levels and food chains 18 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES READING COMPREHENSION A QUESTIONS Answer the questions about the reading 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) How is light energy converted to chemical energy? What does a food web consist of? Why are herbivores... waiter at the restaurant forgot our order for dinner, so we had to …………………… everything 6) If you don’t get a good score on the TOEFL exam this weekend, you can …………………… it next month 20 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES B WORD FORMS: NOUNS Sometimes verbs and nouns have the same form Sometimes we can change adjectives and verbs to nouns by adding a suffix or changing the form of the word Look at the nouns... start 11) The students finished their homework in the cafeteria only five minutes before the ……………………… of class work 12) What kind of ……………………… did you do in your native country? 22 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES STRUCTURE STUDY THE CAUSATIVE Form have I am having How often do you have We had Simon has just had You should have Are you going to have object a garage your hair our computer a suit your... house / damage) 9) Kate ……………………………………… from her bag while she was out shopping (her wallet / steal) 10) My brother ……………………………………… in a football match (his nose / break) Figure 7 24 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNIT 4 IMBALANCES WARM-UP 1) Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘imbalances in the ecosystem’? 2) What effects do you think acid rain has on ecosystems? 3) Do you know why agricultural lands... invertebrates, and increasing soil acidity, which reduces forest growth in northern and other ecosystems that lack limestone to neutralize the acid Figure 9 : Air Pollution and Acid Rain 26 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES READING COMPREHENSION A QUESTIONS Answer the questions about the reading 1) When will the ecosystem fail to function? 2) What carries nutrients from terrestrial ecosystems? 3) Why must agricultural... he practices all the time 8) I was so happy when I received a letter from my best friend at home It is such a …………………… to get mail when you are far away from family and friends 28 ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES B - LESS The suffix less means without or not having something Here is an example: The number of English words to learn is endless (“without end”) EXERCISE Add the suffix -less to each word ... FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNIT ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WARM-UP 1) What you think of our present environment? 2) Think of some reasons explaining why our environment is getting worse READING Environmental. .. mathematics An increased public awareness of environmental problems has made ecology a common but often misused word It is confused with environmental programs and environmental science Although the field... human beings, cultural factors may also be included in the term Figure ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The environmental science of ecology is the study of the relationship of plants and animals

Ngày đăng: 08/12/2015, 08:17