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Bài tập tương lai hoàn thành

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  • Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành

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Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành Câu 1: Make future perfect questions (Hoàn thành câu hỏi sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành) (she / arrive) by 10 o’clock? (you / eat) by 6? (it / stop) raining by tomorrow morning? (we / watch) the film by 7? (she / arrive) by Friday? When (you / finish) the report? What (you / do) by the end of the day? Why (she / leave) by Tuesday? When (you / read) my book? 10 When (we / be) here for six months? Câu 2: Make the future perfect positive (Hoàn thành câu thể khẳng định sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành) Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành By p.m tonight … I (finish) my homework We (have) dinner She (leave) Haiphong Peter (meet) Mary They (take) the exam It (stop) snowing I (read) this novel They He 10 He (fall) asleep (watch) the film (arrive) before p.m Câu 3: Make the future perfect negative (Hoàn thành câu phủ định sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành) I’m sorry, in three days, Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành I (finish) the report Jane (send) the letters Tom (clean) the office We (4) (order) a new faxing machine They I She (write) the article (meet) the visitors (organize) the meeting He (call) Mr Brown We (read) the report 10 You (receive) the prices Câu 4: Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Janet her bike next Monday (to repair) Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành We the washing by o'clock (to do) She Paris by the end of next year (to visit) I this by o'clock (to finish) Sue by next week (to leave) She this with her sister this afternoon (to discuss) The police They Tim the thief (to arrest) their topic tonight (to write) the team (to manage) 10 If they can that - then they their mission (to fulfill) Câu 5: Make the future perfect Choose positive, negative or question (Tạo câu tương lai hoàn thành, chọn thể khẳng định, phủ định nghi vấn phù hợp) (they / not / go at six) -> (you / everything by seven?) Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành -> (we / not / eat before we come, so we’ll be hungry) -> (he / finish his exams when we go on holiday?) -> (we / arrive by the time it gets dark?) -> (she / not / finish work by seven) -> (when / you / complete the work? -> (they / arrive by dinnertime) -> (we / be in London for three years next week) -> Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành 10 (she / get home by lunchtime?) -> Câu 6: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect simple/ future continuous) (Chia dạng động từ ngoặc tương lai hoàn thành tương lai tiếp diễn) By a.m tomorrow, we (finish) They (leave) She (go) She (return) (buy / she) They (not finish) (you/do) It still (rain) They (attend) our homework the office before I come home by next week from the journey by o'clock the new car by November? their project before Christmas the shopping by pm? when we leave a meeting between p.m and p.m today Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành 10 The travelers (cross) the desert this time tomorrow Câu 7: Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect (Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành) By the end of next month he (be) Andrew (have) here for ten years his exam by 15 September , so he'll be able to enjoy himself then I save £50 a month and I started in July So by the end of the year I (save) I drink six bottles a week I (drink) all these by the end of this year Unless she is off next week, Ms Nga (work) all year without a vacation By the time the final report is due, the technicians (resolve) He (finish) They (build) his work by noon their house by July next year When he comes back, I (write) 10 He (leave) this letter before we come here tomorrow their problem £300 Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành ... Câu 3: Make the future perfect negative (Hoàn thành câu phủ định sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành) I’m sorry, in three days, Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành I (finish) the report Jane (send) the... question (Tạo câu tương lai hoàn thành, chọn thể khẳng định, phủ định nghi vấn phù hợp) (they / not / go at six) -> (you / everything by seven?) Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành -> (we / not... today Bài Tập: Thì tương lai hoàn thành 10 The travelers (cross) the desert this time tomorrow Câu 7: Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect (Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng tương lai hoàn thành)

Ngày đăng: 03/12/2015, 14:20

